Convenient Features of Your Vehicle -> Instrument Cluster for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Type A  
1. Tachometer  
2. Speedometer  
3. Engine coolant temperature gauge  
4. Fuel gauge  
Type B  
5. Warning and indicator lights  
6. LCD display (including Trip computer)  
The actual cluster in the vehicle may dif-  
fer from the illustration.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Instrument Cluster Control  
Adjusting instrument cluster  
Never adjust the instrument  
cluster while driving. Doing so  
could lead to driver distraction  
which may cause an accident  
and lead to vehicle damage,  
serious injury, or death.  
• The brightness of the instrument  
panel illumination is displayed.  
• If the brightness reaches the maxi-  
mum or minimum level, a chime  
will sound.  
When the vehicle's parking lights or  
headlights are on, press the illumina-  
tion control button to adjust the  
brightness of the instrument panel  
When pressing the illumination con-  
trol button, the interior switch illumi-  
nation intensity is also adjusted.  
Engine Coolant Temperature  
Gauges and Meters  
The tachometer indicates the  
approximate number of engine revo-  
lutions per minute (rpm).  
Use the tachometer to select the cor-  
rect shift points and to prevent lug-  
ging and/or over-revving the engine.  
This gauge indicates the tempera-  
ture of the engine coolant when the  
ignition switch in the ON position.  
The speedometer indicates the  
speed of the vehicle and is calibrated  
in miles per hour (mph) and/or kilo-  
meters per hour (km/h).  
Do not operate the engine within  
the tachometer's RED ZONE. This  
may cause severe engine damage.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Fuel Gauge  
If the gauge pointer moves  
beyond the normal range area  
toward the "H" position, it indi-  
cates overheating that may dam-  
age the engine.  
Do not continue driving with an  
overheated engine. If your vehicle  
overheats, refer to "If the Engine  
Overheats" in chapter 6.  
Running out of fuel can expose  
vehicle occupants to danger.You  
must stop and obtain additional  
fuel as soon as possible after  
the warning light comes on or  
when the gauge indicator comes  
close to the "E (Empty)" level.  
Avoid driving with an extremely  
low fuel level. Running out of fuel  
could cause the engine to misfire,  
damaging the catalytic converter.  
This gauge indicates the approxi-  
mate amount of fuel remaining in the  
fuel tank.  
Never remove the radiator cap  
or engine coolant reservoir cap  
when the engine is hot. The  
engine coolant is under pres-  
sure and could severely burn.  
Wait until the engine is cool  
before adding coolant to the  
• The fuel tank capacity is given in  
chapter 8.  
• The fuel gauge is supplemented by a  
low fuel warning light, which will  
illuminate when the fuel tank is  
nearly empty.  
• On inclines or curves, the fuel gauge  
pointer may fluctuate or the low fuel  
warning light may come on earlier  
than usual due to the movement of  
fuel in the tank.  
Type A  
Type B  
• If the vehicle is not on level ground  
or the battery power has been  
interrupted, the range function  
may not operate correctly.  
• The range may differ from the  
actual driving distance as it is only  
an estimate of the available driving  
range for the vehicle and driving  
• The trip computer may not register  
additional fuel if less than 1.6 gal-  
lon (6 liters) of fuel are added to the  
• The range may vary significantly  
based on driving conditions, driving  
habits, and condition of the vehicle.  
The odometer indicates the total dis- • The range is the estimated dis-  
tance that the vehicle has been driv-  
en and should be used to determine  
when periodic maintenance should  
be performed.  
tance the vehicle can be driven  
with the remaining fuel.  
• If the estimated distance is below  
1 mi. (1 km), the trip computer will  
display "---" as range.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
The outside temperature on the dis-  
play may not change immediately  
like a general thermometer to pre-  
vent the driver from being inattentive.  
Outside temperature gauge  
Icy Road Warning Light  
Type A  
Type B  
Type A  
Type B  
To change the temperature unit from  
°F to °C or °C to °F:  
- Go to User Settings Mode Other  
Features Temperature Unit.  
- Press the AUTO button for 3 sec-  
onds while pressing the OFF button.  
(Automatic climate control system)  
Both the temperature unit on the  
cluster LCD display and climate con-  
trol screen will change.  
This gauge indicates the current out-  
side air temperatures by 1°F (1°C).  
This warning light is to warn the driv-  
er the road may be icy.  
- Temperature range : -40°F ~ 140°F  
(-40°C ~ 60°C)  
When the following conditions occur,  
the warning light (including Outside  
Temperature Gauge) blinks 10 times  
and then illuminates, and also warn-  
ing chime sounds 3 times.  
- The temperature on the Outside  
Temperature Gauge is below  
approximately 39°F (4°C).  
Type A  
Type B  
Automatic transmission shift  
indicator (If equipped)  
If the icy road warning light appears  
while driving, you should drive more  
attentively and safely refraining from  
over-speeding, rapid acceleration,  
sudden braking or sharp turning, etc.  
Type A  
Type B  
Shift indicator pop-up (if equipped)  
The pop-up displays the current gear  
position selected for 2 seconds  
This indicator displays which auto-  
matic transmission shift lever is  
• Park : P  
• Reverse : R  
• Neutral : N  
• Drive : D  
• Manual Shift Mode  
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Seat Belt Warning Light  
Parking Brake & Brake  
Fluid Warning Light  
Warning and Indicator Lights  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
- It remains on if the parking brake  
is applied.  
This warning light informs the driver  
that the seat belt is not fastened.  
Make sure that all warning lights are  
OFF after starting the engine. If any  
light is still ON, this indicates a situa-  
tion that needs attention.  
For more details, refer to the "Seat  
Belts" in chapter 2.  
Supplemental Restraint  
System Warning Light  
• When the parking brake is applied.  
• When the brake fluid level in the  
reservoir is low.  
- If the warning light illuminates  
with the parking brake released, it  
indicates the brake fluid level in  
reservoir is low.  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 6  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the SRS.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
If the brake fluid level in the reser-  
voir is low:  
Dual-diagonal braking system  
Your vehicle is equipped with dual-  
1. Drive carefully to the nearest safe diagonal braking systems. This  
Parking Brake & Brake Fluid  
Warning Light  
location and stop your vehicle.  
2. With the engine stopped, check  
the brake fluid level immediately  
means you still have braking on two  
wheels even if one of the dual sys-  
tems should fail.  
Driving the vehicle with a warn-  
ing light ON is dangerous. If the  
Parking Brake & Brake Fluid  
Warning Light illuminates with  
the parking brake released, it  
indicates that the brake fluid  
level is low.  
In this case, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
and add fluid as required (For With only one of the dual systems  
more details, refer to "Brake working, more than normal pedal  
Fluid" in chapter 7). After adding travel and greater pedal pressure is  
brake fluid, check all brake com- required to stop the vehicle.  
ponents for fluid leaks. If a brake  
fluid leak is found, or if the warning  
light remains on, or if the brakes  
do not operate properly, do not  
drive the vehicle. Have the vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Also, the vehicle will not stop in as  
short a distance with only a portion  
of the brake system working.  
If the brakes fail while you are driv-  
ing, shift to a lower gear for addition-  
al engine braking and stop the vehi-  
cle as soon as it is safe to do so.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Anti-lock Brake System  
(ABS) Warning Light  
Electronic Brake force  
Distribution (EBD)  
System Warning Light  
Electronic Brake force  
Distribution (EBD) System  
Warning Light  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the ABS (The normal braking sys-  
tem will still be operational without  
the assistance of the anti-lock  
brake system).  
When both ABS and Parking  
Brake & Brake Fluid Warning  
Lights are on, the brake system  
will not work normally and you  
may experience an unexpected  
and dangerous situation during  
sudden braking.  
These two warning lights illuminate  
at the same time while driving:  
When the ABS and regular brake  
system may not work normally.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
In this case, avoid high speed  
driving and abrupt braking.  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
In this case, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Electronic Power  
Steering (EPS)  
Warning Light  
Malfunction Indicator  
Lamp (MIL)  
- Electronic  
Brake force Distribution (EBD)  
System Warning Light  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
Engine Start/Stop button to the ON  
- It remains on until the engine is  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the emission control system.  
When the ABS Warning Light is on or  
both ABS and Parking Brake & Brake  
Fluid Warning Lights are on, the  
speedometer, odometer, or tripmeter  
may not work. Also, the EPS Warning  
Light may illuminate and the steering  
effort may increase or decrease.  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It remains on until the engine is  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the EPS.  
In this case, have your vehicle inspect-  
ed by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Electronic Parking  
Brake (EPB) Warning  
Charging System  
Warning Light  
Driving with the Malfunction  
Indicator Lamp (MIL) on may  
cause damage to the emission  
control systems which could  
affect drivability and/or fuel econ-  
If this warning light comes on while  
the engine is running, the battery is  
not being charged. Immediately turn  
off all electrical accessories. Try not  
to use electrically operated controls,  
such as the power windows. Keep the  
engine running; starting the engine  
will quickly discharge the battery.  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch  
or the Engine Start/Stop button to  
the ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the EPB.  
If the Malfunction Indicator Lamp  
(MIL) illuminates, potential catalyt-  
ic converter damage is possible  
which could result in loss of  
engine power.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
If there is a malfunction with either  
the alternator or electrical charging  
1. Drive carefully to the nearest safe  
location and stop your vehicle.  
2. Turn the engine off and check the  
alternator drive belt for looseness  
or breakage.  
If this occurs, have the vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
The Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)  
Warning Light may illuminate when  
the Electronic Stability control (ESC)  
Indicator Light comes on to indicate  
that the ESC is not working properly  
(This does not indicate malfunction of  
the EPB).  
If the belt is adjusted properly,  
there may be a problem in the  
electrical charging system.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Engine Oil Pressure  
Warning Light  
Low Fuel Level  
Warning Light  
• If the engine is not turned OFF  
immediately after the Engine Oil  
Pressure Warning Light is illumi-  
nated, severe damage could  
• If the warning light stays on  
while the engine is running, it  
indicates that there may be seri-  
ous engine damage or malfunc-  
tion. In this case:  
1. Stop the vehicle as soon as it  
is safe to do so.  
2. Turn off the engine and check  
the oil level. If the oil level is  
low, fill the engine oil to the  
proper level.  
3. Start the engine again. If the  
warning light stays on after  
the engine is started, the  
engine odd immediately and  
have the vehicle towed to an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer  
for inspection.  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It remains on until the engine is  
• When the engine oil pressure is low.  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When the fuel tank is nearly empty.  
Add fuel as soon as possible.  
Driving with the Low Fuel Level  
warning light on or with the fuel  
level below "E" can cause the  
engine to misfire and damage the  
catalytic converter.  
If the engine oil pressure is low:  
1. Drive carefully to the nearest safe  
location and stop your vehicle.  
2. Turn the engine off and check the  
engine oil level (For more details,  
refer to "Engine Oil" in chapter  
7). If the level is low, add oil as  
If the warning light remains on after  
adding oil and restarting the engine  
or if oil is not available, turn off the  
engine. There is a mechanical con-  
cern that needs to be repaired  
before you can continue driving. In  
this case, have your vehicle inspect-  
ed by an authorized HYUNDAI deal-  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
This warning light remains ON  
after blinking for approximately 60  
seconds, or repeatedly blinks ON  
and OFF in 3 second intervals:  
When there is a malfunction with the  
Master Warning Light  
Low Tire Pressure  
Warning Light  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When one or more of your tires are  
significantly underinflated (The  
location of each underinflated tire  
is displayed on the LCD display).  
This warning light illuminates  
when there is a malfunction in any  
of the following systems:  
- LED Headlamp  
- Forward Collision Avoidance Assist  
- Blind Spot Collision Warning  
- Smart Cruise Control System  
- Headlamp/Tail lamp Bulb  
- High Beam Assist  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
For more details, refer to "Tire  
Pressure Monitoring System  
(TPMS)" in chapter 6.  
For more details, refer to "Tire  
Pressure Monitoring System  
(TPMS)" in chapter 6.  
Safe Stopping  
- Tire Pressure Monitoring System  
The TPMS cannot alert you to  
severe and sudden tire damage  
caused by external factors.  
If you notice any vehicle insta-  
bility, immediately take your  
foot off the accelerator pedal,  
apply the brakes gradually with  
light force, and slowly move to  
a safe position off the road.  
When this occurs, in order to identify  
the details of the warning in your  
vehicle, refer to the message in the  
cluster LCD display.  
The information provided may dif-  
fer depending on which functions  
are applicable to your vehicle.  
All Wheel Drive (AWD)  
Warning Light  
(if equipped)  
Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist (FCA)  
System Warning Light  
(if equipped)  
Lane Keeping Assist  
(LKA) System Indicator  
Light (if equipped)  
This warning light illuminates:  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• [Green] When the system operat-  
ing conditions are satisfied.  
• [White] The system operating con-  
ditions are not satisfied.  
• [Yellow] When there is a malfunc-  
tion with the lane keeping assist  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the FCA.  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
Engine Start/Stop Button to the ON  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the AWD system.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
If this occurs, have the vehicle inspect-  
ed by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
For more details, refer to "Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)  
system" in chapter 5.  
For more details, refer to "Lane  
Keeping Assist (LKA) system" in  
chapter 5.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
This warning light blinks:  
When there is a malfunction with a  
LED headlight related part.  
LED Headlight Warning  
Light (if equipped)  
Electronic Stability  
Control (ESC) Indicator  
If this occurs, have the vehicle  
inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI  
This warning light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the LED headlight.  
If this occurs, have the vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the ESC system.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Continuous driving with the LED  
Headlight Warning Light on or  
blinking can reduce LED headlight  
This indicator light blinks:  
While the ESC is operating.  
For more details, refer to  
(ESC)" in chapter 5.  
Electronic Stability  
Control (ESC) OFF  
Indicator Light  
Immobilizer Indicator  
Light (without smart  
key) (if equipped)  
Immobilizer Indicator  
Light (With Smart Key)  
(if equipped)  
This indicator light illuminates for  
up to 30 seconds:  
When the vehicle detects the smart  
key in the vehicle with the Engine  
Start/Stop button in the ACC or ON  
- At this time, you can start the  
- The indicator light goes off after  
starting the engine.  
This indicator light illuminates:  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• When you set the ignition switch or • When the vehicle detects the  
the Engine Start/Stop button to the  
ON position.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When you deactivate the ESC sys-  
tem by pressing the ESC OFF but-  
immobilizer in the key with the igni-  
tion switch in the ON position.  
- At this time, you can start the  
- The indicator light goes off after  
starting the engine.  
This indicator light blinks:  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the immobilizer system.  
If this occurs, have the vehicle  
For more details, refer to  
This indicator light blinks for a few  
When the smart key is not in the  
(ESC)" in chapter 5.  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
- At this time, you cannot start the  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
This indicator light illuminates for  
2 seconds and goes off:  
Turn Signal Indicator  
High Beam Indicator  
If the smart key is in the vehicle and  
the Engine Start/Stop button is ON,  
but the vehicle cannot detect the  
smart key.  
This indicator light blinks:  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• When you operate the turn signal • When the headlights are on and in  
the high beam position.  
• When the turn signal lever is pulled  
into the Flash-to-Pass position.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
If any of the following occurs, there  
may be a malfunction with the turn  
signal system.  
- The turn signal indicator light illu-  
minates but does not blink  
- The turn signal indicator light  
blinks rapidly  
- The turn signal indicator light  
does not illuminate at all  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
This indicator light blinks:  
• When the battery voltage of the  
smart key is low.  
- At this time, you can not start the  
engine. However, you can start the  
engine if you press the ignition  
switch or the Engine Start/Stop but-  
ton with the smart key. (For more  
details, refer to "Starting the  
Engine" in chapter 5).  
If either of these conditions occur,  
have your vehicle inspected by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the immobilizer system.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Light ON Indicator  
High Beam Assist  
(HBA) indicator light  
(if equipped)  
AUTO HOLD Indicator  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• When the tail lights or headlights  
are on.  
This indicator light illuminates :  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• When the high-beam is on with the • [White] When you activate the Auto  
light switch in the AUTO light posi-  
• If your vehicle detects oncoming or • [Green] When you stop the vehicle  
preceding vehicles, the High Beam  
Assist (HBA) system will switch the  
high beam to low beam automati-  
Hold system by pressing the AUTO  
HOLD button.  
Front Fog Indicator  
Light (if equipped)  
completely by depressing the  
brake pedal with the Auto Hold  
system activated.  
• [Yellow] When there is a malfunc-  
tion with the Auto Hold system.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
This indicator light illuminates:  
• When the front fog lights are on.  
For more details, refer to "High  
Beam Assist (HBA) system" in this  
For more details, refer to "Auto  
Hold" in chapter 5.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
All Wheel Drive (AWD)  
LOCK Indicator Light  
(if equipped)  
This indicator light illuminates:  
Downhill Brake Control  
(DBC) Indicator Light  
(if equipped)  
LCD Display Messages  
Shift to P or N to start engine  
(for smart key system)  
This warning message is displayed if  
you try to start the engine with the  
shift lever not in the P (Park) or N  
(Neutral) position.  
• When you set the ignition switch or This indicator light illuminates:  
Engine Start/Stop Button to the ON  
• When you set the ignition switch or  
Engine Start/Stop Button to the ON  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When you activate the system by  
pressing the DBC button.  
- It illuminates for approximately 3  
seconds and then goes off.  
• When you select AWD Lock mode  
by pressing the AWD LOCK button.  
- The AWD LOCK mode is to trans-  
fer a portion of the drive torque to  
the rear wheels for increased  
traction on wet pavement, snow  
covered roads or when driving off  
You can start the engine with the shift  
lever in the N (Neutral) position. But,  
for your safety, we recommend that  
you start the engine with the shift  
lever in the P (Park) position.  
This indicator light blinks:  
• When the DBC is operating.  
This indicator light illuminates yel-  
• When there is a malfunction with  
the DBC system.  
If this occurs, have your vehicle  
AWD Lock Mode  
Do not use the AWD lock mode  
on dry paved roads. Doing so  
can cause abnormal noise or  
vibration, and may damage the  
AWD system.  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
For more details, refer to  
"Downhill Brake Control (DBC)  
System" in chapter 5.  
Shift to P  
(for smart key system)  
Press brake pedal to start  
engine (for smart key system)  
Key not detected  
(for smart key system)  
This message is displayed if you try This warning message is displayed if This warning message is displayed if  
to turn off the engine without the shift the Engine Start/Stop button the smart key is not detected when  
lever in P (Park) position.  
If this occurs, the Engine Start/Stop  
button turns to the ACC position (If  
changes to the ACC position twice you press the Engine Start/Stop but-  
by pressing the button repeatedly ton.  
without depressing the brake pedal.  
you press the Engine Start/Stop but- You can start the vehicle by depress-  
ton once more, it will turn to the ON ing the brake pedal and then press-  
Key not in vehicle  
(for smart key system)  
ing the Engine Start/Stop button.  
This warning message is displayed if  
the smart key is not in the vehicle  
when you press the Engine Start/  
Stop button.  
Press START button again  
(for smart key system)  
Press START button with key  
(for smart key system)  
This message is displayed if you This warning message is displayed if When attempting to start the vehicle,  
were unable to start the vehicle when you press the Engine Start/Stop but- always have the smart key with you.  
the Engine Start/Stop button was ton while the warning message "Key  
not detected" is displayed.  
If this occurs, attempt to start the At this time, the immobilizer indicator  
engine by pressing the Engine light blinks.  
Start/Stop button again.  
If the warning message appears  
Low Key Battery  
each time you press the Engine  
(for smart key system)  
Start/Stop button, have your vehicle  
This warning message is displayed if  
the battery of the smart key is dis-  
charged when the Engine Start/Stop  
button changes to the OFF position.  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Door / Hood / liftgate open indi-  
Sunroof open indicator  
(if equipped)  
Lights Mode  
This indicator displays the exterior  
lights mode when selected using the  
headlamp control stalk.  
To enable or disable this feature in  
the cluster LCD display, go to 'User  
Settings Convenience Wiper/  
Lights Display'.  
This warning message is displayed This warning message is displayed  
indicating which door, or the hood, or if you turn off the engine when the  
the liftgate is open.  
sunroof is open.  
Before driving the vehicle, you  
should confirm that the door/  
hood/liftgate is fully closed.  
Also, check there is no door/  
hood/liftgate open warning light  
or message displayed on the  
instrument cluster.  
Heated Steering Wheel turned  
This message illuminates if the heat-  
ed steering wheel will turn off auto-  
matically approximately 30 minutes  
after the heated steering wheel is  
turned on.  
For more details, refer to "Heated  
Steering Wheel" in this chapter.  
Check BRAKE SWITCH fuse  
This warning message is displayed if  
the brake switch fuse is disconnect-  
You need to replace the fuse with a  
new one before starting the vehicle.  
If that is not possible, you can start  
the engine by pressing the Engine  
Start/Stop button for 10 seconds in  
the ACC position.  
This indicator displays the windshield  
wiper mode when selected using the  
windshield wiper stalk.  
To enable or disable this feature in  
the cluster LCD display, go to 'User  
Settings Convenience Wiper/  
Lights Display'.  
This warning message is displayed if  
the fuse switch is in the OFF posi-  
If this message is displayed, turn the  
fuse switch on.  
For more details, refer to "Fuses"  
in chapter 7.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Low Pressure  
Low washer fluid  
Engine overheated  
This warning message is displayed This warning message is displayed  
on the service reminder mode if the with a warning chime when the  
washer fluid level in the reservoir is engine coolant temperature is above  
nearly empty.  
248°F (120°C). This means that the  
engine is overheated and may be  
If this warning message is displayed,  
have the washer fluid reservoir  
If your vehicle is overheated, refer  
to "Overheating" in chapter 6.  
Low fuel  
This warning message is displayed if  
the fuel tank is almost out of fuel.  
When this message is displayed, the  
vehicle range is approximately 30  
miles (50 km).  
When this message is displayed, the  
low fuel level warning light in the  
cluster will come on.  
It is recommended to look for the  
nearest fueling station and refuel as  
soon as possible.  
This warning message is displayed if  
the tire pressure is low. The corre-  
sponding tire on the vehicle will be  
For more details, refer to "Tire  
Pressure Monitoring System  
(TPMS)" in chapter 6.  
Add fuel as soon as possible.  
Check headlight  
Check High Beam Assist (HBA)  
system (if equipped)  
Check Forward Collision  
Avoidance Assist system  
This warning message is displayed if  
the headlights are not operating  
properly. A headlight bulb may need  
to be replaced.  
This warning message is displayed if This warning message is displayed if  
there is a problem with the High there is a problem with the Forward  
Beam Assist (HBA) system. Have the Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)  
vehicle inspected by an authorized system. Have the vehicle inspected  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
Make sure to replace the burned out  
bulb with a new one of the same  
wattage rating.  
For more details, refer to "High For more details, refer to "Forward  
Beam Assist (HBA) system" in Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)  
chapter 3.  
system" in chapter 5.  
Check headlight LED  
Check Blind-Spot Collision  
Warning (BCW) system  
(if equipped)  
This warning message is displayed if  
there is a problem with the Blind-  
Spot Collision Warning system. Have  
the vehicle inspected by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
This warning message is displayed if  
there is a problem with the LED  
headlight. Have the vehicle inspect-  
ed by an authorized HYUNDAI deal-  
For more details, refer to "Blind-  
Spot Collision Warning (BCW)"  
System in chapter 5.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Check Smart Cruise Control  
System (if equipped)  
Check Lane Keeping Assist  
(LKA) system (if equipped)  
This warning message is displayed if This warning message is displayed if  
there is a problem with the Smart there is a problem with the Check  
Cruise Control system. Have the Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) system.  
vehicle inspected by an authorized Have the vehicle inspected by an  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
For more details, refer to "Smart For more details, refer to "Check  
Cruise Control with Stop & Go" in Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) sys-  
chapter 5.  
tem" in chapter 5.  
Check Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system (if equipped)  
This warning message is displayed if  
there is a problem with the Driver  
Attention Warning (DAW). Have the  
vehicle inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
For more details, refer to "Driver  
Attention Warning (DAW)" in chap-  
ter 5.  