Driving Your Vehicle -> Automatic Transmission for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Driving your vehicle  
Automatic transmission opera-  
The automatic transmission has six  
forward speeds and one reverse  
The individual speeds are selected  
automatically in the D (Drive) posi-  
Press the shift button, then move shift lever.  
Depress the brake pedal, press ths shift button, and then move shift lever.  
Move shift lever.  
Transmission ranges  
The indicator in the instrument clus-  
ter displays the shift lever position  
when the ignition switch is in the ON  
To reduce the risk of serious  
injury or death:  
ALWAYS check the surround-  
ing areas near your vehicle for  
people, especially children,  
before shifting a vehicle into  
D (Drive) or R (Reverse).  
Before leaving the driver's  
seat, always make sure the  
shift lever is in the P (Park)  
position, then set the parking  
brake, and place the ignition  
switch in the LOCK/OFF posi-  
tion. Unexpected and sudden  
vehicle movement can occur  
if these precautions are not  
Do not use engine braking  
(shifting from a high gear to  
lower gear) rapidly on slip-  
pery roads. The vehicle may  
slip causing an accident.  
Shifting into P (Park) while the  
vehicle is in motion may  
cause you to lose control of  
the vehicle.  
After the vehicle has stopped,  
always make sure the shift  
lever is in P (Park), apply the  
parking brake, and turn the  
engine off.  
P (Park)  
Always come to a complete stop  
before shifting into P (Park).  
To shift from P (Park), you must  
depress firmly on the brake pedal.  
Make sure your foot is off the accel-  
erator pedal.  
If you have done all of the above and  
still cannot shift the lever out of P  
(Park), see "Shift-Lock Release" in  
this section.  
The shift lever must be in P (Park)  
before turning the engine off.  
Do not use the P (Park) posi-  
tion in place of the parking  
Driving your vehicle  
R (Reverse)  
N (Neutral)  
D (Drive)  
Use this position to drive the vehicle The wheels and transmission are not This is the normal driving position.  
The transmission will automatically  
shift through a six-gear sequence,  
providing the best fuel economy and  
Use N (Neutral) if you need to restart  
a stalled engine, or if it is necessary  
to stop with the engine ON. Shift into  
P (Park) if you need to leave your For extra power when passing anoth-  
vehicle for any reason.  
Always depress the brake pedal  
when you are shifting from N  
(Neutral) to another gear.  
Always come to a complete stop  
before shifting into or out of R  
(Reverse); you may damage the  
transmission if you shift into R  
(Reverse) while the vehicle is in  
er vehicle or driving uphill depress  
the accelerator pedal further until  
you feel the transmission downshift  
to a lower gear.  
The DRIVE MODE switch, located  
on the shift lever console, allows the  
driver to switch from COMFORT  
mode to SPORT mode.  
Do not shift into gear unless  
your foot is firmly on the brake  
pedal. Shifting into gear when  
the engine is running at high  
speed can cause the vehicle to  
move very rapidly. You could  
lose control of the vehicle and  
hit people or objects.  
For more details, refer to "Drive  
Mode Integrated Control System"  
later in this chapter.  
• If the driver presses the lever to  
+ (Up) or - (Down) position, the  
transmission may not make the  
requested gear change if the next  
gear is outside of the allowable  
engine rpm range. The driver must  
execute upshifts in accordance with  
road conditions, taking care to keep  
the engine rpms below the red zone.  
In Manual Shift Mode, moving the  
shift lever backwards and forwards  
will allow you to select the desired  
range of gears for the current driving  
+ (Up) : Push the lever forward once  
to shift up one gear.  
- (Down) : Pull the lever backwards  
once to shift down one  
+ (UP)  
• When accelerating from a stop on a  
slippery road, push the shift lever  
forward into the + (Up) position.  
This allows the transmission to shift  
- (DOWN)  
Manual shift mode  
into the 2 gear which is better for  
• Only the six forward gears can be  
selected in Manual shift mode. To  
reverse or park the vehicle, move  
the shift lever to the R (Reverse) or  
P (Park) position as required.  
Whether the vehicle is stationary or  
in motion, manual shift mode is  
selected by pushing the shift lever  
from the D (Drive) position into the  
manual gate. To return to D (Drive)  
range operation, push the shift lever  
back into the main gate.  
smooth driving on a slippery road.  
Push the shift lever to the - (Down)  
side to shift back to the 1 gear.  
• Downshifts are made automatically  
when the vehicle slows down. When  
the vehicle stops, 1 gear is automat-  
ically selected.  
• When the engine rpm approaches  
the red zone the transmission will  
upshift automatically.  
Driving your vehicle  
5. Move the shift lever.  
Shift-Lock System  
Shift-Lock Release  
6. Remove the tool from the shift-  
lock override access hole then  
install the cap.  
For your safety, the automatic trans-  
mission has a shift-lock system  
which prevents shifting the transmis-  
sion from P (Park) into R (Reverse)  
unless the brake pedal is depressed.  
To shift the transmission from P  
(Park) into R (Reverse):  
If you need to use the shift-lock  
release, have your vehicle inspected  
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer  
1. Depress and hold the brake pedal.  
2. Start the engine or place the igni-  
tion switch in the ON position.  
3. Move the shift lever.  
If the shift lever cannot be moved from  
the P (Park) position into R (Reverse)  
position with the brake pedal  
depressed, continue depressing the  
brake, and then do the following:  
1. Place the ignition switch in the  
LOCK/OFF position.  
2. Apply the parking brake.  
3. Carefully remove the cap (1) cov-  
ering the shift-lock release access  
4. Insert a tool (e.g. flathead screw-  
driver) into the access hole and  
press down on the tool.  
• When driving in Manual Shift  
Mode, slow down before shifting to  
a lower gear. Otherwise, the lower  
gear may not be engaged if the  
engine rpms are outside of the  
allowable range.  
• Always apply the parking brake  
when leaving the vehicle. Do not  
depend on placing the transmis-  
sion in P (Park) to keep the vehicle  
from moving.  
• Exercise extreme caution when  
driving on a slippery surface. Be  
especially careful when braking,  
accelerating or shifting gears. On a  
slippery surface, an abrupt change  
in vehicle speed can cause the  
drive wheels to lose traction and  
may cause loss of vehicle control  
resulting in an accident.  
• Optimum vehicle performance and  
economy is obtained by smoothly  
depressing and releasing the  
Good Driving Practices  
Always come to a complete stop and  
continue to depress the brake pedal.  
Move the shift lever into the P (Park)  
position, apply the parking brake,  
and place the ignition switch in the  
LOCK/OFF position. Take the Key  
with you when exiting the vehicle.  
• Never move the shift lever from P  
(Park) or N (Neutral) to any other  
position with the accelerator pedal  
• Never move the shift lever into P  
(Park) when the vehicle is in  
Be sure the vehicle is completely  
stopped before you attempt to shift  
into R (Reverse) or D (Drive).  
• Do not move the shift lever to N  
(Neutral) when driving. Doing so  
may result in an accident because  
of a loss of engine braking and the  
transmission could be damaged.  
• Do not drive with your foot resting  
on the brake pedal. Even light, but  
consistent pedal pressure can  
result in the brakes overheating,  
brake wear and possibly even  
brake failure.  
• Depressing both accelerator and  
brake pedals at the same time can  
trigger logic for engine power  
reduction to assure vehicle decel-  
eration. Vehicle acceleration will  
resume after the brake pedal is  
When you stay in the vehicle  
with the engine running, be  
careful not to depress the  
accelerator pedal for a long  
period of time. The engine or  
exhaust system may overheat  
and start a fire.  
The exhaust gas and the  
exhaust system are very hot.  
Keep away from the exhaust  
system components.  
Do not stop or park over flam-  
mable materials, such as dry  
grass, paper or leaves. They  
may ignite and cause a fire.  
Driving your vehicle  
Information -  
In the event your vehicle  
leaves the roadway, do not  
steer sharply. Instead, slow  
down before pulling back into  
the travel lanes.  
HYUNDAI recommends you  
follow all posted speed limits.  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
Use the kickdown mechanism for  
maximum acceleration. Depress the  
accelerator pedal beyond the pressure  
point. The automatic transmission will  
shift to a lower gear depending on the  
engine speed.  
ALWAYS wear your seatbelt.  
In a collision, an unbelted  
occupant is significantly more  
likely to be seriously injured  
or killed than a properly belt-  
ed occupant.  
Avoid high speeds when cor-  
nering or turning.  
Do not make quick steering  
wheel movements, such as  
sharp lane changes or fast,  
sharp turns.  
The risk of rollover is greatly  
increased if you lose control  
of your vehicle at highway  
Loss of control often occurs if  
two or more wheels drop off  
the roadway and the driver  
over steers to reenter the  