SYNC? 3 -> SYNC? 3 Troubleshooting for Your Ford Focus 4 Door 2023

Voice Recognition  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
The system does not under-  
stand what I am saying.  
You are using the wrong voice commands.  
See Using Voice Recognition (page 520).  
For a complete list of voice commands, refer to the  
local Ford website.  
You are speaking too soon.  
Wait for the voice prompt before you speak.  
The system does not under-  
stand the name of a track or  
Device limitation. Bluetooth does not support voice  
Connect your device to a USB port.  
If you have an iOS device, press and hold the voice  
control button on the steering wheel to use Siri to  
play specific tracks.  
You are using the wrong voice commands.  
See Using Voice Recognition (page 520).  
For a complete list of voice commands, refer to the  
local Ford website.  
You are not saying the name exactly as it appears on  
your device.  
Say the name of the track or artist exactly as it  
appears on your device. Spell out any abbreviations  
in the name.  
The song or artist name may have some special char-  
acters that are not being recognized by the system.  
The name contains special characters, for example *,  
- or +.  
Rename the files on your device or use the touch-  
screen to select and play the track.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
The system does not under-  
stand the name of a contact  
in the phonebook on my  
device and calls the wrong  
You are not saying the name exactly as it appears on  
your device.  
Say the first and last name of the contact exactly  
as it appears on your device. Spell out any abbrevi-  
ations in the name.  
The name contains special characters, for example *,  
- or +.  
Rename the contact on your device or use the  
touchscreen to select and call the contact.  
The system does not under-  
stand foreign names of  
contacts in the phonebook  
on my device.  
You are not saying the name exactly as it appears on  
your device.  
Say the first and last name of the contact exactly  
as it appears on your device. The system applies  
phonetic pronunciation rules of the selected  
language to the names of contacts in the phone-  
book on your device. Select the name of the  
contact on the touchscreen and use the Hear it  
option to get an idea of how the system expects  
you to pronounce it.  
The system voice prompts  
and the pronunciation of  
some words does not seem  
to be very accurate.  
Device limitation.  
The system uses text-to-speech technology and  
uses a synthetically generated voice rather than  
pre-recorded human voice.  
USB and Bluetooth Audio  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
I cannot connect my device.  
Device malfunction.  
Disconnect your device. Switch your device off,  
reset it and try again.  
Cable connection issue.  
Correctly connect the cable to your device and the  
vehicle USB port.  
Incompatible cable.  
Use the cable recommended by the manufacturer  
of your device.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Incorrect device settings.  
Make sure that your device does not have an auto-  
install program or active security settings.  
Check that your device is not set only to charge.  
Device lock screen enabled.  
Unlock your device before connecting it.  
The system does not recog-  
nize my device.  
Device limitation.  
Do not leave your device in your vehicle during very  
hot or very cold weather conditions.  
The system does not under-  
stand the name of a track or  
Device limitation. Bluetooth does not support voice  
Connect your device to a USB port.  
If you have an iOS device, press and hold the voice  
control button on the steering wheel to use Siri to  
play specific tracks.  
I cannot stream audio from  
my Bluetooth device.  
Incompatible device.  
Check the compatibility of your device on the local  
Ford website.  
Device not connected.  
Pair your device. See Phone (page 531).  
Media player not running.  
Start the media player on your device.  
The system does not recog-  
nize the music on my device.  
Missing or incorrect audio file metadata, for example  
artist, song title, album or genre.  
Repair the files on your device.  
Corrupt files.  
Repair the files on your device.  
Copyright protected files.  
Use a device that contains files that are not copy-  
right protected.  
Unsupported file format.  
Repair or convert the files to a supported format.  
See Entertainment (page 526).  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Device indexing required.  
Re-index your device. See Settings (page 538).  
Device lock screen enabled.  
Unlock your device before connecting it.  
Device malfunction.  
Sometimes I cannot hear a  
track playing on my device.  
Disconnect your device. Switch your device off,  
reset it and try again.  
When I disconnect my iOS  
device the audio volume is  
set to maximum.  
Device limitation.  
Turn the volume down on your device  
The system does not play  
If the system does not play the tracks on your USB device  
the tracks on my USB drive in the correct order, the following information could help:  
in the correct order.  
If you are selecting USB as the audio source when the  
system is still indexing, SYNC plays tracks sorted  
alphabetically by file name in the root directory.  
If you are selecting USB as the audio source after the  
system has finished indexing, SYNC plays all tracks  
sorted alphabetically by the title in the ID3 tag  
regardless of where they are located. SYNC uses the  
file name if the title in the ID3 Tag does not exist.  
If you are selecting the option to play all tracks from  
the browsing menu, SYNC plays all tracks sorted  
alphabetically by the title in the ID3 tag regardless of  
where they are located. SYNC uses the file name if the  
title in the ID3 Tag does not exist.  
If you are selecting a track when using the explore  
device option, SYNC plays tracks sorted alphabetically  
by file name in the folder you have selected. SYNC  
then plays all tracks in any subfolders in the folder you  
have selected.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Incorrect cell phone settings.  
During a call, I can hear  
excessive background noise.  
Check and adjust the audio settings on your cell  
phone. Refer to your cell phone's user manual.  
During a call, I can hear the  
other person but they  
cannot hear me.  
Cell phone malfunction.  
Switch your cell phone off, reset it and try again.  
Cell phone microphone muted.  
Unmute your cell phone microphone.  
During a call, I cannot hear  
the other person and they  
cannot hear me.  
System restart required.  
Restart the system. Switch the ignition off and  
open the door. Close the door and lock the vehicle.  
Wait until the touchscreen is off and any illumin-  
ated USB ports are not illuminated. Unlock the  
vehicle, switch the ignition on and try again.  
I cannot download phone-  
Incompatible cell phone.  
Check the compatibility of your cell phone on the  
local Ford website.  
Incorrect cell phone settings.  
Allow the system to retrieve contacts from your  
cell phone. Refer to your cell phone's user manual.  
Incorrect system settings.  
Switch automatic phonebook download on. See  
Settings (page 538).  
Cell phone malfunction.  
Switch your cell phone off, reset it and try again.  
A message displays  
Incorrect cell phone settings.  
suggesting that my phone-  
book has downloaded but it  
is empty or it has missing  
Allow the system to retrieve contacts from your  
cell phone. Refer to your cell phone's user manual.  
Check the location of the missing contacts on your  
cell phone. If they are stored on the SIM card, move  
them to the cell phone memory.  
Incorrect system settings.  
Switch automatic phonebook download on. See  
Settings (page 538).  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Incompatible cell phone.  
I cannot connect my cell  
Check the compatibility of your cell phone on the  
local Ford website.  
Cell phone malfunction.  
Switch your cell phone off, reset it and try again.  
Install the latest cell phone firmware.  
Delete your device from system and delete SYNC  
from your device and try again.  
Switch automatic phonebook download off. See  
Settings (page 538).  
Text messaging does not  
Incompatible cell phone.  
Check the compatibility of your cell phone on the  
local Ford website.  
Cell phone malfunction.  
Switch your cell phone off, reset it and try again.  
I cannot hear text messages.  
Incompatible cell phone.  
Check the compatibility of your cell phone on the  
local Ford website.  
Navigation(If Equipped)  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
I cannot enter a street name  
when I am abroad.  
Incorrect entry method.  
Enter the street name with the country.  
The system does not recog-  
nize coordinates.  
You are using the wrong coordinates format.  
Use the format ##. #####, ##. ##### (for N/S ,  
E/W). Add a minus before coordinates if the  
direction is West and keep a positive value if the  
direction is East, for example 12.5412 means East  
and -12.5412 means West.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Incompatible device.  
The system cannot find any  
You need an Android device with OS 4.3 or higher  
or an iOS device with iOS 8.0 or higher. Pair and  
connect your Android device to find AppLink  
compatible apps. Connect your Android or iOS  
device to a USB port or pair and connect using  
I have a compatible device  
and it is correctly connected  
but the system still cannot  
find any apps.  
AppLink compatible apps not installed on your device.  
Download and install the latest version of the app.  
AppLink compatible apps not running on your device.  
Start the apps to allow the system to find them  
and make sure you sign in to any apps if required.  
Incorrect app settings.  
Check and adjust the app settings on your device  
and allow SYNC to access the app if required.  
I have a compatible device,  
it is correctly connected and  
my apps are running but the  
system still cannot find any  
Apps failed to fully close.  
Restart the apps and try again.  
If you have an Android device with apps that have  
an exit or quit option, use this and then restart the  
apps. Alternatively, use the force stop option in the  
settings menu on your device.  
If you have an iOS device with iOS 7.0 or higher, tap  
the home button on your device twice and then  
swipe the app upward to close it.  
I have an Android device  
that is correctly connected,  
I have restarted my apps  
and they are running but the  
system still cannot find  
An issue on some older versions of the Android oper-  
ating system could result in apps not being found.  
Switch Bluetooth off and on again to force the  
system to reconnect to your device.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Cable connection issue.  
I have an iOS device that is  
correctly connected, I have  
restarted my apps and they  
are running but the system  
still cannot find them.  
Disconnect the cable from your device, wait for a  
moment and then connect it again to force the  
system to reconnect to your device.  
I have an Android device  
running a media app which  
the system has found but I  
cannot hear the sound or  
the sound is very quiet.  
Device volume is low.  
Turn the volume up on your device.  
I have an Android device  
running a number of  
compatible apps but the  
system cannot find all of  
Device limitation. Some Android devices have a limited  
number of Bluetooth ports that apps can use to  
connect. If you have more apps running on your device  
than the number of available Bluetooth ports, the  
system cannot find all of them.  
Close some of the apps to allow the system to find  
those that you want to use.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Wi-Fi Connectivity  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Password error.  
Enter the correct network password.  
Weak network signal.  
I cannot connect to a Wi-Fi  
Move your vehicle closer to the Wi-Fi hotspot or to  
a place where the network signal is not obstructed.  
Multiple access points in range with the same SSID.  
Use a unique name for your SSID. Do not use the  
default name unless it contains a unique identifier,  
for example as part of the MAC address.  
The Wi-Fi connection  
disconnects after successful  
Weak network signal.  
Move your vehicle closer to the Wi-Fi hotspot or to  
a place where the network signal is not obstructed.  
I am close to a Wi-Fi hotspot  
but the network signal  
strength is weak.  
Obstructed network signal.  
If your vehicle has a heated windshield, position  
your vehicle so that the windshield is not facing the  
Wi-Fi hotspot.  
If your vehicle has metallic tinting on the windows  
but not on the windshield, position your vehicle so  
that the windshield is facing the Wi-Fi hotspot or  
open the windows that are facing the hotspot.  
If your vehicle has metallic tinting on the windows  
and the windshield, open the windows that are  
facing the hotspot.  
If your vehicle is in a garage and you have the  
garage door closed, open the garage door.  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing  
Possible Cause and Resolution  
Hidden network.  
Make the network visible and try again.  
I cannot see a network in the  
list of available networks  
that I expect to see.  
Software downloads take  
too long.  
Weak network signal  
Move your vehicle closer to the Wi-Fi hotspot or to  
a place where the network signal is not obstructed.  
Wi-Fi hotspot in high demand or has a slow Internet  
Use a more reliable Wi-Fi hotspot.  
The system seems to  
connect to a Wi-Fi network  
and the signal strength is  
excellent but the software  
does not update.  
No software update available.  
Wi-Fi network requires a subscription or acceptance  
of terms and conditions.  
Test the connection using another device. If the  
network requires a subscription or acceptance of  
terms and conditions, contact the network service  
Resetting the System  
1. Simultaneously press and hold the  
seek up and the audio unit power  
buttons until the screen goes black.  
2. Wait three minutes to allow the system  
to complete the reset.  
3. Press the audio unit power button to  
switch the system on.  
Note: You can reset the system to restore  
functionality that has stopped working. The  
system reset is designed to restore  
functionality and not delete any data that  
you have stored.  
Additional Information and  
For additional information and assistance,  
we recommend that you contact an  
authorized dealer or refer to the local Ford  
Focus (CGE) Vehicles Built From: 15-03-2021, CG3784en enGBR, Edition date: 202012, First-Printing