Audio System
Switching Apple CarPlay Off
Note: You might need to enable Android
Auto from the settings menu.
Select the settings option on the
Note: Certain features of the system are
not available when you are using Android
feature bar.
1. Select Apple CarPlay preferences.
2. Disable Apple CarPlay.
Switching Android Auto Off
Select the settings option on the
Using Apps on an iOS Device
feature bar.
Note: For more information about available
apps, refer to the local Ford website.
1. Select Android Auto preferences.
2. Disable Android Auto.
When you start an app through the system
for the first time, you could be asked to
grant certain permissions. You can review
and change the permissions that you have
granted at any time when your vehicle is
not moving.
Using Apps on an Android Device
Note: For more information about available
apps, refer to the local Ford website.
When you start an app through the system
for the first time, you could be asked to
grant certain permissions. You can review
and change the permissions that you have
granted at any time when your vehicle is
not moving.
Select the apps option on the
feature bar.
1. Switch Apple CarPlay off.
2. Connect your device to a USB port.
3. Start the apps on your device that you
Select the apps option on the
want to use through the system.
feature bar.
Note: If you close the apps on your device,
you will not be able to use them through the
4. Select Find mobile apps.
Note: The system searches and connects
to compatible apps that are running on your
1. Switch Android Auto off.
2. Pair your device.
3. Start the apps on your device that you
want to use through the system.
Note: If you close the apps on your device,
you will not be able to use them through the
4. Select Find mobile apps.
5. Select the app that you want to use on
the touchscreen.
Note: The system searches and connects
to compatible apps that are running on your
Using Android Auto
Switching Android Auto On
5. Select the app that you want to use on
1. Connect your device to a USB port.
the touchscreen.
2. Follow the instructions on the
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing