Engine Emission Control -> Gasoline Particulate Filter for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

Engine Emission Control  
Do not switch the ignition off when your  
vehicle is moving.  
Do not use leaded fuel.  
Avoid running out of fuel.  
Note: Resulting component damage may  
not be covered by the vehicle Warranty.  
WARNING: Do not park, idle or  
drive your vehicle on dry grass or other  
dry ground cover. The emission system  
heats up the engine compartment and  
exhaust system, creating the risk of fire.  
On-Board Diagnostics System  
Your vehicle has an on-board diagnostics  
system that monitors the emission control  
system. If any of the following warning  
lamps illuminate, this may indicate that  
the on-board diagnostics system has  
detected an emission control system  
WARNING: The normal operating  
temperature of the exhaust system is  
very high. Never work around or attempt  
to repair any part of the exhaust system  
until it has cooled. Use special care when  
working around the catalytic converter.  
The catalytic converter heats up to a very  
high temperature after only a short  
period of engine operation and stays hot  
after the engine is switched off.  
WARNING: Exhaust leaks may  
result in entry of harmful and potentially  
lethal fumes into the passenger  
Continuing to drive your vehicle may cause  
reduced power or the engine to stop.  
Failure to respond to a warning lamp may  
cause component damage not covered by  
the vehicle Warranty. Have your vehicle  
checked as soon as possible.  
compartment. If you smell exhaust  
fumes inside your vehicle, have your  
vehicle inspected immediately. Do not  
drive if you smell exhaust fumes.  
Your vehicle has various emission control  
components and a catalytic converter that  
enables it to comply with applicable  
exhaust emission standards.  
To avoid damaging the catalytic converter:  
WARNING: Do not park or idle your  
vehicle over dry leaves, dry grass or other  
combustible materials. The regeneration  
process creates very high exhaust gas  
temperatures and the exhaust will  
radiate a considerable amount of heat  
during and after regeneration and after  
you have switched the engine off. This is  
a potential fire hazard.  
Do not crank the engine for more than  
10 seconds at a time.  
Do not run the engine with a spark plug  
lead disconnected.  
Do not push-start or tow-start your  
vehicle. Use booster cables. See Jump  
Starting the Vehicle (page 390).  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Engine Emission Control  
To reduce the risk of causing damage to  
the gasoline particulate filter:  
To assist passive regeneration, we  
recommend that you make occasional  
journeys that allow you to:  
Do not crank the engine for more than  
10 seconds at a time.  
Drive at a varied range of conditions,  
including highway conditions for a  
minimum of 20 minutes.  
Do not push-start or tow-start your  
vehicle. Use booster cables.  
Avoid prolonged engine idling.  
Do not switch the ignition off when your  
vehicle is moving.  
Select a suitable gear to maintain  
engine speed between 1500 and 4000  
Do not ignore warning lamps, indicators  
or information messages.  
If the filter is saturated or is approaching  
saturation, a warning lamp illuminates or  
a message appears in the information  
Note: A warning lamp illuminates and a  
message appears in the information display  
on some vehicles.  
If you do not take action when a warning  
lamp illuminates or a message appears in  
the information display, you could cause  
damage not covered by the vehicle  
Gasoline Particulate Filter  
Particles in the exhaust gas collect in the  
gasoline particulate filter causing a gradual  
restriction over time. This restriction is  
removed through a regeneration process  
controlled by the engine control system.  
The regeneration process converts the  
particles in the exhaust gas into harmless  
Regeneration occurs during normal driving,  
to varying degrees depending on how you  
drive. Passive regeneration occurs when  
you drive at moderate to high speed but if  
you generally drive short distances at low  
speed, the engine control system could  
actively raise the exhaust gas temperature  
to remove the particles that have collected  
in the filter to make sure that it continues  
to correctly operate.  
Gasoline Particulate Filter  
Warning Lamps and Indicators  
Malfunction indicator lamp.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Engine Emission Control  
Gasoline Particulate Filter Information Messages  
Exhaust filter at limit Drive  
to clean now  
Drive at a varied range of conditions, including highway  
conditions for 20 minutes or until the message disap-  
Avoid prolonged engine idling.  
Select a suitable gear to maintain engine speed  
between 1500 and 4000 RPM.  
Exhaust filter over limit  
Service now  
Drive at a moderate speed.  
Avoid heavy acceleration and deceleration.  
Have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.  
WARNING: Exhaust leaks may  
result in entry of harmful and potentially  
lethal fumes into the passenger  
compartment. If you smell exhaust  
fumes inside your vehicle, have your  
vehicle inspected immediately. Do not  
drive if you smell exhaust fumes.  
WARNING: Do not park or idle your  
vehicle over dry leaves, dry grass or other  
combustible materials. The regeneration  
process creates very high exhaust gas  
temperatures and the exhaust will  
radiate a considerable amount of heat  
during and after regeneration and after  
you have switched the engine off. This is  
a potential fire hazard.  
Your vehicle has various emission control  
components and a diesel particulate filter  
that enables it to comply with applicable  
exhaust emission standards. It filters  
harmful diesel particulates, for example  
soot from the exhaust gas.  
WARNING: The normal operating  
temperature of the exhaust system is  
very high. Never work around or attempt  
to repair any part of the exhaust system  
until it has cooled. Use special care when  
working around the diesel oxidation  
catalytic converter or the diesel  
To avoid damaging the diesel particulate  
Do not crank the engine for more than  
10 seconds at a time.  
Do not push-start or tow-start your  
vehicle. Use booster cables. See Jump  
Starting the Vehicle (page 390).  
particulate filter. The diesel oxidation  
catalytic converter and the diesel  
particulate filter heat up to very high  
temperatures after only a short period  
of engine operation and remain hot after  
you switch the engine off.  
Do not switch the ignition off when your  
vehicle is moving.  
Do not ignore warning lamps or  
information messages regarding  
exhaust system cleaning and  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing