Supplementary Restraints System -> Driver Airbag for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

Supplementary Restraints System  
WARNING: Accessory seat covers  
not released by Ford Motor Company  
could prevent the deployment of the  
airbags and increase the risk of injuries  
in a crash.  
WARNING:Extreme Hazard! Never  
use a rearward facing child restraint on  
a seat protected by an active airbag in  
front of it. Death or serious injury to the  
child can occur.  
Note: A loud bang sounds and there is a  
cloud of harmless powdery residue if an  
airbag deploys. This is normal.  
WARNING:Do not modify the front  
of your vehicle in any way. This could  
adversely affect deployment of the  
airbags. Failure to adhere to this warning  
could result in serious personal injury or  
For routine cleaning, wipe the surface with  
a soft, damp cloth.  
WARNING: Wear a seatbelt and  
keep sufficient distance between  
yourself and the steering wheel. Only  
when you use the seatbelt correctly, can  
it hold you in a position that allows the  
airbag to achieve its optimum effect.  
Failure to adhere to this warning could  
result in serious personal injury or death.  
WARNING: Repairs to the steering  
wheel, steering column, seats, airbags  
and seatbelts must be carried out by an  
authorized dealer. Failure to adhere to  
this warning could result in serious  
personal injury or death.  
The airbag is designed to deploy during a  
significant frontal or near-frontal crash.  
The airbag inflates within a few  
WARNING: Keep the areas in front  
of the airbags free from obstruction. Do  
not affix anything to or over the airbag  
covers. Objects could become projectiles  
during airbag deployment. Failure to  
follow this instruction could result in  
personal injury or death.  
thousandths of a second cushioning  
forward body movement and deflates on  
contact with the occupant. The airbag is  
not designed to deploy during a minor  
frontal crash, rear crash, side crash or a  
vehicle rollover.  
Airbag Warning Lamp  
WARNING: Do not poke sharp  
objects into areas where airbags are  
fitted. This could damage and adversely  
affect deployment of the airbags. Failure  
to follow this instruction could result in  
personal injury or death.  
If it does not illuminate when you  
switch the ignition on, continues  
to flash or remains on when the  
engine is running, this indicates a  
malfunction. Have your vehicle checked  
as soon as possible.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing