Servicing Precautions
To avoid personal injury, the following safety precautions must be
observed when the hood is open and the engine is operating or
the ignition is on.
Electronic Fuel Injection
Warning: If the fuel system is allowed to run dry, the fuel
pump(s) can be permanently damaged.
Warning: Protect yourself against dangerous substances.
Warning: Any modifications or additions to the fuel
system not specifically designed by Aston Martin are
prohibited. If installed, they can cause damage to the fuel
system which, in some circumstances, could cause fire. All
Service Action and Safety Recall Actions must be undertaken
by an Aston Martin Dealer.
Warning: Keep hands, hair, tools, items of clothing and
jewellery clear of all drive belts, pulleys and operating
mechanisms. The cooling fan may operate even though the
engine is not operating.
Warning: Avoid skin contact with all exhaust system and
The electronic fuel injection system requires specialist equipment engine components, engine fluids and escaping steam. They
and test facilities to set up and maintain so that the vehicle gives may be hot and can cause scalding or burns.
maximum performance, coupled with economy, reliability and
Warning: Any loose objects, such as ties, should be
safe vehicle emissions. You are, therefore, strongly advised to
removed before working on a vehicle. Any jewellery should
entrust all service work to an Aston Martin Dealer.
also be removed before working on a vehicle, especially
work on the electrical system.
Restraint Systems
Aston Martin recommend that the inflatable restraint systems
(airbags) and seat belt components installed to this vehicle are
replaced at 10 year intervals from the date of manufacture on the
certification label.
Warning: Catalytic converters convert harmful exhaust
gasses into less noxious substances and so reduce
environmental pollution. They operate at high temperatures
and continue to radiate a considerable amount of heat after
the ignition has been set to off.
Emission Warranty
The emission control systems installed to vehicles for certain
markets are covered by a separate warranty. A statement of the
provisions is given in the Warranty section of this Owner’s Guide.
You are advised to familiarize yourself with all warranty
conditions at the earliest opportunity after taking delivery of your
Maintenance and Technical Data 11.3