Automatic Crash Notification System for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

Automatic Crash Notification System  
Note: When you switch Emergency  
Assistance on or off, the settings apply to  
all paired mobile phones. If you switch  
Emergency Assistance off and a previously  
paired phone connects when you switch the  
ignition on, either a voice message plays, a  
display message or icon is shown or both.  
WARNING: Unless the Emergency  
Assistance setting is on prior to a  
collision, the system does not attempt  
to place an emergency call. This could  
delay the response time, increasing the  
risk of serious injury or death.  
Note: Every mobile phone operates  
differently. While Emergency Assistance  
works with most mobile phones, some  
mobile phones may experience difficulties  
using this feature.  
Note: In the case of an emergency, the  
system, as a means of communication aid,  
can help you contact specific rescue  
departments of public emergency services.  
The system does not deploy the rescue  
operations. The local public emergency  
service deploys specific rescue operations  
according to the actual situation.  
WARNING: For this feature to work,  
your mobile phone must be  
Bluetooth-enabled and compatible with  
the system.  
WARNING: Always place your  
phone in a secure location in your vehicle  
so it does not become a projectile or get  
damaged in a crash. Failure to do so may  
cause serious injury to someone or  
damage the phone which could prevent  
Emergency Assistance from working  
To make sure that Emergency Assistance  
works correctly:  
The system must have power and be  
working correctly at the time of the  
crash and during feature activation and  
Note: Not all accidents activate the system.  
If an accident does trigger the system, it  
initiates a call to the emergency services.  
Do not wait for the system to initiate a call  
if you are able to do so. Call emergency  
services immediately to avoid a delayed  
response time. If you do not hear the system  
within five seconds of the accident, the  
system could be non-functional.  
If an accident results in an attempt to  
deploy an airbag, excluding knee airbags  
and rear inflatable seatbelts, or to shut off  
the fuel pump, the system initiates a call  
to the emergency services.  
You must switch on the feature before  
a crash.  
You must have a cell phone connected  
to the system.  
In certain countries, it may be  
necessary to have a valid and  
registered SIM card with credit in order  
to place and maintain an emergency  
A connected cell phone must have the  
ability to make and maintain an  
Note: Before setting the feature on, please  
outgoing call at the time of the crash.  
read the important notice about the  
A connected cell phone must have  
adequate network coverage, battery  
power and signal strength.  
Emergency Assistance feature and the  
Emergency Assistance privacy notice later  
in this section for important information.  
Your vehicle must have battery power.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Automatic Crash Notification System  
Note: This feature only works in a country  
During a call:  
where Emergency Assistance can call the  
local emergency services. For additional  
information, please refer to the local Ford  
Emergency Assistance uses your  
vehicle GPS or cellular network  
information when available to  
determine the most appropriate  
language to use. It alerts the  
emergency operator of the crash and  
delivers the introductory message. This  
may include your vehicle GPS  
In the Event of a Crash  
Before making a call:  
If you do not cancel the call, an  
introductory message plays for the  
emergency operator. After this  
message, there is hands-free  
The language the system uses to  
interact with the occupants of your  
vehicle may differ from the language  
used to deliver information to the  
emergency operator.  
communication between your vehicle's  
occupants and the operator.  
The system provides a short window  
of time (approximately 10 seconds) to  
cancel the call. If you do not cancel the  
call, the system initiates a call to the  
emergency services.  
The system plays a message letting  
you know when it attempts to make an  
emergency call. You can cancel the call  
by selecting the relevant button or by  
pressing the end call button on the  
steering wheel.  
After the delivery of the introductory  
message the voice line opens so that  
you can speak hands-free with the  
emergency operator.  
When the line is connected, you must  
be prepared to provide your name,  
phone number and location  
information immediately.  
Note: While the system provides  
information to the emergency operator, the  
system plays a message letting you know  
it is sending important information. It then  
lets you know when the line is open to start  
hands-free communication.  
Note: Not every crash deploys an airbag or  
triggers the fuel pump shut off, which may  
turn on Emergency Assistance. However, if  
Emergency Assistance is triggered, the  
system tries to contact the emergency  
services. If a connected cell phone sustains  
damage or loses connection to the system,  
it searches for and tries to connect to any  
available previously paired cell phone and  
initiates a call to the emergency services.  
Note: During an Emergency Assistance call,  
an emergency priority screen appears which  
contains vehicle GPS coordinates when  
Note: It is possible that GPS location  
information is not available at the time of  
the crash; in this case, Emergency  
Assistance will still attempt to place an  
emergency call.  
Note: It is possible that the emergency  
services will not receive the GPS  
coordinates; in this case, hands-free  
communication with an emergency operator  
is available.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Automatic Crash Notification System  
Note: The emergency operator may also  
Emergency Assistance Privacy Notice  
When you switch on Emergency  
receive information from the cellular  
network such as cell phone number, cell  
phone location and cell phone carrier name  
independent from Emergency Assistance.  
Assistance, it may disclose to emergency  
services that your vehicle has been in a  
crash involving the deployment of an  
airbag or activation of the fuel pump shut  
off. This feature has the capability to  
disclose your location information to the  
emergency operator or other details about  
your vehicle or crash to provide the most  
appropriate emergency services.  
Emergency Assistance may not work  
Your cell phone or Emergency  
Assistance hardware sustains damage  
in the crash.  
The vehicle battery or the system has  
If you do not want to disclose this  
no power.  
information, do not switch on the feature.  
A crash ejects your cell phone from  
your vehicle.  
You do not have a valid and registered  
SIM card with credit in your cell phone.  
You are in a country where Emergency  
Assistance cannot call the local  
emergency services. For additional  
information, please refer to the local  
Ford website.  
Important Information About  
Emergency Assistance  
Emergency Assistance does not currently  
call emergency services in the following  
Bosnia and Herzegovina.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing