Driving Your Vehicle -> Driver Attention Warning for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Driving your vehicle  
The Driver Attention Warning (DAW) • The driver can select the mode of  
Driver's attention level  
system is designed as a safety fea-  
ture to help reduce drowsy or inat-  
tentive driving. The DAW displays a  
bar graph that is intended to repre-  
sent the driver's attention and fatigue  
level while driving.  
the Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system.  
- Early : The Driver Attention  
Warning system helps alert the  
driver of his/her fatigue level or  
inattentive driving practices faster  
than Normal mode.  
System off  
- Normal : The Driver Attention  
Warning system helps alert the  
driver of his/her fatigue level or  
inattentive driving practices.  
- Off :The Driver Attention Warning  
system is deactivated.  
• The set-up of the Driver Attention  
Warning system will be main-  
tained, as selected, when the  
engine is re-started.  
System Setting and Activation  
System setting  
To turn ON the Driver Attention  
Warning (DAW) system, turn on  
the engine, and then select 'User  
Settings Driver Assistance →  
Driver Attention Warning Off/  
Attentive driving  
• When the driver turns on the sys-  
tem while driving, it displays 'Last  
Break time' and level.  
Resetting the System  
• The last break time is set to 00:00  
and the driver's attention level is  
set to 5 (very attentive) when the  
driver resets the Driver Attention  
Warning (DAW) system.  
Take a break  
• The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system resets in the follow-  
ing situations.  
- The engine is turned OFF.  
- The driver unfastens the seat belt  
and then opens the driver's door.  
- The vehicle is stopped for more  
than 10 minutes.  
• The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system operates again,  
when the driver restarts driving.  
• The driver can monitor their driving  
conditions on the LCD display.  
The DAW screen will appear when  
you select the Assist mode tab (  
on the LCD display if the system is  
activated. For more details, refer to  
"LCD Display Modes" in chapter 3.  
• The "Consider taking a break"  
message appears on the LCD dis-  
play and a warning sounds in order  
to suggest the driver to take a  
break, when the driver’s attention  
level is below 1.  
• The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system does not suggest  
the driver to take a break, when the  
total driving time is shorter than 10  
• The driver's attention level is dis-  
played on the scale of 1 to 5. The  
lower the number is, the more inat-  
tentive the driver is.  
• The number decreases when the  
driver does not take a break for a  
certain period of time.  
• The number increases when the  
driver attentively drives for a cer-  
tain period of time.  
Driving your vehicle  
System Standby  
System Malfunction  
The Driver Attention Warning  
system is not a substitute for  
safe driving practices, but a  
convenience function only. It  
is the responsibility of the  
driver to always drive cau-  
tiously to prevent unexpected  
and sudden situations from  
occurring. Pay attention to the  
road conditions at all times.  
The system may suggest a  
break according to the dri-  
ver's driving pattern or habits  
even if the driver doesn't feel  
The driver, who feels fatigued,  
should take a break, even  
though there is no break sug-  
gestion by the Driver Attention  
Warning system.  
The Driver Attention Warning (DAW) Check Driver Attention Warning  
system enters the ready status and (DAW) system  
displays the 'Standby' screen in the  
following situations.  
When the warning message  
appears, the system is not working  
- The camera does not detect the properly. In this case, have the vehi-  
cle inspected by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
- Driving speed remains under 40  
mph (64 km/h) or over 110 mph  
(177 km/h).  
The vehicle drives on  
bumpy road.  
The vehicle drives through a  
windy area.  
The vehicle is controlled by  
the following driving assist  
- Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)  
- Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) system  
- Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
The Driver Attention Warning sys-  
tem utilizes the camera sensor on  
the front windshield for its opera-  
tion.To keep the camera sensor in  
the best condition, you should  
observe the followings:  
• Do not disassemble the camera  
temporarily to tint the window or  
to attach any types of coatings  
and accessories. If you disas-  
semble a camera and assemble  
it again, take your vehicle to an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer and  
have the system checked for cal-  
The Driver Attention Warning  
(DAW) system may not properly  
operate with limited alerting in  
the following situations:  
The lane detection perform-  
ance is limited. (For more  
details, refer to "Lane Keeping  
Assist (LKA) system" in this  
The vehicle is violently driven  
or is abruptly turned for  
obstacle avoidance (e.g. con-  
struction area, other vehicles,  
fallen objects, bumpy road).  
• NEVER install any accessories  
or stickers on the front wind-  
shield, nor tint the front wind-  
• NEVER locate any reflective  
objects (i.e. white paper, mirror)  
over the dashboard. Any light  
reflection may cause a malfunc-  
tion of the Driver Attention Alert  
(DAW) system.  
Forward drivability of the  
vehicle is severely under-  
mined (possibly due to wide  
variation in tire pressures,  
uneven tire wear-out, toe-  
in/toe-out alignment).  
The DAW system warning  
chime may be difficult to hear if  
the audio system volume is set  
to a high level.  
The vehicle drives on a curvy  
• Pay extreme caution to keep the  
camera sensor out of water.  
Driving your vehicle  
Cruise Control operation  
- When driving in heavy traffic  
or when traffic conditions  
make it difficult to drive at a  
constant speed  
- When driving on rainy, icy, or  
snow-covered roads  
- When driving on hilly or  
windy roads  
- When driving in windy areas  
- When driving with limited  
view (possibly due to bad  
weather such as fog, snow,  
rain and sandstorm)  
Take the following precautions:  
If the Cruise Control is left on,  
("CRUISE" indicator light in  
the instrument cluster is illu-  
minated) the Cruise Control  
can be activated unintention-  
ally. Keep the Cruise Control  
system off ("CRUISE" indica-  
tor light OFF) when the Cruise  
Control is not in use, to avoid  
inadvertently setting a speed.  
Use the Cruise Control sys-  
tem only when traveling on  
open highways in good  
Do not use Cruise Control  
when towing a trailer.  
Do not use the Cruise Control  
when it may be unsafe to keep  
the vehicle at a constant  
Cruise indicator  
Set speed  
• During normal cruise control opera-  
tion, when the SET switch is activat-  
ed or reactivated after applying the  
brakes, the cruise control will ener-  
gize after approximately 3 seconds.  
This delay is normal.  
• Before activating the cruise control  
function, the system will check to  
verify that the brake switch is oper-  
ating normally. Depress the brake  
pedal at least once after turning ON  
the ignition or starting the engine.  
The Cruise Control system allows  
you to drive at speeds above 20 mph  
(30 km/h) without depressing the  
accelerator pedal.  
To set Cruise Control speed  
To increase Cruise Control  
3. Push the toggle switch down  
(SET-), and release it. The set  
speed on the LCD display will illu-  
1. Press the CRUISE button on the  
steering wheel to turn the system  
on. The "CRUISE" indicator will  
2. Accelerate to the desired speed,  
which must be more than 20 mph  
(30 km/h).  
• Push the toggle switch up (RES+)  
and hold it, while monitoring the  
SET speed on the instrument clus-  
Release the toggle switch when  
the desired speed is shown and  
the vehicle will accelerate to that  
4. Release the accelerator pedal.  
On a steep slope, the vehicle may  
slightly slow down or speed up, while  
driving uphill or downhill.  
• Push the toggle switch up (RES+)  
and release it immediately. The  
cruising speed will increase 1.0  
mph (1.0 km/h) each time the tog-  
gle switch is operated in this man-  
Driving your vehicle  
• Depress the accelerator pedal.  
When the vehicle attains the  
desired speed, push the toggle  
switch down (SET-).  
To decrease Cruise Control  
To temporarily accelerate with  
the Cruise Control ON  
Depress the accelerator pedal.When  
you take your foot off the accelerator,  
the vehicle will return to the previous-  
ly set speed.  
If you push the toggle switch down  
(SET-) at the increased speed, the  
Cruise Control will maintain the  
increased speed.  
• Push the toggle switch down (SET-)  
and hold it.Your vehicle will gradual-  
ly slow down. Release the toggle  
switch at the speed you want to  
• Push the toggle switch down (SET-)  
and release it immediately. The  
cruising speed will decrease 1.0  
mph (1.0 km/h) each time the toggle  
switch is operated in this manner.  
• Lightly tap the brake pedal. When  
the vehicle attains the desired  
speed, push the toggle switch  
down (SET-).  
• The ESC (Electronic Stability  
Control) is operating.  
• Downshifting to 2nd gear when in  
Manual Shift mode.  
Cruise Control will be canceled  
To resume preset Cruising  
Each of the above actions will cancel  
Cruise Control operation (the set  
speed the instrument cluster will go  
off), but only pressing the CRUISE  
button will turn the system off. If you  
wish to resume Cruise Control opera-  
tion, push the toggle switch up (RES+)  
located on your steering wheel. You  
will return to your previously preset  
speed, unless the system was turned off  
using the CRUISE button.  
• Depressing the brake pedal.  
• Pressing the CANCEL button  
located on the steering wheel.  
• Pressing the CRUISE button. Both  
the cruise indicator and the set  
speed will disappear on the LCD.  
Push the toggle switch up (RES+). If  
the vehicle speed is over 20 mph (30  
km/h), the vehicle will resume the  
preset speed.  
• Moving the shift lever into N  
• Decreasing the vehicle speed to  
less than approximately 20 mph  
(30 km/h).  
Driving your vehicle  
To turn Cruise Control off  
• Press the CRUISE button (the  
"CRUISE" indicator light will go  
Turn the vehicle OFF.  