Driving Your Vehicle for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Driving your vehicle  
Before Entering the Vehicle  
Before Starting  
• Be sure all windows, outside mir- • Make sure the hood, the liftgate,  
ror(s), and outside lights are clean  
and unobstructed.  
• Remove frost, snow, or ice.  
• Visually check the tires for uneven  
wear and damage.  
• Check under the vehicle for any  
sign of leaks.  
and the doors are securely closed  
and locked.  
• Adjust the position of the seat and  
steering wheel.  
• Adjust the inside and outside  
rearview mirrors.  
• Verify all the lights work.  
Engine exhaust and a wide vari-  
ety of automobile components  
including components found in  
the interior furnishings in a  
vehicle, contain or emit harmful  
chemicals known to the State of  
California to cause cancer and  
birth defects and reproductive  
harm. In addition, certain fluids  
contained in vehicles and cer-  
tain products of components  
contain or emit chemicals  
known to the State of California  
to cause cancer and birth  
defects or other reproductive  
• Be sure there are no obstacles • Fasten your seatbelt. Check that all  
behind you if you intend to back up.  
passengers have fastened their  
• Check the gauges and indicators in  
the instrument panel and the mes-  
sages on the instrument display  
when the ignition switch is in the  
ON position.  
• Check that any items you are car-  
rying are stored properly or fas-  
tened down securely.  
You are much more likely to have  
a serious accident if you drink or  
take drugs and drive. If you are  
drinking or taking drugs, don't  
drive. Do not ride with a driver  
who has been drinking or taking  
drugs. Choose a designated  
driver or call a taxi.  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
INJURY or DEATH, take the fol-  
lowing precautions:  
ALWAYS wear your seat belt.  
All passengers must be prop-  
erly belted whenever the vehi-  
cle is moving. For more  
details, refer to "Seat Belts" in  
chapter 2.  
Always drive defensively.  
Assume other drivers or pedes-  
trians may be careless and  
make mistakes.  
Stay focused on the task of  
driving. Driver distraction can  
cause accidents.  
NEVER drink or take drugs and  
Drinking or taking drugs and  
driving is dangerous and may  
result in an accident and SERI-  
Drunk driving is the number  
one contributor to the highway  
death toll each year. Even a  
small amount of alcohol will  
affect your reflexes, percep-  
tions and judgment. Just one  
drink can reduce your ability to  
respond to changing conditions  
and emergencies and your reac-  
tion time gets worse with each  
additional drink.  
Leave plenty of space between  
you and the vehicle in front of  
Driving while under the influ-  
ence of drugs is as dangerous  
or more dangerous than driving  
under the influence of alcohol.  
Driving your vehicle  
Key Ignition Switch  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
INJURY or DEATH, take the fol-  
lowing precautions:  
NEVER allow children or any  
person who is unfamiliar with  
the vehicle to touch the igni-  
tion switch or related parts.  
Unexpected and sudden vehi-  
cle movement can occur.  
NEVER reach through the  
steering wheel for the ignition  
switch, or any other control,  
while the vehicle is in motion.  
The presence of your hand or  
arm in this area may cause a  
loss of vehicle control result-  
ing in an accident.  
NEVER turn the ignition switch  
to the LOCK or ACC position  
while the vehicle is in motion  
except in an emergency. This  
will result in the engine turning  
off and loss of power assist for  
the steering and brake systems.  
This may lead to loss of direc-  
tional control and braking func-  
tion, which could cause an acci-  
Before leaving the driver's seat,  
always make sure the shift lever  
is in P (Park) position, apply the  
parking brake, and turn ignition  
switch to the LOCK position.  
Whenever the front door is opened,  
the ignition switch will illuminate, pro-  
vided the ignition switch is not in the  
ON position. The light will go off  
immediately when the ignition switch  
is turned on or go off after about 30  
seconds when the door is closed.  
Unexpected vehicle movement  
may occur if these precautions  
are not followed.  
Key ignition switch positions  
To turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position, push the  
key in slightly at the ACC position and turn the key  
towards the LOCK position.  
The ignition key can be removed in the LOCK position.  
The steering wheel locks to protect the vehicle from theft.  
(if equipped)  
Some of the electrical accessories are usable.  
The steering wheel unlocks.  
This is the normal key position when the engine has Do not leave the ignition switch in the ON position when  
the engine is not running in order to prevent the battery  
from discharging.  
All features and accessories are usable.  
The warning lights can be checked when you turn the  
ignition switch from ACC to ON.  
To start the engine, turn the ignition switch to the START The engine will crank until you release the key.  
position.The switch returns to the ON position when you  
let go of the key.  
Driving your vehicle  
Starting the engine  
• It is best to maintain a moderate To prevent damage to the vehicle:  
engine speed until the vehicle engine  
comes up to normal operating tem-  
perature. Avoid harsh or abrupt  
acceleration or deceleration while  
the engine is still cold.  
• Do not hold the ignition key in  
the START position for more  
than 10 seconds. Wait 5 to 10  
seconds before trying again.  
Always wear appropriate shoes  
when operating your vehicle.  
Unsuitable shoes, such as high  
heels, ski boots, sandals, flip-  
flops, etc., may interfere with  
your ability to use the brake and  
accelerator pedals.  
• Do not push or tow your vehicle  
to start the engine.  
• Whether the engine is cold or warm,  
always start the vehicle with your  
foot on the brake pedal. Do not  
depress the accelerator while start-  
ing the vehicle. Do not race the  
engine while warming it up.  
1. Make sure the parking brake is  
2. Make sure the shift lever is in P  
3. Depress the brake pedal.  
4. Turn the ignition switch to the  
START position. Hold the key  
(maximum of 10 seconds) until the  
engine starts and release it.  
Engine Start/Stop Button  
This may lead to loss of direc-  
tional control and braking  
function, which could cause  
an accident.  
To turn the engine off in an  
Before leaving the driver's  
seat, always make sure the  
shift lever is in the P (Park)  
position, set the parking  
brake, press the Engine Start/  
Stop button to the OFF posi-  
tion, and take the Smart Key  
with you. Unexpected vehicle  
movement may occur if these  
precautions are not followed.  
NEVER reach through the  
steering wheel for the Engine  
Start/Stop button or any other  
control while the vehicle is in  
motion. The presence of your  
hand or arm in this area may  
cause a loss of vehicle control  
resulting in an accident.  
Press and hold the Engine  
Start/Stop button for more than  
two seconds OR rapidly press  
and release the Engine Start/  
Stop button three times (within  
three seconds).  
If the vehicle is still moving, you  
can restart the engine without  
depressing the brake pedal by  
pressing the Engine Start/Stop  
button with the shift lever in the  
N (Neutral) position.  
Whenever the front door is opened,  
the Engine Start/Stop button will illu-  
minate and will go off 30 seconds  
after the door is closed.  
To reduce risk of serious injury  
or death, NEVER allow children  
or any person who is unfamiliar  
with the vehicle to touch the  
Engine Start/Stop button or  
related parts. Unexpected and  
sudden vehicle movement can  
NEVER press the Engine Start/  
Stop button while the vehicle  
is in motion except in an emer-  
gency. This will result in the  
engine turning off and loss of  
power assist for the steering  
and brake systems.  
Driving your vehicle  
Engine Stop/Start button positions  
Button Position  
To turn off the engine, press the Engine  
Start/Stop button with shift lever in P (Park).  
When you press the Engine Start/Stop but-  
ton without the shift lever in P (Park), the  
Engine Start/Stop button does not turn to the  
OFF position, but turns to the ACC position.  
Press the Engine Start/Stop button when the If you leave the Engine Start/Stop button in the  
button is in the OFF position without depress- ACC position for more than one hour, the bat-  
ing the brake pedal.  
tery power will turn off automatically to prevent  
the battery from discharging.  
Smoe of the electrical accessories are  
Button Position  
Press the Engine Start/Stop button while it is Do not leave the Engine Start/Stop button in  
in the ACC position without depressing the the ON position when the engine is not run-  
brake pedal.  
ning to prevent the battery from discharging.  
The warning lights can be checked before  
the engine is started.  
To start the engine, depress the brake pedal If you press the Engine Start/Stop button with-  
and press the Engine Start/Stop button with out depressing the brake pedal, the engine  
the shift lever in the P (Park) or in the N does not start and the Engine Start/Stop but-  
(Neutral) position.  
ton changes as follows:  
For your safety, start the engine with the shift OFF ACC ON OFF  
lever in the P (Park) position.  
However, the engine may start if you depress  
the brake pedal within 0.5 second after press-  
ing the Engine Start/Stop button when it is in  
the OFF position.  
Driving your vehicle  
1. Always carry the smart key with  
2. Make sure the parking brake is  
3. Make sure the shift lever is in P  
4. Depress the brake pedal.  
Starting the engine  
• The engine will start by pressing the  
Engine Start/Stop button, only when  
the smart key is in the vehicle.  
Always wear appropriate shoes  
when operating your vehicle.  
Unsuitable shoes, such as  
high heels, ski boots, sandals,  
flip-flops, etc., may interfere  
with your ability to use the  
brake and accelerator pedals.  
Do not start the vehicle with the  
accelerator pedal depressed.  
The vehicle can move and lead  
to an accident.  
Wait until the engine rpm is  
normal. The vehicle may sud-  
denly move if the brake pedal  
is released when the rpm is  
• Even if the smart key is in the vehi-  
cle, if it is far away from the driver,  
the engine may not start.  
5. Press the Engine Start/Stop but-  
• When the Engine Start/Stop button  
is in the ACC or ON position, if any  
door is open, the system checks for  
the smart key. If the smart key is not  
in the vehicle, the "  
" indicator  
• Do not wait for the engine to warm  
up while the vehicle remains station-  
ary. Start driving at moderate  
engine speeds. (Aggressive accelerat-  
ing and decelerating should be  
will blink and the warning "Key not  
in vehicle" will come on and if all  
doors are closed, the chime will also  
sound for about 5 seconds. Keep the  
smart key in the vehicle when using  
the ACC position or if the vehicle  
engine is ON.  
• Always start the vehicle with your  
foot on the brake pedal. Do not  
depress the accelerator while start-  
ing the vehicle. Do not race the  
engine while warming it up.  
To prevent damage to the vehicle: To prevent damage to the vehicle:  
• If the engine stalls while you are When the stop lamp fuse is blown,  
in motion, do not attempt to you can't start the engine normal-  
move the shift lever to the P ly. Replace the fuse with a new  
(Park) position.  
one. If you are not able to replace  
the fuse, you can start the engine  
by pressing and holding the  
Engine Start/Stop button for 10  
seconds with the Engine Start/  
Stop button in the ACC position.  
If traffic and road conditions  
permit, you may put the shift  
lever in the N (Neutral) position  
while the vehicle is still moving  
and press the Engine Start/Stop  
button in an attempt to restart Do not press the Engine Start/Stop  
the engine.  
button for more than 10 seconds  
except when the stop lamp fuse is  
If the smart key battery is weak or the  
smart key does not work correctly,  
you can start the engine by pressing  
the Engine Start/Stop button with the  
smart key in the direction of the pic-  
ture above.  
• Do not push or tow your vehicle  
to start the engine.  
For your safety always depress  
the brake pedal before starting the  
Driving your vehicle  
Automatic transmission opera-  
The automatic transmission has six  
forward speeds and one reverse  
The individual speeds are selected  
automatically in the D (Drive) posi-  
Press the shift button, then move shift lever.  
Depress the brake pedal, press ths shift button, and then move shift lever.  
Move shift lever.  
Transmission ranges  
The indicator in the instrument clus-  
ter displays the shift lever position  
when the ignition switch is in the ON  
To reduce the risk of serious  
injury or death:  
ALWAYS check the surround-  
ing areas near your vehicle for  
people, especially children,  
before shifting a vehicle into  
D (Drive) or R (Reverse).  
Before leaving the driver's  
seat, always make sure the  
shift lever is in the P (Park)  
position, then set the parking  
brake, and place the ignition  
switch in the LOCK/OFF posi-  
tion. Unexpected and sudden  
vehicle movement can occur  
if these precautions are not  
Do not use engine braking  
(shifting from a high gear to  
lower gear) rapidly on slip-  
pery roads. The vehicle may  
slip causing an accident.  
Shifting into P (Park) while the  
vehicle is in motion may  
cause you to lose control of  
the vehicle.  
After the vehicle has stopped,  
always make sure the shift  
lever is in P (Park), apply the  
parking brake, and turn the  
engine off.  
P (Park)  
Always come to a complete stop  
before shifting into P (Park).  
To shift from P (Park), you must  
depress firmly on the brake pedal.  
Make sure your foot is off the accel-  
erator pedal.  
If you have done all of the above and  
still cannot shift the lever out of P  
(Park), see "Shift-Lock Release" in  
this section.  
The shift lever must be in P (Park)  
before turning the engine off.  
Do not use the P (Park) posi-  
tion in place of the parking  
Driving your vehicle  
R (Reverse)  
N (Neutral)  
D (Drive)  
Use this position to drive the vehicle The wheels and transmission are not This is the normal driving position.  
The transmission will automatically  
shift through a six-gear sequence,  
providing the best fuel economy and  
Use N (Neutral) if you need to restart  
a stalled engine, or if it is necessary  
to stop with the engine ON. Shift into  
P (Park) if you need to leave your For extra power when passing anoth-  
vehicle for any reason.  
Always depress the brake pedal  
when you are shifting from N  
(Neutral) to another gear.  
Always come to a complete stop  
before shifting into or out of R  
(Reverse); you may damage the  
transmission if you shift into R  
(Reverse) while the vehicle is in  
er vehicle or driving uphill depress  
the accelerator pedal further until  
you feel the transmission downshift  
to a lower gear.  
The DRIVE MODE switch, located  
on the shift lever console, allows the  
driver to switch from COMFORT  
mode to SPORT mode.  
Do not shift into gear unless  
your foot is firmly on the brake  
pedal. Shifting into gear when  
the engine is running at high  
speed can cause the vehicle to  
move very rapidly. You could  
lose control of the vehicle and  
hit people or objects.  
For more details, refer to "Drive  
Mode Integrated Control System"  
later in this chapter.  
• If the driver presses the lever to  
+ (Up) or - (Down) position, the  
transmission may not make the  
requested gear change if the next  
gear is outside of the allowable  
engine rpm range. The driver must  
execute upshifts in accordance with  
road conditions, taking care to keep  
the engine rpms below the red zone.  
In Manual Shift Mode, moving the  
shift lever backwards and forwards  
will allow you to select the desired  
range of gears for the current driving  
+ (Up) : Push the lever forward once  
to shift up one gear.  
- (Down) : Pull the lever backwards  
once to shift down one  
+ (UP)  
• When accelerating from a stop on a  
slippery road, push the shift lever  
forward into the + (Up) position.  
This allows the transmission to shift  
- (DOWN)  
Manual shift mode  
into the 2 gear which is better for  
• Only the six forward gears can be  
selected in Manual shift mode. To  
reverse or park the vehicle, move  
the shift lever to the R (Reverse) or  
P (Park) position as required.  
Whether the vehicle is stationary or  
in motion, manual shift mode is  
selected by pushing the shift lever  
from the D (Drive) position into the  
manual gate. To return to D (Drive)  
range operation, push the shift lever  
back into the main gate.  
smooth driving on a slippery road.  
Push the shift lever to the - (Down)  
side to shift back to the 1 gear.  
• Downshifts are made automatically  
when the vehicle slows down. When  
the vehicle stops, 1 gear is automat-  
ically selected.  
• When the engine rpm approaches  
the red zone the transmission will  
upshift automatically.  
Driving your vehicle  
5. Move the shift lever.  
Shift-Lock System  
Shift-Lock Release  
6. Remove the tool from the shift-  
lock override access hole then  
install the cap.  
For your safety, the automatic trans-  
mission has a shift-lock system  
which prevents shifting the transmis-  
sion from P (Park) into R (Reverse)  
unless the brake pedal is depressed.  
To shift the transmission from P  
(Park) into R (Reverse):  
If you need to use the shift-lock  
release, have your vehicle inspected  
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer  
1. Depress and hold the brake pedal.  
2. Start the engine or place the igni-  
tion switch in the ON position.  
3. Move the shift lever.  
If the shift lever cannot be moved from  
the P (Park) position into R (Reverse)  
position with the brake pedal  
depressed, continue depressing the  
brake, and then do the following:  
1. Place the ignition switch in the  
LOCK/OFF position.  
2. Apply the parking brake.  
3. Carefully remove the cap (1) cov-  
ering the shift-lock release access  
4. Insert a tool (e.g. flathead screw-  
driver) into the access hole and  
press down on the tool.  
• When driving in Manual Shift  
Mode, slow down before shifting to  
a lower gear. Otherwise, the lower  
gear may not be engaged if the  
engine rpms are outside of the  
allowable range.  
• Always apply the parking brake  
when leaving the vehicle. Do not  
depend on placing the transmis-  
sion in P (Park) to keep the vehicle  
from moving.  
• Exercise extreme caution when  
driving on a slippery surface. Be  
especially careful when braking,  
accelerating or shifting gears. On a  
slippery surface, an abrupt change  
in vehicle speed can cause the  
drive wheels to lose traction and  
may cause loss of vehicle control  
resulting in an accident.  
• Optimum vehicle performance and  
economy is obtained by smoothly  
depressing and releasing the  
Good Driving Practices  
Always come to a complete stop and  
continue to depress the brake pedal.  
Move the shift lever into the P (Park)  
position, apply the parking brake,  
and place the ignition switch in the  
LOCK/OFF position. Take the Key  
with you when exiting the vehicle.  
• Never move the shift lever from P  
(Park) or N (Neutral) to any other  
position with the accelerator pedal  
• Never move the shift lever into P  
(Park) when the vehicle is in  
Be sure the vehicle is completely  
stopped before you attempt to shift  
into R (Reverse) or D (Drive).  
• Do not move the shift lever to N  
(Neutral) when driving. Doing so  
may result in an accident because  
of a loss of engine braking and the  
transmission could be damaged.  
• Do not drive with your foot resting  
on the brake pedal. Even light, but  
consistent pedal pressure can  
result in the brakes overheating,  
brake wear and possibly even  
brake failure.  
• Depressing both accelerator and  
brake pedals at the same time can  
trigger logic for engine power  
reduction to assure vehicle decel-  
eration. Vehicle acceleration will  
resume after the brake pedal is  
When you stay in the vehicle  
with the engine running, be  
careful not to depress the  
accelerator pedal for a long  
period of time. The engine or  
exhaust system may overheat  
and start a fire.  
The exhaust gas and the  
exhaust system are very hot.  
Keep away from the exhaust  
system components.  
Do not stop or park over flam-  
mable materials, such as dry  
grass, paper or leaves. They  
may ignite and cause a fire.  
Driving your vehicle  
Information -  
In the event your vehicle  
leaves the roadway, do not  
steer sharply. Instead, slow  
down before pulling back into  
the travel lanes.  
HYUNDAI recommends you  
follow all posted speed limits.  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
Use the kickdown mechanism for  
maximum acceleration. Depress the  
accelerator pedal beyond the pressure  
point. The automatic transmission will  
shift to a lower gear depending on the  
engine speed.  
ALWAYS wear your seatbelt.  
In a collision, an unbelted  
occupant is significantly more  
likely to be seriously injured  
or killed than a properly belt-  
ed occupant.  
Avoid high speeds when cor-  
nering or turning.  
Do not make quick steering  
wheel movements, such as  
sharp lane changes or fast,  
sharp turns.  
The risk of rollover is greatly  
increased if you lose control  
of your vehicle at highway  
Loss of control often occurs if  
two or more wheels drop off  
the roadway and the driver  
over steers to reenter the  
Power Brakes  
Your vehicle has power-assisted  
brakes that adjust automatically  
through normal usage.  
Wet brakes may impair the  
vehicle's ability to safely slow  
down; the vehicle may also  
pull to one side when the  
brakes are applied. Applying  
the brakes lightly will indicate  
whether they have been  
affected in this way. Always  
test your brakes in this fash-  
ion after driving through deep  
water. To dry the brakes, light-  
ly tap the brake pedal to heat  
up the brakes while maintain-  
ing a safe forward speed until  
brake performance returns to  
normal. Avoid driving at high  
speeds until the brakes func-  
tion correctly.  
Take the following precautions:  
Do not drive with your foot  
resting on the brake pedal.  
This will create abnormal high  
brake temperatures, exces-  
sive brake lining and pad  
wear, and increased stopping  
When descending down a  
long or steep hill, move the  
gear shift lever to Manual  
Shift Mode and manually  
downshift to a lower gear in  
order to control your speed  
without using the brake pedal  
excessively. Applying the  
brakes continuously will  
cause the brakes to overheat  
and could result in a tempo-  
rary loss of braking perform-  
If the engine is not running or is  
turned off while driving, the power  
assist for the brakes will not work.  
You can still stop your vehicle by  
applying greater force to the brake  
pedal than typical. The stopping dis-  
tance, however, will be longer than  
with power brakes.  
When the engine is not running, the  
reserve brake power is partially  
depleted each time the brake pedal  
is applied. Do not pump the brake  
pedal when the power assist has  
been interrupted.  
Pump the brake pedal only when  
necessary to maintain steering con-  
trol on slippery surfaces.  
Driving your vehicle  
Disc Brakes Wear Indicator  
Parking Brake  
When your brake pads are worn and  
new pads are required, you will hear  
a high pitched warning sound from  
your front or rear brakes. You may  
hear this sound come and go or it  
may occur whenever you depress  
the brake pedal.  
Note that some driving conditions or  
climates may cause a brake squeal  
when you first apply (or lightly apply)  
the brakes. This is normal and does  
not indicate a problem with your  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
INJURY or DEATH, do not oper-  
ate the parking brake while the  
vehicle is moving except in an  
emergency situation. It could  
damage the brake system and  
lead to an accident.  
Always set the parking brake before  
leaving the vehicle. To apply the  
parking brake:  
To avoid costly brake repairs, do  
not continue to drive with worn  
brake pads.  
Firmly depress the brake pedal.  
Depress the parking brake pedal  
down as far as possible.  
Always replace brake pads as com-  
plete front or rear axle sets.  
• Do not apply the accelerator  
pedal while the parking brake is  
engaged. If you depress the  
accelerator pedal with the park-  
ing brake engaged, warning will  
sound. Damage to the parking  
brake may occur.  
• Driving with the parking brake  
on can overheat the braking sys-  
tem and cause premature wear  
or damage to brake parts. Make  
sure the parking brake is  
released and the Brake Warning  
Light is off before driving.  
Whenever leaving the vehicle  
or parking, always come to a  
complete stop and continue to  
depress the brake pedal. Move  
the shift lever into P (Park)  
position, then apply the park-  
ing brake, and place the igni-  
tion switch in the LOCK/OFF  
Vehicles with the parking  
brake not fully engaged are at  
risk for moving inadvertently  
and causing injury to yourself  
or others.  
To release:  
Firmly depress the brake pedal.  
Depress the parking brake pedal  
down and it will release automatical-  
If the parking brake does not release  
or does not release all the way, have  
your vehicle checked by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
NEVER allow anyone who is  
unfamiliar with the vehicle to  
touch the parking brake. If the  
parking brake is released  
unintentionally, serious injury  
may occur.  
Only release the parking  
brake when you are seated  
inside the vehicle with your  
foot firmly on the brake pedal.  
Driving your vehicle  
Check the Parking  
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)  
Applying the parking brake  
Brake Warning Light  
by placing the ignition  
switch to the ON posi-  
tion (do not start the  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
INJURY or DEATH, do not oper-  
ate the EPB while the vehicle is  
moving except in an emergency  
situation. It could damage the  
brake system and lead to an  
This light will be illuminated when the  
parking brake is applied with the igni-  
tion switch in the START or ON posi-  
Before driving, be sure the parking  
brake is released and the Brake  
Warning Light is OFF.  
If the Parking Brake Warning Light  
remains on after the parking brake is  
released while engine is running,  
there may be a malfunction in the  
brake system. Immediate attention is  
If at all possible, cease driving the  
vehicle immediately. If that is not pos-  
sible, use extreme caution while  
operating the vehicle and only con-  
tinue to drive the vehicle until you  
can reach a safe location.  
To apply the EPB  
(Electronic Parking Brake):  
1. Depress the brake pedal.  
2. Pull up the EPB switch.  
Make sure the Parking Brake  
Warning Light comes on.  
The Electronic Parking Brake will  
release automatically under the fol-  
lowing conditions:  
1) Driver and passenger seat belts  
are fastened.  
2) All doors, the hood, and the lift-  
gate are closed.  
3) The engine is running.  
Releasing the Electronic  
Parking Brake (EPB)  
• For your safety, you can engage the  
EPB even though the ignition switch  
is in the OFF position, but you can-  
not release it.  
• For your safety, depress the brake  
pedal and release the parking brake  
manually with the EPB switch when  
you drive downhill or when backing  
up the vehicle.  
4) Shifting out of P (Park) or N  
(Neutral) :  
With the engine running and the  
gear shift lever in either P (Park)  
or N (Neutral), depress the brake  
pedal and shift to either R  
(Reverse) or D (Drive).  
• If the parking brake warning  
light is still on even though the  
EPB has been released, have the  
system checked by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
• Do not drive your vehicle with  
the EPB applied. It may cause  
excessive brake pad and brake  
rotor wear.  
To release the EPB (Electronic  
Parking Brake), press the EPB  
switch in the following condition:  
• Make sure the ignition is ON posi-  
5) Gradually depress the accelerator  
Make sure the Parking Brake  
Warning light goes off.  
• Depress the brake pedal.  
Make sure the Parking Brake  
Warning Light goes off.  
Driving your vehicle  
EPB (Electronic Parking Brake)  
may be automatically applied  
Warning messages  
Whenever leaving the vehicle  
or parking, always come to a  
complete stop and continue  
to depress the brake pedal.  
• Requested by other systems  
• The driver turns the engine off  
while Auto Hold is operating.  
Move the shift lever into the P  
(Park) position, press the EPB  
switch, and set the ignition  
switch to the OFF position.  
Take the Key with you when  
exiting the vehicle.  
Vehicles not fully engaged in  
P (Park) with the parking  
brake set are at risk for mov-  
ing inadvertently and causing  
injury to yourself or others.  
NEVER allow anyone who is  
unfamiliar with the vehicle to  
touch the EPB switch. If the  
EPB is released unintentional-  
ly, serious injury may occur.  
To release EPB, fasten seatbelt,  
close door, hood and liftgate  
• If you try to drive with the EPB  
applied, a warning will sound and a  
message will appear.  
• If the driver's seat belt is unfas-  
tened and the engine hood or lift-  
gate is opened, a warning will  
sound and a message will appear.  
Only release the EPB when  
you are seated inside the  
vehicle with your foot firmly  
on the brake pedal.  
• If there is a problem with the vehi-  
cle, a warning may sound and a  
message may appear.  
If the situation occurs, depress the  
brake pedal and release EPB by  
pressing the EPB switch.  
• Do not apply the accelerator • A clicking sound may be heard  
pedal while the parking brake is  
engaged. If you depress the  
accelerator pedal with the EPB  
engaged, a warning will sound  
and a message will appear.  
Damage to the parking brake  
may occur.  
while operating or releasing the  
EPB. These conditions are normal  
and indicate that the EPB is func-  
tioning properly.  
• When leaving your keys with a  
parking attendant or assistant,  
make sure to inform him/her how  
to operate the EPB.  
• Driving with the parking brake  
on can overheat the braking sys-  
tem and cause premature wear  
or damage to brake parts. Make  
sure the EPB is released and the  
Parking Brake Warning Light is  
off before driving.  
AUTO HOLD turning Off!  
Press brake pedal  
When the conversion from Auto Hold  
to EPB is not working properly a  
warning will sound and a message  
will appear.  
Driving your vehicle  
The EPB malfunction indicator may  
illuminate when the ESC indicator  
comes on to indicate that the ESC is  
not working properly, but it does not  
indicate a malfunction of the EPB.  
EPB malfunction indicator  
• If the EPB warning light is still  
on, have the system checked by  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
• If the parking brake warning  
light does not illuminate or  
blinks even though the EPB  
switch was pulled up, the EPB  
may not be applied.  
• If the parking brake warning  
light blinks when the EPB warn-  
ing light is on, press the switch,  
and then pull it up. Repeat this  
one more time. If the EPB warn-  
ing does not go off, have the  
system checked by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
Parking brake automatically  
If the EPB is applied while Auto Hold  
is activated, a warning will sound and  
a message will appear.  
This warning light illuminates if the  
ignition switch is set to the ON posi-  
tion and goes off in approximately 3  
seconds if the system is operating  
If the EPB malfunction indicator  
remains on, comes on while driving,  
or does not come on when the igni-  
tion switch is changed to the ON  
position, this indicates that the EPB  
may have malfunctioned.  
If this occurs, have the system  
checked by an authorized HYUNDAI  
Parking brake warning light  
Emergency braking  
Check the Parking If there is a problem with the brake  
Brake Warning Light pedal while driving, emergency brak-  
by placing the ignition ing is possible by pulling up and  
switch to the ON posi- holding the EPB switch. Braking is  
tion (do not start the possible only while you are holding  
If you continuously notice a noise  
or burning smell when the EPB is  
used for emergency braking, have  
system checked by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
the EPB switch. However, braking  
distance will be longer than normal.  
This light will be illuminated when the  
parking brake is applied with the igni-  
tion switch in the START or ON posi-  
When the EPB (Electronic Parking  
Brake) does not release  
If the EPB does not release normal-  
ly, we recommend that you contact  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer by  
loading the vehicle on a flatbed tow  
truck and have the system checked.  
Do not operate the parking  
brake while the vehicle is mov-  
ing except in an emergency sit-  
uation. It could damage the  
brake system and lead to a  
severe accident.  
Before driving, be sure the parking  
brake is released and the Brake  
Warning Light is OFF.  
If the Parking Brake Warning Light  
remains on after the parking brake is  
released while engine is running,  
there may be a malfunction in the  
brake system. Immediate attention is  
During emergency braking, the park-  
ing brake warning light will illumi-  
nate to indicate that the system is  
If at all possible, cease driving the  
vehicle immediately. If that is not pos-  
sible, use extreme caution while  
operating the vehicle and only con-  
tinue to drive the vehicle until you  
can reach a safe location.  
Driving your vehicle  
To release :  
Auto Hold (if equipped)  
• If you press the accelerator pedal  
with the shift lever in D (Drive) or  
Manual shift mode, the Auto Hold  
will be released automatically and  
the vehicle will start to move. The  
AUTO HOLD indicator changes  
from green to white.  
• If the vehicle is restarted using the  
cruise control toggle switch (RES+  
or SET-) while Auto Hold and  
cruise control is operating, the  
Auto Hold will be released regard-  
less of accelerator pedal operation.  
The AUTO HOLD indicator  
changes from green to white.  
The Auto Hold maintains the vehicle  
in a standstill even though the brake  
pedal is not depressed after the driv-  
er brings the vehicle to a complete  
stop by depressing the brake pedal.  
To apply :  
2. When you stop the vehicle com-  
pletely by depressing the brake  
pedal, the Auto Hold maintains the  
brake pressure to hold the vehicle  
stationary. The indicator changes  
from white to green.  
3. The vehicle will remain stationary  
even if you release the brake  
When the AUTO HOLD is auto-  
matically released by depress-  
ing the accelerator pedal, always  
take a look around your vehicle.  
Slowly depress the accelerator  
pedal for a smooth start.  
4. If EPB is applied, Auto Hold will be  
1. With the driver's door and engine  
hood closed, depress the brake  
pedal and then press the [AUTO  
HOLD] switch. The white AUTO  
HOLD indicator will come on and  
the system will be in the standby  
In these cases, the parking brake  
warning light comes on, the AUTO  
HOLD indicator changes from  
green to white, and a warning sound  
and a message will appear to inform  
you that EPB has been automatical-  
ly engaged. Before driving off again,  
press foot brake pedal, check the  
surrounding area near your vehicle  
and release parking brake manually  
with the EPB switch.  
To cancel :  
• The Auto Hold does not operate  
- The driver's door is opened  
- The engine hood is opened  
- The shift lever is in P (Park) or R  
- The EPB is applied  
• For your safety, the Auto Hold auto-  
matically switches to EPB when:  
• While operating Auto Hold, you  
may hear mechanical noise.  
However, it is normal operating  
- The driver's door is opened with  
the shift lever in D (Drive) or N  
- The engine hood is opened with the  
shift lever in D (Drive) or N  
1. Depress the brake pedal.  
2. Press the [AUTO HOLD] switch.  
The AUTO HOLD indicator will turn  
If the AUTO HOLD indicator  
changes to yellow, the Auto Hold  
is not working properly. Contact  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
- The vehicle stops for more than 10  
- The vehicle stands on a steep slope  
- The vehicle moves several times  
To prevent, unexpected and  
sudden vehicle movement,  
ALWAYS press your foot on the  
brake pedal to cancel the Auto  
Hold before you:  
- Drive downhill.  
- Drive the vehicle in R (Reverse).  
- Park the vehicle.  
Driving your vehicle  
Warning messages  
Type A  
Type B  
Depress the accelerator pedal  
slowly when you start the  
For your safety, cancel the  
Auto Hold when you drive  
downhill, back up the vehicle  
or park the vehicle.  
AUTO HOLD turning Off!  
Press brake pedal  
When the conversion from Auto Hold  
to EPB is not working properly a  
warning will sound and a message  
will appear.  
When this message is displayed, the  
Auto Hold and EPB may not operate.  
For your safety, depress the brake  
If there is a malfunction with the  
driver's door or engine hood open  
detection system, the Auto Hold  
may not work properly.  
Contact an authorized HYUNDAI  
Parking brake automatically  
When the EPB is applied from Auto  
Hold, a warning will sound and a  
message will appear.  
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)  
An Anti-Lock Braking System  
(ABS) or an Electronic Stability  
Control (ESC) system will not  
prevent accidents due to  
improper or dangerous driving  
maneuvers. Even though vehi-  
cle control is improved during  
emergency braking, always  
safe distance  
Press brake pedal to deactivate  
AUTO HOLD conditions not met.  
Close door hood, and liftgate; fas-  
ten seatbelt  
between you and objects ahead  
of you. Vehicle speeds should  
always be reduced during  
extreme road conditions. The  
braking distance for cars  
equipped with ABS or ESC may  
be longer than for those without  
these systems in the following  
road conditions.  
If you did not apply the brake pedal  
when you release the Auto Hold by When you press the [AUTO HOLD]  
pressing the [AUTO HOLD] switch, a switch, if the driver's door and engine  
warning will sound and a message hood, liftgate are not closed or the  
will appear.  
driver's seat belt is unfastened, a  
warning will sound and a message  
will appear on the LCD display. At  
this moment, press the [AUTO  
HOLD] button after closing the dri-  
ver's door and engine hood, liftgate  
and fastening the seat belt.  
Driving your vehicle  
ABS cannot prevent a loss of stabili-  
ty. Always steer moderately when  
braking hard. Severe or sharp steer-  
ing wheel movement can still cause  
your vehicle to veer into oncoming  
traffic or off the road.  
On loose or uneven road surfaces,  
operation of the anti-lock brake sys-  
tem may result in a longer stopping  
distance than for vehicles equipped  
with a conventional brake system.  
Using ABS  
Drive your vehicle at reduced  
speeds during the following  
Rough, gravel or snow-cov-  
ered roads.  
On roads where the road sur-  
face is pitted or has different  
surface height.  
Tire chains are installed on  
your vehicle.  
The safety features of an ABS  
or ESC equipped vehicle should  
not be tested by high speed  
driving or cornering. This could  
endanger the safety of yourself  
or others.  
To obtain the maximum benefit from  
your ABS in an emergency situation,  
do not attempt to modulate your  
brake pressure and do not try to  
pump your brakes. Depress your  
brake pedal as hard as possible.  
When you apply your brakes under  
conditions which may lock the  
wheels, you may hear sounds from  
the brakes, or feel a corresponding  
sensation in the brake pedal. This is  
normal and it means your ABS is  
ABS does not reduce the time or dis-  
tance it takes to stop the vehicle.  
Always maintain a safe distance from  
the vehicle in front of you.  
ABS will not prevent a skid that  
results from sudden changes in  
direction, such as trying to take a  
corner too fast or making a sudden  
lane change. Always drive at a safe  
speed for the road and weather con-  
The ABS warning light (  
) will stay  
on for several seconds after the igni-  
tion switch is in the ON position.  
During that time, the ABS will go  
through self-diagnosis and the light  
will go off if everything is normal. If  
the light stays on, you may have a  
problem with your ABS. Contact an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon  
as possible  
ABS is an electronic braking system  
that helps prevent a braking skid.  
ABS allows the driver to steer and  
brake at the same time.  
Electronic Stability Control  
When you drive on a road having  
poor traction, such as an icy road,  
and apply your brakes continu-  
ously, the ABS will be active con-  
tinuously and the ABS warning  
If the ABS warning light (  
) is  
on and stays on, you may have  
a problem with the ABS. Your  
power brakes will work normal-  
ly. To reduce the risk of serious  
injury or death, contact your  
HYUNDAI dealer as soon as  
light (  
) may illuminate. Pull  
your car over to a safe place and  
turn the engine off.  
Restart the engine. If the ABS  
warning light is off, then your ABS  
system is normal.  
Otherwise, you may have a prob-  
lem with your ABS system.  
Contact an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer as soon as possible.  
The Electronic Stability Control  
(ESC) system helps to stabilize the  
vehicle during cornering maneuvers.  
ESC checks where you are steering  
and where the vehicle is actually  
going. ESC applies braking pressure  
to any one of the vehicle’s brakes  
and intervenes in the engine man-  
agement system to assist the driver  
with keeping the vehicle on the  
intended path. It is not a substitute  
for safe driving practices. Always  
adjust your speed and driving to the  
road conditions.  
When you jump start your vehicle  
because of a drained battery, the ABS  
warning light (  
) may turn on at the  
same time. This happens because of  
the low battery voltage. It does not  
mean your ABS is malfunctioning.  
Have the battery recharged before  
driving the vehicle.  
Driving your vehicle  
• If the Cruise Control was in use  
when the ESC activates, the  
Cruise Control automatically disen-  
gages. The Cruise Control can be  
reengaged when the road condi-  
tions allow. See "Cruise Control  
System" later in this chapter. (if  
• When moving out of the mud or  
driving on a slippery road, the  
engine RPM (revolutions per  
minute) may not increase even if  
you press the accelerator pedal  
deeply. This is to maintain the sta-  
bility and traction of the vehicle and  
does not indicate a problem.  
ESC operation  
ESC ON condition  
When the ignition switch is in the ON  
position, the ESC and the ESC OFF  
indicator lights illuminate for approxi-  
mately three seconds. After both  
lights go off, the ESC is enabled.  
Never drive too fast for the road  
conditions or too quickly when  
cornering. The ESC system will  
not prevent accidents.  
Excessive speed in turns, abrupt  
maneuvers, and hydroplaning  
on wet surfaces can result in  
severe accidents.  
When operating  
When the ESC is in opera-  
tion, the ESC indicator light  
• When you apply your brakes under  
conditions which may lock the  
wheels, you may hear sounds from  
the brakes, or feel a corresponding  
sensation in the brake pedal. This  
is normal and it means your ESC is  
• When the ESC activates, the  
engine may not respond to the  
accelerator as it does under rou-  
tine conditions.  
Indicator lights  
ESC indicator light (blinks)  
ESC OFF indicator light (comes on)  
ESC OFF condition  
• State 2  
When the ignition switch is placed to  
the ON position, the ESC indicator  
light illuminates, then goes off if the  
ESC system is operating normally.  
The ESC indicator light blinks when-  
ever the ESC is operating.  
If ESC indicator light stays on, your  
vehicle may have a malfunction with  
the ESC system. When this warning  
light illuminates have your vehicle  
checked by an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer as soon as possible.  
To cancel ESC operation :  
Press the ESC OFF button continu-  
ously for more than 3 seconds. The  
ESC OFF indicator light and mes-  
sage illuminates and a warning  
chime sounds. In this state, both the  
traction control function of ESC  
(engine management) and the brake  
control function of ESC (braking  
management) are disabled.  
State 1  
Press the ESC OFF button briefly.  
The ESC OFF indicator light and  
message will illuminate. In this state,  
the traction control function of ESC  
(engine management) is disabled,  
but the brake control function of ESC  
(braking management) still operates.  
If the ignition switch is placed to the  
LOCK/OFF position when ESC is off,  
ESC remains off. Upon restarting the  
engine, the ESC will automatically turn  
on again.  
The ESC OFF indicator light comes  
on when the ESC is turned off.  
Driving your vehicle  
ESC OFF usage  
When Driving  
To prevent damage to the trans-  
The ESC OFF mode should only be  
used briefly to help free the vehicle if  
stuck in snow or mud by temporarily  
stopping operation of the ESC to  
maintain wheel torque.  
To turn ESC off while driving, press  
the ESC OFF button while driving on  
a flat road surface.  
When the ESC is blinking, this  
indicates the ESC is active:  
• Do not allow wheel(s) of one  
axle to spin excessively while  
the ESC, ABS, and parking brake  
warning lights are displayed.  
The repairs would not be cov-  
ered by the vehicle warranty.  
Reduce engine power and do  
not spin the wheel(s) excessive-  
ly while these lights are dis-  
Drive slowly and NEVER attempt  
to accelerate. NEVER turn the  
ESC off while the ESC indicator  
light is blinking or you may lose  
control of the vehicle resulting in  
an accident.  
Driving with wheels and tires with  
different sizes may cause the ESC  
system to malfunction. Before  
replacing tires, make sure all four  
tires and wheels are the same  
size. Never drive the vehicle with  
different sized tires and wheels  
• When operating the vehicle on a  
dynamometer, make sure the  
ESC is turned off (ESC OFF light  
Turning the ESC off does not affect  
ABS or standard brake system opera-  
VSM operation  
VSM ON condition  
The VSM operates when:  
• The Electronic Stability Control  
(ESC) is on.  
• Vehicle speed is approximately  
above 9 mph (15 km/h) on curve  
Vehicle Stability Management  
The VSM does not operate when:  
The Vehicle Stability Management  
(VSM) is a function of the Electronic  
Stability Control (ESC) system. It  
helps ensure the vehicle stays stable  
when accelerating or braking sud-  
denly on wet, slippery and rough  
roads where traction over the four  
tires can suddenly become uneven.  
• Driving on bank road such as gradi-  
ent or incline.  
• Driving rearward.  
• ESC OFF indicator light is on.  
• EPS (Electric Power Steering)  
warning light ( ) is on.  
• Vehicle speed is approximately  
above 12 mph (20 km/h) when the  
vehicle is braking on rough roads.  
When operating  
Take the following precautions  
when using the Vehicle Stability  
Management (VSM):  
ALWAYS check the speed and  
the distance to the vehicle  
ahead. The VSM is not a sub-  
stitute for safe driving prac-  
When you apply your brakes under  
conditions which may activate the  
ESC, you may hear sounds from the  
brakes, or feel a corresponding sen-  
sation in the brake pedal. This is nor-  
mal and it means your VSM is active.  
Never drive too fast for the  
road conditions.The VSM sys-  
tem will not prevent acci-  
dents. Excessive speed in bad  
weather, slippery and uneven  
roads can result in severe  
Driving your vehicle  
VSM OFF condition  
Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC)  
Downhill Brake Control (DBC)  
To cancel VSM operation, press the  
ESC OFF button. ESC OFF indicator  
light ( ) will illuminate.  
To turn on VSM, press the ESC OFF  
button again. The ESC OFF indicator  
light will go out.  
The Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC)  
helps prevent the vehicle from rolling  
backwards when starting a vehicle  
from a stop on a hill. The system  
operates the brakes automatically for  
approximately 2 seconds and releas-  
es the brake after 2 seconds or when  
the accelerator pedal is depressed.  
Type A  
If ESC indicator light ( ) or EPS  
warning light ( ) stays on, your  
vehicle may have a malfunction  
with the VSM system. When the  
warning light illuminates, have  
your vehicle checked by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer as  
soon as possible.  
Always be ready to depress the  
accelerator pedal when starting  
off on a incline.The HAC activates  
only for approximately 2 seconds.  
Type B  
• The HAC does not operate when  
the shift lever is in P (Park) or N  
• The HAC activates even though  
the ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) is off but does not acti-  
vate when the ESC has malfunc-  
Driving with wheels and tires with dif-  
ferent sizes may cause the ESC sys-  
tem to malfunction. Before replacing  
tires, make sure all four tires and  
wheels are the same size. Never  
drive the vehicle with different sized  
tires and wheels installed.  
The Downhill Brake Control (DBC)  
feature assists the driver to descend  
down a steep hill without having to  
depress the brake pedal.  
The system automatically applies the  
brakes to maintain the vehicle speed  
below 5 mph (8 km/h) and allows the  
driver to concentrate on steering the  
vehicle down hill.  
DBC operation  
Indicator light  
Press the DBC button when vehicle speed is under  
25 mph (40 km/h). The DBC system will turn ON and  
enter the standby mode.  
The system does not turn ON if vehicle speed is over  
25 mph (40 km/h).  
Always turn off the DBC on nor-  
mal roads. The DBC might acti-  
vate inadvertently from the stand-  
by mode when driving through  
speed bumps or making sharp  
In the standby mode, if vehicle speed is under 22 mph  
(35 km/h) while driving down a steep hill, the DBC will  
activate automatically.  
In the activated mode, the DBC will temporarily deacti-  
vate under the following conditions:  
• The hill is not steep enough.  
The brake pedal or accelerator pedal is depressed.  
• The DBC defaults to the OFF  
position whenever the ignition  
switch is placed in the ON posi-  
• Noise or vibration may occur  
from the brakes when the DBC is  
If the above conditions are not met, the DBC will auto-  
matically activate again.  
The DBC will turn OFF under the following conditions:  
• The DBC button is pressed again.  
• Vehicle speed is over 38 mph (60 km/h).  
• The rear stop light comes on  
when DBC is activated.  
Driving your vehicle  
To dry the brakes, apply the brakes  
lightly until the braking action returns  
to normal, taking care to keep the  
vehicle under control at all times. If  
the braking action does not return to  
normal, stop as soon as it is safe to  
do so and call an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer for assistance.  
DO NOT drive with your foot resting  
on the brake pedal. Even light, but  
constant pedal pressure can result in  
the brakes overheating, brake wear,  
and possibly even brake failure.  
If a tire goes flat while you are driv-  
ing, apply the brakes gently and  
keep the vehicle pointed straight  
ahead while you slow down. When  
you are moving slowly enough for it  
to be safe to do so, pull off the road  
and stop in a safe location.  
Keep your foot firmly on the brake  
pedal when the vehicle is stopped to  
prevent the vehicle from rolling for-  
Good Braking Practices  
If the DBC red indicator light  
illuminates, the system may  
have overheated or have mal-  
functioned. When the warning  
light illuminates even though  
the DBC system has cooled off,  
have your vehicle checked by  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer  
as soon as possible.  
Whenever leaving the vehicle or  
parking, always come to a com-  
plete stop and continue to  
depress the brake pedal. Move  
the shift lever into the P (Park)  
position, then apply the parking  
brake, and place the ignition  
switch in the OFF position.  
Vehicles parked with the park-  
ing brake not applied or not  
fully engaged may roll inadver-  
tently and may cause injury to  
the driver and others. ALWAYS  
apply the parking brake before  
exiting the vehicle.  
• The DBC may not deactivate on  
steep inclines even though the  
brake or accelerator pedal is  
• The DBC does not operate  
- The shift lever is in P (Park).  
- The ESC is activated.  
Wet brakes can be dangerous! The  
brakes may get wet if the vehicle is  
driven through standing water or if it  
is washed. Your vehicle will not stop  
as quickly if the brakes are wet. Wet  
brakes may cause the vehicle to pull  
to one side.  
Occasional off-road use such as  
established unpaved roads and trails  
are OK. It is always important that  
the driver carefully reduces the  
speed to a level that does not exceed  
the safe operating speed for those  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
Do not drive in conditions that  
exceed the vehicles intended  
design such as challenging  
off-road conditions.  
Avoid high speeds when cor-  
nering or turning.  
Do not make quick steering  
wheel movements, such as  
sharp lane changes or fast,  
sharp turns.  
The risk of a rollover is great-  
ly increased if you lose con-  
trol of your vehicle at highway  
The All Wheel Drive (AWD) system  
delivers engine torque to both the  
front and rear wheels for extra trac-  
AWD is useful when maximum trac-  
tion is required on slippery, muddy,  
wet, or snow-covered roads.  
Loss of control often occurs if  
two or more wheels drop off  
the roadway and the driver  
over steers to reenter the  
Driving your vehicle  
In the event your vehicle  
leaves the roadway, do not  
steer sharply. Instead, slow  
down before pulling back into  
the travel lanes.  
• Do not drive in water if the level  
is higher than the bottom of the  
• Check your brake condition  
once you are out of mud or  
water. Depress the brake pedal  
several times as you move slow-  
ly until you feel normal braking  
• Shorten your scheduled mainte-  
nance interval if you drive in off-  
road conditions such as sand,  
mud or water (see "Maintenance  
Conditions" in chapter 7).  
• Always wash your vehicle thor-  
oughly after off road use, espe-  
cially the bottom of the vehicle.  
• Be sure to equip the vehicle with  
four tires of the same size and  
• Make sure that a full time AWD  
vehicle is towed by a flat bed  
tow truck.  
AWD operation  
All Wheel Drive (AWD) mode selection  
Transfer mode  
Selection button  
Indicator light  
• AWD Auto is used when driving on roads in normal condi-  
tions, roads in urban areas, and on highways.  
• All wheels are in operation when a vehicle travels at a con-  
stant speed. Required tractions applying on front and rear  
wheels vary depending on road driving conditions and driv-  
ing conditions, which will be automatically controlled by the  
computing system.  
(AWD LOCK is  
(not illuminated)  
• When the cluster's AWD Auto display mode is selected, the  
cluster displays the status of how four wheels’ traction forces  
are distributed.  
• The main goal of AWD Lock mode is to allow a driver to max-  
imize the vehicle’s traction under extreme driving conditions  
such as unpaved off-road, sandy roads, and muddy roads.  
• AWD Lock mode is in operation only when a vehicle travels  
at 37 mph (60 km/h) or less. When traveling at 37 mph (60  
km/h) or faster, the mode will switch to AWD Auto.  
• When AWD Lock mode illuminates, the cluster does not dis-  
play the front/rear wheel traction force distribution status.  
• Press the AWD Lock mode switch again to switch back to  
AWD Auto.  
If AWD warning light (  
) stays on the instrument cluster, your vehicle may have a malfunction with the  
AWD system. When the AWD warning light (  
HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible.  
) illuminates have your vehicle checked by an authorized  
Driving your vehicle  
For safe AWD operation  
Before driving  
• Make sure all passengers are  
wearing seat belts.  
• Sit upright and closer to the steer-  
ing wheel than usual. Adjust the  
steering wheel to a position com-  
fortable for you to drive.  
• Maintain AWD Auto mode when When driving on normal roads,  
driving on roads in normal con- deactivate the AWD LOCK mode  
by pushing the AWD LOCK button  
(AWD LOCK indicator light goes  
off). Driving on normal roads with  
the AWD LOCK mode, especially,  
when cornering may cause  
mechanical noise or vibration.The  
noise and vibration will disappear  
when the AWD LOCK mode is  
deactivated. Prolong driving with  
the noise and vibration may dam-  
age some parts of the power train.  
• When driving under normal road  
conditions (especially when cor-  
nering) in AWD Lock mode, a  
driver may find minor mechani-  
cal vibration or noise, which is  
extremely normal phenomenon,  
not a malfunction. When AWD  
Lock mode is released, such  
noise or vibration will be imme-  
diately gone.  
Driving on snow-covered or icy  
• Start off slowly by applying the  
accelerator pedal gently.  
• Use snow tires or tire chains.  
• Keep sufficient distance between  
your vehicle and the vehicle in front  
of you.  
• Apply engine braking during decel-  
eration by switching the gear shift  
lever to Manual Shift Mode and  
manually selecting a lower gear.  
When the AWD LOCK mode is deac-  
tivated, a sensation may be felt as the  
driving power is delivered entirely to  
the front wheels.  
• Avoid speeding, rapid acceleration,  
sudden brake applications, and  
sharp turns to prevent skids.  
Driving in sand or mud  
• Maintain slow and constant speed.  
• Use tire chains driving in mud if  
• Keep sufficient distance between  
your vehicle and the vehicle in front  
of you.  
Exercise extreme caution when  
driving up or down steep hills.  
The vehicle may flip over  
depending on the grade, the ter-  
rain, and the trail conditions.  
• Reduce vehicle speed and always  
check the road condition.  
• Avoid speeding, rapid acceleration,  
sudden brake applications, and  
sharp turns to prevent getting  
Driving up or down hills  
• Driving uphill  
- Before starting off, check if it is  
possible to drive uphill.  
- Drive as straight as possible.  
• Driving downhill  
- Do not change gear while driving  
downhill. Select gear before driv-  
ing downhill.  
- Drive slowly using engine braking  
while driving downhill.  
- Drive straight as possible.  
When the vehicle is stuck in  
snow, sand or mud, place a non-  
slip material under the drive  
wheels to provide traction OR  
Slowly spin the wheels in for-  
ward and reverse directions  
which causes a rocking motion  
that may free the vehicle.  
However, avoid running the  
engine continuously at high  
rpm, doing so may damage the  
AWD system.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driving through water  
Additional driving conditions  
Try to avoid driving in deep stand- • Become familiar with the off-road  
ing water. It may stall your engine  
and clog your exhaust system.  
• If you need to drive in water, stop  
your vehicle, set the vehicle in  
AWD LOCK mode and drive under  
5 mph (8 km/h).  
conditions before driving.  
• Always pay attention when driving  
off-road and avoid dangerous  
• Drive slowly when driving in heavy  
• Do not change gear while driving in  
• Reduce vehicle speed when cor-  
nering. The center of gravity of  
AWD vehicles is higher than con-  
ventional 2WD vehicles, making  
them more likely to roll over when  
you rapidly turn corners.  
Always drive slowly in water. If  
you drive too fast, water may  
get into the engine compart-  
ment and wet the ignition sys-  
tem causing your vehicle to  
suddenly stop.  
Do not drive across the contour  
of steep hills. A slight change in  
the wheel angle can destabilize  
the vehicle, or a stable vehicle  
may lose stability if the vehicle  
stops its forward motion. Your  
vehicle may roll over and lead to  
a serious injury or death.  
Emergency precautions  
AWD vehicles must be towed with a  
wheel lift and dollies or flatbed equip-  
ment with all the wheels off the  
For more details, refer to "Towing"  
in chapter 6.  
Do not use a tire and wheel package  
with a different size and type from  
the one originally installed on your  
vehicle. It can affect the safety and  
performance of your vehicle, which  
could lead to steering failure or  
rollover causing serious injury.  
Dynamometer testing  
When replacing the tires, be sure to  
equip all four tires with the tire and  
wheel of the same size, type, tread,  
brand and load-carrying capacity. If  
you equip your vehicle with any  
tire/wheel combination not recom-  
mended by HYUNDAI for off-road  
driving, you should not use these  
tires for highway driving.  
A full-time AWD vehicle must be test-  
ed on a special four wheel chassis  
• Always hold the steering wheel  
firmly when you are driving off-  
Do not grab the inside of the  
steering wheel when you are  
driving off-road. You may hurt  
your arm by a sudden steering  
maneuver or from steering wheel  
rebound due to an impact with  
objects on the ground.You could  
lose control of the steering wheel  
which may lead to serious injury  
or death.  
Never start or run the engine  
while a full-time AWD vehicle is  
raised on a jack.The vehicle can  
slip or roll off of a jack causing  
serious injury or death to you or  
those nearby.  
Driving your vehicle  
Never engage the parking  
brake while performing the  
When the vehicle is lifted up,  
do not operate the front and  
rear wheel separately. All four  
wheels should be operated.  
Temporary Free Roller  
Roll Tester (Speedometer)  
A full-time AWD vehicle should not  
be tested on a 2WD roll tester. If a  
2WD roll tester must be used, per-  
form the following procedure:  
1. Check the tire pressures recom-  
mended for your vehicle.  
Keep away from the front of the  
vehicle while the vehicle is in  
gear on the dynamometer. The  
vehicle can jump forward and  
cause serious injury or death.  
2. Place the front wheels on the roll  
tester for a speedometer test as  
shown in the illustration.  
3. Release the parking brake.  
4. Place the rear wheels on the tem-  
porary free roller as shown in the  
The mode changes, as below,  
whenever the DRIVE MODE button  
is pressed.  
SPORT mode  
SPORT mode manages  
the driving dynamics by  
automatically adjusting the  
steering effort, and the  
engine and transmission control  
logic for enhanced driver perform-  
When COMFORT mode is selected,  
it is not displayed on the instrument  
• When SPORT mode is selected by  
pressing the DRIVE MODE button,  
the SPORT indicator (yellow color)  
will illuminate.  
The drive mode may be selected  
according to the driver's preference  
or road condition.  
The system resets to be in the COM-  
FORT mode, when the engine is  
• Whenever the engine is restarted,  
the Drive Mode will revert back to  
COMFORT mode. If SPORT mode  
is desired, re-select SPORT mode  
from the DRIVE MODE button.  
• When SPORT mode is activated:  
- The engine rpm will tend to  
remain raised over a certain  
length of time even after releas-  
ing the accelerator  
- Upshifts are delayed when accel-  
If there is a problem with the instru-  
ment cluster, the drive mode will be in  
COMFORT mode and may not  
change to SPORT mode.  
In SPORT mode, the fuel efficiency  
may decrease.  
Driving your vehicle  
(1) Blind-Spot Collision Warning  
The feature will operate when the  
vehicle is moving in reverse  
below about 6 mph (10 km/h). If  
oncoming cross traffic is detected  
a warning chime will sound. The  
time of alert varies according to  
the speed difference between you  
and the approaching vehicle.  
The Blind-Spot Collision Warning  
(BCW) range varies relative to  
vehicle speed. Note that if your  
vehicle is traveling much faster  
than the vehicles around you, the  
warning will not occur.  
(2) BCW : Closing at high speed  
The BCW-Closing at high speed  
feature will alert you when a vehi-  
cle is approaching in an adjacent  
lane at a high rate of speed. If the  
driver activates the turn signal  
when the system detects an  
oncoming vehicle, the system  
sounds an audible alert.  
The time of alert (warning signal)  
varies according to the speed dif-  
ference between you and the  
approaching vehicle.  
Always be aware of road con-  
ditions while driving and be  
alert for unexpected situations  
even though the Blind-Spot  
Collision Warning (BCW) sys-  
tem is operating.  
The Blind-Spot Collision  
Warning (BCW) system is not  
a substitute for proper and  
safe driving. Always drive  
safely and use caution when  
changing lanes or backing up  
the vehicle. The Blind-Spot  
Collision Warning (BCW) sys-  
tem may not detect every  
object alongside the vehicle.  
[A] : Blind spot area  
[B] : Closing at high speed  
The Blind-Spot Collision Warning  
(BCW) system uses radar sensors in  
the rear bumper to monitor and warn  
the driver of an approaching vehicle  
in the driver's blind spot area.  
The system monitors the rear area of  
the vehicle and provides information  
to the driver with an audible alert and  
an indicator on the outer side view  
(3) RCCW (Rear Cross-Traffic  
Collision Warning)  
The RCCW feature monitors  
approaching cross traffic from the  
left and right side of the vehicle  
when your vehicle is in reverse.  
To cancel:  
Press the BCW switch again. The  
indicator on the switch will go off.  
When the system is not used, turn  
the system off by turning off the  
Left side  
BCW (Blind-Spot Collision  
Operating conditions  
Right side  
• If the ignition switch is turned OFF  
and then ON again, the BCW sys-  
tem returns to the previous state.  
• When the system is turned on, the First stage alert  
warning light will illuminate for 3  
seconds on the outer side view mir-  
If a vehicle is detected within the  
boundary of the system, a warning  
light will illuminate on the outer side  
view mirror.  
To operate:  
Press the BCW switch with the igni-  
tion switch in the ON position.  
The indicator on the BCW switch will  
Once the detected vehicle is no  
longer within the blind spot area, the  
warning will turn off depending on  
the driving conditions of the vehicle.  
The function will activate when:  
1. The system is on.  
2. The vehicle speed is above  
approximately 20 mph (30 km/h).  
3. An oncoming vehicle is detected  
in the blind spot area.  
Driving your vehicle  
Left side  
Right side  
• The second stage alarm may be  
- To deactivate the warning chime:  
Go to the ''User Settings Driver  
Assistance and deselect Blind-  
Spot Collision Warning sound'' on  
the LCD display.  
- To activate the warning chime:  
Go to the ''User Settings Driver  
Assistance and select Blind-Spot  
Collision Warning sound'' on the  
LCD display.  
Second stage alert  
A warning chime to alert the driver will activate when:  
1. A vehicle has been detected in the blind spot area by the radar system  
(the warning light will illuminate on the outer side view mirror) AND  
2. The turn signal is applied (same side as where the vehicle is being  
When this alert is activated, the warning light on the side view mirror will  
also blink.  
The warning chime function helps  
alert the driver. Deactivate this func-  
tion only when it is necessary.  
If you turn off the turn signal indicator, the warning chime will be deactivat-  
Warning type  
RCCW (Rear Cross-Traffic  
Collision Warning)  
The Rear Cross-Traffic Collision  
Warning function monitors approach-  
ing cross traffic from the left and right  
side of the vehicle when your vehicle  
is in reverse.  
The Rear Cross-Traffic Collision  
Warning (RCCW) detecting range is  
approximately 1 - 65 ft (0.5 – 20 m).  
An approaching vehicle will be detect-  
ed if their vehicle speed is within 2.5 -  
22.5 mph (4 - 36 km/h).  
Note that the detecting range may  
vary under certain conditions. As  
always, use caution and pay close  
attention to your surroundings when  
backing up your vehicle.  
Operating conditions  
To operate:  
Go to the 'User Settings Driver  
Assistance and select Rear Cross-  
Traffic Collision Warning' on the LCD  
display. (For more details, refer to  
"LCD Display" in chapter 3.)  
The system will turn on and standby  
to activate. The system will activate  
when vehicle speed is below 6 mph  
(10 km/h) and with the shift lever in R  
If the vehicle detected by the sensors  
approaches your vehicle, the warn-  
ing chime will sound, the warning  
light on the outer side view mirror will  
blink and a message will appear on  
the LCD display.  
Driving your vehicle  
• The warning chime will turn off  
The Blind-Spot Collision  
Warning (BCW) system and  
Rear Cross-Traffic Collision  
Warning (RCCW) are not a  
substitute for proper and safe  
driving practices. Always  
drive safely and use caution  
when changing lanes or back-  
ing up your vehicle.The Blind-  
Spot Collision Warning (BCW)  
system may not detect every  
object alongside the vehicle.  
The warning light on the outer  
side view mirror will illumi-  
nate whenever a vehicle is  
detected at the rear side by  
the system.  
To avoid accidents, do not  
focus only on the warning  
light and neglect to see the  
surrounding of the vehicle.  
Drive safely even though the  
vehicle is equipped with a  
Blind-Spot Collision Warning  
(BCW) system and Rear  
- The detected vehicle moves out of  
the sensing area or  
- when the vehicle is right behind  
your vehicle or  
- when the vehicle is not approach-  
ing your vehicle or  
- when the other vehicle slows down.  
• The system may not operate proper-  
ly due to other factors or circum-  
stances. Always pay attention to  
your surroundings.  
• If the sensing area near the rear  
bumper is blocked by either a wall  
or barrier or by a parked vehicle,  
the system sensing area may be  
• The system may not work prop-  
erly when the bumper has been  
damaged, or if the rear bumper  
has been replaced or repaired.  
• The sensing range differs some-  
what according to the width of  
the road. When the road is nar-  
row, the system may detect  
other vehicles in the next lane  
OR when the road is wide, the  
system may not detect other  
vehicles in the next lane.  
Warning (RCCW). Do not sole-  
ly rely on the system but  
before changing lanes or  
backing the vehicle up.  
The system may not alert the  
driver in some conditions so  
always check your surround-  
ings while driving.  
• The system may turn off due to  
strong electromagnetic waves.  
- A trailer or carrier is installed. To  
use the BCW system, remove the  
trailer or carrier from your vehicle.  
Warning message  
Blind-Spot Collision Warning -  
Sensor Location  
If any of these conditions occur, the  
light on the BCW switch and the sys-  
tem will turn off automatically.  
When the BCW cancelled warning  
message is displayed in the cluster,  
check to make sure that the rear  
bumper is free from any dirt or snow  
in the areas where the sensor is  
located. Remove any dirt, snow, or  
foreign material that could interfere  
with the radar sensors.  
After any dirt or debris is removed,  
the BCW system should operate nor-  
mally after about 10 minutes of driv-  
ing the vehicle.  
Blind-Spot Collision Warning  
(BCW) system disabled.  
Radar blocked  
• This warning message may appear  
when :  
- One or both of the sensors on the  
rear bumper is blocked by dirt or  
snow or a foreign object.  
The sensors are located inside the  
rear bumper.  
Always keep the rear bumper clean  
for the proper operation of the sys-  
If the system still does not operate  
normally have your vehicle inspected  
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
- Driving in rural areas where the  
BCW sensor does not detect  
another vehicle for an extended  
period of time.  
- When there is inclement weather  
such as heavy snow or rain.  
Turn off the system by pressing the  
BCW switch and deselecting Rear  
Cross Traffic Alert from the User  
Settings mode on the cluster, when  
using a trailer or carrier behind your  
Driving your vehicle  
Non-operating condition  
Limitations of the System  
The BCW indicator on the outer  
side view mirror may not illumi-  
nate properly when:  
- The outer side view mirror housing  
is damaged.  
- The mirror is covered with dirt,  
snow, or debris.  
- The window is covered with dirt,  
snow, or debris.  
The driver must be cautious in the  
below situations, because the sys-  
tem may not detect other vehicles or  
objects in certain circumstances.  
• When a trailer or carrier is  
• The vehicle driven in inclement  
weather such as heavy rain or  
• The sensor is polluted with rain,  
snow, mud, etc.  
• The rear bumper where the sensor  
is located is covered with a foreign  
object such as a bumper sticker, a  
bumper guard, a bike rack, etc.  
• The rear bumper is damaged, or  
the sensor is out of the original  
default position.  
• The vehicle height gets lower or  
higher due to heavy loading in a  
trunk, abnormal tire pressure, etc.  
- The window is tinted.  
Check Blind-Spot Collision  
Warning (BCW) system  
If there is a problem with the BCW  
system, a warning message will  
appear and the light on the switch  
will turn off. The system will turn off  
automatically. Have your vehicle  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
• When the temperature of the rear  
bumper is high.  
• When the sensors are blocked by  
other vehicles, walls or parking-lot  
• The vehicle driven on a curved • When the other vehicle passes at a  
road. very fast speed.  
• The vehicle driven through a toll- • While changing lanes.  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
• If the vehicle has started at the  
same time as the vehicle next to  
you and has accelerated.  
• When the vehicle in the next lane  
moves two lanes away from you  
OR when the vehicle two lanes  
away moves to the next lane from  
• The road pavement (or the periph-  
eral ground) abnormally contains  
metallic components (i.e. possibly  
due to subway construction).  
• There is a fixed object near the  
vehicle, such as a guardrail.  
1. This device may not cause harmful  
2. This device must accept any inter-  
ference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired  
• While going down or up a steep  
road where the height of the lane is • A motorcycle or bicycle is near.  
• A flat trailer is near.  
• Driving on a narrow road where  
trees or grass or overgrown.  
• Driving in rural areas where the  
sensor does not detect another  
vehicle or structure for an extended  
period of time.  
• If there are small objects in the  
detecting area such as a shopping  
cart or a baby stroller.  
• If there is a low height vehicle such  
as a sports car.  
• Driving on a wet road.  
• Driving on a road where the  
guardrail or wall is in double struc-  
• A big vehicle is near such as a bus  
or truck.  
• When the other vehicle approach-  
es very close.  
Driving your vehicle  
The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system is designed to  
help detect and monitor the vehicle  
ahead in the roadway through cam-  
era recognition that a collision is  
imminent, and if necessary, apply  
emergency braking.  
The camera type Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist system  
detects the vehicle ahead in the  
roadway through the camera  
mounted on the center of the  
System Setting and Activation  
System setting  
• The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system is enabled  
whenever the vehicle is turned on.  
Take the following precautions  
when using the Forward  
(FCA) system:  
This system is only a supple-  
mental system and it is not  
intended to, nor does it  
replace the need for extreme  
care and attention of the driv-  
er. The sensing range and  
objects detectable by the sen-  
sors are limited. Pay attention  
to the road conditions at all  
To turn off the system, go to the  
Assistance' and deselect 'Forward  
Collision Avoidance Assist' on the  
cluster LCD display.  
The FCA deactivates, when the  
driver deselects the system set-  
NEVER drive too fast in accor-  
dance with the road condi-  
tions or while cornering.  
Always drive cautiously to  
prevent unexpected and sud-  
den situations from occur-  
ring. FCA does not stop the  
vehicle completely and is not  
a collision avoidance system.  
The warning light illumi-  
nates on the LCD display,  
The options for the initial Forward  
Collision Warning includes the fol-  
when you cancel the FCA  
system. The driver can  
- Late:  
monitor the FCA ON/OFF status on  
the LCD display. Also, the warning  
light illuminates when the ESC  
(Electronic Stability Control) is  
turned off (Traction & Stability control  
If the warning light remains ON when  
the FCA is activated, have the sys-  
tem checked by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
When this condition is selected,  
the initial Forward Collision  
Warning is activated later than nor-  
mal. This setting reduces the  
amount of distance between the  
vehicle ahead before the initial  
warning occurs.  
Even though, 'Late' is selected if  
the front vehicle suddenly stops  
the initial warning activation time  
may not seem late.  
• The driver can select the initial warn-  
ing activation time on the LCD dis-  
Go to the 'User Settings Driver  
Assistance Forward Collision  
Warning Late/Normal/Early'.  
Select 'Late' when traffic is light  
and when driving speed is slow.  
- Normal:  
When this condition is selected, the  
initial Forward Collision Warning is  
activated normally. This setting  
allows for a nominal amount of dis-  
tance between the vehicle ahead  
before the initial warning occurs.  
Driving your vehicle  
- Early:  
Prerequisite for activation  
When this condition is selected, the  
initial Forward Collision Warning is  
activated earlier than normal. This  
setting maximizes the amount of  
distance between the vehicle  
ahead before the initial warning  
Even though, 'Early' is selected if  
the front vehicle suddenly stops the  
initial warning activation time may  
not seem fast.  
The FCA system is on and ready  
when FCA is selected on the LCD  
display and when the following pre-  
requisites are satisfied:  
- The ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) on.  
- Driving speed exceeds approxi-  
mately 6 mph (10 km/h). (The FCA  
is only activated within a certain  
speed range.)  
- The system detects a vehicle in  
front, which may collide with your  
vehicle. (The FCA may not be acti-  
vated or may sound a warning  
alarm in accordance with the driv-  
ing situation or vehicle condition.)  
Completely stop the vehicle  
on a safe location before  
operating the switch on the  
steering wheel to activate/  
deactivate the FCA system.  
The FCA automatically acti-  
vates upon placing the igni-  
tion switch to the ON position.  
The driver can deactivate the  
FCA by canceling the system  
setting on the LCD display.  
If you cancel the ESC  
(Electronic Stability Control)  
when the FCA system is  
turned on the FCA automati-  
cally deactivates and the FCA  
warning light illuminates.  
When the ESC is canceled the  
FCA cannot be activated on  
the LCD display. The FCA  
warning light will illuminate  
which is normal.  
If you feel the warning activates too  
early, set the Forward Collision  
Warning to "Normal".  
Collision Warning  
(First warning)  
Emergency braking  
(Second warning)  
FCA Warning Message and  
System Control  
The FCA produces warning mes-  
sages and warning alarms in accor-  
dance with the collision risk levels,  
such as abrupt stopping of the vehi-  
cle in front, or insufficient braking dis-  
tance detection. Also, it controls the  
brakes in accordance with the colli-  
sion risk levels.  
The driver can select the initial warn-  
ing activation time in the User  
Settings in the LCD display. The  
options for the initial Forward  
Collision Warning include Late,  
Normal or Early initial warning time.  
This warning message appears on This warning message appears on  
the LCD display with a warning the LCD display with a warning  
chime. Additionally, some vehicle chime.  
system intervention occurs to help  
decelerate the vehicle.  
- Your vehicle speed may deceler- ate the vehicle.  
ate moderately.  
- The FCA system limitedly con-  
trols the brakes to preemptively  
mitigate impact in a collision.  
Additionally, some vehicle system  
intervention occurs to help deceler-  
- The FCA system limitedly con-  
trols the brakes to preemptively  
mitigate impact in a collision. The  
brake control is maximized just  
before a collision.  
Driving your vehicle  
Brake operation  
• The braking system enters into the  
ready status to react promptly to  
urgent situations.  
• The FCA provides additional brak-  
ing power for optimum braking per-  
formance, when the driver depress-  
es the brake pedal.  
• The braking control is automatical-  
ly deactivated, when the driver  
sharply depresses the accelerator  
pedal, or when the driver abruptly  
operates the steering wheel.  
The FCA system logic operates  
within certain parameters, such  
as the distance from the vehicle  
ahead, the speed of the vehicle  
ahead, and the driver's vehicle  
speed. Certain conditions such  
as inclement weather and road  
conditions may affect the oper-  
ation of the FCA system.  
The driver should always use  
extreme caution while operat-  
ing the vehicle, whether or not  
there is a warning message or  
alarm from the FCA system.  
If any other warning sound  
such as seat belt warning  
chime is already generated,  
Avoidance Assist (FCA) sys-  
tem warning may not sound.  
• The FCA brake control is automat-  
ically canceled, when risk factors  
Never deliberately drive danger-  
ously to activate the system.  
The braking control cannot  
completely stop the vehicle nor  
avoid all collisions. The driver  
should hold the responsibility  
to safely drive and control the  
FCA Sensor  
Front camera  
The sensing performance of the • Do not tint the window or install  
sensor may be affected if the fol-  
lowing instructions are not fol-  
stickers, accessories around the  
inside mirror where the camera  
is installed.  
• Always keep the camera sensor • NEVER locate any reflective  
clean and free of dirt and debris.  
objects (i.e. white paper, mirror)  
over the dashboard. Any light  
reflection may cause a malfunc-  
tion of the system.  
• Pay extreme caution to keep the  
camera out of water.  
• Use only genuine parts to repair  
or replace a damaged camera  
• NEVER arbitrarily disassemble  
the camera assembly, nor apply  
any impact on the camera  
• The FCA warning chime may be  
difficult to hear if the audio sys-  
tem volume is set to a high level.  
Be careful not to apply unneces-  
sary force on the camera sensor. If  
the sensor is forcibly moved out  
of proper alignment, the FCA sys-  
tem may not operate correctly. In  
this case, a warning message may  
not be displayed. Have the vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
In order for the FCA system to oper-  
ate properly, always make sure the  
view on the windshield near the cam-  
era is clean and free of dirt, snow,  
and debris.  
Dirt, snow, or foreign substances on  
the front camera sensor may  
adversely affect the performance of  
the system.  
Driving your vehicle  
However, the FCA may not properly  
operate in an area (e.g. open ter-  
rain), where any substances are not  
detected or the camera is blocked  
with dirt, snow or debris after turning  
ON the vehicle.  
Warning message and warning  
Have the system checked by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer when:  
• The windshield glass is replaced.  
• The camera or related parts are  
repaired or removed.  
The FCA system may not acti-  
vate according to road condi-  
tions, inclement weather, driv-  
ing conditions or traffic condi-  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
(FCA) system disabled.  
Camera obscured  
When the front camera is blocked  
with dirt, snow, or debris, the FCA  
system operation may be temporari-  
ly disabled. If this occurs, a warning  
message will appear on the LCD dis-  
play. Remove any dirt, snow, or  
debris and clean the front camera  
before operating the FCA system.  
System Not Operating  
Even if there is any problem  
with the brake control function  
of the FCA system, the vehi-  
cle's basic braking perform-  
ance will operate normally.  
However, brake control func-  
tion for avoiding collision will  
not activate.  
If the vehicle in front stops  
suddenly, you may have less  
control of the brake system.  
Therefore, always keep a safe  
distance between your vehicle  
and the vehicle in front of you.  
The FCA system may activate  
during braking and the vehi-  
cle may stop suddenly shift-  
ing loose objects toward the  
passengers. Always keep  
loose objects secured.  
The FCA system may not acti-  
vate if the driver applies the  
brake pedal to avoid a colli-  
The FCA is only a supplemen-  
tal system for the driver's con-  
venience. The driver should  
hold the responsibility to con-  
trol the vehicle operation. Do  
not solely depend on the FCA  
system. Rather, maintain a  
safe braking distance, and, if  
necessary, depress the brake  
pedal to reduce the driving  
In certain instances and  
under certain driving condi-  
tions, the FCA system may  
unintentionally activate. This  
Check Forward Collision Avoidance  
Assist system  
• When the FCA is not working prop-  
erly, the FCA warning light (  
will illuminate and the warning  
message will appear for a few sec-  
onds. After the message disap-  
pears, the master warning light  
appears on the LCD display  
with a warning chime.  
Also, in certain instances the  
front camera recognition sys-  
tem may not detect the vehi-  
cle ahead. The FCA system  
may not activate and the  
warning message will not be  
) will illuminate. In this case,  
have the vehicle inspected by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
The brake control may be  
insufficient, possibly causing  
a collision, if a vehicle in front  
abruptly stops. Always pay  
extreme caution.  
• The FCA warning message may  
appear along with the illumination  
of the ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) warning light and the FCA  
is automatically deactivated.  
Driving your vehicle  
Limitations of the System  
Occupants may get injured, if  
the vehicle abruptly stops by  
the activated FCA system. Pay  
extreme caution.  
The FCA system operates  
only to help detect vehicles in  
front of the vehicle.  
The FCA system cannot  
detect the driver approaching  
the side view of a parked vehi-  
cle (for example on a dead  
end street.)  
In these cases, you must main-  
tain a safe braking distance,  
and if necessary, depress the  
brake pedal to reduce the driv-  
ing speed in order to maintain a  
safe distance.  
The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system is designed to  
help monitor the vehicle ahead in the  
roadway through camera recognition  
to warn the driver that a collision is  
imminent, and if necessary, apply  
emergency braking.  
In certain situations, the camera may  
not be able to detect the vehicle  
ahead. In these cases, the FCA sys-  
tem may not operate normally. The  
driver must pay careful attention in  
the following situations where the  
FCA operation may be limited.  
The FCA system does not  
operate when the vehicle is in  
The FCA system is not  
designed to detect other  
objects on the road such as  
The FCA system does not  
detect vehicles in the oppo-  
site lane.  
The FCA system does not  
detect cross traffic vehicles  
that are approaching.  
• The camera's field of view is not • The shadow is on the road by a  
Detecting vehicles  
The sensor may be limited when:  
well illuminated (either too dark or  
too much reflection or too much  
backlight that obscures the field of  
• The vehicle in front does not have  
their rear lights properly turned ON  
median strip, trees, etc.  
• The vehicle drives through a toll-  
• The windshield glass is fogged up;  
a clear view of the road is obstruct-  
• The camera is blocked with a for-  
eign object or debris  
• The camera lens is contaminated  
due to tinted, filmed or coated  
windshield, damaged glass, or  
stuck of foreign matter (sticker,  
bug, etc.) on the glass  
• Inclement weather such as heavy  
rain or snow obscures the field of  
view of the camera  
• The vehicle is on unpaved or  
uneven rough surfaces, or road  
with sudden gradient changes.  
• The camera sensor recognition is  
• The vehicle in front is too small to  
be detected (for example a motor-  
cycle or a bicycle, etc.)  
• The camera does not recognize  
the entire vehicle in front.  
• The vehicle in front is an oversize  
vehicle or trailer that is too big to  
be detected by the camera recog-  
nition system (for example a tractor  
trailer, etc.)  
• The outside brightness changes  
suddenly, for example when enter-  
ing or exiting a tunnel  
• Light coming from a street light or  
an oncoming vehicle is reflected on  
a wet road surface such as a pud-  
dle in the road  
• The field of view in front is  
obstructed by sun glare  
• The vehicle drives inside a build-  
ing, such as a basement parking  
• The rear part of the vehicle in front  
is not normally visible (for example,  
the vehicle is spinning or the vehi-  
cle is overturned)  
• The vehicle in front is driving errat-  
• The vehicle in front is moving verti-  
cally to the driving direction  
• The vehicle in front is stopped ver-  
• The vehicle in front is driving  
towards your vehicle or reversing  
You are on a roundabout and the  
vehicle in front circles  
• The adverse road conditions cause  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
• The camera is damaged.  
• The brightness outside is too low  
such as when the headlamps are  
not on at night or the vehicle is  
going through a tunnel.  
Driving your vehicle  
- Driving on a curve  
The FCA system may recognize a - Driving on a slope  
vehicle in the next lane when driving  
on a curved road.  
The performance of the FCA system  
may be limited when driving on a  
curved road.  
In certain instances on a curved  
road, the FCA system may activate  
Also, in certain instances the front  
camera recognition system may not  
detect the vehicle traveling on a  
curved road.  
In these cases, the driver must main-  
tain a safe braking distance, and if  
necessary, depress the brake pedal  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
The performance of the FCA decreas-  
es while driving upward or downward  
In this case, the system may unnec- on a slope, not recognizing the vehi-  
essarily alarm the driver and apply cle in front in the same lane. It may  
the brake.  
unnecessarily produce the warning  
message and the warning alarm, or it  
may not produce the warning mes-  
sage and the warning alarm at all.  
Always pay attention to road and  
driving conditions, while driving. If  
necessary, depress the brake pedal  
to reduce your driving speed in order When the FCA suddenly recognizes  
to maintain a safe distance.  
Also, when necessary depress the  
accelerator pedal to prevent the sys-  
tem from unnecessarily decelerating Always keep your eyes forward while  
your vehicle.  
the vehicle in front while passing  
over a slope, you may experience  
sharp deceleration.  
driving upward or downward on a  
slope, and, if necessary, depress the  
brake pedal to reduce your driving  
speed in order to maintain distance.  
Check the surrounding traffic condi-  
tions before use.  
- Changing lanes  
When driving in stop-and-go traffic, - Detecting the vehicle in front of you  
and a vehicle in front of you merges  
out of the lane, the FCA system may  
not immediately detect the new vehi-  
cle that is now in front of you. In this  
case, you must maintain a safe brak-  
ing distance, and if necessary,  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main-  
tain a safe distance.  
When a vehicle changes lanes in  
front of you, the FCA system may not  
immediately detect the vehicle, espe-  
cially if the vehicle changes lanes  
abruptly. In this case, you must main-  
tain a safe braking distance, and if  
necessary, depress the brake pedal  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
If the vehicle in front of you has cargo  
that extends rearward from the cab,  
or when the vehicle in front of you  
has higher ground clearance, addi-  
tional special attention is required.  
The FCA system may not be able to  
detect the cargo extending from the  
vehicle. In these instances, you must  
maintain a safe braking distance  
from the rearmost object, and if nec-  
essary, depress the brake pedal to  
reduce your driving speed in order to  
maintain distance.  
Driving your vehicle  
If the front glass or camera  
have been replaced or  
repaired, have your vehicle  
inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Do not use the Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist  
(FCA) system when towing a  
vehicle. Application of the  
FCA system while towing may  
adversely affect the safety of  
your vehicle or the towing  
Use extreme caution when the  
vehicle in front of you has  
cargo that extends rearward  
from the cab, or when the  
vehicle in front of you has  
higher ground clearance.  
The FCA system is designed  
to help detect and monitor the  
vehicle ahead in the roadway  
through camera recognition. It  
is not designed to detect bicy-  
cles, motorcycles, or smaller  
wheeled objects such as lug-  
gage bags, shopping carts, or  
In some instances, the FCA system  
may be cancelled when subjected to  
electromagnetic interference.  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful  
interference, and  
2. This device must accept any inter-  
ference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired  
Never try to test the operation  
of the FCA system. Doing so  
may cause severe injury or  
The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system is designed to  
help detect and monitor the vehicle  
ahead or detect a pedestrian in the  
roadway through radar signals and  
camera recognition to warn the driv-  
er that a collision is imminent, and if  
necessary, apply emergency brak-  
System Setting and Activation  
System setting  
• The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system is enabled  
whenever the vehicle is turned on.  
Take the following precautions  
when using the Forward  
(FCA) system:  
This system is only a supple-  
mental system and it is not  
intended to, nor does it  
replace the need for extreme  
care and attention of the driv-  
er. The sensing range and  
objects detectable by the sen-  
sors are limited. Pay attention  
to the road conditions at all  
To turn off the system, go to the  
Assistance' and deselect 'Forward  
Collision Avoidance Assist' on the  
cluster LCD display.  
The FCA deactivates, when the  
driver deselects the system set-  
NEVER drive too fast in accor-  
dance with the road condi-  
tions or while cornering.  
Always drive cautiously to  
prevent unexpected and sud-  
den situations from occur-  
ring. FCA does not stop the  
vehicle completely and is not  
a collision avoidance system.  
Driving your vehicle  
The warning light illumi-  
The options for the initial Forward  
Collision Warning includes the fol-  
nates on the LCD display,  
when you cancel the FCA  
system. The driver can  
- Late:  
monitor the FCA ON/OFF status on  
the LCD display. Also, the warning  
light illuminates when the ESC  
(Electronic Stability Control) is  
turned off (Traction & Stability control  
If the warning light remains ON when  
the FCA is activated, have the sys-  
tem checked by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
When this condition is selected,  
the initial Forward Collision  
Warning is activated later than nor-  
mal. This setting reduces the  
amount of distance between the  
vehicle or pedestrian ahead before  
the initial warning occurs.  
Even though, 'Late' is selected if  
the front vehicle suddenly stops  
the initial warning activation time  
may not seem late.  
• The driver can select the initial warn-  
ing activation time on the LCD dis-  
Go to the 'User Settings Driver  
Assistance Forward Collision  
Warning Late/Normal/Early'.  
Select 'Late' when traffic is light  
and when driving speed is slow.  
- Normal:  
When this condition is selected, the  
initial Forward Collision Warning is  
activated normally. This setting  
allows for a nominal amount of dis-  
tance between the vehicle or  
pedestrian ahead before the initial  
warning occurs.  
- Early:  
Prerequisite for activation  
When this condition is selected, the  
initial Forward Collision Warning is  
activated earlier than normal. This  
setting maximizes the amount of  
distance between the vehicle or  
pedestrian ahead before the initial  
warning occurs.  
Even though, 'Early' is selected if  
the front vehicle suddenly stops the  
initial warning activation time may  
not seem fast.  
The FCA system is on and ready  
when FCA is selected on the LCD  
display and when the following pre-  
requisites are satisfied:  
- The ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) on.  
- Driving speed exceeds approxi-  
mately 6 mph (10 km/h). (The FCA  
is only activated within a certain  
speed range.)  
- The system detects a pedestrian or  
a vehicle in front, which may collide  
with your vehicle. (The FCA may  
not be activated or may sound a  
warning alarm in accordance with  
the driving situation or vehicle con-  
Completely stop the vehicle  
on a safe location before  
operating the switch on the  
steering wheel to activate/  
deactivate the FCA system.  
The FCA automatically acti-  
vates upon placing the igni-  
tion switch to the ON position.  
The driver can deactivate the  
FCA by canceling the system  
setting on the LCD display.  
If you cancel the ESC  
(Electronic Stability Control)  
when the FCA system is  
turned on the FCA automati-  
cally deactivates and the FCA  
warning light illuminates.  
When the ESC is canceled the  
FCA cannot be activated on  
the LCD display. The FCA  
warning light will illuminate  
which is normal.  
If you feel the warning activates too  
early, set the Forward Collision  
Warning to "Normal".  
Driving your vehicle  
Collision Warning  
(First warning)  
Emergency braking  
(Second warning)  
FCA Warning Message and  
System Control  
The FCA produces warning mes-  
sages and warning alarms in accor-  
dance with the collision risk levels,  
such as abrupt stopping of the vehi-  
cle in front, insufficient braking dis-  
tance, or pedestrian detection. Also,  
it controls the brakes in accordance  
with the collision risk levels.  
The driver can select the initial warn-  
ing activation time in the User  
Settings in the LCD display. The  
options for the initial Forward  
Collision Warning include Late,  
Normal or Early initial warning time.  
This warning message appears on This warning message appears on  
the LCD display with a warning the LCD display with a warning  
chime. Additionally, some vehicle chime.  
system intervention occurs to help  
decelerate the vehicle.  
- Your vehicle speed may deceler- ate the vehicle.  
ate moderately.  
- The FCA system limitedly con-  
trols the brakes to preemptively  
mitigate impact in a collision.  
Additionally, some vehicle system  
intervention occurs to help deceler-  
- The FCA system limitedly con-  
trols the brakes to preemptively  
mitigate impact in a collision. The  
brake control is maximized just  
before a collision.  
Brake operation  
• The braking system enters into the  
ready status to react promptly to  
urgent situations.  
• The FCA provides additional brak-  
ing power for optimum braking per-  
formance, when the driver depress-  
es the brake pedal.  
• The braking control is automatical-  
ly deactivated, when the driver  
sharply depresses the accelerator  
pedal, or when the driver abruptly  
operates the steering wheel.  
The FCA system logic operates  
within certain parameters, such  
as the distance from the vehicle  
or pedestrian ahead, the speed  
of the vehicle ahead, and the  
driver's vehicle speed. Certain  
conditions such as inclement  
weather and road conditions  
may affect the operation of the  
FCA system.  
The driver should always use  
extreme caution while operat-  
ing the vehicle, whether or not  
there is a warning message or  
alarm from the FCA system.  
If any other warning sound  
such as seat belt warning  
chime is already generated,  
Avoidance Assist (FCA) sys-  
tem warning may not sound.  
• The FCA brake control is automat-  
ically canceled, when risk factors  
Never deliberately drive danger-  
ously to activate the system.  
The braking control cannot  
completely stop the vehicle nor  
avoid all collisions. The driver  
should hold the responsibility  
to safely drive and control the  
Driving your vehicle  
Dirt, snow, or foreign substances on • If the front bumper becomes  
FCA Sensor  
Front radar  
the front radar sensor may adversely  
affect the performance of the sys-  
damaged in the area around the  
sensor, the FCA system may not  
operate properly. Have the vehi-  
cle inspected by authorized  
• Use only genuine parts to repair  
or replace a damaged sensor or  
sensor cover. Do not apply paint  
to the sensor cover.  
• Do not apply license plate frame  
or foreign objects such as a  
bumper sticker or a bumper  
guard near the radar sensor.  
Doing so may adversely affect  
the sensing performance of the  
Front camera  
• Always keep the radar sensor  
and cover clean and free of dirt  
and debris.  
• Use only a soft cloth to wash the  
vehicle. Do not spray pressur-  
ized water directly on the sensor  
or sensor cover.  
• Be careful not to apply unneces-  
sary force on the sensor or sen-  
sor cover. If the sensor is  
forcibly moved out of proper  
alignment, the FCA system may  
not operate correctly. In this  
case, a warning message may  
not be displayed. Have the vehi-  
cle inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
In order for the FCA system to oper-  
ate properly, always make sure the  
view on the windshield near the cam-  
era and front radar sensor are clean  
and free of dirt, snow, and debris.  
The FCA may not properly operate in  
an area (e.g. open terrain), where  
any substances are not detected  
after turning ON the vehicle.  
Warning message and warning  
• Do not tint the window or install  
stickers, accessories around the  
inside mirror where the camera  
is installed.  
• NEVER locate any reflective  
objects (i.e. white paper, mirror)  
over the dashboard. Any light  
reflection may cause a malfunc-  
tion of the system.  
The FCA system may not acti-  
vate according to road condi-  
tions, inclement weather, driv-  
ing conditions or traffic condi-  
• Pay extreme caution to keep the  
camera out of water.  
• NEVER arbitrarily disassemble  
the camera assembly, nor apply  
any impact on the camera  
• The FCA warning chime may be  
difficult to hear if the audio sys-  
tem volume is set to a high level.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
(FCA) system disabled.  
Radar blocked  
When the sensor cover is blocked  
with dirt, snow, or debris, the FCA  
system operation may be temporarily  
disabled. If this occurs, a warning  
message will appear on the LCD dis-  
Have the system checked by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer when:  
Remove any dirt, snow, or debris and  
clean the radar sensor cover before  
operating the FCA system.  
• The windshield glass is replaced.  
• The front bumper is replaced.  
• The radar sensor or cover gets dam-  
aged or replaced.  
Driving your vehicle  
System Not Operating  
Even if there is any problem  
with the brake control function  
of the FCA system, the vehi-  
cle's basic braking perform-  
ance will operate normally.  
However, brake control func-  
tion for avoiding collision will  
not activate.  
If the vehicle in front stops  
suddenly, you may have less  
control of the brake system.  
Therefore, always keep a safe  
distance between your vehicle  
and the vehicle in front of you.  
The FCA system may activate  
during braking and the vehi-  
cle may stop suddenly shift-  
ing loose objects toward the  
passengers. Always keep  
loose objects secured.  
The FCA system may not acti-  
vate if the driver applies the  
brake pedal to avoid a colli-  
The FCA is only a supplemen-  
tal system for the driver's con-  
venience. The driver should  
hold the responsibility to con-  
trol the vehicle operation. Do  
not solely depend on the FCA  
system. Rather, maintain a  
safe braking distance, and, if  
necessary, depress the brake  
pedal to reduce the driving  
In certain instances and  
under certain driving condi-  
tions, the FCA system may  
unintentionally activate. This  
Check Forward Collision Avoidance  
Assist system  
• When the FCA is not working prop-  
erly, the FCA warning light (  
will illuminate and the warning  
message will appear for a few sec-  
onds. After the message disap-  
pears, the master warning light  
appears on the LCD display  
with a warning chime.  
Also, in certain instances the  
front radar sensor or camera  
recognition system may not  
detect the vehicle or pedestri-  
an ahead. The FCA system  
may not activate and the  
warning message will not be  
) will illuminate. In this case,  
have the vehicle inspected by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
The brake control may be  
insufficient, possibly causing  
a collision, if a vehicle in front  
abruptly stops. Always pay  
extreme caution.  
• The FCA warning message may  
appear along with the illumination  
of the ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) warning light and the FCA  
is automatically deactivated.  
Limitations of the System  
Occupants may get injured, if  
the vehicle abruptly stops by  
the activated FCA system. Pay  
extreme caution.  
The FCA system operates  
only to help detect vehicles or  
pedestrians in front of the  
The FCA system cannot  
detect the driver approaching  
the side view of a parked vehi-  
cle (for example on a dead  
end street.)  
In these cases, you must main-  
tain a safe braking distance,  
and if necessary, depress the  
brake pedal to reduce the driv-  
ing speed in order to maintain a  
safe distance.  
The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system is designed to  
help monitor the vehicle ahead or a  
pedestrian in the roadway through  
radar signals and camera recognition  
to warn the driver that a collision is  
imminent, and if necessary, apply  
emergency braking.  
In certain situations, the radar sen-  
sor or the camera may not be able to  
detect the vehicle or pedestrian  
ahead. In these cases, the FCA sys-  
tem may not operate normally. The  
driver must pay careful attention in  
the following situations where the  
FCA operation may be limited.  
The FCA system does not  
operate when the vehicle is in  
The FCA system is not  
designed to detect other  
objects on the road such as  
The FCA system does not  
detect vehicles in the oppo-  
site lane.  
The FCA system does not  
detect cross traffic vehicles  
that are approaching.  
Driving your vehicle  
• The camera does not recognize • The brightness outside is too low  
Detecting vehicles  
The sensor may be limited when:  
the entire vehicle in front.  
such as when the headlamps are  
not on at night or the vehicle is  
going through a tunnel.  
• The vehicle in front is an oversize  
vehicle or trailer that is too big to  
• The radar sensor or camera is  
blocked with a foreign object or  
• The camera lens is contaminated  
due to tinted, filmed or coated  
windshield, damaged glass, or  
stuck of foreign matter (sticker,  
bug, etc.) on the glass  
• Inclement weather such as heavy  
rain or snow obscures the field of  
view of the radar sensor or camera  
• There is interference by electro-  
magnetic waves  
• The vehicle is on unpaved or  
uneven rough surfaces, or road  
with sudden gradient changes.  
• The vehicle drives through a con-  
struction area, on an unpaved  
road, or above metal materials,  
such as a railway  
• The radar/camera sensor recogni-  
tion is limited  
• The vehicle in front is too small to  
be detected (for example a motor-  
cycle or a bicycle, etc.)  
be detected by the camera recog- • Light coming from a street light or  
nition system (for example a tractor  
trailer, etc.)  
• The camera's field of view is not  
an oncoming vehicle is reflected on  
a wet road surface such as a pud-  
dle in the road  
well illuminated (either too dark or • The shadow is on the road by a  
too much reflection or too much  
backlight that obscures the field of  
median strip, trees, etc.  
• The vehicle drives through a toll-  
• The vehicle in front does not have  
their rear lights properly turned ON  
• The outside brightness changes  
suddenly, for example when enter-  
ing or exiting a tunnel  
• The windshield glass is fogged up;  
a clear view of the road is obstruct-  
• The rear part of the vehicle in front  
is not normally visible (for example,  
the vehicle is spinning or the vehi-  
cle is overturned)  
• The field of view in front is  
obstructed by sun glare  
• The vehicle drives inside a build- • There is severe irregular reflection  
ing, such as a basement parking  
• The adverse road conditions cause  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
from the radar sensor  
• The sensor recognition changes  
suddenly when passing over a  
speed bump  
• The vehicle in front is driving errat-  
• The camera is damaged.  
• The vehicle in front is moving verti-  
cally to the driving direction  
• The vehicle in front is stopped ver-  
• The vehicle in front is driving  
towards your vehicle or reversing  
You are on a roundabout and the  
vehicle in front circles  
- Driving on a curve  
The FCA system may recognize a  
vehicle in the next lane when driving  
on a curved road.  
In this case, the system may unnec-  
essarily alarm the driver and apply  
the brake.  
Always pay attention to road and  
driving conditions, while driving. If  
necessary, depress the brake pedal  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
The performance of the FCA system  
may be limited when driving on a  
curved road.  
In certain instances on a curved  
road, the FCA system may activate  
Also, in certain instances the front  
radar sensor or camera recognition  
system may not detect the vehicle  
traveling on a curved road.  
Also, when necessary depress the  
accelerator pedal to prevent the sys-  
tem from unnecessarily decelerating  
your vehicle.  
Check the surrounding traffic condi-  
tions before use.  
In these cases, the driver must main-  
tain a safe braking distance, and if  
necessary, depress the brake pedal  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
Driving your vehicle  
- Driving on a slope  
- Changing lanes  
When driving in stop-and-go traffic,  
and a vehicle in front of you merges  
out of the lane, the FCA system may  
not immediately detect the new vehi-  
cle that is now in front of you. In this  
case, you must maintain a safe brak-  
ing distance, and if necessary,  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main-  
tain a safe distance.  
The performance of the FCA decreas- When a vehicle changes lanes in  
es while driving upward or downward front of you, the FCA system may not  
on a slope, not recognizing the vehi- immediately detect the vehicle, espe-  
cle in front in the same lane. It may cially if the vehicle changes lanes  
unnecessarily produce the warning abruptly. In this case, you must main-  
message and the warning alarm, or it tain a safe braking distance, and if  
may not produce the warning mes- necessary, depress the brake pedal  
sage and the warning alarm at all.  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
When the FCA suddenly recognizes  
the vehicle in front while passing  
over a slope, you may experience  
sharp deceleration.  
Always keep your eyes forward while  
driving upward or downward on a  
slope, and, if necessary, depress the  
brake pedal to reduce your driving  
speed in order to maintain distance.  
• The pedestrian has impaired  
Detecting pedestrians  
The sensor may be limited when:  
• The radar sensor or camera is  
blocked with a foreign object or  
• The camera lens is contaminated  
due to tinted, filmed or coated  
windshield, damaged glass, or  
stuck of foreign matter (sticker,  
bug, etc.) on the glass  
• The pedestrian is not fully detected  
by the camera recognition system,  
for example, if the pedestrian is  
leaning over or is not fully walking  
• The pedestrian is moving very  
quickly or appears abruptly in the  
camera detection area  
• The brightness outside is too low  
such as when the headlamps are  
not on at night or the vehicle is  
going through a tunnel  
• Inclement weather such as heavy  
rain or snow obscures the field of  
view of the radar sensor or camera  
• When light coming from a street  
light or an oncoming vehicle is  
reflected on a wet road surface  
such as a puddle in the road  
• The field of view in front is  
obstructed by sun glare  
• The pedestrian is wearing clothing  
that easily blends into the back-  
ground, making it difficult to be  
detected by the camera recogni-  
tion system  
• The outside lighting is too bright  
(e.g. when driving in bright sunlight  
or in sun glare) or too dark (e.g.  
when driving on a dark rural road  
at night)  
• It is difficult to detect and distin-  
guish the pedestrian from other  
objects in the surroundings, for  
example, when there is a group of  
pedestrians or a large crowd  
• There is an item similar to a per-  
son's body structure  
- Detecting the vehicle in front of you  
If the vehicle in front of you has cargo  
that extends rearward from the cab,  
or when the vehicle in front of you  
has higher ground clearance, addi-  
tional special attention is required.  
The FCA system may not be able to  
detect the cargo extending from the  
vehicle. In these instances, you must  
maintain a safe braking distance  
from the rearmost object, and if nec-  
essary, depress the brake pedal to  
reduce your driving speed in order to  
maintain distance.  
• The windshield glass is fogged up;  
a clear view of the road is obstruct-  
• The pedestrian is small  
Driving your vehicle  
• The adverse road conditions cause  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
• The sensor recognition changes  
suddenly when passing over a  
speed bump  
The FCA system is designed  
to help detect and monitor the  
vehicle ahead or help detect a  
pedestrian in the roadway  
through radar signals and  
camera recognition. It is not  
designed to detect bicycles,  
In some instances, the FCA system  
may be cancelled when subjected to  
electromagnetic interference.  
You are on a roundabout  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
wheeled objects such as lug-  
gage bags, shopping carts, or  
Never try to test the operation  
of the FCA system. Doing so  
may cause severe injury or  
If the front bumper, front  
glass, radar or camera have  
been replaced or repaired,  
have your vehicle inspected  
by an authorized HYUNDAI  
the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful  
Do not use the Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist  
(FCA) system when towing a  
vehicle. Application of the  
FCA system while towing may  
adversely affect the safety of  
your vehicle or the towing  
Use extreme caution when the  
vehicle in front of you has  
cargo that extends rearward  
from the cab, or when the  
vehicle in front of you has  
higher ground clearance.  
interference, and  
2. This device must accept any inter-  
ference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired  
The operation of the LKA sys-  
tem can be canceled or not  
work properly according to  
road condition and surround-  
ings. Always be cautious  
when driving.  
Do not disassemble the LKA  
system camera temporarily to  
tint the window or attach any  
types of coatings and acces-  
sories. If you disassemble the  
camera and assemble it again,  
take your vehicle to an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer and  
have the system checked for  
When you replace the wind-  
shield glass, LKA system  
camera or related parts of the  
steering wheel, take your  
vehicle to an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer and have the  
system checked for calibra-  
The Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)  
system is not a substitute for  
safe driving practices. It is the  
responsibility of the driver to  
always be aware of the sur-  
rounding and steer the vehicle.  
The Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) sys-  
tem detects lane markers on the  
road using a forward facing front  
camera located on the top center of  
the windshield. The LKA system  
assists the driver's steering to help  
keep the vehicle between the lane  
Take the following precautions  
when using the Lane Keeping  
Assist (LKA) system:  
Do not steer the steering  
wheel suddenly when the  
steering wheel is being assist-  
ed by the system.  
LKA system helps to prevent  
the driver from moving out of  
the lane unintentionally by  
assisting the driver's steering.  
However, the driver should not  
solely rely on the system but  
always pay attention on the  
steering wheel to stay in the  
When the system detects the vehicle  
straying from its lane, it alerts the  
driver with a visual and audible warn-  
ing, while applying a counter-steer-  
ing torque, to try to prevent the vehi-  
cle from moving out of its lane.  
Driving your vehicle  
The system detects lane lines  
and controls the steering  
wheel by a camera, therefore,  
if the lane lines are hard to  
detect, the system may not  
work properly.  
Please refer to "Limitations of  
the system".  
Do not remove or damage the  
related parts of LKA system.  
Always have your hands on  
the steering wheel while the  
LKA system is activated. Also,  
when Active LKA is selected  
from the User Settings mode  
and if you continue to drive  
with your hands off the steer-  
ing wheel after the "Keep  
hands on steering wheel"  
warning message appears,  
the system will stop control-  
ling the steering wheel.  
However, if the driver has their  
hands on the steering wheel  
again, the system will start  
If you attach objects to the  
steering wheel, the system  
may not assist steering or the  
hands off alarm may not work  
properly.When you tow a trail-  
er, make sure that you turn off  
the LKA system.  
When you tow a trailer, make  
sure that you turn off the LKA  
You may not hear a warning  
because of excessive audio  
If any other warning sound  
such as seat belt warning  
chime is already generated,  
the Lane Keeping Assist  
(LKA) system warning may  
not sound.  
Do not place objects on the  
dashboard that reflects light  
such as mirrors, white paper,  
etc. The system may malfunc-  
tion if the sunlight is reflected.  
The steering wheel is not con-  
tinuously controlled so if the  
vehicle speed is at a higher  
speed when leaving a lane the  
vehicle may not be able to be  
controlled by the system. The  
driver must always follow the  
speed limit when using the  
Note that the vehicle  
speed must be at least  
LKA system activation  
LKA System Operation  
approximately 40 mph  
(64 km/h) to ENABLE the  
LKA system. The indicator in the  
cluster display will illuminate green.  
The color of indicator will change  
depending on the condition of LKA  
- White : Sensor does not detect  
lane markers or vehicle  
speed is under 40 mph (64  
- Green : Sensor detects lane mark-  
ers and the system is able  
To see the LKA system screen on  
the LCD display in the cluster,  
select Assist mode ( ). For more  
details, refer to "LCD Display  
Modes" in chapter 3.  
To activate/deactivate the LKA sys-  
to control vehicle steering.  
With the ignition switch in the ON  
position, press the LKA system  
switch located on the instrument  
panel on the left hand side of the  
steering wheel. The indicator in the  
cluster display will initially illuminate  
white. This indicates the LKA system  
is in the READY but NOT ENABLED  
If the indicator (white) is activated  
from the previous ignition cycle, the  
system will turn ON without any addi-  
tional control. If you press the LKA  
switch again, the indicator on the clus-  
ter goes off.  
If you press the LKA button again,  
the indicator on the cluster display  
will go off.  
Driving your vehicle  
Lane marker undetected Lane marker detected  
• If your vehicle departs from the  
projected lane in front of you, the  
LKA system operates as follows:  
The Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)  
system is a system to help pre-  
vent the driver from leaving the  
lane. However, the driver should  
not solely rely on the system  
but always check the road con-  
ditions when driving.  
Left lane marker  
Right lane marker  
• If vehicle speed is over 40 mph (64  
km/h) and the system detects lane  
markers, the color changes from  
gray to white.  
• Both lane markers must be detect-  
ed for the system to fully activate.  
1. A visual warning appears on the  
cluster LCD display. Either the left  
lane marker or the right lane  
marker in the cluster LCD display  
will blink depending on which  
direction the vehicle is veering.  
Also, a warning sound will be  
2. The LKA system will control the  
vehicle's steering to prevent the  
vehicle from crossing the lane  
maker in below conditions.  
- Vehicle speed is over 40 mph (64  
Warning Light and Message  
Keep hands on steering wheel  
The warning message may  
appear late according to road  
conditions. Therefore, always  
have your hands on the steering  
wheel while driving.  
- The system detects both lane  
- When driving, the vehicle is locat-  
ed between both lanes normally.  
- The steering wheel is not turned  
When lanes are detected and all the  
conditions to activate the LKA sys-  
tem are satisfied, a LKA system indi-  
If the driver takes their hands off the  
steering wheel while the LKA system  
is activated, the system will warn the  
cator light (  
) will change from  
white to green.This indicates that the  
LKA system is in the ENABLED state  
and the steering wheel will be able to  
be controlled.  
If the steering wheel is held very light-  
ly, the message may still appear  
because the LKA system may not rec-  
ognize that the driver has their hands  
on the wheel.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver's grasp not detected.  
LKA system will be disabled  
Check Lane Keeping Assist  
(LKA) system  
Type A  
Type B  
The driver is responsible for  
accurate steering.  
Turn off the system in below  
- In bad weather  
- In bad road condition  
- When the steering wheel  
needs to be controlled by the  
driver frequently.  
If there is a problem with the system  
a message will appear for a few sec-  
onds. If the problem continues the  
LKA system failure indicator will illu-  
• Even though the steering is assisted  
by the system, the driver can still  
steer to control the steering wheel.  
If the driver still does not have their  
hands on the steering wheel after the  
message "Keep hands on steering  
wheel", the system will not control  
the steering wheel and warn the driv-  
er only when the driver crosses the  
lane markers.  
However, if the driver has their hands  
on the steering wheel again, the sys-  
tem will start controlling the steering  
• The steering wheel may feel heavier  
when the steering wheel is assisted  
by the system than when it is not.  
This warning message is available  
when Active LKA is selected from the  
User Settings mode.  
The LKA system will not be in the  
ENABLED state and/or the steering  
wheel will not be assisted when:  
• The turn signal is turned on before  
changing a lane. If you change  
lanes without the turn signal on, the  
steering wheel might be controlled.  
• Radius of a curve is too small.  
• The vehicle is driven on a steep  
• The steering wheel is turned sud-  
LKA system failure indicator  
The LKA system failure  
indicator (yellow) will illu-  
minate if the LKA system  
is not working properly.  
checked by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Limitations of the System  
• The vehicle is not driven in the mid-  
dle of the lane when the system is The LKA system may operate pre-  
turned on or right after changing a maturely even if the vehicle does not  
When there is a problem with the  
system do one of the following:  
Turn the system on after turning  
the engine off and on again.  
• Check if the ignition switch is in the  
ON position.  
• Check if the system is affected by  
the weather. (ex: fog, heavy rain,  
depart from the intended lane, OR,  
the LKA system may not warn you if  
the vehicle leaves the intended lane  
under the following circumstances:  
• ESC (Electronic Stability Control) or  
VSM (Vehicle Stability Management)  
is activated.  
• The vehicle is driven on a sharp  
When the lane and road condi-  
tions are poor  
• Vehicle speed is below 35 mph  
(56 km/h) and over 110 mph (177  
• The vehicle makes sharp lane  
• It is difficult to distinguish the lane  
marker from the road because the  
lane marker is covered with dust or  
• It is difficult to distinguish the color  
of the lane marker from the road.  
• Check if there is foreign matter on  
the camera lens.  
• The vehicle brakes suddenly.  
If the problem is not solved, have  
your vehicle checked by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
• There are markings on the road  
surface that look like a lane marker  
that is inadvertently being detected  
by the camera.  
• The lane marker is indistinct or  
• The lane is very wide or narrow.  
• There are more than two lane lines  
on the road. (e.g. construction area)  
• Only one side of the lane marker is  
Driving your vehicle  
• The lane marker is merged or When external condition is inter- • Driving on a steep grade, over a  
divided. (e.g. tollgate)  
• The lane number increases or • The brightness outside changes  
hill, or when driving on a curved  
decreases or the lane marker are  
crossing complicatedly.  
• There are more than two lane  
suddenly such as when entering or • The adverse road conditions cause  
exiting a tunnel, or when passing  
under a bridge.  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
markers on the road in front of you. • The brightness outside is too low • The surrounding of the inside rear  
such as when the headlamps are  
not on at night or the vehicle is  
going through a tunnel.  
• There is a boundary structure in  
the roadway such as a concrete  
barrier, guardrail and reflector post  
that is inadvertently being detected  
by the camera.  
• When light coming from a street  
light or an oncoming vehicle is  
reflected on a wet road surface  
such as a puddle in the road.  
• The field of view in front is  
obstructed by sun glare.  
view mirror temperature is high  
due to direct sunlight, etc.  
• The lane marker is very thick or  
• The lane is very wide or narrow.  
• The lane marker ahead is not visi-  
ble due to rain, snow, water on the  
road, damaged or stained road  
surface, or other factors.  
• The shadow is on the lane marker  
by a median strip, trees, guardrail,  
noise barriers, etc.  
• The lane markers are complicated  
or a structure substitutes for the  
lines such as a construction area.  
• There are crosswalk signs or other  
symbols on the road.  
• The lane marker in a tunnel is  
stained with oil, etc.  
• The lane suddenly disappears  
such as at the intersection.  
• There is not enough distance  
between you and the vehicle in  
front to be able to detect the lane  
marker or the vehicle ahead is driv-  
ing on the lane marker.  
When front visibility is poor  
Lane Departure Warning  
LKA System Function Change  
• The windshield or the camera lens  
is blocked with dirt or debris.  
• The windshield glass is fogged up;  
a clear view of the road is obstruct-  
• Placing objects on the dashboard,  
• The sensor cannot detect the lane  
because of fog, heavy rain or snow.  
LDW system alerts the driver with a  
visual warning and a warning alarm  
when the system detects the vehicle  
departing the lane. The steering  
wheel will not be controlled.  
The driver can change LKA to Lane  
Departure Warning from the LCD  
display. Go to the 'User Settings →  
Driver Assistance Lane Safety →  
Active LKA/Lane Keeping Assist/  
Lane Departure Warning.  
Active LKA  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
the FCC rules.  
The Active LKA mode provides more  
frequent steering wheel control in  
comparison with the Standard LKA  
Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful  
interference, and  
Lane Keeping Assist  
2. This device must accept any inter-  
ference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired  
This mode guides the driver to help  
keep the vehicle within the lanes. It  
rarely controls the steering wheel,  
when the vehicle drives well inside  
the lanes. However, it starts to con-  
trol the steering wheel, when the  
vehicle is about to deviate out of the  
Driving your vehicle  
The Driver Attention Warning (DAW) • The driver can select the mode of  
Driver's attention level  
system is designed as a safety fea-  
ture to help reduce drowsy or inat-  
tentive driving. The DAW displays a  
bar graph that is intended to repre-  
sent the driver's attention and fatigue  
level while driving.  
the Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system.  
- Early : The Driver Attention  
Warning system helps alert the  
driver of his/her fatigue level or  
inattentive driving practices faster  
than Normal mode.  
System off  
- Normal : The Driver Attention  
Warning system helps alert the  
driver of his/her fatigue level or  
inattentive driving practices.  
- Off :The Driver Attention Warning  
system is deactivated.  
• The set-up of the Driver Attention  
Warning system will be main-  
tained, as selected, when the  
engine is re-started.  
System Setting and Activation  
System setting  
To turn ON the Driver Attention  
Warning (DAW) system, turn on  
the engine, and then select 'User  
Settings Driver Assistance →  
Driver Attention Warning Off/  
Attentive driving  
• When the driver turns on the sys-  
tem while driving, it displays 'Last  
Break time' and level.  
Resetting the System  
• The last break time is set to 00:00  
and the driver's attention level is  
set to 5 (very attentive) when the  
driver resets the Driver Attention  
Warning (DAW) system.  
Take a break  
• The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system resets in the follow-  
ing situations.  
- The engine is turned OFF.  
- The driver unfastens the seat belt  
and then opens the driver's door.  
- The vehicle is stopped for more  
than 10 minutes.  
• The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system operates again,  
when the driver restarts driving.  
• The driver can monitor their driving  
conditions on the LCD display.  
The DAW screen will appear when  
you select the Assist mode tab (  
on the LCD display if the system is  
activated. For more details, refer to  
"LCD Display Modes" in chapter 3.  
• The "Consider taking a break"  
message appears on the LCD dis-  
play and a warning sounds in order  
to suggest the driver to take a  
break, when the driver’s attention  
level is below 1.  
• The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system does not suggest  
the driver to take a break, when the  
total driving time is shorter than 10  
• The driver's attention level is dis-  
played on the scale of 1 to 5. The  
lower the number is, the more inat-  
tentive the driver is.  
• The number decreases when the  
driver does not take a break for a  
certain period of time.  
• The number increases when the  
driver attentively drives for a cer-  
tain period of time.  
Driving your vehicle  
System Standby  
System Malfunction  
The Driver Attention Warning  
system is not a substitute for  
safe driving practices, but a  
convenience function only. It  
is the responsibility of the  
driver to always drive cau-  
tiously to prevent unexpected  
and sudden situations from  
occurring. Pay attention to the  
road conditions at all times.  
The system may suggest a  
break according to the dri-  
ver's driving pattern or habits  
even if the driver doesn't feel  
The driver, who feels fatigued,  
should take a break, even  
though there is no break sug-  
gestion by the Driver Attention  
Warning system.  
The Driver Attention Warning (DAW) Check Driver Attention Warning  
system enters the ready status and (DAW) system  
displays the 'Standby' screen in the  
following situations.  
When the warning message  
appears, the system is not working  
- The camera does not detect the properly. In this case, have the vehi-  
cle inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
- Driving speed remains under 40  
mph (64 km/h) or over 110 mph  
(177 km/h).  
The vehicle drives on  
bumpy road.  
The vehicle drives through a  
windy area.  
The vehicle is controlled by  
the following driving assist  
- Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)  
- Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system  
- Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
The Driver Attention Warning sys-  
tem utilizes the camera sensor on  
the front windshield for its opera-  
tion.To keep the camera sensor in  
the best condition, you should  
observe the followings:  
• Do not disassemble the camera  
temporarily to tint the window or  
to attach any types of coatings  
and accessories. If you disas-  
semble a camera and assemble  
it again, take your vehicle to an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer and  
have the system checked for cal-  
The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system may not properly  
operate with limited alerting in  
the following situations:  
The lane detection perform-  
ance is limited. (For more  
details, refer to "Lane Keeping  
Assist (LKA) system" in this  
The vehicle is violently driven  
or is abruptly turned for  
obstacle avoidance (e.g. con-  
struction area, other vehicles,  
fallen objects, bumpy road).  
• NEVER install any accessories  
or stickers on the front wind-  
shield, nor tint the front wind-  
• NEVER locate any reflective  
objects (i.e. white paper, mirror)  
over the dashboard. Any light  
reflection may cause a malfunc-  
tion of the Driver Attention Alert  
(DAW) system.  
Forward drivability of the  
vehicle is severely under-  
mined (possibly due to wide  
variation in tire pressures,  
uneven tire wear-out, toe-  
in/toe-out alignment).  
The DAW system warning  
chime may be difficult to hear if  
the audio system volume is set  
to a high level.  
The vehicle drives on a curvy  
• Pay extreme caution to keep the  
camera sensor out of water.  
Driving your vehicle  
Cruise Control operation  
- When driving in heavy traffic  
or when traffic conditions  
make it difficult to drive at a  
constant speed  
- When driving on rainy, icy, or  
snow-covered roads  
- When driving on hilly or  
windy roads  
- When driving in windy areas  
- When driving with limited  
view (possibly due to bad  
weather such as fog, snow,  
rain and sandstorm)  
Take the following precautions:  
If the Cruise Control is left on,  
("CRUISE" indicator light in  
the instrument cluster is illu-  
minated) the Cruise Control  
can be activated unintention-  
ally. Keep the Cruise Control  
system off ("CRUISE" indica-  
tor light OFF) when the Cruise  
Control is not in use, to avoid  
inadvertently setting a speed.  
Use the Cruise Control sys-  
tem only when traveling on  
open highways in good  
Do not use Cruise Control  
when towing a trailer.  
Do not use the Cruise Control  
when it may be unsafe to keep  
the vehicle at a constant  
Cruise indicator  
Set speed  
• During normal cruise control opera-  
tion, when the SET switch is activat-  
ed or reactivated after applying the  
brakes, the cruise control will ener-  
gize after approximately 3 seconds.  
This delay is normal.  
• Before activating the cruise control  
function, the system will check to  
verify that the brake switch is oper-  
ating normally. Depress the brake  
pedal at least once after turning ON  
the ignition or starting the engine.  
The Cruise Control system allows  
you to drive at speeds above 20 mph  
(30 km/h) without depressing the  
accelerator pedal.  
To set Cruise Control speed  
To increase Cruise Control  
3. Push the toggle switch down  
(SET-), and release it. The set  
speed on the LCD display will illu-  
1. Press the CRUISE button on the  
steering wheel to turn the system  
on. The "CRUISE" indicator will  
2. Accelerate to the desired speed,  
which must be more than 20 mph  
(30 km/h).  
• Push the toggle switch up (RES+)  
and hold it, while monitoring the  
SET speed on the instrument clus-  
Release the toggle switch when  
the desired speed is shown and  
the vehicle will accelerate to that  
4. Release the accelerator pedal.  
On a steep slope, the vehicle may  
slightly slow down or speed up, while  
driving uphill or downhill.  
• Push the toggle switch up (RES+)  
and release it immediately. The  
cruising speed will increase 1.0  
mph (1.0 km/h) each time the tog-  
gle switch is operated in this man-  
Driving your vehicle  
• Depress the accelerator pedal.  
When the vehicle attains the  
desired speed, push the toggle  
switch down (SET-).  
To decrease Cruise Control  
To temporarily accelerate with  
the Cruise Control ON  
Depress the accelerator pedal.When  
you take your foot off the accelerator,  
the vehicle will return to the previous-  
ly set speed.  
If you push the toggle switch down  
(SET-) at the increased speed, the  
Cruise Control will maintain the  
increased speed.  
• Push the toggle switch down (SET-)  
and hold it.Your vehicle will gradual-  
ly slow down. Release the toggle  
switch at the speed you want to  
• Push the toggle switch down (SET-)  
and release it immediately. The  
cruising speed will decrease 1.0  
mph (1.0 km/h) each time the toggle  
switch is operated in this manner.  
• Lightly tap the brake pedal. When  
the vehicle attains the desired  
speed, push the toggle switch  
down (SET-).  
• The ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) is operating.  
• Downshifting to 2nd gear when in  
Manual Shift mode.  
Cruise Control will be canceled  
To resume preset Cruising  
Each of the above actions will cancel  
Cruise Control operation (the set  
speed the instrument cluster will go  
off), but only pressing the CRUISE  
button will turn the system off. If you  
wish to resume Cruise Control opera-  
tion, push the toggle switch up (RES+)  
located on your steering wheel. You  
will return to your previously preset  
speed, unless the system was turned off  
using the CRUISE button.  
• Depressing the brake pedal.  
• Pressing the CANCEL button  
located on the steering wheel.  
• Pressing the CRUISE button. Both  
the cruise indicator and the set  
speed will disappear on the LCD.  
Push the toggle switch up (RES+). If  
the vehicle speed is over 20 mph (30  
km/h), the vehicle will resume the  
preset speed.  
• Moving the shift lever into N  
• Decreasing the vehicle speed to  
less than approximately 20 mph  
(30 km/h).  
Driving your vehicle  
To turn Cruise Control off  
• Press the CRUISE button (the  
"CRUISE" indicator light will go  
Turn the vehicle OFF.  
The Smart Cruise Control system  
allows you to program the vehicle to  
maintain constant speed and mini-  
mum distance between the vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control Switch  
The Smart Cruise Control system  
will automatically adjust your vehicle  
speed to maintain your programmed  
speed and following distance without  
requiring you to depress the acceler-  
ator or brake pedals.  
Cruise indicator  
Set speed  
Vehicle-to-vehicle distance  
CRUISE : Turns cruise control sys-  
tem on or off.  
cruise control speed.  
SET- : Sets or decreases cruise con-  
trol speed.  
: Sets vehicle-to-vehicle dis-  
CANCEL : Cancels cruise control  
For your safety, please read the  
owner's manual before using the  
Smart Cruise Control system.  
RES+ : Resumes  
To see the SCC screen on the LCD  
display in the cluster, select Assist  
mode ( ). For more details, refer to  
"LCD Display Modes" in chapter 3.  
The Smart Cruise Control sys-  
tem is not a substitute for safe  
driving practices, but a conven-  
ience function only. It is the  
responsibility of the driver to  
always check the speed and  
distance to the vehicle ahead.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control Speed  
To set Smart Cruise Control  
Vehicle speed may decrease on an  
upward slope and increase on a  
downward slope.  
• When you are setting the cruise con-  
trol speed, with a vehicle in front  
and your vehicle speed is between 0  
~ 20 mph (0 ~ 30 km/h), the speed  
will set to 20 mph (30 km/h).  
3. Push the toggle switch down  
(SET-). The Set Speed and  
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Distance on the  
LCD display will illuminate.  
1. Push the CRUISE button on the  
steering wheel to turn the system  
on. The cruise indicator will illumi-  
4. Release the accelerator pedal.  
The desired speed will automati-  
cally be maintained.  
If there is a vehicle in front of you, the  
speed may decrease to maintain the  
distance to the vehicle ahead.  
On a steep grade, the vehicle may  
slow down or speed up slightly while  
going uphill or downhill.  
2. Accelerate to the desired speed.  
The Smart Cruise Control speed  
can be set as follows:  
• 20 ~ 110 mph (30 ~ 180 km/h) :  
when there is no vehicle in front  
• 0 ~ 110 mph (0 ~ 180 km/h) :  
when there is a vehicle in front  
To increase Smart Cruise  
Control set speed  
To decrease the Smart Cruise  
Control set speed  
Check the driving condition  
before using the toggle switch.  
Driving speed sharply increas-  
es, when you push up and hold  
the toggle switch.  
Follow either of these procedures:  
Follow either of these procedures:  
• Push the toggle switch up (RES+),  
and release it immediately. The  
cruising speed will increase by  
1 mph (1 km/h) each time you  
move the toggle switch up in this  
• Push the toggle switch down  
(SET-), and release it immediately.  
The cruising speed will decrease  
by 1 mph (1 km/h) each time you  
move the toggle switch down in  
this manner.  
• Push the toggle switch up (RES+),  
and hold it. Your vehicle set speed  
will increase by 5 mph (10 km/h).  
Release the toggle switch at the  
speed you want.  
• Push the toggle switch down  
(SET-), and hold it.Your vehicle set  
speed will decrease by 5 mph (10  
km/h). Release the toggle switch  
at the speed you want.  
You can set the speed to 110 mph  
(180 km/h).  
You can set the speed to 20 mph  
(30 km/h).  
Driving your vehicle  
Canceled automatically  
To temporarily accelerate with  
the Smart Cruise Control on  
Smart Cruise Control set speed  
will be temporarily canceled  
• The driver's door is opened.  
• The vehicle is shifted to  
(Neutral), R (Reverse) or P (Park).  
• The EPB (Electronic Parking  
Brake) is applied.  
• The vehicle speed is over 120 mph  
(190 km/h).  
If you want to speed up temporarily  
when the Smart Cruise Control is on,  
depress the accelerator pedal.  
Increased speed will not interfere  
with Smart Cruise Control operation  
or change the set speed.  
To return to the set speed, take your  
foot off the accelerator pedal.  
If you push the toggle switch down  
(SET-) at increased speed, the cruis-  
ing speed will be set again pedal.  
• The vehicle stops on a steep incline.  
• The ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control), TCS (Traction Control  
System) or ABS is operating.  
• The ESC is turned off.  
• The sensor or the cover is dirty or  
blocked with foreign matter.  
• The vehicle is stopped for a certain  
period of time.  
• The vehicle stops and goes repeat-  
edly for a long period of time.  
• The accelerator pedal is continu-  
ously depressed for a long period  
of time.  
Canceled manually  
Be careful when accelerating  
temporarily, because the speed  
is not controlled automatically  
at this time even if there is a  
vehicle in front of you.  
• Depressing the brake pedal.  
• Pushing the CANCEL button locat-  
ed on the steering wheel.  
The Smart Cruise Control turns off  
temporarily when the Set Speed and  
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Distance indicator  
on the LCD display turns off.  
The cruise indicator is illuminated  
• The engine performance is abnor-  
• Engine rpm is in the red zone.  
• The driver starts driving by pushing  
the toggle switch up (RES+)/down  
(SET-) or depressing the accelera-  
tor pedal, after the vehicle is  
stopped by the Smart Cruise  
Control system with no other vehi-  
cle ahead.  
• The driver starts driving by pushing  
the toggle switch up (RES+)/down  
(SET-) or depressing the accelera-  
tor pedal, after stopping the vehicle  
with a vehicle stopped far away in  
To resume Smart Cruise Control  
set speed  
If the Smart Cruise Control is canceled  
by other than the reasons mentioned,  
have the system checked by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
If any method other than the cruise  
toggle switch was used to cancel  
cruising speed and the system is still  
activated, the cruising speed will  
automatically resume when you  
push the toggle switch up (RES+) or  
down (SET-).  
If you push the toggle switch up  
(RES+), the speed will resume to the  
recently set speed. However, if vehi-  
cle speed drops below 20 mph (30  
km/h), it will resume when there is a  
vehicle in front of your vehicle.  
• The Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) is activated.  
Each of these actions will cancel the  
Smart Cruise Control operation. The  
Set Speed and Vehicle-to-Vehicle  
Distance on the LCD display will go  
In a condition the Smart Cruise  
Control is cancelled automatically,  
the Smart Cruise Control will not  
resume even though the RES+ or  
SET- toggle switch is pushed.  
Always check the road condi-  
tions when you push the toggle  
switch up (RES+) to resume  
Smart Cruise Control canceled  
If the system is cancelled, the warn-  
ing chime will sound and a message  
will appear for a few seconds.  
You must adjust the vehicle speed by  
depressing the accelerator or brake  
pedal according to the road condition  
ahead and driving condition.  
Always check the road conditions.  
Do not rely on the warning chime.  
Driving your vehicle  
Each time the button is pressed, the  
vehicle to vehicle distance changes  
as follows:  
To turn Cruise Control off  
Smart Cruise Control Vehicle-  
to-Vehicle Distance  
To set Vehicle-to-Vehicle  
Distance 4  
Distance 3  
Distance 2  
Distance 1  
For example, if you drive at 56 mph  
(90 km/h), the distance is maintained  
as follows:  
Distance 4 - approximately 172 feet  
Distance 3 - approximately 130 feet  
Distance 2 - approximately 106 feet  
Distance 1 - approximately 82 feet  
• Push the CRUISE button (the  
cruise indicator light will go off).  
If you wish not to use the cruise  
control system, always turn the  
system off by pushing the CRUISE  
When the Smart Cruise Control sys-  
tem is ON, you can set and maintain  
the distance from the vehicle ahead  
of you without pressing the accelera-  
tor or brake pedal.  
The distance is set to the last set dis-  
tance when the system is used for the  
first time after starting the engine.  
When the lane ahead is clear:  
When there is a vehicle ahead  
of you in your lane:  
Distance 4  
Distance 2  
Distance 3  
Distance 1  
When using the Smart Cruise  
Control system:  
The vehicle speed will maintain the  
set speed.  
The warning message may  
appear and a warning chime  
may sound if the vehicle is  
unable to maintain the select-  
ed distance from the vehicle  
If this warning message  
appears, apply the brake  
pedal directly to adjust your  
vehicle speed in order to  
between the vehicle ahead.  
Your vehicle speed will slow down  
or speed up to maintain the select-  
ed distance.  
• If the vehicle ahead speeds up,  
your vehicle will travel at a steady  
cruising speed after accelerating to  
the set speed.  
• If distance from the front vehicle  
has changed due to accelerating or  
decelerating of the front vehicle,  
the distance on the LCD display  
may change.  
Driving your vehicle  
In traffic situation  
Even if the warning message  
does not appear and warning  
chime does not sound, always  
pay attention to the driving  
conditions to prevent danger-  
ous situations from occur-  
The SCC warning chime may  
be difficult to hear if the audio  
system volume is set to a high  
If the vehicle ahead (vehicle  
speed: less than 20 mph (30  
km/h)) disappears to the next  
lane, the warning chime will  
sound and a message "Watch  
for surrounding vehicles" will  
appear. Adjust your vehicle  
speed for vehicles or objects  
that can suddenly appear in  
front of you by depressing the  
brake pedal.  
Use switch or pedal to accelerate  
• In traffic, your vehicle will stop if the  
vehicle ahead of you stops. Also, if  
the vehicle ahead of you starts  
moving, your vehicle will start as  
well. However, if the vehicle stops  
for more than 3 seconds, you must  
depress the accelerator pedal or  
push up the toggle switch (RES+)  
or push down the toggle switch  
(SET-) to start driving.  
Always pay attention to the road  
condition ahead.  
• If you push the smart cruise control  
toggle switch (RES+ or SET-) while  
Auto Hold and smart cruise control  
is operating the Auto Hold will be  
released regardless of accelerator  
pedal operation and the vehicle will  
start to move. The AUTO HOLD  
indicator changes from green to  
- Driving on rainy, icy, or  
snow-covered roads  
- Driving on a steep downhill  
or uphill  
- Driving in windy areas  
- Driving in parking lots  
- Driving near crash barriers  
- Driving on a sharp curve  
- Driving with limited view  
(possibly due to bad weath-  
er, such as fog, snow, rain or  
- The vehicle's sensing ability  
decreases due to vehicle  
modification, resulting in a  
level difference of the vehi-  
cle's front and rear  
Unexpected situations may  
lead to possible accidents.  
Pay attention continuously to  
road conditions and driving  
even when the smart cruise  
control system is being oper-  
Take the following precautions :  
Always set the vehicle speed  
under the speed limit.  
If the Smart Cruise Control is  
left on, (cruise indicator light  
in the instrument cluster is  
illuminated) the Smart Cruise  
Control can be activated unin-  
tentionally. Keep the Smart  
Cruise Control system off  
(cruise indicator light OFF)  
when the Smart Cruise  
Control is not in use, to avoid  
inadvertently setting a speed.  
Use the Smart Cruise Control  
system only when traveling  
on open highways in good  
Do not use the Smart Cruise  
Control when it may not be  
safe to keep the vehicle at a  
constant speed.  
Do not use when:  
- Driving in heavy traffic or  
when traffic conditions make  
it difficult to drive at a con-  
stant speed  
Driving your vehicle  
Warning message  
Smart Cruise Control Radar  
For the SCC operation is temporarily  
stopped if the radar is blocked, but  
you wish to use conventional cruise  
control mode (speed only control func-  
tion), you must convert to the cruise  
control mode (refer to "To convert to  
Cruise Control mode" in the following  
Do not apply license plate  
frame or foreign objects such  
as a bumper sticker or a  
bumper guard near the radar  
Smart Cruise Control disabled.  
Radar blocked  
The Smart Cruise Control uses a  
radar sensor to detect distance to the  
vehicle ahead.  
If the sensor is covered with dirt or  
other foreign matter, the vehicle to  
vehicle distance control may not  
operate correctly.  
When the sensor lens cover is  
blocked with dirt, snow, or debris, the  
Smart Cruise Control system opera-  
tion may be disabled temporarily. If  
this occurs, a warning message will  
appear on the LCD display. Remove  
any dirt, snow, or debris and clean  
the radar sensor lens cover before  
operating the Smart Cruise Control  
system. The Smart Cruise Control  
system may not properly activate, if  
the radar is totally contaminated, or if  
any substance is not detected after  
turning on the engine (e.g. in an  
open terrain).  
sensor. Doing  
adversely affect the sensing  
performance of the radar.  
Always keep the radar sensor  
and lens cover clean and free  
of dirt and debris.  
Use only a soft cloth to wash  
the vehicle. Do not spray pres-  
surized water directly on the  
sensor or sensor cover.  
Always keep the sensor clean.  
Type A  
Type B  
To Adjust the Sensitivity of  
Smart Cruise Control  
Be careful not to apply unnec-  
essary force on the radar sen-  
sor or sensor cover. If the sen-  
sor is forcibly moved out of  
proper alignment, the Smart  
Cruise Control system may  
not operate correctly. In this  
case, a warning message may  
not be displayed. Have the  
vehicle inspected by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
If the front bumper becomes  
damaged in the area around  
the radar sensor, the Smart  
Cruise Control System may  
not operate properly. Have the  
vehicle inspected by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
Use only genuine HYUNDAI  
parts to repair or replace a  
damaged sensor or sensor  
cover. Do not apply paint to  
the sensor cover.  
Check Smart Cruise Control System  
The message will appear when the  
vehicle to vehicle distance control  
system is not functioning normally.  
Take your vehicle to an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer and have the sys-  
tem checked.  
The sensitivity of vehicle speed  
when following the front vehicle to  
maintain the set distance can be  
adjusted. Go to the 'User Settings  
Driver Assistance SCC Reaction  
Fast/Normal/Slow' on the LCD  
display. You may select one of the  
three stages you prefer.  
• Fast:  
Vehicle speed following the front  
vehicle to maintain the set distance  
is faster than normal speed.  
Driving your vehicle  
• Normal:  
Conventional Cruise Control  
The driver may choose to switch to  
use the conventional Cruise Control  
mode (speed only control function)  
by following these steps:  
Vehicle speed following the front  
vehicle to maintain the set distance  
is normal.  
When using the conventional  
Cruise Control mode, you must  
manually adjust the distance to  
other vehicles by depressing  
the brake pedal. The system  
does not automatically adjust  
the distance to vehicles in front  
of you.  
• Slow:  
Vehicle speed following the front  
vehicle to maintain the set distance  
is slower than normal speed.  
1. Push the CRUISE button on the  
steering wheel to turn the system  
on. The cruise (  
cator will illuminate.  
) indi-  
2. Push and hold the Vehicle-to-  
Vehicle Distance button for more  
than 2 seconds.  
3. Choose between "Smart Cruise  
Control" and "Cruise Control".  
When the system is canceled using  
the CRUISE button or the CRUISE  
button is used after the engine is  
turned on, the Smart Cruise Control  
mode will turn on.  
When you select the SCC Reaction  
sensitivity in the User Settings menu,  
this setting will remain as the default  
setting each time you start your vehi-  
On curves  
Limitations of the System  
The Smart Cruise Control system  
may have limits to its ability to detect  
distance to the vehicle ahead due to  
road and traffic conditions.  
Your vehicle speed can be reduced  
due to a vehicle in the adjacent lane.  
Apply the accelerator pedal and  
select the appropriate set speed.  
Check to be sure that the road condi-  
tions permit safe operation of the  
Smart Cruise Control.  
• The Smart Cruise Control system  
may not detect a moving vehicle in  
your lane, and then your vehicle  
could accelerate to the set speed.  
Also, the vehicle speed will  
decrease when the vehicle ahead  
is recognized suddenly.  
• Select the appropriate set speed  
on curves and apply the brakes or  
accelerator pedal if necessary.  
Driving your vehicle  
On inclines  
Lane changing  
Detecting vehicles  
• During uphill or downhill driving, • A vehicle which moves into your Some vehicles in your lane cannot  
the Smart Cruise Control system  
may not detect a moving vehicle in  
your lane, and cause your vehicle  
to accelerate to the set speed.  
Also, the vehicle speed will rapidly  
decrease when the vehicle ahead  
is recognized suddenly.  
• Select the appropriate set speed  
on inclines and apply the brake or  
accelerator pedal if necessary.  
lane from an adjacent lane cannot be recognized by the sensor:  
be recognized by the sensor until it  
is in the sensor's detection range.  
- Narrow vehicles such as motorcy-  
cles or bicycles  
• The radar may not detect immedi-  
ately when a vehicle cuts in sud-  
denly. Always pay attention to the  
traffic, road and driving conditions.  
• If a slower vehicle moves into your  
lane, your speed may decrease to  
maintain the distance to the vehicle  
- Vehicles offset to one side  
- Slow-moving vehicles or sudden-  
decelerating vehicles  
- Stopped vehicles  
- Vehicles with small rear profile  
such as trailers with no loads  
• If a faster vehicle which moves into  
your lane, your vehicle will acceler-  
ate to the set speed.  
A vehicle ahead cannot be recog-  
nized correctly by the sensor if any of  
following occurs:  
- When the vehicle is pointing  
upwards due to overloading in the  
luggage compartment  
- While the steering wheel is operat-  
- When driving to one side of the  
- When driving on narrow lanes or  
on curves  
Apply the brake or accelerator pedal  
if necessary.  
Your vehicle may accelerate when • When driving in stop-and-go traffic,  
a vehicle ahead of you disappears.  
• When you are warned that the  
vehicle ahead of you is not detect-  
ed, drive with caution.  
and a stopped vehicle in front of  
you merges out of the lane, the  
system may not immediately  
detect the new vehicle that is now  
in front of you. In this case, you  
must maintain a safe braking dis-  
tance, and if necessary, depress  
the brake pedal to reduce your  
driving speed in order to maintain a  
safe distance.  
Driving your vehicle  
When using the Smart Cruise  
Control take the following pre-  
If an emergency stop is nec-  
essary, you must apply the  
brakes. The vehicle cannot be  
stopped at every emergency  
situation by using the Smart  
Cruise Control system.  
Keep a safe distance accord-  
ing to road conditions and  
vehicle speed. If the vehicle to  
vehicle distance is too close  
during a high-speed driving, a  
serious collision may result.  
• Always look out for pedestrians • Always be cautious for vehicles  
when your vehicle is maintaining a  
distance with the vehicle ahead.  
with higher height or vehicles car-  
rying loads that sticks out from the  
back of the vehicle.  
Always maintain sufficient  
braking distance and deceler-  
ate your vehicle by applying  
the brakes if necessary.  
The Smart Cruise Control sys-  
tem cannot recognize  
stopped vehicle, pedestrians or  
an oncoming vehicle. Always  
look ahead cautiously to pre-  
vent unexpected and sudden  
situations from occurring.  
Vehicles moving in front of  
you with a frequent lane  
change may cause a delay in  
the system's reaction or may  
cause the system to react to a  
vehicle actually in an adjacent  
lane. Always drive cautiously  
to prevent unexpected and  
sudden situations from occur-  
Always be aware of the select-  
ed speed and vehicle to vehi-  
cle distance. The driver  
should not solely rely on the  
system but always pay atten-  
tion to driving conditions and  
control your vehicle speed.  
The Smart Cruise Control system Radio frequency radiation exposure  
may not operate temporarily due to:  
• Electrical interference  
• Modifying the suspension  
This equipment complies with FCC  
radiation exposure limits set forth for  
an uncontrolled environment.  
This equipment should be installed  
and operated with minimum distance  
of 8 in. (20 cm) between the radiator  
(antenna) and your body.  
This transmitter must not be co-locat-  
ed or operating in conjunction with  
any other antenna or transmitter.  
• Differences of tire abrasion or tire  
• Installing different type of tires  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following  
three conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful  
The Smart Cruise Control sys-  
tem may not recognize com-  
plex driving situations so  
always pay attention to driv-  
ing conditions and control  
your vehicle speed.  
interference, and  
2. This device must accept any inter-  
ference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired  
3. Changes or modifications not  
expressly approved by the party  
responsible for compliance could  
void the user's authority to operate  
the device.  
Driving your vehicle  
Hazardous driving conditions  
Rocking the vehicle  
When hazardous driving elements If it is necessary to rock the vehicle  
are encountered such as water, to free it from snow, sand, or mud,  
snow, ice, mud and sand, take the first turn the steering wheel right and  
If the vehicle is stuck and  
excessive wheel spin occurs,  
the temperature in the tires can  
increase very quickly. If the tires  
become damaged, a tire blow  
out or tire explosion can occur.  
This condition is dangerous -  
you and others may be injured.  
Do not attempt this procedure if  
people or objects are anywhere  
near the vehicle.  
If you attempt to free the vehicle,  
the vehicle can overheat quickly,  
possibly causing an engine  
compartment fire or other dam-  
age. Try to avoid spinning the  
wheels as much as possible to  
prevent overheating of either the  
tires or the engine. DO NOT  
allow the vehicle to spin the  
wheels above 35 mph (56 km/h).  
below suggestions:  
left to clear the area around your  
front wheels. Then, shift back and  
forth between R (Reverse) and a for-  
ward gear.  
Try to avoid spinning the wheels, and  
do not race the engine.  
To prevent transmission wear, wait  
until the wheels stop spinning before  
shifting gears. Release the accelera-  
tor pedal while shifting, and press  
lightly on the accelerator pedal while  
the transmission is in gear. Slowly  
spinning the wheels in forward and  
reverse directions causes a rocking  
motion that may free the vehicle.  
• Drive cautiously and keep a longer  
braking distance.  
• Avoid abrupt braking or steering.  
• When your vehicle is stuck in snow,  
mud, or sand, use second gear.  
Accelerate slowly to avoid unnec-  
essary wheel spin.  
• Put sand, rock salt, tire chains or  
other non-slip materials under the  
wheels to provide additional trac-  
tion while the vehicle becomes  
stuck in ice, snow, or mud.  
Downshifting with an automatic  
transmission while driving on  
slippery surfaces can cause an  
accident. The sudden change in  
tire speed could cause the tires  
to skid. Be careful when down-  
shifting on slippery surfaces.  
Smooth cornering  
Driving in the rain  
The ESC system must be turned OFF  
Avoid braking or gear changing in Rain and wet roads can make driving  
corners, especially when roads are dangerous. Here are a few things to  
wet. Ideally, corners should always consider when driving in the rain or  
before rocking the vehicle.  
be taken under gentle acceleration.  
on slick pavement:  
• Slow down and allow extra follow-  
ing distance. A heavy rainfall  
makes it harder to see and increas-  
es the distance needed to stop  
your vehicle.  
If you are still stuck after rocking  
the vehicle a few times, have the  
vehicle pulled out by a tow vehicle  
to avoid engine overheating, possi-  
ble damage to the transmission,  
and tire damage. See "Towing" in  
chapter 6.  
Driving at night  
Night driving presents more hazards  
than driving in the daylight. Here are  
some important tips to remember:  
• Slow down and keep more dis-  
tance between you and other vehi-  
cles, as it may be more difficult to  
see at night, especially in areas  
where there may not be any street  
• Adjust your mirrors to reduce the  
glare from other driver's head-  
• Keep your headlamps clean and  
properly aimed. Dirty or improperly  
aimed headlamps will make it  
much more difficult to see at night.  
• Avoid staring directly at the head-  
lamps of oncoming vehicles. You  
could be temporarily blinded, and it  
will take several seconds for your  
eyes to readjust to the darkness.  
Turn OFF your Cruise Control.  
• Replace your windshield wiper  
blades when they show signs of  
streaking or missing areas on the  
• Be sure your tires have enough  
tread. If your tires do not have  
enough tread, making a quick stop  
on wet pavement can cause a skid  
and possibly lead to an accident.  
See "Tire replacement" in chap-  
ter 7.  
Turn on your headlamps to make it  
easier for others to see you.  
• Driving too fast through large pud-  
dles can affect your brakes. If you  
must go through puddles, try to  
drive through them slowly.  
Driving your vehicle  
• If you believe your brakes may be  
wet, apply them lightly while driv-  
ing until normal braking operation  
Fuel, engine coolant and engine  
Driving in flooded areas  
Avoid driving through flooded areas  
unless you are sure the water is no  
higher than the bottom of the wheel  
hub. Drive through any water slowly.  
Allow adequate stopping distance  
because brake performance may be  
After driving through water, dry the  
brakes by gently applying them sev-  
eral times while the vehicle is moving  
Driving at higher speeds on the high-  
way consumes more fuel and is less  
efficient than driving at a slower,  
more moderate speed. Maintain a  
moderate speed in order to conserve  
fuel when driving on the highway.  
Be sure to check both the engine  
coolant level and the engine oil  
before driving.  
If the road is wet enough and you are  
going fast enough, your vehicle may  
have little or no contact with the road  
surface and actually ride on the  
water. The best advice is SLOW  
DOWN when the road is wet.  
Drive belt  
A loose or damaged drive belt may  
overheat the engine.  
The risk of hydroplaning increases  
as the depth of tire tread decreas-  
es, refer to "Tire replacement" in  
chapter 7.  
Highway driving  
Adjust the tire inflation, as specified.  
Under-inflation may overheat or  
damage the tires.  
Do not install worn-out or damaged  
tires, which may reduce traction or  
fail the braking operation.  
Never over-inflate your tires above the  
maximum inflation pressure, as speci-  
fied on your tires.  
Reducing the risk of a rollover  
Your multi-purpose passenger vehi-  
cle is defined as a Sports Utility  
Vehicle (SUV). SUV's have higher  
ground clearance and a narrower  
track to make them capable of per-  
forming in a wide variety of off-road  
applications. The specific design  
characteristics give them a higher  
center of gravity than ordinary vehi-  
cles making them more likely to roll  
over if you make abrupt turns. Utility  
vehicles have a significantly higher  
rollover rate than other types of vehi-  
cles. Due to this risk, driver and pas-  
sengers are strongly recommended  
to buckle their seat belts. In a rollover  
crash, an unbelted person is signifi-  
cantly more likely to die than a per-  
son wearing a seat belt.  
Utility vehicles have a signifi-  
cantly higher rollover rate than  
other types of vehicles. To pre-  
vent rollovers or loss of control:  
Take corners at slower speeds  
than you would with a passen-  
ger vehicle.  
Avoid sharp turns and abrupt  
Do not modify your vehicle in  
any way that you would raise  
the center of gravity.  
In a rollover crash, an unbelted  
person is significantly more  
likely to die than a person wear-  
ing a seat belt. Make sure all  
passengers are wearing their  
seat belts.  
Keep tires properly inflated.  
Do not carry heavy cargo on  
the roof.  
There are steps that a driver can  
make to reduce the risk of a rollover.  
If at all possible, avoid sharp turns or  
abrupt maneuvers, do not load your  
vehicle with heavy cargo on the roof,  
and never modify your vehicle in any  
Driving your vehicle  
The severe weather conditions of  
winter quickly wear out tires and  
cause other problems. To minimize  
winter driving problems, you should  
take the following suggestions:  
Snow tires  
Tire chains  
Snow tires should be equivalent  
in size and type to the vehicle’s  
standard tires. Otherwise, the  
safety and handling of your  
vehicle may be adversely affect-  
Snow or Icy Conditions  
You need to keep sufficient distance  
between your vehicle and the vehicle  
in front of you.  
Apply the brakes gently. Speeding,  
rapid acceleration, sudden brake  
applications, and sharp turns are  
potentially very hazardous practices.  
During deceleration, use engine  
braking to the fullest extent. Sudden  
brake applications on snowy or icy  
roads may cause the vehicle to skid.  
To drive your vehicle in deep snow, it  
may be necessary to use snow tires  
or to install tire chains on your tires.  
Always carry emergency equipment.  
Some of the items you may want to  
carry include tire chains, tow straps  
or chains, a flashlight, emergency  
flares, sand, a shovel, jumper cables,  
a window scraper, gloves, ground  
cloth, coveralls, a blanket, etc.  
If you mount snow tires on your vehi-  
cle, make sure to use radial tires of  
the same size and load range as the  
original tires. Mount snow tires on all Since the sidewalls of radial tires are  
four wheels to balance your vehicle’s thinner than other types of tires, they  
handling in all weather conditions. may be damaged by mounting some  
The traction provided by snow tires types of tire chains on them.  
on dry roads may not be as high as Therefore, the use of snow tires is  
your vehicle's original equipment recommended instead of tire chains.  
tires. Check with the tire dealer for Do not mount tire chains on vehicles  
maximum speed recommendations.  
equipped with aluminum wheels; if  
unavoidable use a wire type chain. If  
tire chains must be used, use gen-  
uine HYUNDAI parts and install the  
tire chain after reviewing the instruc-  
tions provided with the tire chains.  
Damage to your vehicle caused by  
improper tire chain use is not cov-  
ered by your vehicle manufacturer's  
Do not install studded tires without  
first checking local, state and munici-  
pal regulations for possible restric-  
tions against their use.  
Chain installation  
When installing tire chains, follow the  
manufacturer’s instructions and  
mount them as tightly possible. Drive  
slowly (less than 20 mph (30 km/h))  
with chains installed. If you hear the  
chains contacting the body or chas-  
sis, stop and tighten them. If they still  
make contact, slow down until the  
noise stops. Remove the tire chains  
as soon as you begin driving on  
cleared roads.  
When mounting snow chains, park  
the vehicle on level ground away  
from traffic. Turn on the vehicle  
Hazard Warning Flasher and place a  
triangular emergency warning device  
behind the vehicle (if available).  
Always place the vehicle in P (Park),  
apply the parking brake and turn off  
the engine before installing snow  
• Install tire chains on the front tires.  
It should be noted that installing tire  
chains on the tires will provide a  
greater driving force, but will not  
prevent side skids.  
The use of tire chains may  
adversely affect vehicle han-  
Drive less than 20 mph  
(30 km/h) or the chain manu-  
facturer's recommended speed  
limit, whichever is lower.  
Drive carefully and avoid  
bumps, holes, sharp turns,  
and other road hazards, which  
may cause the vehicle to  
Avoid sharp turns or locked  
wheel braking.  
• Do not install studded tires without  
first checking local, state and  
municipal regulations for possible  
restrictions against their use.  
Driving your vehicle  
Change to "winter weight" oil if  
Winter Precautions  
Use high quality ethylene glycol  
- When using tire chains:  
In some climates it is recommended  
that a lower viscosity "winter weight"  
oil be used during cold weather. See  
chapter 8 for recommendations. If  
you aren't sure what weight oil you  
should use, consult an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
• Wrong size chains or improperly  
installed chains can damage  
your vehicle's brake lines, sus-  
pension, body and wheels.  
• Use SAE "S" class or wire  
• If you hear noise caused by  
chains contacting the body,  
retighten the chain to prevent  
contact with the vehicle body.  
• To prevent body damage,  
retighten the chains after driving  
0.3~0.6 miles (0.5~1.0 km).  
Your vehicle is delivered with high  
quality ethylene glycol coolant in the  
cooling system. It is the only type of  
coolant that should be used because  
it helps prevent corrosion in the cool-  
ing system, lubricates the water  
pump and prevents freezing. Be sure  
to replace or replenish your coolant  
in accordance with the maintenance  
schedule in chapter 7. Before winter,  
have your coolant tested to assure  
that its freezing point is sufficient for  
the temperatures anticipated during  
the winter.  
Check battery and cables  
Winter puts additional burdens on  
the battery system. Visually inspect  
the battery and cables as described  
in chapter 7. The level of charge in  
your battery can be checked by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a  
service station.  
• Do not use tire chains on vehi-  
cles equipped with aluminum  
wheels. If unavoidable, use a  
wire type chain.  
• Use wire chains less than 0.59  
inch (15 mm) wide to prevent  
damage to the chain’s connec-  
Check spark plugs and ignition  
Do not let your parking brake  
Don't place foreign objects or  
materials in the engine com-  
Placement of foreign object or mate-  
rials which prevent cooling of the  
engine, in the engine compartment,  
may cause a failure or combustion.  
The manufacturer is not responsible  
for the damage caused by such  
Inspect your spark plugs as Under some conditions your parking  
described in chapter 7 and replace brake can freeze in the engaged  
them if necessary. Also check all position.This is most likely to happen  
ignition wiring and components to be when there is an accumulation of  
sure they are not cracked, worn or snow or ice around or near the rear  
damaged in any way.  
brakes or if the brakes are wet. If  
there is a risk the parking brake may  
freeze, apply it only temporarily while  
you put the gear selector lever in P  
and block the rear wheels so the car  
cannot roll. Then release the parking  
Use approved window washer  
anti-freeze in system  
To keep locks from freezing  
To keep the water in the window  
washer system from freezing, add an  
approved window washer anti-freeze  
solution in accordance with instruc-  
tions on the container.Window wash-  
er anti-freeze is available from an  
To keep the locks from freezing,  
squirt an approved de-icer fluid or  
glycerine into the key opening. If a  
lock is covered with ice, squirt it with  
an approved de-icing fluid to remove  
Do not let ice and snow accu-  
mulate underneath  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer and Under some conditions, snow and the ice. If the lock is frozen internally,  
most auto parts outlets. Do not use ice can build up under the fenders you may be able to thaw it out by  
engine coolant or other types of anti- and interfere with the steering. When using a heated key. Handle the heat-  
freeze as these may damage the driving in severe winter conditions ed key with care to avoid injury.  
paint finish.  
where this may happen, you should  
periodically check underneath the  
car to be sure the movement of the  
front wheels and the steering com-  
ponents is not obstructed.  
Driving your vehicle  
If you are considering to tow with your  
vehicle, you should first check with  
your state's Department of Motor  
Vehicles to determine legal require-  
ments. Since laws vary from state to  
state the requirements for towing  
trailers, vehicles, or other types of  
vehicles or apparatus may differ. Ask  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for  
further details before towing.  
If you decide to pull a trailer  
Here are some important points if  
you decide to pull a trailer:  
Take the following precautions:  
• Consider using a sway control.You  
can ask a trailer hitch dealer about  
sway control.  
• Do not do any towing with your  
vehicle during its first 1,200 miles  
(2,000 km) in order to allow the  
engine to properly break in. Failure  
to heed this caution may result in  
serious engine or transmission  
• When towing a trailer, be sure to  
consult an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer for further information on  
additional requirements such as a  
towing kit, etc.  
• Always drive your vehicle at a mod-  
erate speed (less than 60 mph  
(100 km/h)) or posted towing  
speed limit.  
If you don't use the correct  
towing equipment, or if you  
drive improperly while towing,  
you can lose control of the  
vehicle when pulling a trailer.  
For example, if the trailer is  
too heavy, the braking per-  
formance may be reduced.  
You and your passengers  
could be seriously or fatally  
injured. Pull a trailer only if  
you have followed all the  
steps in this section.  
Before towing, make sure the  
total trailer weight, GCW  
(Gross Combination Weight),  
GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight),  
GAW (Gross Axle Weight ) and  
trailer tongue load are all with-  
in the limits.  
Remember that trailering is different  
than just driving your vehicle by itself.  
Trailering means changes in han-  
dling, durability, and fuel economy.  
Successful, safe trailering requires  
correct equipment, and it has to be  
used properly. Damage to your vehi-  
cle caused by improper trailer towing  
is not covered by your vehicle manu-  
facturer’s warranty.  
This section contains many time-  
tested, important trailering tips and  
safety rules. Many of these are  
important for your safety and that of  
your passengers. Please read this  
section carefully before you pull a  
• On a long uphill grade, do not  
exceed 45 mph (70 km/h) or the  
posted towing speed limit,  
whichever is lower.  
• Carefully observe the weight and  
load limits provided in the following  
Total trailer weight  
Tongue load  
Take the following precautions:  
Never load a trailer with more  
weight in the rear than in the  
front. The front should be  
loaded with approximately  
60% of the total trailer load;  
the rear should be loaded with  
approximately 40% of the total  
trailer load.  
Never exceed the maximum  
weight limits of the trailer or  
trailer towing equipment.  
Improper loading can result in  
damage to your vehicle and/or  
personal injury. Check weights  
and loading at a commercial  
scale or highway patrol office  
equipped with scales.  
Total Trailer Weight  
Gross Vehicle Weight  
Tongue Load  
Gross Axle Weight  
What is the maximum safe weight of The tongue load is an important  
a trailer? It should never weigh more weight to measure because it affects  
than the maximum trailer weight with the total Gross Vehicle Weight  
trailer brakes. But even that can be (GVW) of your vehicle. The trailer  
too heavy. It depends on how you tongue should weigh a maximum of  
plan to use your trailer. For example, 10% of the total loaded trailer weight,  
speed, altitude, road grades, outside within the limits of the maximum trail-  
temperature and how often your vehi- er tongue load permissible.  
cle is used to pull a trailer are all  
important.The ideal trailer weight can  
also depend on any special equip-  
ment that you have on your vehicle.  
After you've loaded your trailer,  
weigh the trailer and then the tongue,  
separately, to see if the weights are  
proper. If they aren’t, you may be  
able to correct them simply by mov-  
ing some items around in the trailer.  
Driving your vehicle  
Trailer towing equipment  
It's important to have the correct  
hitch equipment. Crosswinds, large  
trucks going by, and rough roads are  
a few reasons why you’ll need the  
right hitch. Here are some rules to  
• Do you have to make any holes in  
the body of your vehicle when you  
install a trailer hitch? If you do, then  
be sure to seal the holes later  
when you remove the hitch. If you  
don’t seal them, carbon monoxide  
(CO) from your exhaust can get  
into your vehicle, as well as dirt  
and water.  
Reference weight when towing a trailer  
lbs (kg)  
2.0 GDI  
2.4 GDI  
Without brake  
1,650 (748)  
1,650 (748)  
2,000 (907)  
Maximum trailer  
With brake  
2,000 (907)  
220 (100)  
Maximum permissible static  
vertical load on the coupling  
220 (100)  
• The bumpers on your vehicle are  
not intended for hitches. Do not  
attach rental hitches or other  
bumper-type hitches to them. Use  
only a frame-mounted hitch that  
does not attach to the bumper.  
• A HYUNDAI trailer hitch accessory  
is available at an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Safety chains  
Trailer brakes  
Driving with a trailer  
You should always attach chains If your trailer is equipped with a brak-  
between your vehicle and your trail- ing system, make sure it conforms to  
er. Cross the safety chains under the federal and/or local regulations and  
tongue of the trailer so that the that it is properly installed and oper-  
tongue will not drop to the road if it ating correctly.  
Towing a trailer requires a certain  
amount of experience. Before setting  
out for the open road, you must get  
to know your trailer. Acquaint your-  
self with the feel of handling and  
braking with the added weight of the  
trailer. And always keep in mind that  
the vehicle you are driving is now  
longer and not nearly as responsive  
as your vehicle is by itself.  
Before you start, check the trailer  
hitch and platform, safety chains,  
electrical connector(s), lights, tires  
and brakes.  
becomes separated from the hitch.  
If your trailer weighs more than the  
Instructions about safety chains may  
maximum trailer weight without trail-  
be provided by the hitch manufactur-  
er brakes loaded, then it needs its  
er or trailer manufacturer. Follow the  
own brakes and they must be ade-  
manufacturer’s recommendation for  
quate. Be sure to read and follow the  
attaching safety chains. Always leave  
just enough slack so you can turn  
with your trailer. And, never allow  
safety chains to drag on the ground.  
instructions for the trailer brakes so  
you’ll be able to install, adjust and  
maintain them properly. Do not tap  
into your vehicle's brake system.  
Trailer brakes must be applied sepa-  
rately from your vehicle's brake sys-  
During your trip, occasionally check  
to be sure that the load is secure,  
and that the lights and trailer brakes  
are still working.  
Do not use a trailer with its own  
brakes unless you are absolute-  
ly certain that you have properly  
set up the brake system. Use an  
experienced, competent trailer  
shop for this work.  
Driving your vehicle  
Making turns  
Stay at least twice as far behind the When you’re turning with a trailer,  
vehicle ahead as you would when make wider turns than normal. Do  
driving your vehicle without a trailer. this so your trailer won't strike soft  
This can help you avoid situations shoulders, curbs, road signs, trees, or  
that require heavy braking and sud- other objects. Avoid jerky or sudden  
Do not connect a trailer lighting  
system directly to your vehi-  
cle's lighting system. Use an  
approved trailer wiring harness.  
Failure to do so could result in  
damage to the vehicle electrical  
system and/or personal injury.  
Consult an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer for assistance.  
den turns.  
maneuvers. Signal well in advance.  
Turn signals  
You will need more passing distance When you tow a trailer, your vehicle  
up ahead when you’re towing a trail- has to have a different turn signal  
er. And, because of the increased flasher and extra wiring. The green  
vehicle length, you’ll need to go arrows on your instrument panel will  
much farther beyond the passed flash whenever you signal a turn or  
vehicle before you can return to your lane change. Properly connected,  
the trailer lights will also flash to alert  
other drivers you're about to turn,  
change lanes, or stop.  
Backing up  
When towing a trailer, the green  
arrows on your instrument panel will  
flash for turns even if the bulbs on the  
trailer are burned out. Thus, you may  
think drivers behind you are seeing  
your signals when, in fact, they are  
not. It’s important to check occasion-  
ally to be sure the trailer bulbs are still  
working. You must also check the  
lights every time you disconnect and  
then reconnect the wires.  
Hold the bottom of the steering  
wheel with one hand. Then, to move  
the trailer to the left, move your hand  
to the left. To move the trailer to the  
right, move your hand to the right.  
Always back up slowly and, if possi-  
ble, have someone guide you.  
Driving on hills  
Parking on hills  
Reduce speed and shift to a lower  
gear before you start down a long or  
steep downgrade. If you don't shift  
down, you might have to use your  
brakes so much that they would get  
overheated and may not operate effi-  
On a long uphill grade, shift down  
and reduce your speed to around 45  
mph (70 km/h) to reduce the possibil-  
ity of engine and transmission over-  
If your trailer weighs more than the  
maximum trailer weight without trailer  
brakes, you should drive in D (Drive)  
when towing a trailer. Operating your  
vehicle in D (Drive) when towing a  
trailer will minimize heat build-up and  
extend the life of your transmission.  
Generally, if you have a trailer attached  
to your vehicle, you should not park  
your vehicle on a hill.  
To prevent engine and/or trans-  
mission overheating:  
• When towing a trailer on steep  
grades (in excess of 6%) pay  
close attention to the engine  
coolant temperature gauge to  
ensure the engine does not  
overheat. If the needle of the  
coolant temperature gauge  
moves towards "H" (HOT), pull  
over and stop as soon as it is  
safe to do so, and allow the  
engine to idle until it cools  
down.You may proceed once the  
engine has cooled sufficiently.  
• When towing a trailer, your vehi-  
cle speed may be much slower  
than the general flow of traffic,  
especially when climbing an  
uphill grade. Use the right hand  
lane when towing a trailer on an  
uphill grade. Choose your vehi-  
cle speed according to the max-  
imum posted speed limit for  
vehicles with trailers, the steep-  
ness of the grade, and your trail-  
er weight.  
However, if you ever have to park your  
trailer on a hill, here's how to do it:  
1. Pull the vehicle into the parking  
Turn the steering wheel in the  
direction of the curb (right if head-  
ed down hill, left if headed up hill).  
2. Shift the vehicle to P (Park).  
3. Set the parking brake and shut off  
the vehicle.  
4. Place wheel chocks under the  
trailer wheels on the down hill side  
of the wheels.  
Driving your vehicle  
5. Start the vehicle, apply the brakes,  
shift to neutral, release the park-  
ing brake and slowly release the  
brakes until the trailer chocks  
absorb the load.  
6. Reapply the brakes and parking  
Driving the vehicle after it has  
been parked on a hill  
1. With the gear shift lever in P  
(Park), apply the brakes and hold  
the brake pedal down while per-  
forming the following:  
Maintenance when trailer tow-  
Your vehicle will need service more  
often when you regularly pull a trail-  
er. Important items to pay particular  
attention to include engine oil, auto-  
matic transmission fluid, axle lubri-  
cant and cooling system fluid. Brake  
condition is another important item to  
frequently check. If you’re trailering,  
it’s a good idea to review these items  
before you start your trip. Don't forget  
to also maintain your trailer and  
hitch. Follow the maintenance sched-  
ule that accompanied your trailer and  
check it periodically. Preferably,  
inspect the vehicle and trailer at the  
start of each day's driving. Inspect  
the hitch mounting to make sure the  
hitch is properly secured to the vehi-  
cle. Inspect the trailer electrical  
wiring to make sure brake lights, turn  
signal lights, running lights, and haz-  
ard lights are working properly.  
• Start your engine;  
• Shift into gear; and  
• Release the parking brake.  
7. Move the shift lever to P (Park).  
8. Shut off the vehicle and release  
the vehicle brakes but leave the  
parking brake set.  
2. Slowly remove your foot from the  
brake pedal.  
3. Drive slowly until the trailer is clear  
of the chocks.  
4. Stop and have someone pick up  
and store the chocks.  
Do not get out of the vehicle  
without the parking brake  
firmly set. If you have left the  
engine running, the vehicle  
can move suddenly. You and  
others could be seriously or  
fatally injured.  
Do not apply the accelerator  
pedal to hold the vehicle on  
an uphill.  
To prevent vehicle damage:  
• Due to higher load during trailer  
usage, overheating might occur  
on hot days or during uphill driv-  
ing. If the coolant gauge indi-  
cates over-heating, switch off  
the air conditioner and stop the  
vehicle in a safe area to cool  
down the engine.  
• When towing check the automat-  
ic transmission fluid more fre-  
Driving your vehicle  
Two labels on your driver's door sill Cargo Weight  
GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight)  
show how much weight your vehicle  
was designed to carry: the Tire and  
Loading Information Label and the  
Certification Label.  
This figure includes all weight added This is the Base Curb Weight plus  
to the Base Curb Weight, including actual Cargo Weight plus passen-  
cargo and optional equipment.  
Before loading your vehicle, familiar-  
ize yourself with the following terms  
for determining your vehicle’s weight  
ratings, from the vehicle's specifica-  
tions and the Certification Label:  
GAW (Gross Axle Weight)  
This is the total weight placed on  
each axle (front and rear) - including This is the maximum allowable  
vehicle curb weight and all payload.  
GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight  
weight of the fully loaded vehicle  
(including all options, equipment,  
passengers and cargo). The GVWR  
is shown on the Certification Label  
located on the driver’s door sill.  
GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating)  
Base Curb Weight  
This is the maximum allowable  
weight that can be carried by a single  
axle (front or rear). These numbers  
are shown on the Certification Label.  
The total load on each axle must  
never exceed its GAWR.  
This is the weight of the vehicle  
including a full tank of fuel and all  
standard equipment. It does not  
include passengers, cargo, or option-  
al equipment.  
Vehicle Curb Weight  
This is the weight of your new vehicle  
when you picked it up from your deal-  
er plus any aftermarket equipment.  
Tire Loading Information Label  
The label located on the driver's door sill gives the original tire size, cold tire pressures recommended for your  
vehicle, the number of people that can be in your vehicle and vehicle capacity weight.  
Driving your vehicle  
Vehicle capacity weight  
970 lbs. (440 kg)  
Vehicle capacity weight is the maxi-  
mum combined weight of occupants  
and cargo. If your vehicle is equipped  
with a trailer, the combined weight  
includes the tongue load.  
Towing capacity  
Without trailer brakes  
1000 lbs (454 kg)  
Steps for determining correct  
load limit  
1. Locate the statement "The com-  
bined weight of occupants and  
cargo should never exceed XXX  
kg or XXX lbs." on your vehicle's  
With trailer brakes  
1500 lbs (680 kg)  
2. Determine the combined weight of  
the driver and passengers that will  
be riding in your vehicle.  
3. Subtract the combined weight of  
the driver and passengers from  
XXX kg or XXX lbs.  
4. The resulting figure equals the  
available amount of cargo and lug-  
gage load capacity. For example, if  
the "XXX" amount equals 1400  
lbs. and there will be five 150 lb  
passengers in your vehicle, the  
amount of available cargo and lug-  
gage load capacity is 650 lbs.  
(1400 - 750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs.)  
Towing capacity is the maximum  
trailer weight including its cargo  
weight that your vehicle can tow.  
Seating capacity  
Total : 5 persons  
(Front seat : 2 persons,  
Rear seat : 3 persons)  
Cargo capacity  
The cargo capacity of your vehicle  
will increase or decrease depending  
on the weight and the number of  
occupants and the tongue load, if  
your vehicle is equipped with a trailer.  
Seating capacity is the maximum  
number of occupants including a  
driver, your vehicle may carry.  
However, the seating capacity may  
be reduced based upon the weight of  
all of the occupants, and the weight  
of the cargo being carried or towed.  
Do not overload the vehicle as there  
is a limit to the total weight, or load  
limit including occupants and cargo,  
the vehicle can carry.  
5. Determine the combined weight of  
luggage and cargo being loaded  
on the vehicle. That weight may  
not safely exceed the available  
cargo and luggage load capacity  
calculated in Step 4.  
6. If your vehicle will be towing a trail-  
er, load from your trailer will be  
transferred to your vehicle. Consult  
this manual to determine how this  
reduces the available cargo and  
luggage load capacity of your vehi-  
Do not overload the vehicle as  
there is a limit to the total  
weight, or load limit, including  
occupants and cargo, the vehi-  
cle can carry. Overloading can  
shorten the life of the vehicle. If  
the GVWR or the GAWR is  
exceeded, parts on the vehicle  
can break, and it can change the  
handling of your vehicle. These  
could cause you to lose control  
and result in an accident.  
Driving your vehicle  
Example 1  
Cargo Weight  
(1100 lbs.)  
(499 kg)  
Maximum Load  
(1400 lbs.)  
(635 kg)  
Passenger Weight  
(150 lbs. × 2 = 300 lbs.)  
(68 kg × 2 = 136 kg)  
Example 2  
Maximum Load  
(1400 lbs.)  
(635 kg)  
Passenger Weight  
(150 lbs. × 5 = 750 lbs.)  
(68 kg × 5 = 340 kg)  
Cargo Weight  
(650 lbs.)  
(295 kg)  
Example 3  
Cargo Weight  
(540 lbs.)  
Maximum Load  
(1400 lbs.)  
(635 kg)  
Passenger Weight  
(172 lbs. × 5 = 860 lbs.)  
(78 kg × 5 = 390 kg)  
(245 kg)  
The total weight of the vehicle,  
including all occupants, accessories,  
cargo, and trailer tongue load must  
not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight  
Rating (GVWR) or the Gross Axle  
Weight Rating (GAWR). To find out  
the actual loads on your front and  
rear axles, you need to go to a weigh  
station and weigh your vehicle. Be  
sure to spread out your load equally  
on both sides of the centerline.  
Certification label  
Overloading your vehicle may  
cause damage. Repairs would not  
be covered by your warranty. Do  
not overload your vehicle.  
If you carry items inside your  
vehicle (e.g., suitcases, tools,  
packages, or anything else),  
they are moving as fast as the  
vehicle. If you have to stop or  
turn quickly, or if there is a  
crash, the items will keep going  
and can cause an injury if they  
strike the driver or a passenger.  
Put items in the cargo area of  
your vehicle.Try to spread the  
weight evenly.  
Do not stack items, like suit-  
cases, inside the vehicle  
above the tops of the seats.  
The certification label is located on  
the driver’s door sill at the center pil-  
lar and shows the maximum allow-  
able weight of the fully loaded vehi-  
cle. This is called the GVWR (Gross  
Vehicle Weight Rating). The GVWR  
includes the weight of the vehicle, all  
occupants, fuel and cargo.  
This label also tells you the maxi-  
mum weight that can be supported  
by the front and rear axles, called  
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).  
Never exceed the GVWR for  
your vehicle, the GAWR for  
either the front or rear axle  
and vehicle capacity weight.  
Exceeding these ratings can  
affect your vehicle’s handling  
and braking ability, and cause  
an accident.  
Do not overload your vehicle.  
Overloading your vehicle can  
cause heat buildup in your  
vehicle’s tires and possible  
tire failure, increased stop-  
ping distances and poor vehi-  
cle handling-all of which may  
result in a crash.  
Do not leave an unsecured  
child restraint in your vehicle.  
When you carry something  
inside the vehicle, secure it.  