Features -> Refuel Recommend for Your Honda Accord 4 Door 2023

Refuel Recommend  
Models with navigation system  
Your vehicle is equipped with a feature that automatically calculates when to refuel.  
This feature will notify you when refueling is recommended as well as enable you to  
search for gas stations that are located in the vicinity of your vehicle.  
1. When it is time to refuel the vehicle, a  
You can turn the Refuel recommend function on  
and off.  
2 Customized Features P. 351  
When you turn off this feature, the refuel  
recommend notification will not display.  
notification is displayed and a notification  
icon is displayed in the header.  
2. Touch the box that contains the icon.  
This feature can only be used when the gas tank fuel  
level is below 30 percent.  
If you select Find Gas Station Now or put more  
than 5 liters of gasoline into the gas tank, the  
notification for refueling will disappear. If you prefer  
not to be notified, select OFF in the settings for  
Refuel recommend.  
3. Select Find Gas Station Now.  
When you drive on a rough road or ascend or  
descend a hill for an extended period of time, the  
notification may disappear or may not be displayed at  
4. Choose a gas station from the search  
screen of the navigation system.  
u For instructions on how to use the  
navigation system, refer to the  
navigation system manual.