Safe Driving -> Seat Belts for Your Honda Accord 4 Door 2023

Seat Belts  
About Your Seat Belts  
Seat belts are the single most effective safety device because they keep you  
connected to the vehicle so that you can take advantage of many built-in safety  
features. They also help keep you from being thrown against the inside of the  
vehicle, against any passengers, or out of the vehicle. When worn properly, seat  
belts also keep your body properly positioned in a crash so that you can take full  
advantage of the additional protection provided by the airbags.  
Not wearing a seat belt properly increases  
the chance of serious injury or death in a  
crash, even though your vehicle has  
In addition, seat belts help protect you in almost every type of crash, including:  
Be sure you and your passengers always  
wear seat belts and wear them properly.  
- frontal impacts  
- side impacts  
- rear impacts  
- rollovers  
If a front or rear seat passenger moves around and  
extends the seat belt, the lockable retractor may  
activate. If this happens, release the retractor by  
unfastening the seat belt and allow the belt to retract  
completely. Then, refasten the belt.  
Lap/shoulder seat belts  
All five seating positions are equipped with lap/shoulder seat belts with emergency  
locking retractors. In normal driving, the retractor lets you move freely while keeping  
some tension on the belt. During a collision or sudden stop, the retractor locks to  
restrain your body.  
If you extend the seat belt too quickly, it will lock in  
place. If this happens, slightly retract the seat belt,  
then extend it slowly.  
The front passenger’s and rear seat belts also have a lockable retractor for use with  
child seats.  
2 Installing a Child Seat with a Lap/Shoulder Seat Belt P. 72  
Seat belts cannot completely protect you in every  
crash. But in most cases, seat belts can reduce your  
risk of serious injury.  
uuSeat BeltsuAbout Your Seat Belts  
Proper use of seat belts  
Follow these guidelines for proper use:  
Most states and all Canadian provinces and territories  
require you to wear seat belts.  
All occupants should sit upright, well back in the seat, and remain in that position  
for the duration of the trip. Slouching and leaning reduce the effectiveness of the  
belt and can increase the chance of serious injury in a crash.  
Never place the shoulder part of a lap/shoulder seat belt under your arm or  
behind your back. This could cause very serious injuries in a crash.  
Two people should never use the same seat belt. If they do, they could be very  
seriously injured in a crash.  
Do not put any accessories on the seat belts. Devices intended to improve comfort  
or reposition the shoulder part of a seat belt can reduce the protective capability  
and increase the chance of serious injury in a crash.  
Seat Belt Reminder  
The indicator will also come on if a front passenger  
does not fasten their seat belt within six seconds after  
the power mode is set to ON.  
Front seats  
The seat belt system includes an indicator on the  
instrument panel to remind the driver or a front  
passenger or both to fasten their seat belts.  
If you set the power mode to ON and a seat  
belt is not fastened, a beeper will sound and  
the indicator will blink. After a few seconds,  
the beeper will stop and the indicator will  
come on and remain illuminated until the seat  
belt is fastened.  
When no one is sitting in the front passenger’s seat,  
the indicator will not come on and the beeper will not  
The indicator also may not come on and the beeper  
may not sound when the occupant is not heavy  
enough to trigger the weight sensor. Such occupants  
(e.g., infants and smaller children) should be moved  
to the rear seat as a deploying front airbag likely will  
injure or kill them.  
2 Protecting Child Passengers P. 64  
The beeper will periodically sound and the  
indicator will blink while the vehicle is moving  
until the seat belt is fastened.  
uuSeat BeltsuAbout Your Seat Belts  
Rear seats  
: Latched  
Your vehicle monitors rear seat belt use. A  
driver information interface notifies you if any  
of the rear seat belts are not used.  
: Unlatched  
The display appears when:  
Any of the rear passengers’ seat belts are  
unfastened when the power mode is  
turned to ON.  
A rear door is opened and then closed.  
Any of the rear passengers fastens or  
unfastens their seat belt.  
The seat belt reminder indicator blinks and  
beeper sounds if any rear passenger’s seat belt  
is unfastened while driving.  
To see the display:  
2 Switching the Display P. 140  
uuSeat BeltsuAbout Your Seat Belts  
Automatic Seat Belt Tensioners  
The seat belt tensioners can only operate once.  
If a tensioner is activated, the SRS indicator will come  
on. Have a dealer replace the tensioner and  
thoroughly inspect the seat belt system as it may not  
offer protection in a subsequent crash.  
The front seats are equipped with automatic seat belt tensioners to enhance safety.  
The tensioners automatically tighten the front seat belts during a moderate-to-  
severe frontal collision, sometimes even if the collision is not severe enough to  
inflate the front airbags or the knee airbags.  
During a moderate-to-severe side impact, the  
tensioner on that side of the vehicle also activates.  
uuSeat BeltsuFastening a Seat Belt  
Fastening a Seat Belt  
After adjusting a front seat to the proper position, and while sitting upright and well  
back in the seat:  
2 Seats P. 212  
No one should sit in a seat with an inoperative seat  
belt or one that does not appear to be working  
correctly. Using a seat belt that is not working  
properly may not protect the occupant in a crash.  
Have a dealer check the belt as soon as possible.  
1. Pull the seat belt out slowly.  
Pull out slowly.  
If the seat belt appears to be locked in a fully  
retracted position, firmly pull out on the shoulder belt  
once, then push it back in.  
Then, smoothly pull it out of the retractor and fasten.  
If you are unable to release the seat belt from a fully  
retracted position, do not allow anyone to sit in the  
seat, and take your vehicle to a dealer for repair.  
2. Insert the latch plate into the buckle, then  
tug on the belt to make sure the buckle is  
u Make sure that the belt is not twisted or  
caught on anything.  
uuSeat BeltsuFastening a Seat Belt  
3. Position the lap part of the belt as low as  
possible across your hips, then pull up on  
the shoulder part of the belt so the lap part  
fits snugly. This lets your strong pelvic  
bones take the force of a crash and reduces  
the chance of internal injuries.  
4. If necessary, pull up on the belt again to  
remove any slack, then check that the belt  
rests across the center of your chest and  
over your shoulder. This spreads the forces  
of a crash over the strongest bones in your  
upper body.  
Lap belt  
as low as  
Improperly positioning the seat belts can  
cause serious injury or death in a crash.  
Make sure all seat belts are properly  
positioned before driving.  
To release the belt, push the red PRESS button and  
then guide the belt by hand until it has retracted  
When exiting the vehicle, be sure the belt is properly  
stowed so that it will not get caught in the closing  
Never insert any foreign objects into the buckle or  
retractor mechanism.  
Adjusting the Shoulder Anchor  
After an adjustment, make sure that the shoulder  
anchor position is secure.  
The front seats have adjustable shoulder anchors to accommodate taller and shorter  
1. Move the anchor up and down while  
holding the release button.  
2. Position the anchor so that the belt rests  
across the center of your chest and over  
your shoulder.  
The shoulder anchor height can be adjusted to four  
levels. If the belt contacts your neck, lower the height  
one level at a time.  
uuSeat BeltsuFastening a Seat Belt  
Advice for Pregnant Women  
Each time you have a checkup, ask your doctor if it is  
okay for you to drive.  
If you are pregnant, the best way to protect yourself and your unborn child when  
driving or riding in a vehicle is to always wear a seat belt and keep the lap part of the  
belt as low as possible across the hips.  
To reduce the risk of injuries to both you and your  
unborn child that can be caused by an inflating front  
When driving, sit upright and adjust the seat as far  
back as possible while allowing full control of the  
Wear the shoulder belt  
across the chest avoiding  
the abdomen.  
When sitting in the front passenger’s seat, adjust  
the seat as far back as possible.  
Wear the lap part of the  
belt as low as possible  
across the hips.  
uuSeat BeltsuSeat Belt Inspection  
Seat Belt Inspection  
Regularly check the condition of your seat belts as follows:  
Pull each belt out fully, and look for frays, cuts, burns, and wear.  
Check that the latch plates and buckles work smoothly and the belts retract  
u If a belt does not retract easily, cleaning the belt may correct the problem. Only  
use a mild soap and warm water. Do not use bleach or cleaning solvents. Make  
sure the belt is completely dry before allowing it to retract.  
Not checking or maintaining seat belts can  
result in serious injury or death if the seat  
belts do not work properly when needed.  
Check your seat belts regularly and have  
any problem corrected as soon as possible.  
Any belt that is not in good condition or working properly will not provide proper  
protection and should be replaced as soon as possible.  
A belt that has been worn during a crash may not provide the same level of  
protection in a subsequent crash. Have your seat belts inspected by a dealer after  
any collision.