Instrument Cluster Display
Note: EV coach is a selectable screen. See
Customizing the Instrument Cluster
Display (page 177).
a blue rectangular box which shows the
power level at which the engine turns on.
Adding Screens Using MyView
1. Using the information display controls
on the steering wheel, select MyView.
When the power level is within the box,
the color of the bar is blue. This means
you are in electric operation and the
engine is off.
2. Select Configure MyView.
3. Select a screen.
4. Press the OK button.
Note: The number of screens you can add
is limited. If the selected screen does not
appear you must deselect screens from the
MyView menu.
When the power level is outside of the
box, the color of the bar is white. This
means you are in hybrid operation with
a combination of the electric motor
and the engine providing vehicle power.
Adding Screens Using Select
When you are decelerating with either your
foot off the accelerator pedal or on the
brake pedal, a green or white solid bar
displays indicating the power being used
to slow down your vehicle. You may also
see a green rectangular box which shows
the amount of power that can be
recaptured by the regenerative braking
system and returned to the high voltage
1. Select Select Screens.
2. Use the controls on the steering wheel
to highlight a screen to add.
3. Press the OK button.
Note: The number of screens you can add
is limited. If the selected screen does not
appear you must deselect screens from the
Select Screens menu.
When the power level is within the box,
the color of the bar is green. This
means that the regenerative braking
system is being used to efficiently slow
your vehicle down and return the
maximum percentage of energy to the
high voltage battery.
When the power level is outside of the
box, the color of the bar is white. This
means both the regenerative braking
system and conventional braking
system are being used.
Configuring Gauges
1. Select Settings.
2. Select Configure Gauges.
3. Select to swap or change left-hand
side and right-hand side gauges.
EV coach can help you get the most out of
your vehicle's electric driving capabilities.
2023 F-150 (TFD) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 202206, DOM