3. Turn on the low beam headlamps to
6. Close the hood and turn off the lamps.
illuminate the wall or screen and open
the hood.
Horizontal Aim Adjustment
Horizontal aim is not required for this
vehicle and is non-adjustable.
Open the hood. See Opening and
Closing the Hood (page 212).
4. There is a distinct cut-off (change from
light to dark) in the left portion of the
beam pattern. The top edge of this
cut-off should be positioned two
inches (5 centimeters) below the
horizontal reference line.
Disconnect the electrical connector.
Note: When fitting the headlamp, make
sure that you reconnect the electrical
connector correctly.
Note: When fitting the headlamp, make
sure that you fully engage the headlamp in
the lower fixing point.
5. Locate the vertical adjuster on each
headlamp. Using a Phillips #2
screwdriver, turn the adjuster either
clockwise or counterclockwise in order
to aim the headlamp.
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-Printing