Starting and Stopping the Engine
Note: The engine takes longer to start at
lower temperatures. It may crank for several
seconds when very cold.
Glow Plug Indicator
The engine does not start until
the glow plug indicator turns off.
This may take several seconds
in extremely cold conditions.
3. Turn the key to position III.
Note: The engine may continue cranking
for up to 15 seconds or until it starts.
Note: The engine takes longer to start at
lower temperatures. It may crank for several
seconds when very cold.
Restarting the Engine After
Stopping it - Vehicles With: Push
Button Start
The system allows you to start the engine
within 10 seconds of switching it off, even
if it does not detect a valid passive key.
Within 10 seconds of switching the engine
off, fully press the brake or clutch pedal
and press the push button ignition switch.
After 10 seconds, you can no longer start
the engine if the system does not detect a
valid passive key.
When you start the engine, it remains
running until you press the push button
ignition switch, even if your vehicle does
not detect a valid passive key. If you open
and close a door when the engine is
running, the system searches for a valid
passive key.
Glow Plug Indicator
If it illuminates, wait until the
glow plug indicator turns off
before starting the engine.
Starting a Diesel Engine - Manual
Transmission, Vehicles With: Push
Button Start
Before starting your vehicle, check the
Make sure that the headlamps and
electrical accessories are off.
Make sure that the parking brake is on.
Make sure that the transmission is in
1. Fully press the clutch pedal.
Note: Do not touch the accelerator pedal.
Stopping the Engine When Your
Vehicle is Stationary - Automatic
Transmission, Vehicles Without:
Push Button Start
1. Shift into park (P).
2. Apply the parking brake.
2. Press the push button ignition switch.
Note: The engine may continue cranking
3. Wait until the engine reaches idle
for up to 15 seconds or until it starts.
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing