Doors and Locks -> Door Lock Switch Inhibitor for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

Doors and Locks  
If you program the unlocking function so  
To return to the original unlocking function,  
repeat the process.  
If you program the unlocking function so  
that only the driver door unlocks, the  
following occurs:  
that only the driver door unlocks, the  
following occurs:  
If you unlock the driver door first, all  
other doors remain locked. You can  
unlock all of the other doors from inside  
your vehicle using the power door lock  
control on the driver door. Doors can  
be individually unlocked by pulling the  
interior door handles on those doors.  
If you unlock the driver door first, all  
other doors remain locked. You can  
unlock all of the other doors from inside  
your vehicle using the power door lock  
control on the driver door. Doors can  
be individually unlocked by pulling the  
interior door handles on those doors.  
If you press the unlocking button on the  
remote control once, only the driver  
door unlocks. Press the unlocking  
button on the remote control twice  
within three seconds to unlock all  
If you press the unlocking button on the  
remote control once, only the driver  
door unlocks. Press the unlocking  
button on the remote control twice  
within three seconds to unlock all  
If you unlock any other door first, all  
other doors and the liftgate unlock.  
You can also change between the  
unlocking modes in the information  
If you unlock any other door first, all  
other doors and the liftgate unlock.  
You can also change between the  
unlocking modes in the information  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Settings.  
2. Select Vehicle settings.  
3. Select Locks.  
1. Press the menu button on the steering  
wheel to enter the information display  
main menu.  
4. Select Unlocking.  
2. Select Settings.  
5. Select All doors or Driver's door.  
3. Select Vehicle.  
4. Select Locks.  
5. Select Unlocking.  
6. Select All doors or Driver's door.  
You can program the unlocking function  
so that only the driver door unlocks.  
How Does the Door Lock Switch  
Inhibitor Work  
Press and hold the unlock and lock buttons  
on the remote control simultaneously for  
at least four seconds with the ignition off.  
The direction indicators flash twice to  
confirm the change.  
The door lock switch inhibitor is a theft  
protection feature that prevents someone  
unlocking the vehicle from inside using the  
power door lock control switch.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Doors and Locks  
When you lock your vehicle with the  
Switching Autounlock On and Off  
- Vehicles With: 12.3 Inch  
remote control, the power door lock  
control switch does no longer operate after  
20 seconds.  
Instrument Cluster Display Screen  
1. Press the menu button on the steering  
wheel to enter the information display  
main menu.  
Note: You must unlock your vehicle with  
the remote control, or switch the ignition on,  
to restore the power door lock control  
switch function.  
2. Select Settings.  
3. Select Vehicle.  
4. Select Locks.  
5. Switch Auto unlock on or off.  
What Is Autounlock  
Autounlock is an unlocking feature that  
unlocks the vehicle doors when your  
vehicle comes to a stop.  
What Is Mislock  
Mislock is a locking feature that warns you  
if your vehicle has not locked.  
Autounlock Requirements  
Autounlock unlocks all the doors when all  
of the following occur:  
How Does Mislock Work  
The horn sounds when you press the lock  
button on the remote control twice within  
three seconds and a door is open.  
The ignition is on, all the doors are  
closed and your vehicle is moving at a  
speed greater than 20 km/h (12 mph).  
Your vehicle comes to a stop.  
You open the driver door within 10  
minutes of switching the ignition off or  
to the accessory position.  
Mislock Limitations - Vehicles  
Without: Anti-Theft Alarm  
When you press the lock button once, the  
direction indicators do not flash if any door  
or the liftgate is open.  
If you switch mislock off, the horn does not  
sound if you press the lock button on the  
remote control when a door is open.  
Switching Autounlock On and Off  
- Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch  
Instrument Cluster Display Screen  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Settings.  
2. Select Vehicle settings.  
3. Select Locks.  
4. Switch Auto unlock on or off.  
Mislock Limitations - Vehicles  
With: Anti-Theft Alarm  
When you press the lock button once, the  
direction indicators do not flash if:  
Any door or the liftgate is open.  
The hood is open.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing