Convenient Features of Your Vehicle -> Manual Climate Control System for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Type A  
1. Fan speed control knob  
2. Temperature control knob  
3. Mode selection buttons  
4. Front windshield defroster button  
5. Rear window defroster button  
6. Air intake control (recirc) button  
7. A/C (Air conditioning) button*  
8. Air intake control (fresh) button  
* : if equipped  
Type B  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Heating and Air Conditioning  
1. Start the engine.  
2. Set the mode to the desired posi-  
To improve the effectiveness of  
heating and cooling, select the  
mode according to the following:  
- Heating:  
- Cooling:  
3. Set the temperature control to the  
desired position.  
4. Set the air intake control to the  
outside (fresh) air or recirculated  
air position.  
5. Set the fan speed control to the  
desired speed.  
6. If air conditioning is desired, turn  
the air conditioning system on.  
* : if equipped  
Air can be directed to the floor, dash-  
board outlets, or windshield. Five  
symbols are used to represent Face,  
Bi-Level, Floor, Floor-Defrost and  
Front Defrost air position  
Mode selection  
Floor & Defrost  
(A, C, D, E, F)  
Type A  
Most of the air flow is directed to the  
floor and the windshield, with a small  
amount directed to the side window  
defrosters, and side vents.  
Face-Level (B, D, F)  
Front Air Defrost (A, D)  
Air flow is directed toward the upper  
body and face. Additionally, each  
outlet can be controlled to direct the  
air discharged from the outlet.  
Most of the air flow is directed to the  
windshield, with a small amount  
directed to the side window  
Type B  
Bi-Level (B, D, C, E, F)  
In this mode the air conditioning and  
the recirculated air position will be  
selected automatically.  
Air flow is directed towards the face  
and the floor.  
Floor-Level (A, C, D, E, F)  
The mode selection button controls  
the direction of the air flow through  
the ventilation system.  
Most of the air flow is directed to the  
floor, with a small amount directed to  
the windshield, side window  
defrosters, and side vents.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
MAX A/C-Level (B, D)  
Instrument panel vents  
The outlet vents can be opened or  
closed separately using the vent  
control lever. To close the vent com-  
pletely, move the vent control lever  
all the way to the left. You will hear a  
The outlet vents can be opened (  
or closed ( ) separately using the  
Rear (if equipped)  
The MAX A/C mode is used to cool  
the inside of the vehicle faster. Air  
flow is directed toward the upper  
body and face.  
In this mode, the air conditioning and  
the recirculated air position will be  
selected automatically.  
The instrument panel vent air flow  
can be directed up/down or left/right  
using the vent adjustment lever.  
Recirculated air position  
With the recirculated air  
Temperature control  
Air intake control  
Type A  
position selected, air  
from the passenger com-  
partment will be drawn  
through the heated sys-  
tem and heated or  
cooled according to the  
function selected.  
Outside (fresh) air position  
Type A  
With the outside (fresh)  
air position selected, air  
enters the vehicle from  
outside and is heated or  
cooled according to the  
function selected.  
Type B  
The temperature will increase by  
turning the knob to the right.  
The temperature will decrease by  
turning the knob to the left.  
Type B  
This button is used to select the out-  
side (fresh) air position or recirculat-  
ed air position.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Fan speed control  
Prolonged operation of the heater in  
the recirculated air position (without  
air conditioning selected) may cause  
fogging of the windshield and side  
windows and the air within the pas-  
senger compartment may become  
In addition, prolonged use of the air  
conditioning with the recirculated air  
position selected will result in exces-  
sively dry air in the passenger com-  
Continued use of the climate  
control system operation in  
the recirculated air position  
can cause drowsiness or  
sleepiness, that may cause  
loss of vehicle control result-  
ing in an accident. Set the air  
intake control to the outside  
(fresh) air position as much as  
possible while driving.  
Continued use of the climate  
control system operation in  
the recirculated air position  
(without the air conditioning  
selected) may allow humidity  
to increase inside the vehicle  
which may fog the glass and  
obscure visibility.  
Turn the knob to the right to increase  
the fan speed and airflow. Turn the  
knob to the left to decrease fan  
speed and airflow.  
Setting the fan speed control knob to  
the “0” position turns off the fan.  
Do not sleep in a vehicle with  
the air conditioning or heating  
system on. It may cause seri-  
ous injury or death due to a  
drop in the oxygen level  
and/or body temperature.  
Operation Tips  
Air conditioning (if equipped)  
System Operation  
To keep dust or unpleasant fumes  
from entering the car through the  
ventilation system, temporarily set  
the air intake control to the recircu-  
lated air position. Return the con-  
trol to the fresh air position when  
the dust or odor has dissipated.  
This will help keep the driver alert  
and comfortable.  
1. Select the Face Level  
2. Set the air intake control to the  
outside (fresh) air position.  
3. Set the temperature control to the  
desired position.  
4. Set the fan speed control to the  
desired speed.  
To prevent the inside of the wind-  
shield from fogging, set the air  
intake control to the fresh air posi-  
tion and fan speed to the desired  
position, turn on the air conditioning  
system, and adjust the temperature  
control to desired temperature.  
1. Select the Floor Level  
2. Set the air intake control to the  
outside (fresh) air position.  
3. Set the temperature control to the  
desired position.  
Press the A/C button to turn the sys-  
tem on (indicator light will illuminate)  
and off.  
4. Set the fan speed control to the  
desired speed.  
5. If dehumidified heating is desired,  
turn the air conditioning system on.  
If the windshield fogs up, select the  
Floor & Defrost  
the Front Defrost  
mode or press  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Air conditioning system operation  
• If the vehicle has been parked in  
direct sunlight during hot weather,  
open the windows for a short time  
to let the hot air inside the vehicle  
• After sufficient cooling has been  
achieved, switch back from the  
recirculated air to the fresh outside  
air position.  
To help reduce moisture inside of  
the windows on rainy or humid  
days, decrease the humidity inside  
the vehicle by operating the air  
conditioning system with the win-  
dows and sunroof closed.  
Air conditioning  
Your HYUNDAI vehicle air condition-  
ing system is filled with R-1234yf  
1. Start the engine.  
2. Press the air conditioning button.  
When using the air conditioning  
system, monitor the engine tem-  
perature gauge closely while driv-  
ing up hills or in heavy traffic  
when outside temperatures are  
high. Air conditioning system  
operation can cause engine over-  
heating. Continue to use the blow-  
er fan, but turn the air condition-  
ing system off if the engine tem-  
perature gauge indicates engine  
3. Select the Face Level  
4. Set the air intake control to the  
recirculated air position. However,  
prolonged operation of the recircu-  
lated air position will excessively  
dry the air. In this case, switch the  
air intake control to the outside  
(fresh) air position. The indicator  
light on the button will turn OFF.  
5. Adjust the fan speed control and  
temperature control to maintain  
maximum comfort.  
When maximum cooling is desired,  
rotate the temperature control knob  
to the left-most position (MAX AC).  
Then set the fan speed control knob  
to the highest speed.  
• Use the air conditioning system  
every month for a few minutes to  
ensure maximum system perform-  
• If you operate the air conditioner  
excessively, the difference  
Have the climate control air filter  
replaced by an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer according to the maintenance  
schedule. If the car is being driven in  
severe conditions such as dusty or  
rough roads, more frequent climate  
control filter inspections and  
changes are required.  
System Maintenance  
Climate control air filter  
between the temperature of the  
outside air and that of the wind-  
shield could cause the outer sur-  
face of the windshield to fog up,  
causing loss of visibility. In this  
case, set the mode selection but-  
ton to the  
position and set the  
If the air flow rate suddenly decreas-  
es, the system should be checked at  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
fan speed control knob to the low-  
est speed setting.  
[A] : Outside air, [B] : Recirculated air  
[C] : Climate control air filter, [D] : Blower  
[E] : Evaporator core, [F] : Heater core  
This filter is installed behind the  
glove box. It filters the dust or other  
pollutants that enter the vehicle  
through the heating and air condi-  
tioning system.  
Convenient features of your vehicle  
Checking the amount of air  
conditioner refrigerant and  
compressor lubricant  
When the amount of refrigerant is  
low, the performance of the air con-  
ditioning is reduced. Overfilling also  
has a negative influence on the air  
conditioning system.  
Air Conditioning refrigerant label  
Because the refrigerant  
is mildly inflammable at  
very high pressure, the  
air conditioning system  
should only be serv-  
iced by trained and cer-  
Therefore, if abnormal operation is  
found, have the system inspected by  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
tified technicians. It is  
important that the cor-  
rect type and amount of oil and  
refrigerant is used. Otherwise, it  
may cause damage to the vehi-  
cle and personal injury.  
The actual Air Conditioning refriger-  
ant label in the vehicle may differ  
from the illustration.  
It is important that the correct  
type and amount of oil and refrig-  
erant is used. Otherwise, damage  
to the compressor and abnormal  
system operation may occur.  
The air conditioning system should  
be serviced by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Each symbols and specification on  
air conditioning refrigerant label  
means as below :  
1. Classification of refrigerant  
2. Amount of refrigerant  
3. Classification of Compressor  
Refer to chapter 8 for more detail  
location of the air conditioning refrig-  
erant label.  