Brakes for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

vehicles with manual transmission, shift  
into neutral. Switch the engine off and  
apply the parking brake. Check the  
accelerator pedal and the area around it  
for any items or debris that may be  
obstructing its movement. If none are  
found and the condition persists, have your  
vehicle immediately checked.  
Note: Occasional brake noise is normal. If  
a metal-to-metal, continuous grinding or  
continuous squeal sound is present, the  
brake linings may be worn-out. If your  
vehicle has continuous vibration or shudder  
in the steering wheel when braking, have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Note: Brake dust may accumulate on the  
wheels, even under normal driving  
conditions. Some dust is inevitable as the  
brakes wear. See Cleaning Wheels (page  
Note: Depending on applicable laws and  
regulations in the country for which your  
vehicle was originally built, the stoplamps  
could flash during heavy braking. Following  
this the hazard warning flashers could also  
turn on when your vehicle comes to a stop.  
Wet brakes result in reduced braking  
efficiency. Gently press the brake pedal a  
few times when driving from a car wash or  
standing water to dry the brakes.  
Brake Assist  
Brake assist detects when you brake hard  
by measuring the rate at which you press  
the brake pedal. It provides maximum  
braking efficiency as long as you press the  
pedal. Brake assist can reduce stopping  
distances in critical situations.  
Brake System Warning Lamp  
WARNING: If you drive extended  
distances with the parking brake applied,  
you could cause damage to the brake  
It illuminates when you engage  
the parking brake and the  
Brake Over Accelerator  
In the event the accelerator pedal  
ignition is on.  
If it illuminates when your vehicle  
is moving, make sure the parking  
brake is disengaged. If the  
becomes stuck or entrapped, apply steady  
and firm pressure to the brake pedal to  
slow your vehicle and reduce engine  
power. If you experience this condition,  
apply the brakes and bring your vehicle to  
a safe stop. For vehicles with automatic  
transmission, shift into park (P). For  
parking brake is disengaged, this indicates  
low brake fluid level or a brake system  
fault. Have your vehicle checked as soon  
as possible.  
Brake System Information Messages  
Check brake system  
The system has detected a fault that requires service. Have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
The anti-lock brake system helps you  
maintain steering control and vehicle  
stability during emergency stops by  
keeping the brakes from locking.  
WARNING: The electric parking  
brake does not operate if the vehicle  
battery has run out of charge.  
Your vehicle has an electric parking brake.  
You operate it with a switch instead of a  
lever. The switch is on the center console.  
The anti-lock brake system does not  
Note: The electric parking brake makes  
eliminate the risks when:  
noises during operation. This is normal.  
You drive too closely to the vehicle in  
front of you.  
Applying the Electric Parking  
Your vehicle is hydroplaning.  
You take corners too fast.  
The road surface is poor.  
Pull the switch upward.  
Note: If the system activates, the brake  
pedal may pulse and may travel further.  
Maintain pressure on the brake pedal. You  
may also hear a noise from the system. This  
is normal.  
The red warning lamp flashes  
during operation and illuminates  
when the parking brake is  
Note: It remains illuminated for a short  
period of time after you switch the ignition  
Anti-Lock Brake System Warning  
If it illuminates when you are  
driving, this indicates a  
If it continues to flash or does not  
illuminate, the system has malfunctioned.  
Have your vehicle checked as soon as  
malfunction. Your vehicle  
continues to have normal braking without  
the anti-lock brake system function. Have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Note: You can apply the electric parking  
brake when the ignition is off.  
Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and  
facing uphill, select first gear and turn the  
steering wheel away from the curb.  
Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and  
facing downhill, select reverse gear and turn  
the steering wheel toward the curb.  
WARNING: Always fully apply the  
parking brake. Failure to follow this  
instruction could result in personal injury  
or death.  
Applying the Electric Parking Brake in  
an Emergency  
Note: Do not apply the electric parking  
brake when your vehicle is moving, except  
in an emergency. If you repeatedly use the  
electric parking brake to slow or stop your  
vehicle, you could cause damage to the  
brake system.  
WARNING: If you drive extended  
distances with the parking brake applied,  
you could cause damage to the brake  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
You can use the electric parking brake to  
Shift into gear.  
slow or stop your vehicle in an emergency.  
Press the accelerator pedal until engine  
has developed sufficient torque to prevent  
your vehicle from rolling down the hill.  
Pull the switch upward and hold  
Release the switch and pull  
The red warning lamp  
away in a normal manner.  
illuminates, a tone sounds and  
the stoplamps turn on.  
Automatically Releasing the  
Electric Parking Brake  
Close the driver door.  
The electric parking brake continues to  
slow your vehicle down unless you release  
the switch.  
Shift into gear.  
Press the accelerator pedal and pull away  
in a normal manner.  
Manually Releasing the Electric  
Parking Brake  
Switch the ignition on.  
Press and hold the brake pedal.  
The red warning lamp turns off.  
Push the switch downward.  
If it remains illuminated or flashes, the  
electric parking brake has not released.  
Manually release the parking brake.  
The red warning lamp turns off.  
Note: The electric parking brake also  
automatically releases if you shift into a  
gear and release the clutch pedal without  
pressing the accelerator pedal.  
If it remains illuminated or flashes, the  
system has malfunctioned. Have your  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Releasing the Electric Parking  
Brake if the Vehicle Battery is  
Running Out of Charge  
Connect a booster battery to the vehicle  
battery to release the electric parking brake  
if the vehicle battery is running out of  
charge. See Jump Starting the Vehicle  
(page 390).  
Pulling Away on a Hill When Towing a  
Press and hold the brake pedal.  
Pull the switch upward and hold  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Electric Parking Brake Information Messages  
Park brake malfunction The electric parking brake has malfunctioned. Have your  
Service now  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park Brake not released The electric parking brake has not released. Manually release  
the electric parking brake. If the message continues to appear,  
have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake not applied  
The electric parking brake has not applied. Apply the electric  
parking brake.If the message continues to appear, have your  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake Use switch to The electric parking brake has not automatically released.  
Manually release the electric parking brake.  
Park brake press brake  
and switch to release  
You have not pressed the brake pedal. Press the brake pedal  
to release the parking brake.  
Park brake Limited func- The electric parking brake has malfunctioned. Have your  
tion Service required vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake System over- The electric parking brake has overheated. Wait for the elec-  
tric parking brake to cool down.  
Park brake off  
Release park brake  
The electric parking brake is released.  
The electric parking brake has not released. Manually release  
the electric parking brake. If the message continues to appear,  
have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake on  
The electric parking brake is applied.  
WARNING: If you drive extended  
distances with the parking brake applied,  
you could cause damage to the brake  
WARNING: Apply the parking  
brake, shift into park (P), switch the  
ignition off and remove the key before  
you leave your vehicle. Failure to follow  
this instruction could result in personal  
injury or death.  
WARNING: The electric parking  
brake does not operate if the vehicle  
battery is running out of charge.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Your vehicle has an electric parking brake.  
The red warning lamp  
You operate it with a switch instead of a  
lever. The switch is on the center console  
or to the left-hand side of the steering  
wheel, on the lower part of the instrument  
illuminates, a tone sounds and  
the stoplamps turn on.  
The electric parking brake continues to  
slow your vehicle down unless you release  
the switch.  
Note: The electric parking brake makes  
noises during operation. This is normal.  
Manually Releasing the Electric  
Parking Brake  
Applying the Electric Parking  
Switch the ignition on.  
Press and hold the brake pedal.  
Pull the switch upward.  
Push the switch downward.  
The red warning lamp flashes  
during operation and illuminates  
when the parking brake is  
The red warning lamp turns off.  
Note: It remains illuminated for a short  
period of time after you switch the ignition  
If it remains illuminated or flashes, the  
system has malfunctioned. Have your  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
If it continues to flash or does not  
illuminate, the system has malfunctioned.  
Have your vehicle checked as soon as  
Pulling Away on a Hill When Towing a  
Press and hold the brake pedal.  
Note: You can apply the electric parking  
Pull the switch upward and hold  
brake when the ignition is off.  
Note: The electric parking brake could  
automatically apply when you shift into park  
(P). See Park (P) (page 237).  
Shift into gear.  
Press the accelerator pedal until engine  
has developed sufficient torque to prevent  
your vehicle from rolling down the hill.  
Applying the Electric Parking Brake in  
an Emergency  
Release the switch and pull  
Note: Do not apply the electric parking  
brake when your vehicle is moving, except  
in an emergency. If you repeatedly use the  
electric parking brake to slow or stop your  
vehicle, you could cause damage to the  
brake system.  
away in a normal manner.  
Automatically Releasing the  
Electric Parking Brake  
Close the driver door.  
You can use the electric parking brake to  
slow or stop your vehicle in an emergency.  
Shift into gear.  
Pull the switch upward and hold  
Press the accelerator pedal and pull away  
in a normal manner.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
The red warning lamp turns off.  
Releasing the Electric Parking  
Brake if the Vehicle Battery is  
Running Out of Charge  
If it remains illuminated or flashes, the  
electric parking brake has not released.  
Manually release the parking brake.  
Connect a booster battery to the vehicle  
battery to release the electric parking brake  
if the vehicle battery is running out of  
charge. See Jump Starting the Vehicle  
(page 390).  
Electric Parking Brake Information Messages  
Park brake malfunction The electric parking brake has malfunctioned. Have your  
Service now  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park Brake not released The electric parking brake has not released. Manually release  
the electric parking brake. If the message continues to appear,  
have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake not applied  
The electric parking brake has not applied. Apply the electric  
parking brake. If the message continues to appear, have your  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake Use switch to The electric parking brake has not automatically released.  
Manually release the electric parking brake.  
Park brake press brake  
and switch to release  
You have not pressed the brake pedal. Press the brake pedal  
to release the parking brake.  
Park brake Limited func- The electric parking brake has malfunctioned. Have your  
tion Service required vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake System over- The electric parking brake has overheated. Wait for the elec-  
tric parking brake to cool down.  
Park brake off  
Release park brake  
The electric parking brake is released.  
The electric parking brake has not released. Manually release  
the electric parking brake. If the message continues to appear,  
have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Park brake on  
The electric parking brake is applied.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
The system makes it easier for you to pull  
away when your vehicle is on a slope  
without using the parking brake.  
When the system activates, your vehicle  
remains stationary for a few seconds after  
you release the brake pedal. This gives you  
time to move your foot from the brake  
pedal to the accelerator pedal. The brakes  
release when the engine has developed  
sufficient torque to prevent your vehicle  
from rolling down the slope.  
WARNING: The system does not  
replace the parking brake. When you  
leave your vehicle, always apply the  
parking brake.  
Using Hill Start Assist  
1. Bring your vehicle to a complete  
standstill. Keep the brake pedal  
WARNING: You must remain in  
your vehicle when the system turns on.  
At all times, you are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle, supervising the  
system and intervening, if required.  
Failure to take care may result in the loss  
of control of your vehicle, serious  
personal injury or death.  
2. Select a gear.  
Note: The system activates if the sensors  
detect that your vehicle is on a slope.  
3. Pull away in the normal manner.  
WARNING: The system turns off if  
there is a malfunction or if you  
excessively rev the engine.  
Note: When you remove your foot from the  
brake pedal, your vehicle remains on the  
slope without rolling away for a few  
seconds. This hold time increases if you are  
in the process of driving off.  
Switching Hill Start Assist On or Off  
Vehicles with Manual Transmission  
To switch hill start assist on or off, use the information display controls on the  
steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Press the menu button.  
Hill Start Assist  
Press the OK button.  
Vehicles with Automatic Transmission  
The system turns on when you switch the  
ignition on and you cannot switch the  
system off.  
The system remembers the last setting  
when you start your vehicle.  
Note: There is no indicator to indicate  
whether the system is on or off.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Hill Start Assist Information Messages  
Hill start assist not avail- Displays when the system is not available. Have your vehicle  
able checked as soon as possible.  
Using Hill Start Assist  
1. Bring your vehicle to a complete  
standstill. Keep the brake pedal  
2. Select a gear.  
Note: The system activates if the sensors  
detect that your vehicle is on a slope.  
WARNING: The system does not  
replace the parking brake. When you  
leave your vehicle, always apply the  
parking brake.  
3. Pull away in the normal manner.  
Note: When you remove your foot from the  
brake pedal, your vehicle remains on the  
slope without rolling away for a few  
seconds. This hold time increases if you are  
in the process of driving off.  
WARNING: You must remain in  
your vehicle when the system turns on.  
At all times, you are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle, supervising the  
system and intervening, if required.  
Failure to take care may result in the loss  
of control of your vehicle, serious  
personal injury or death.  
Switching Hill Start Assist On or  
Vehicles with Manual Transmission  
1. Press the menu button on the steering  
wheel to enter the information display  
main menu.  
2. Select Settings.  
3. Select Driver assistance.  
4. Select Hill start assist.  
WARNING: The system turns off if  
there is a malfunction or if you  
excessively rev the engine.  
The system makes it easier for you to pull  
away when your vehicle is on a slope  
without using the parking brake.  
The system remembers the last setting  
when you start your vehicle.  
When the system activates, your vehicle  
remains stationary for a few seconds after  
you release the brake pedal. This gives you  
time to move your foot from the brake  
pedal to the accelerator pedal. The brakes  
release when the engine has developed  
sufficient torque to prevent your vehicle  
from rolling down the slope.  
Note: There is no indicator to indicate  
whether the system is on or off.  
Vehicles with Automatic Transmission  
The system turns on when you switch the  
ignition on and you cannot switch the  
system off.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Hill Start Assist Information Messages  
Hill start assist not avail- Displays when the system is not available. Have your vehicle  
checked as soon as possible.  
Make sure you switch the system off before  
towing with your vehicle or before using an  
automatic car wash.  
Using Auto Hold  
WARNING: The system does not  
1. Use the brakes to bring your vehicle to  
a complete stop. The auto hold active  
indicator illuminates in the information  
replace the parking brake. When you  
leave your vehicle, always apply the  
parking brake.  
2. Release the brake pedal. The system  
holds your vehicle at a standstill. The  
auto hold active indicator remains  
illuminated in the information display.  
Note: The system only activates if you  
apply enough brake pressure. If your vehicle  
is on a steep slope, you could need to press  
the brake pedal harder before the system  
Note: Under certain conditions, the system  
could apply the electric parking brake. The  
brake system warning lamp illuminates. The  
electric parking brake releases when you  
press the accelerator pedal. See Electric  
Parking Brake (page 247).  
WARNING: You must remain in  
your vehicle when the system turns on.  
At all times, you are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle, supervising the  
system and intervening, if required.  
Failure to take care may result in the loss  
of control of your vehicle, serious  
personal injury or death.  
WARNING: The system turns off if  
there is a malfunction or if you  
excessively rev the engine.  
The system is designed to apply the brakes  
to hold your vehicle at a standstill after you  
stop your vehicle and release the brake  
pedal. This could be beneficial in certain  
situations, for example when waiting on a  
hill or in traffic.  
Note: If auto-start-stop turns off the  
Note: The system deactivates if you shift  
into reverse (R) and press the brake pedal.  
Switching Auto Hold On and Off  
3. Pull away in the normal manner. The  
system releases the brakes and the  
auto hold active indicator turns off.  
Press the button on the center  
console. The button illuminates  
when you switch the system on.  
Auto Hold Indicator  
The auto hold indicator illuminates in the  
information display when the system is on  
and is either active or unavailable.  
Note: You can only switch the system on  
after you close the driver door, fasten your  
seatbelt and start the engine.  
Note: The system remembers the last  
setting when you start your vehicle.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Illuminates when the system is  
The system could be unavailable when any  
of the following occur:  
active. Your vehicle remains  
stationary after you release the  
During an active park assist maneuver.  
Your vehicle is in stay in neutral mode.  
The driver door is open.  
brake pedal.  
Illuminates when the system is  
on but unavailable to hold your  
vehicle at a standstill.  
The driver seatbelt has not been  
You shift into reverse (R) before the  
system is active.  
Auto Hold Information Messages  
Auto hold Close door and Displays as a reminder to fully close the driver door and fasten  
fasten seat belt to enable the driver seatbelt.  
Auto hold not available  
Displays when the system is not available.  
Auto hold Press brake  
and switch to release  
Displays when the system is active. Press the brake pedal  
and the auto hold button on the center console to switch the  
system off.  
Auto hold System fault  
Press brake  
Fully press the brake pedal. The system has detected a fault  
that requires service. Have your vehicle checked as soon as  
Auto hold system  
The system has detected a fault that requires service. Have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing