Driving Aids for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Setting the Speed Limiter  
Press the toggle button upward  
or downward with the system in  
Principle of Operation  
standby mode to set the speed  
limiter to the current vehicle  
speed. The set speed is stored  
and displayed in the information  
WARNING: When you are going  
Note: The set speed limiter adjusts when  
the system detects a different maximum  
speed limit.  
downhill, your vehicle speed could  
increase above the set speed. The  
system does not apply the brakes.  
Note: If the system cannot detect a  
maximum speed limit, the system returns  
to standby mode.  
You can adjust the set speed in small or  
large increments. Press the toggle button  
upward or downward once to adjust the  
set speed in small increments. Press and  
hold the toggle button upward or  
downward to adjust the set speed in large  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
The system allows you to limit the vehicle  
speed to the maximum speed limit  
detected by the speed sign recognition  
system. For example, if the speed sign  
recognition system detects a 80 km/h  
(50 mph) speed limit, the vehicle speed is  
limited to 80 km/h (50 mph). You can  
temporarily exceed the set speed if  
required, for example to overtake.  
Note: The system does not limit the vehicle  
speed to speed limits shown with a  
supplementary traffic sign in the information  
Canceling the Set Speed  
Press to cancel the set speed  
limiter. The system returns to  
standby mode.  
Note: The speed limiter icon and the set  
speed indicator are greyed out in standby  
Note: The system does not limit the vehicle  
speed in standby mode.  
Resuming the Set Speed  
Using Intelligent Speed Limiter  
The controls are on the steering wheel.  
Switching the System On or Off  
Press to resume the set speed  
limiter. The system sets the  
speed limiter to the detected  
maximum speed limit at the time it  
Press to switch the system on.  
The system activates with the  
detected speed-limit or, if no  
speed-limit is detected, the current vehicle  
speed as the set speed. Press again to  
switch the system off.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Intentionally Exceeding the Speed  
Firmly press the accelerator pedal to  
temporarily exceed the set speed limit. The  
system resumes when the vehicle speed  
drops below the set speed limit, or when  
you press the RES button.  
You intentionally exceed the set speed.  
You unintentionally exceed the set  
speed, for example when you are going  
downhill. A tone also sounds.  
Note: A tone sounds if you continue to  
exceed the set speed.  
Note: If the speed sign recognition system  
detects a speed limit outside the  
System Warnings  
operational speed range, a tone sounds and  
the system returns to standby mode.  
A warning appears in the information  
display if any of the following occur:  
Adjusting Intelligent Speed  
The vehicle speed exceeds the current  
set speed.  
The system detects a maximum speed  
limit that is lower than the current  
vehicle speed.  
Limiter Tolerance Settings  
You can set a permanent speed tolerance  
that is in addition to the detected speed  
limit through the tolerance menu in the  
information display.  
To adjust the speed tolerance setting, use the information display controls on  
the steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Press the menu button.  
Press the OK button.  
Press the OK button.  
Speed limiter  
Press the OK button. Press the toggle button upward or  
downward to choose your required speed setting. Press the  
OK button.  
You can change between intelligent speed  
limiter and normal speed limiter using the  
information display. Intelligent speed  
limiter allows you to limit the vehicle speed  
to the maximum speed limit detected by  
the speed sign recognition system. Normal  
speed limiter allows you to manually limit  
the vehicle speed using controls on the  
steering wheel.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
To switch between intelligent speed limiter and normal speed limiter, use the  
information display controls on the steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Press the menu button.  
Press the OK button.  
Press the OK button.  
Speed limiter  
Note: If you switch intelligent speed limiter  
off, the system defaults to manual speed  
limiter. You can manually set the speed  
limiter using the controls on the steering  
The system allows you to limit the vehicle  
speed to the maximum speed limit  
detected by the speed sign recognition  
system. For example, if the speed sign  
recognition system detects a 80 km/h  
(50 mph) speed limit, the vehicle speed is  
limited to 80 km/h (50 mph). You can  
temporarily exceed the set speed if  
required, for example to overtake.  
Note: The system does not limit the vehicle  
speed to speed limits shown with a  
supplementary traffic sign in the information  
Principle of Operation  
Using Intelligent Speed Limiter  
The controls are on the steering wheel.  
Switching the System On or Off  
WARNING: When you are going  
downhill, your vehicle speed could  
increase above the set speed. The  
system does not apply the brakes.  
Press to switch the system on.  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
The system activates with the  
detected speed-limit or, if no  
speed-limit is detected, the current vehicle  
speed as the set speed. Press again with  
the system in standby mode to switch the  
system off.  
Setting the Speed Limiter  
Press the toggle button upward  
or downward with the system in  
standby mode to set the speed  
limiter to the current vehicle  
speed. The set speed is stored  
and displayed in the information  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Note: The set speed limiter adjusts when  
the system detects a different maximum  
speed limit.  
Note: If the system cannot detect a  
maximum speed limit, the system returns  
to standby mode.  
You can adjust the set speed in small or  
large increments. Press the toggle button  
upward or downward once to adjust the  
set speed in small increments. Press and  
hold the toggle button upward or  
downward to adjust the set speed in large  
Intentionally Exceeding the Speed  
Firmly press the accelerator pedal to  
temporarily exceed the set speed limit. The  
system resumes when the vehicle speed  
drops below the set speed limit, or when  
you press the RES button.  
System Warnings  
A warning appears in the information  
display if any of the following occur:  
The vehicle speed exceeds the current  
set speed.  
The system detects a maximum speed  
limit that is lower than the current  
vehicle speed.  
Canceling the Set Speed  
Press to cancel the set speed  
limiter. The system returns to  
standby mode.  
You intentionally exceed the set speed.  
You unintentionally exceed the set  
speed, for example when you are going  
downhill. A tone also sounds.  
Note: The speed limiter icon and the set  
speed indicator are greyed out in standby  
Note: A tone sounds if you continue to  
Note: The system does not limit the vehicle  
exceed the set speed.  
speed in standby mode.  
Note: If the speed sign recognition system  
Resuming the Set Speed  
detects a speed limit outside the  
operational speed range, a tone sounds and  
the system returns to standby mode.  
Press to resume the set speed  
limiter. The system sets the  
speed limiter to the detected  
maximum speed limit at the time it  
Adjusting Intelligent Speed  
Limiter Tolerance Settings  
You can set a permanent speed tolerance  
that is in addition to the detected speed  
limit through the tolerance menu in the  
information display.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
To adjust the speed tolerance setting, use the information display controls on  
the steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Press the menu button.  
Press the OK button.  
Press the OK button.  
Speed limiter  
Press the OK button. Press the toggle button upward or  
downward to choose your required speed setting. Press the  
OK button.  
You can change between intelligent speed  
limiter and normal speed limiter using the  
information display. Intelligent speed  
limiter allows you to limit the vehicle speed  
to the maximum speed limit detected by  
the speed sign recognition system. Normal  
speed limiter allows you to manually limit  
the vehicle speed using controls on the  
steering wheel.  
To switch between intelligent speed limiter and normal speed limiter, use the  
information display controls on the steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Press the menu button.  
Press the OK button.  
Press the OK button.  
Speed limiter  
Note: If you switch intelligent speed limiter  
off, the system defaults to manual speed  
limiter. You can manually set the speed  
limiter using the controls on the steering  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
The system calculates your alertness level  
based upon your driving behavior in relation  
to the lane markings and other factors  
when the vehicle speed is greater than  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
approximately 65 km/h (40 mph).  
Driver Alert System Warnings  
The warning system has two stages:  
1. A temporary warning is issued to advise  
you to take a rest. This message only  
appears for a short time.  
2. If you do not rest and the system  
continues to detect that your driving  
deteriorates, it issues a further warning.  
This remains in the information display  
until you cancel it.  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly if the sensor is blocked.  
Keep the windshield free from  
WARNING: Take regular rest  
breaks if you feel tired. Do not wait for  
the system to warn you.  
Note: The system does not warn you if the  
vehicle speed falls below approximately  
65 km/h (40 mph).  
Driver Alert System Display  
WARNING: Certain driving styles  
may result in the system warning you  
even if you are not feeling tired.  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Settings.  
2. Select Information.  
3. Select Driver alert.  
WARNING: In cold and severe  
weather conditions the system may not  
function. Rain, snow and spray can all  
limit sensor performance.  
Your calculated alertness level is shown  
by six steps as a colored bar. The bar  
travels from right to left as your calculated  
alertness level decreases.  
WARNING: The system will not  
operate if the sensor cannot track the  
road lane markings.  
immediate area surrounding the sensor,  
have your vehicle checked as soon as  
WARNING: The system may not  
correctly operate if your vehicle is fitted  
with a suspension kit not approved by  
Your calculated alertness level is good.  
The system is designed to alert you if it  
calculates that you are becoming drowsy  
or if your driving deteriorates.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Switching Driver Alert On and Off  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Switch Driver Alert on or off.  
Note: The system remains on or off  
depending on how it was last set.  
Resetting Driver Alert  
You can reset the system by:  
Your calculated alertness level is low. You  
should stop your vehicle and take a rest as  
soon as it is safe to do so.  
Switching the ignition off and on when  
your vehicle is stationary.  
Your calculated alertness level shows in  
gray if:  
Opening and closing the driver door  
when your vehicle is stationary.  
The sensor cannot track the road lane  
The vehicle speed is less than  
approximately 65 km/h (40 mph).  
Driver Alert System Messages  
Driver fatigue warning  
Rest suggested  
Displays when we recommend that you take a break due to  
low alertness levels.  
Driver fatigue warning  
Rest now  
Displays when you must take a break due to low alertness  
WARNING: The sensor may  
incorrectly track lane markings as other  
structures or objects. This can result in  
a false or missed warning.  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
WARNING: In cold and severe  
weather conditions the system may not  
function. Rain, snow and spray can all  
limit sensor performance.  
WARNING: Large contrasts in  
outside lighting can limit sensor  
WARNING: The system may not  
function if the sensor is blocked.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
The system may not correct lane  
positioning in any of the following  
WARNING: The system will not  
operate if the sensor cannot track the  
High winds.  
road lane markings.  
Uneven road surfaces.  
Heavy or uneven loads.  
Incorrect tire pressure.  
immediate area surrounding the sensor,  
have your vehicle checked as soon as  
Switching Lane Keeping System  
On and Off  
WARNING: The system may not  
correctly operate if your vehicle is fitted  
with a suspension kit not approved by  
The system is designed to alert you by  
providing temporary steering assistance  
or steering wheel vibration when it detects  
an unintended lane departure. The system  
detects and tracks the road lane markings  
using a camera mounted behind the  
interior mirror. The system only operates  
when the vehicle speed is greater than  
approximately 65 km/h (40 mph). You  
can view the system status in the  
Press the button on the direction indicator  
information display.  
Note: The system works when the camera  
can detect at least one lane marking or the  
edge of the road.  
Lane Keeping System Settings  
The system has different settings that you  
can view or adjust using the information  
Note: The system remembers the last  
setting when you start your vehicle. If the  
system detects a MyKey, the mode is set to  
The system may not correctly operate in  
any of the following conditions:  
The system does not detect at least  
one lane marking or the edge of the  
You switch the direction indicator on.  
You apply direct steering, accelerate  
Alert Mode  
fast or brake hard.  
Provides steering wheel vibration when the  
system detects an unintended lane  
The vehicle speed is less than 65 km/h  
(40 mph).  
The anti-lock brake, stability control or  
traction control system activates.  
Narrow lane width.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Adjusting the Steering Wheel Vibration  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
Alert and Aid Mode  
Provides temporary steering assistance  
toward the lane center when the system  
detects an unintended lane departure. If  
your vehicle continues drifting out of the  
lane, the steering wheel vibrates.  
2. Select Lane keeping system.  
3. Select Intensity.  
4. Select a setting and press the OK  
Note: This setting does not affect the aid  
Note: The system remembers the last  
setting when you start your vehicle.  
Adjusting the Lane Keeping System  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
Alert mode.  
Aid mode.  
2. Select Lane keeping system.  
3. Select Sensitivity.  
Note: The diagram illustrates general zone  
coverage. It does not provide exact zone  
4. Select a setting and press the OK  
Aid Mode  
Provides temporary steering assistance  
toward the lane center when the system  
detects an unintended lane departure.  
Note: When aid mode is on and the system  
does not detect any steering activity for a  
short period of time, for example lightly  
holding the steering wheel, the system alerts  
you to put your hands on the steering wheel.  
Note: The aid mode becomes active again  
after you have returned your vehicle to the  
center of the lane.  
Switching the Lane Keeping System  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Select Lane keeping system.  
3. Select Mode.  
4. Select a setting and press the OK  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
When the system is off, the system  
Lane Keeping System Display  
indicator or the lane markings do not  
Lane Keeping System Indicators  
It illuminates in the information  
display when you switch the  
system on and Aid Mode or Alert  
and Aid Mode are selected.  
It illuminates in the information  
display when you switch the  
system on and Alert Mode is  
Black and White Information Display  
System Status  
White and inverted.  
White and flashing.  
Temporary steering assistance.  
Temporary steering assistance and steering wheel vibration.  
Color Information Display  
System Status  
Temporary steering assistance.  
Temporary steering assistance and steering wheel vibration.  
Lane Keeping System Warning  
It could illuminate when you  
switch the system off. If it  
illuminates when you are driving,  
this indicates a malfunction. Have your  
vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Lane Keeping System Messages  
Lane keeping system  
malfunction Service  
The system has detected a fault that requires service. Have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
The system is designed to detect vehicles  
that may have entered the blind spot zone.  
The detection area is on both sides of your  
vehicle, extending rearward from the  
exterior mirrors to approximately 4 m  
(13 ft) beyond the rear bumper. The  
detection area extends to approximately  
18 m (59 ft) beyond the rear bumper when  
the vehicle speed is greater than 48 km/h  
(30 mph) to alert you of faster  
WARNING: Do not use the blind  
spot information system as a  
replacement for using the interior and  
exterior mirrors or looking over your  
shoulder before changing lanes. The  
blind spot information system is not a  
replacement for careful driving.  
approaching vehicles.  
Note: The system does not prevent contact  
with other vehicles. It is not designed to  
detect parked vehicles, pedestrians, animals  
or other infrastructures.  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly during severe weather  
conditions, for example snow, ice, heavy  
rain and spray. Always drive with due  
care and attention. Failure to take care  
may result in a crash.  
Using the Blind Spot Information  
Vehicles with Automatic Transmission  
The system turns on when all of the  
following occur:  
You start your vehicle.  
You shift into drive (D).  
The vehicle speed is greater than  
10 km/h (6 mph).  
Note: The system does not operate in park  
(P) or reverse (R).  
Vehicles with Manual Transmission  
The system turns on when all of the  
following occur:  
You start your vehicle.  
The vehicle speed is greater than  
10 km/h (6 mph).  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Note: The system does not operate in  
If you switch the system off, a warning  
lamp illuminates and a message displays.  
When you switch the system on or off, the  
alert indicators flash twice.  
reverse (R).  
Blind Spot Information System  
Note: The system remembers the last  
setting when you start your vehicle.  
Note: The system may not correctly operate  
when towing a trailer. For vehicles with a  
trailer tow module and tow bar approved  
by us, the system turns off when you attach  
a trailer. For vehicles with an aftermarket  
trailer tow module or tow bar, we  
recommend that you switch the system off  
when you attach a trailer.  
To permanently switch the system off,  
The sensors are behind the rear bumper  
on both sides of your vehicle.  
contact an authorized dealer.  
Note: Keep the sensors free from snow, ice  
Blind Spot Information System  
and large accumulations of dirt.  
Note: Do not cover the sensors with bumper  
When the system detects a  
stickers, repair compound or other objects.  
vehicle, an alert indicator  
Note: Blocked sensors could affect system  
illuminates in the exterior mirror  
on the side the approaching vehicle is  
coming from. If you turn the direction  
indicator on for that side of your vehicle,  
the alert indicator flashes.  
If the sensors are blocked, a message may  
appear in the information display. The alert  
indicators remain illuminated but the  
system does not alert you.  
If the system detects a fault, an indicator  
illuminates in the instrument cluster and  
a message appears in the information  
display. Have your vehicle checked as soon  
as possible.  
Note: The system may not alert you if a  
vehicle quickly passes through the detection  
Switching the Blind Spot  
Information System On and Off  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Settings.  
2. Select Driver assistance.  
3. Switch BLIS on or off.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Blind Spot Information System Information Messages  
BLIS not available Sensor Displays if the blind spot information system sensors are  
blocked See manual blocked.  
BLIS deactivated Trailer Displays if you attach a trailer to your vehicle.  
BLIS malfunction  
The system has detected a fault that requires service. Have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
The system is designed to alert you of  
vehicles approaching from the sides behind  
your vehicle when you shift into reverse  
(R). If you continue to reverse after the  
system alerts you, the system is designed  
to apply the brakes if it still detects an  
approaching vehicle. If the system applies  
the brakes, a message appears in the  
information display.  
WARNING: Do not use the cross  
traffic alert system as a replacement for  
using the interior and exterior mirrors or  
looking over your shoulder before  
reversing out of a parking space. The  
cross traffic alert system is not a  
Note: The system does not apply the brakes  
if you override it by firmly pressing the  
accelerator pedal.  
replacement for careful driving.  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly during severe weather  
conditions, for example snow, ice, heavy  
rain and spray. Always drive with due  
care and attention. Failure to take care  
may result in a crash.  
Using Cross Traffic Alert  
The system is designed to detect vehicles  
that approach at a speed between 6 km/h  
(4 mph) and 60 km/h (37 mph). Coverage  
decreases when the sensors are partially,  
mostly or fully obstructed. Slowly reversing  
helps increase the coverage area and  
The system turns on when you start the  
engine and you shift into reverse (R). The  
system turns off when you shift out of  
reverse (R).  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
The sensor on the left-hand side is only  
partially obstructed and zone coverage on  
the right-hand side is maximized.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Zone coverage also decreases when  
parking at narrow angles. The sensor on  
the left-hand side is mostly obstructed and  
zone coverage on that side is severely  
Note: Blocked sensors could affect system  
If the sensors are blocked, a message may  
appear in the information display when  
you shift into reverse (R).  
Cross Traffic Alert System Sensors  
Cross Traffic Alert System  
The system may not correctly operate  
when any of the following occur:  
The sensors are blocked.  
Adjacently parked vehicles or objects  
are obstructing the sensors.  
Vehicles approach at speeds less than  
6 km/h (4 mph) or greater than  
60 km/h (37 mph).  
The sensors are behind the rear bumper  
on both sides of your vehicle.  
The vehicle speed is greater than  
12 km/h (7 mph).  
Note: Keep the sensors free from snow, ice  
You reverse out of an angled parking  
and large accumulations of dirt.  
Note: Do not cover the sensors with bumper  
stickers, repair compound or other objects.  
Switching Cross Traffic Alert On or Off  
To switch cross traffic alert on or off, use the information display controls on the  
steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Press the menu button.  
Cross traffic alert  
Press the OK button.  
Note: If you temporarily switch the system  
off, it turns on the next time you switch the  
ignition on.  
To permanently switch the system off,  
contact an authorized dealer.  
Cross Traffic Alert Indicator  
Note: The system may not correctly operate  
when towing a trailer. For vehicles with a  
trailer tow module and tow bar approved  
by us, the system turns off when you attach  
a trailer. For vehicles with an aftermarket  
trailer tow module or tow bar, we  
When the system detects an  
approaching vehicle a tone  
sounds, an indicator illuminates  
in the relevant exterior mirror and arrows  
appear in the information display to show  
which side the approaching vehicle is  
coming from.  
recommend that you switch the system off  
when you attach a trailer.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Note: If arrows do not display, a message  
Note: In exceptional conditions, the system  
could alert you or apply the brakes, even  
when there is nothing in the detection zone,  
for example a vehicle passing further away  
from your vehicle.  
appears in the information display.  
If the system malfunctions, an indicator  
illuminates in the instrument cluster and  
a message appears in the information  
display. Have your vehicle checked as soon  
as possible.  
Cross Traffic Alert Information Messages  
Cross traffic alert  
Displays instead of indication arrows when the system  
detects a vehicle. Check for approaching traffic.  
Cross traffic not available Displays if the cross traffic alert system sensors are blocked.  
Sensor blocked See  
Clean the sensors. If the message continues to appear, have  
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Cross traffic malfunction The system has malfunctioned. Have your vehicle checked  
as soon as possible.  
Cross traffic alert deactiv- Displays if you attach a trailer to your vehicle.  
ated Trailer attached  
Cross traffic alert  
Applying brakes  
Displays if the system applies the brakes. Check for  
approaching traffic.  
The system is designed to detect traffic  
signs to inform you of the current speed  
Principle of Operation  
limit and overtaking regulations. Detected  
traffic signs appear in the information  
display. The sensor is behind the interior  
Note: Do not carry out windshield repairs  
in the immediate area surrounding the  
Note: Traffic sign data provided by the  
navigation system contains information  
integrated to the data carrier release.  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
The system detects recognizable traffic  
signs, for example:  
Speed limit signs.  
No overtaking signs.  
Speed limit cancellation signs.  
No overtaking cancellation signs.  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly if the sensor is blocked.  
Keep the windshield free from  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Note: The system may not detect all traffic  
4. Select Activate speed warning.  
5. Select Speed warning.  
signs and may incorrectly read signs.  
Note: In cold and severe weather conditions  
the system may not function. Rain, snow,  
spray and large contrasts in lighting can all  
prevent the sensor from correctly  
Note: If your vehicle has a suspension kit  
not approved by us, the system may not  
correctly function.  
6. Select a setting and press the OK  
Traffic Sign Recognition System  
Note: Always fit Ford original parts when  
replacing headlamp bulbs. Other bulbs may  
reduce system performance.  
The system turns on when you switch the  
ignition on and you cannot switch the  
system off.  
The system can display two traffic signs  
in parallel.  
Switching Speed Warning On and  
You can view the status at any time using  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Select Traffic sign recognition.  
3. Select Activate Traff. Sign Recog..  
4. Select Activate speed warning.  
5. Switch Overspeed chime on or off.  
the information display.  
The system displays recognizable traffic  
signs in four stages as follows:  
1. All new traffic signs appear brighter  
than the others in the display.  
2. After a predetermined time they  
display normally.  
3. After a predetermined distance they  
Setting the Speed Warning  
are greyed out.  
You can set the system speed warning to  
alert you when the vehicle speed exceeds  
the speed limit recognized by the system  
by a certain speed tolerance.  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
4. After another predetermined distance  
they are deleted.  
If the system detects a supplementary  
traffic sign, it displays below the respective  
traffic sign. For example, when passing a  
reduced speed limit in wet road conditions  
Note: If your vehicle has a navigation  
system, stored traffic sign data may  
influence the indicated speed limit value.  
2. Select Traffic sign recognition.  
3. Select Activate Traff. Sign Recog..  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Traffic Sign Recognition System Messages  
Traffic sign recognition  
Reduced performance  
See manual  
The traffic sign data provided by the navigation system is  
unavailable due to weak or no signal. Wait for a short period  
of time for the signal to improve. If the message continues  
to appear, have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Note: In cold and severe weather conditions  
the system may not function. Rain, snow,  
Principle of Operation  
spray and large contrasts in lighting can all  
prevent the sensor from correctly  
Note: If your vehicle has a suspension kit  
not approved by us, the system may not  
correctly function.  
Note: Always fit Ford original parts when  
replacing headlamp bulbs. Other bulbs may  
reduce system performance.  
The system turns on when you switch the  
ignition on and you cannot switch the  
system off.  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly if the sensor is blocked.  
Keep the windshield free from  
Using Speed Sign Recognition  
Switching Speed Warning On and Off  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Select Traffic sign recognition.  
3. Select Activate Traff. Sign Recog..  
4. Select Activate speed warning.  
5. Switch Overspeed chime on or off.  
The system is designed to detect speed  
limit signs to inform you of the current  
speed limit. Detected speed signs appear  
in the information display. The sensor is  
behind the interior mirror.  
Note: Do not carry out windshield repairs  
in the immediate area surrounding the  
Setting the System Speed Warning  
Note: Speed sign data provided by the  
navigation system contains information  
integrated to the data carrier release.  
You can set the system speed warning to  
alert you when the vehicle speed exceeds  
the speed limit recognized by the system  
by a certain speed tolerance.  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
Note: The system may not detect all speed  
signs and may incorrectly read signs.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
2. Select Traffic sign recognition.  
3. Select Activate Traff. Sign Recog..  
4. Select Activate speed warning.  
5. Select Speed warning.  
Speed Sign Recognition System  
6. Select a setting and press the OK  
Note: The system remembers the last  
setting when you start your vehicle.  
When the system detects a speed limit  
sign, the speed limit appears in the  
information display.  
Note: If your vehicle has a navigation  
system, stored speed sign data could  
influence the indicated speed limit value.  
Speed Sign Recognition System Messages  
Traffic sign recognition  
Reduced performance  
See manual  
The traffic sign data provided by the navigation system is  
unavailable due to weak or no signal. Wait for a short period  
of time for the signal to improve. If the message continues  
to appear, have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly if the sensor is blocked.  
Keep the windshield free from  
WARNING:The system is designed  
to aid the driver. It is not intended to  
replace your attention and judgment.  
You are still responsible to drive with due  
care and attention.  
The system is designed to alert you if it  
detects that you are driving the wrong way  
on a freeway exit road. The system uses a  
sensor behind the interior mirror to detect  
no entry signs and uses information from  
the navigation system.  
Note: Do not carry out windshield repairs  
in the immediate area surrounding the  
WARNING: At all times, you are  
responsible for controlling your vehicle,  
supervising the system and intervening,  
if required. Failure to take care may result  
in the loss of control of your vehicle,  
serious personal injury or death.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Note: Traffic sign data provided by the  
navigation system contains information  
integrated to the data carrier release.  
If the system detects that you are driving  
the wrong way on a freeway exit road, a  
message appears in the information  
display and a tone sounds. The audio  
system volume mutes and navigation  
system guidance pauses.  
Note: In cold and severe weather conditions  
the system may not function. Rain, snow,  
spray and large contrasts in lighting can all  
prevent the sensor from functioning  
Note: The system is designed to detect  
traffic signs meeting the Vienna convention.  
Note: The system may not detect all traffic  
signs and may incorrectly read signs.  
Note: If your vehicle has a suspension kit  
not approved by us, the system may not  
correctly function.  
Note: Always fit Ford original parts when  
replacing headlamp bulbs. Other bulbs may  
reduce system performance.  
Note: The system may not correctly operate  
in areas under construction or new  
Note: The system does not operate in some  
countries. We recommend that you check  
system availability before use.  
Note: In exceptional conditions, the system  
could alert you even if you are not driving  
the wrong way on a freeway exit road.  
Switching Wrong Way Alert On or Off  
To switch wrong way alert on or off, use the information display controls on the  
steering wheel to select the following:  
Menu Item  
Driver assist.  
Wrong way alert  
Press the menu button.  
Press the OK button.  
Note: The system remembers the last  
setting when you start your vehicle.  
Wrong Way Alert Information Messages  
Check driving direction  
The system has detected that you are driving the wrong way  
on a freeway exit road. Press the OK button.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Viewing the Instantaneous Efficiency  
Eco Mode  
How Does Eco Mode Work  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select MyView.  
2. Select Eco coach.  
The system is designed to monitor certain  
driving characteristics to help you drive  
more efficiently. See Driving  
Trip Summary  
The calculated trip summary is shown as  
four colored bars. The bars travel from left  
to right as the calculated efficiency levels  
increase. The bars indicate the average  
efficiency level for acceleration,  
Economically (page 388).  
Note: The efficiency levels do not result in  
a defined fuel consumption figure. See Fuel  
Consumption (page 221).  
Note: The system only indicates the  
efficiency level for the current trip. The  
system resets each time you switch the  
ignition on.  
deceleration, speed and gear shifting  
during the total distance traveled by your  
vehicle for the current trip.  
Note: Vehicles with an automatic  
transmission do not have a bar for gear  
Instantaneous Efficiency Level  
The display ring increases as the  
instantaneous efficiency level increases  
and illuminates when it reaches maximum  
efficiency. The level continuously updates  
to indicate the efficiency level for the  
current trip.  
Viewing the Trip Summary  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select MyView.  
2. Select Eco coach.  
Steering Information Messages  
Steering assist malfunc- The system has malfunctioned. Stop your vehicle as soon  
tion Service required  
as it is safe to do so. You will continue to have full steering  
but will need to exert greater force on the steering wheel.  
Have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
unconventional vehicle types,  
pedestrians or cyclists with complex  
backgrounds, running pedestrians or fast  
moving cyclists, partly obscured  
WARNING: You are responsible for  
pedestrians or cyclists, pedestrians or  
cyclists that the system cannot  
controlling your vehicle at all times. The  
system is designed to be an aid and does  
not relieve you of your responsibility to  
drive with due care and attention. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
the loss of control of your vehicle,  
personal injury or death.  
distinguish from a group. Failure to take  
care may result in the loss of control of  
your vehicle, personal injury or death.  
WARNING:The Pre-Collision Assist  
system with brake support cannot help  
prevent all collisions. Do not rely on this  
system to replace your judgment and the  
need to maintain correct distance and  
WARNING: The system does not  
operate during hard acceleration or  
steering. Failure to take care may lead  
to a crash or personal injury.  
The pre-collision assist system is active  
when your vehicle reaches a speed greater  
than approximately 5 km/h (3 mph).  
Pedestrian and cyclist detection is active  
at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph).  
WARNING: The system may fail or  
operate with reduced function during  
cold and severe weather conditions.  
Snow, ice, rain, spray and fog can  
adversely affect the system. Keep the  
front camera and radar free of snow and  
ice. Failure to take care may result in the  
loss of control of your vehicle, serious  
personal injury or death.  
Note: The system is not designed to detect  
Note: The system is not designed to detect  
vehicles that are traveling in a different  
WARNING: The system may not  
operate properly if your vehicle has a  
non-Ford windshield. Do not carry out  
windshield repairs in the area around the  
If your vehicle is rapidly approaching  
another stationary vehicle, a vehicle  
traveling in the same direction as yours, a  
pedestrian or a cyclist within your driving  
path, the system is designed to provide  
three levels of functionality.  
WARNING: System performance  
could be reduced in situations where the  
vehicle camera has limited detection  
capability. These situations include but  
are not limited to direct or low sunlight,  
vehicles at night without tail lights,  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Level of Functionality  
When activated, a warning lamp flashes and an audible  
warning sounds.  
Brake support  
The system is designed to help reduce the impact speed by  
preparing the brakes for rapid braking. The system does not  
automatically apply the brakes. If you press the brake pedal,  
the system could apply additional braking up to maximum  
braking force, even if you lightly press the brake pedal.  
Active braking - vehicles The system is designed to apply the brakes if it detects a  
without adaptive cruise crash is imminent. This may help reduce impact or avoid the  
The system is active at speeds up to 130 km/h (80 mph).  
Active braking - vehicles The system is designed to apply the brakes if it detects a  
with adaptive cruise  
crash is imminent. This may help reduce impact or avoid the  
Setting the Distance Alert Sensitivity  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
Switching Active Braking On and  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Select Pre-collision Assist.  
3. Switch Active braking on or off.  
2. Select Pre-collision Assist.  
3. Select Alert sensitivity.  
4. Select a setting and press the OK  
Distance Alert (If Equipped)  
Distance Indication (If Equipped)  
A graphical indication displays the time  
gap to vehicles ahead of you traveling in  
the same direction.  
Note: The graphic does not display if you  
switch on cruise control or adaptive cruise  
A warning lamp illuminates if the distance  
to the vehicle ahead is small.  
Note: The warning lamp does not  
illuminate if cruise control or adaptive cruise  
control is active.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
Vehicle Speed System Sensit- Distance Indic-  
Distance Gap  
Time Gap  
ator Color  
100 km/h  
(62 mph)  
Greater than  
Greater than 0.9  
25 m (82.0 ft) .  
1725 m  
(55.882.0 ft).  
Less than 17 m  
(55.8 ft).  
Less than 0.6  
Note: If your vehicle sustains damage  
leaving the sensors misaligned, this may  
cause inaccurate measurements or false  
Blocked sensors could affect system  
accuracy. A message may appear in the  
information display.  
Switching Distance Indication On and  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Select Pre-collision Assist.  
3. Switch Distance indication on or off.  
Vehicles with Adaptive Cruise Control  
Pre-Collision Assist System  
Vehicles without Adaptive Cruise  
The camera is mounted behind the interior  
The camera is mounted behind the interior  
Note: Keep the sensors free from snow, ice  
and large accumulations of dirt.  
Note: Do not clean the sensors with sharp  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
The radar sensor is behind the front grille  
below the license plate.  
It illuminates if your vehicle  
Note: Keep the sensors free from snow, ice  
rapidly approaches another  
vehicle, to warn you of the risk of  
and large accumulations of dirt.  
a crash with the vehicle in front of you.  
Note: Do not clean the sensors with sharp  
It could illuminate red if the distance to the  
vehicle ahead is small.  
Note: If your vehicle sustains damage  
leaving the sensors misaligned, this may  
cause inaccurate measurements or false  
It illuminates when the system is not  
Blocked sensors could affect system  
accuracy. A message may appear in the  
information display.  
Pre-Collision Assist Information Messages  
Pre-collision assist not  
The system has malfunctioned. Have your vehicle checked  
as soon as possible.  
Pre-collision assist not  
The sensors are dirty. Clean the sensors. If the message  
available Sensor blocked continues to appear, have your vehicle checked as soon as  
The following table lists possible causes and actions for when a blocked sensor  
message may display.  
The surface of the radar in the radiator grille Clean the radiator grille in front of the radar  
is dirty or obstructed.  
or remove any obstruction.  
The surface of the radar is clean but the  
message remains in the display.  
Wait for a short period of time. It may take  
several minutes for the system to detect  
that there is no obstruction.  
Heavy rain, spray, snow, or fog is interfering The system is temporarily disabled. The  
with the radar signals.  
system should reactivate after a short  
period of time when the weather conditions  
The radar is misaligned.  
Have your vehicle checked as soon as  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Driving Aids - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster Display  
The windshield in front of the camera is  
dirty or obstructed.  
Clean the outside of the windshield in front  
of the camera.  
The windshield in front of the camera is  
clean but the message remains in the  
Wait for a short period of time. It may take  
several minutes for the camera to detect  
that there is no obstruction.  
Excessive heat around the camera.  
Wait for a short period of time. The  
message should clear when the temper-  
ature around the camera decreases.  
Note: The system does not activate if the  
distance to the vehicle ahead is too small  
and a crash cannot be avoided.  
Evasive Steering Assist(If Equipped)  
If your vehicle is rapidly approaching a  
stationary vehicle or a vehicle traveling in  
the same direction as yours, the system is  
designed to help you steer around the  
Switching Evasive Steering Assist On  
and Off  
1. Using the information display controls  
on the steering wheel, select Driver  
2. Select Pre-collision Assist.  
3. Switch Evasive steering on or off.  
Note: Active braking and evasive steering  
assist turn on each time you switch the  
ignition on.  
The system only activates when all of the  
following occur:  
Active braking and evasive steering  
assist are switched on in the  
information display.  
The system detects a vehicle ahead  
and starts to apply the brakes.  
Note: If you turn active braking off, evasive  
You significantly turn the steering  
wheel in an attempt to steer around  
the vehicle.  
steering assist also turns off.  
After you turn the steering wheel in an  
attempt to avoid a crash with the vehicle  
ahead, the system applies additional  
steering torque to help you steer around  
the vehicle. After you pass the vehicle, the  
system applies steering torque when you  
turn the steering wheel to steer back into  
the lane. The system deactivates after you  
fully pass the vehicle.  
Note: The system does not automatically  
steer around a vehicle. If you do no turn the  
steering wheel, the system does not  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing