Safe Driving -> Airbags for Your Honda Accord 4 Door 2023

Airbag System Components  
uuAirbagsuAirbag System Components  
The front, front knee, side, and side curtain  
airbags are deployed according to the  
direction and severity of impact. Both side  
curtain airbags are deployed in a rollover.  
The airbag system includes:  
e An electronic control unit that, when the  
power mode is in ON, continually  
monitors information about the various  
impact sensors, seat and buckle sensors,  
rollover sensor, airbag activators, seat  
belt tensioners, and other vehicle  
i Impact sensors that can detect a  
moderate-to-severe front or side impact.  
j An indicator on the dashboard that alerts  
you that the front passenger’s front  
airbag has been turned off.  
a Two SRS (Supplemental Restraint System)  
front airbags. The driver’s airbag is stored  
in the center of the steering wheel; the  
front passenger’s airbag is stored in the  
dashboard. Both are marked SRS  
information. During a crash event the  
unit can record such information.  
k An indicator on the instrument panel that  
alerts you to a possible problem with your  
airbag system or seat belt tensioners.  
f Automatic front seat belt tensioners. In  
addition, the driver’s and front  
passenger’s seat belt buckles incorporate  
sensors that detect whether or not the  
belts are fastened.  
l A rollover sensor that can detect if your  
vehicle is about to roll over and signal the  
control unit to deploy both side curtain  
b Two knee airbags. The driver’s knee  
airbag is stored under the steering  
column; the front passenger’s knee  
airbag is stored under the glove box.  
Both are marked SRS AIRBAG.  
g Driver’s seat position sensor. This sensor  
detects the driver’s seat slide position to  
help determine the optimal deployment  
of the driver’s airbag.  
c Two side airbags, one for the driver and  
one for the front passenger. The airbags  
are stored in the outer edges of the seat-  
backs. Both are marked SIDE AIRBAG.  
h Weight sensors in the front passenger’s  
seat. The sensors are used for occupant  
classification to activate or deactivate the  
front passenger’s airbag.  
d Two side curtain airbags, one for each  
side of the vehicle. The airbags are stored  
in the ceiling, above the side windows.  
The front and rear pillars are marked  
uuAirbagsuAirbag System Components  
Important Facts About Your Airbags  
Do not attempt to deactivate your airbags. Together,  
airbags and seat belts provide the best protection.  
Airbags can pose serious hazards. To do their job, airbags must inflate with  
tremendous force. So, while airbags help save lives, they can cause burns, bruises,  
and other minor injuries, sometimes even fatal ones if occupants are not wearing  
their seat belts properly and sitting correctly.  
When driving, keep hands and arms out of the  
deployment path of the front airbag by holding each  
side of the steering wheel. Do not cross an arm over  
the airbag cover.  
What you should do: Always wear your seat belt properly and sit upright and as  
far back from the steering wheel as possible while allowing full control of the  
vehicle. A front passenger should move their seat as far back from the dashboard as  
Remember, however, that no safety system can prevent all injuries or deaths that  
can occur in a severe crash, even when seat belts are properly worn and the airbags  
Do not place hard or sharp objects between yourself and a front airbag.  
Carrying hard or sharp objects on your lap, or driving with a pipe or other sharp  
object in your mouth, can result in injuries if your front airbag inflates.  
Do not attach or place objects on the front and front knee airbag covers.  
Objects on the covers marked SRS AIRBAG could interfere with the proper  
operation of the airbags or be propelled inside the vehicle and hurt someone if the  
airbags inflate.  
uuAirbagsuTypes of Airbags  
Types of Airbags  
Your vehicle is equipped with four types of airbags:  
Front airbags: Airbags in front of the driver’s and front passenger’s seats.  
Front knee airbags: Airbags under the steering column and under the glove  
Side airbags: Airbags in the driver’s and front passenger’s seat-backs.  
Side curtain airbags: Airbags above the side windows.  
Each is discussed in the following pages.  
The airbags can inflate whenever the power mode is  
in ON.  
After an airbag inflates in a crash, you may see a  
small amount of smoke. This is from the combustion  
process of the inflator material and is not harmful.  
People with respiratory problems may experience  
some temporary discomfort. If this occurs, get out of  
the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.  
Front Airbags (SRS)  
The front SRS airbags inflate in a moderate-to-severe frontal collision to help protect  
the head and chest of the driver and/or front passenger.  
During a frontal crash severe enough to cause one or  
both front airbags to deploy, the airbags can inflate  
at different rates, depending on the severity of the  
crash, whether or not the seat belts are latched, and/  
or other factors. Frontal airbags are designed to  
supplement the seat belts to help reduce the  
likelihood of head and chest injuries in frontal  
SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) indicates that the airbags are designed to  
supplement seat belts, not replace them. Seat belts are the occupant’s primary  
restraint system.  
Housing Locations  
The front airbags are housed in the center of the steering wheel for the driver, and  
in the dashboard for the front passenger. Both airbags are marked SRS AIRBAG.  
uuAirbagsuFront Airbags (SRS)  
Front airbags are designed to inflate during moderate-to-severe frontal collisions.  
When the vehicle decelerates suddenly, the sensors send information to the control  
unit which signals one or both front airbags to inflate.  
A frontal collision can be either head-on or angled between two vehicles, or when a  
vehicle crashes into a stationary object, such as a concrete wall.  
How the Front Airbags Work  
Although the driver’s and front passenger’s airbags  
normally inflate within a split second of each other, it  
is possible for only one airbag to deploy. This can  
happen if the severity of a collision is at the margin,  
or threshold, that determines whether or not the  
airbags will deploy. In such cases, the seat belt will  
provide sufficient protection, and the supplemental  
protection offered by the airbag would be minimal.  
While your seat belt restrains your torso, the  
front airbag provides supplemental protection  
for your head and chest.  
The front airbags deflate immediately so that  
they won’t interfere with the driver’s visibility  
or the ability to steer or operate other  
The total time for inflation and deflation is so fast that most occupants are not  
aware that the airbags deployed until they see them lying in front of them.  
uuAirbagsuFront Airbags (SRS)  
When front airbags should not deploy  
Minor frontal crashes: Front airbags were designed to supplement seat belts and  
help save lives, not to prevent minor scrapes, or even broken bones that might occur  
during a less than moderate-to-severe frontal crash.  
Side impacts: Front airbags can provide protection when a sudden deceleration  
causes a driver or front passenger to move toward the front of the vehicle. Side  
airbags and side curtain airbags have been specifically designed to help reduce the  
severity of injuries that can occur during a moderate-to-severe side impact which  
can cause the driver or passenger to move toward the side of the vehicle.  
Rear impacts: Head restraints and seat belts are your best protection during a rear  
impact. Front airbags cannot provide any significant protection and are not designed  
to deploy in such collisions.  
Rollovers: In a rollover, your best form of protection is a seat belt or, if your vehicle  
is equipped with a rollover sensor, both a seat belt and a side curtain airbag. Front  
airbags, however, are not designed to deploy in a rollover as they would provide  
little if any protection.  
When front airbags deploy with little or no visible damage  
Because the airbag system senses sudden deceleration, a strong impact to the  
vehicle framework or suspension might cause one or more of the airbags to deploy.  
Examples include running into a curb, the edge of a hole, or other low fixed object  
that causes a sudden deceleration in the vehicle chassis. Since the impact is  
underneath the vehicle, damage may not be readily apparent.  
When front airbags may not deploy, even though exterior damage  
appears severe  
Since crushable body parts absorb crash energy during an impact, the amount of  
visible damage does not always indicate proper airbag operation. In fact, some  
collisions can result in severe damage but no airbag deployment because the airbags  
would not have been needed or would not have provided protection even if they  
had deployed.  
uuAirbagsuFront Airbags (SRS)  
Advanced Airbags  
If there is a problem with the driver’s seat position  
sensor or the passenger’s seat weight sensors, the  
SRS indicator will come on, and in the event of a  
crash, the airbag will deploy (regardless of the driver’s  
seating position or passenger’s occupant  
classification) with a force corresponding to the  
severity of the impact.  
The airbags have advanced features to help reduce the likelihood of airbag related  
injuries to smaller occupants.  
The driver’s advanced airbag system includes a  
seat position sensor.  
Based on information from this sensor and the  
severity of the impact, the advanced airbag  
system determines the optimal deployment of  
the driver’s airbag.  
uuAirbagsuFront Airbags (SRS)  
The front passenger’s advanced airbag system  
has weight sensors. The sensors are used for  
occupant classification to activate or  
For the advanced front airbags to work properly,  
confirm that:  
The occupant is sitting in an upright position,  
wearing the seat belt properly and the seat-back is  
not excessively reclined.  
The occupant is not leaning against the door or  
center console.  
The occupant’s feet are placed on the floor in front  
of them.  
deactivate the front passenger’s airbag.  
For adult size occupants, the system will  
automatically activate the front passenger’s  
airbag. If a small adult sits in the front  
passenger seat and the system does not  
recognize him/her as an adult, see  
There are no objects hanging from the front  
passenger’s seat.  
Only small, lightweight objects are in the seat-back  
The steering wheel and passenger’s side dashboard  
are not obstructed by any object.  
No liquid has been spilled on or under the seat.  
There is no child seat or other object pressing  
against the rear of the seat or seat-back.  
There is no rear passenger pushing or pulling on  
the back of the front passenger’s seat.  
There are no objects placed under or beside the  
front passenger’s seat. Improperly positioned  
objects can interfere with the advanced airbag  
We advise against allowing a child age 12 or  
under to ride in the front passenger’s seat.  
However, if you do allow a small child or  
infant to ride in the front passenger’s seat, the  
system is designed to automatically deactivate  
the front passenger’s airbag. Do not let a  
small child or infant ride in the front  
passenger’s seat if the airbag does not  
automatically deactivate.  
The head restraint is not contacting the roof.  
The floor mat behind the front passenger’s seat is  
set in the correct position evenly on the floor. An  
improperly placed mat can interfere with the  
advanced airbag sensors.  
2 Floor Mats P. 589  
uuAirbagsuKnee Airbags  
Knee Airbags  
The knee SRS airbags inflate in a moderate-to-severe frontal collision to help keep  
the driver and/or front passenger in the proper position and to help maximize the  
benefit provided by the vehicle’s other safety features.  
Do not attach accessories on or near a knee airbag as  
they can interfere with the proper operation of the  
airbag, or even hurt someone if the airbag inflates.  
SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) indicates that the airbags are designed to  
supplement seat belts, not replace them. Seat belts are the occupant’s primary  
restraint system.  
The driver and front passenger should not store any  
items under the seat or behind their feet. The items  
can interfere with proper airbag deployment in the  
event of a moderate to severe frontal collision and  
may result in inadequate protection.  
Housing Locations  
The knee airbag for the driver and the one for  
the front passenger are housed under the  
steering column and the glove box  
Both are marked SRS AIRBAG.  
uuAirbagsuKnee Airbags  
The driver’s and front passenger’s knee airbag  
deploy at the same time as the driver’s and  
front passenger’s airbag respectively.  
Even if the collision is not severe enough to  
deploy the front airbags, the knee airbags may  
inflate alone.  
uuAirbagsuKnee Airbags  
When the knee airbags deploy with little or no visible damage  
Because the airbag system senses sudden deceleration, a strong impact to the  
vehicle framework or suspension might cause one or more of the airbags to deploy.  
Examples include running into a curb, the edge of a hole, or other low fixed object  
that causes a sudden deceleration in the vehicle chassis. Since the impact is  
underneath the vehicle, damage may not be readily apparent.  
When the knee airbags may not deploy, even though exterior damage  
appears severe  
Since crushable body parts absorb crash energy during an impact, the amount of  
visible damage does not always indicate proper airbag operation. In fact, some  
collisions can result in severe damage but no airbag deployment because the airbags  
would not have been needed or would not have provided protection even if they  
had deployed.  
uuAirbagsuSide Airbags  
Side Airbags  
The side airbags help protect the torso and pelvis of the driver or a front passenger  
during a moderate-to-severe side impact.  
Make sure you and your front seat passenger always  
sit upright. Leaning into the path of a side airbag can  
prevent the airbag from deploying properly and  
increases your risk of serious injury.  
Housing Locations  
The side airbags are housed in the outside  
edge of the driver’s and passenger’s seat-  
Do not attach accessories on or near the side airbags.  
They can interfere with the proper operation of the  
airbags, or hurt someone if an airbag inflates.  
Both are marked SIDE AIRBAG.  
Do not cover or replace the front seat-back covers  
without consulting a dealer.  
Improperly replacing or covering front seat-back  
covers can prevent your side airbags from properly  
deploying during a side impact.  
When the sensors detect a moderate-to-  
severe side impact, the control unit signals the  
side airbag on the impact side to immediately  
uuAirbagsuSide Airbags  
When a side airbag deploys with little or no visible damage  
Because the airbag system senses sudden acceleration, a strong impact to the side  
of the vehicle’s framework can cause a side airbag to deploy. In such cases, there  
may be little or no damage, but the side impact sensors detected a severe enough  
impact to deploy the airbag.  
When a side airbag may not deploy, even though visible damage appears  
It is possible for a side airbag not to deploy during an impact that results in  
apparently severe damage. This can occur when the point of impact was toward the  
far front or rear of the vehicle, or when the vehicle’s crushable body parts absorbed  
most of the crash energy. In either case, the side airbag would not have been  
needed nor provided protection even if it had deployed.  
uuAirbagsuSide Curtain Airbags  
Side Curtain Airbags  
The side curtain airbags help protect the heads of the driver and passengers in the  
outer seating positions during a moderate-to-severe side impact. The side curtain  
airbags equipped in this vehicle are also designed to help reduce the likelihood of  
partial and complete ejection of vehicle occupants through side windows in crashes,  
particularly rollover crashes.  
To get the best protection from the side curtain  
airbags, occupants should wear their seat belts  
properly and sit upright and well back in their seats.  
Do not attach any objects to the side windows or roof  
pillars as they can interfere with the proper operation  
of the side curtain airbags.  
Housing Locations  
The side curtain airbags are located in the  
ceiling above the side windows on both sides  
of the vehicle.  
If the impact is on the passenger’s side, the  
passenger’s side curtain airbag deploys even if there  
are no occupants on that side of the vehicle.  
If the SRS control unit senses that your vehicle is  
about to rollover, it immediately deploys both side  
curtain airbags and activates both front seat belt  
Side Curtain Airbag Storage  
The side curtain airbag is designed to deploy  
in a rollover or a moderate-to-severe side  
Deployed Side Curtain Airbag  
uuAirbagsuAirbag System Indicators  
When side curtain airbags deploy in a frontal collision  
One or both side curtain airbags may also inflate in a moderate-to-severe angled  
frontal collision.  
Airbag System Indicators  
If a problem occurs in the airbag system, the SRS indicator will come on and a  
message appears on the driver information interface.  
Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Indicator  
When the power mode is set to ON  
The indicator comes on for a few seconds,  
then goes off. This tells you the system is  
working properly.  
Ignoring the SRS indicator can result in  
serious injury or death if the airbag systems  
or tensioners do not work properly.  
Have your vehicle checked by a dealer as  
soon as possible if the SRS indicator alerts  
you to a possible problem.  
If the indicator comes on at any other time, or does not come on at all, have the  
system checked by a dealer as soon as possible. If you don’t, your airbags and seat  
belt tensioners may not work properly when they are needed.  
uuAirbagsuAirbag System Indicators  
Passenger Airbag Off Indicator  
To ensure the passenger is detected properly, confirm  
The occupant is sitting in an upright position,  
wearing the seat belt properly and the seat-back is  
not excessively reclined.  
The occupant is not leaning against the door or  
center console.  
The occupant’s feet are placed on the floor in front  
of them.  
When the passenger airbag off  
indicator comes on  
The indicator comes on to alert you that the  
passenger’s airbag has been turned off. This  
occurs if the seat is empty or when the weight  
sensors determine that a small child or infant  
is on the passenger seat.  
There are no objects hanging from the front  
passenger’s seat.  
Only small, lightweight objects are in the seat-back  
Children age 12 or under should always ride properly restrained in a back seat.  
No liquid has been spilled on or under the seat.  
There is no child seat or other object pressing  
against the rear of the seat or seat-back.  
There is no rear passenger pushing or pulling on  
the back of the front passenger’s seat.  
There are no objects placed under or beside the  
front passenger’s seat. Improperly positioned  
objects can interfere with the advanced airbag  
2 Child Safety P. 64  
If the indicator is on in the event of a crash, the passenger’s airbag will not deploy.  
The passenger’s knee airbag will not deploy, either.  
The floor mat behind the front passenger’s seat is  
set in the correct position evenly on the floor. An  
improperly placed mat can interfere with the  
advanced airbag sensors.  
The head restraint is not contacting the roof.  
uuAirbagsuAirbag System Indicators  
The passenger airbag off indicator may come on and  
go off periodically if the total weight on the seat is  
near the airbag cutoff threshold. For a small adult,  
depending on physique and posture, the system may  
not recognize him/her as an adult and thus deactivate  
the passenger’s airbag.  
If this occurs, please confirm that the conditions set  
forth in the above bullet points on the previous page  
are met.  
If the above conditions are met and the indicator is  
still on, then with the transmission in (P, set the  
power mode to OFF and back to ON.  
Have your vehicle checked by a dealer as soon as  
possible if:  
All of the above conditions are met, and the  
indicator comes on with an adult seated in the  
front passenger seat.  
The seat is empty and the indicator is off.  
Do not allow an adult passenger to ride in the front  
seat when the indicator is on.  
uuAirbagsuAirbag Care  
Airbag Care  
You do not need to, and should not, perform any maintenance on or replace any  
airbag system components yourself. However, you should have your vehicle  
inspected by a dealer in the following situations:  
We recommend against the use of salvaged airbag  
system components, including the airbag, tensioners,  
sensors, and control unit.  
When the airbags have deployed  
If an airbag has inflated, the control unit and other related parts must be replaced.  
Similarly, once an automatic seat belt tensioner has been activated, it must be  
When the vehicle has been in a moderate-to-severe collision  
Even if the airbags did not inflate, have your dealer inspect the following: the driver’s  
seat position sensor, weight sensors in the passenger’s seat, front seat belt  
tensioners, and each seat belt that was worn during the crash.  
Do not remove or modify a front seat without consulting a dealer  
This would likely disable or affect the proper operation of the driver’s seat position  
sensor or the weight sensors in the passenger’s seat. If it is necessary to remove or  
modify a front seat to accommodate a person with disabilities, contact a Honda  
dealer, or for U.S. vehicles, American Honda Automobile Customer Service at  
1-800-999-1009 and for Canadian vehicles, Honda Canada Customer Relations at  