Driving Your Vehicle -> Ignition Switch for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Driving your vehicle  
Key Ignition Switch  
To reduce the risk of SERIOUS  
INJURY or DEATH, take the fol-  
lowing precautions:  
NEVER allow children or any  
person who is unfamiliar with  
the vehicle to touch the igni-  
tion switch or related parts.  
Unexpected and sudden vehi-  
cle movement can occur.  
NEVER reach through the  
steering wheel for the ignition  
switch, or any other control,  
while the vehicle is in motion.  
The presence of your hand or  
arm in this area may cause a  
loss of vehicle control result-  
ing in an accident.  
NEVER turn the ignition switch  
to the LOCK or ACC position  
while the vehicle is in motion  
except in an emergency. This  
will result in the engine turning  
off and loss of power assist for  
the steering and brake systems.  
This may lead to loss of direc-  
tional control and braking func-  
tion, which could cause an acci-  
Before leaving the driver's seat,  
always make sure the shift lever  
is in P (Park) position, apply the  
parking brake, and turn ignition  
switch to the LOCK position.  
Whenever the front door is opened,  
the ignition switch will illuminate, pro-  
vided the ignition switch is not in the  
ON position. The light will go off  
immediately when the ignition switch  
is turned on or go off after about 30  
seconds when the door is closed.  
Unexpected vehicle movement  
may occur if these precautions  
are not followed.  
Key ignition switch positions  
To turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position, push the  
key in slightly at the ACC position and turn the key  
towards the LOCK position.  
The ignition key can be removed in the LOCK position.  
The steering wheel locks to protect the vehicle from theft.  
(if equipped)  
Some of the electrical accessories are usable.  
The steering wheel unlocks.  
This is the normal key position when the engine has Do not leave the ignition switch in the ON position when  
the engine is not running in order to prevent the battery  
from discharging.  
All features and accessories are usable.  
The warning lights can be checked when you turn the  
ignition switch from ACC to ON.  
To start the engine, turn the ignition switch to the START The engine will crank until you release the key.  
position.The switch returns to the ON position when you  
let go of the key.  
Driving your vehicle  
Starting the engine  
• It is best to maintain a moderate To prevent damage to the vehicle:  
engine speed until the vehicle engine  
comes up to normal operating tem-  
perature. Avoid harsh or abrupt  
acceleration or deceleration while  
the engine is still cold.  
• Do not hold the ignition key in  
the START position for more  
than 10 seconds. Wait 5 to 10  
seconds before trying again.  
Always wear appropriate shoes  
when operating your vehicle.  
Unsuitable shoes, such as high  
heels, ski boots, sandals, flip-  
flops, etc., may interfere with  
your ability to use the brake and  
accelerator pedals.  
• Do not push or tow your vehicle  
to start the engine.  
• Whether the engine is cold or warm,  
always start the vehicle with your  
foot on the brake pedal. Do not  
depress the accelerator while start-  
ing the vehicle. Do not race the  
engine while warming it up.  
1. Make sure the parking brake is  
2. Make sure the shift lever is in P  
3. Depress the brake pedal.  
4. Turn the ignition switch to the  
START position. Hold the key  
(maximum of 10 seconds) until the  
engine starts and release it.  
Engine Start/Stop Button  
This may lead to loss of direc-  
tional control and braking  
function, which could cause  
an accident.  
To turn the engine off in an  
Before leaving the driver's  
seat, always make sure the  
shift lever is in the P (Park)  
position, set the parking  
brake, press the Engine Start/  
Stop button to the OFF posi-  
tion, and take the Smart Key  
with you. Unexpected vehicle  
movement may occur if these  
precautions are not followed.  
NEVER reach through the  
steering wheel for the Engine  
Start/Stop button or any other  
control while the vehicle is in  
motion. The presence of your  
hand or arm in this area may  
cause a loss of vehicle control  
resulting in an accident.  
Press and hold the Engine  
Start/Stop button for more than  
two seconds OR rapidly press  
and release the Engine Start/  
Stop button three times (within  
three seconds).  
If the vehicle is still moving, you  
can restart the engine without  
depressing the brake pedal by  
pressing the Engine Start/Stop  
button with the shift lever in the  
N (Neutral) position.  
Whenever the front door is opened,  
the Engine Start/Stop button will illu-  
minate and will go off 30 seconds  
after the door is closed.  
To reduce risk of serious injury  
or death, NEVER allow children  
or any person who is unfamiliar  
with the vehicle to touch the  
Engine Start/Stop button or  
related parts. Unexpected and  
sudden vehicle movement can  
NEVER press the Engine Start/  
Stop button while the vehicle  
is in motion except in an emer-  
gency. This will result in the  
engine turning off and loss of  
power assist for the steering  
and brake systems.  
Driving your vehicle  
Engine Stop/Start button positions  
Button Position  
To turn off the engine, press the Engine  
Start/Stop button with shift lever in P (Park).  
When you press the Engine Start/Stop but-  
ton without the shift lever in P (Park), the  
Engine Start/Stop button does not turn to the  
OFF position, but turns to the ACC position.  
Press the Engine Start/Stop button when the If you leave the Engine Start/Stop button in the  
button is in the OFF position without depress- ACC position for more than one hour, the bat-  
ing the brake pedal.  
tery power will turn off automatically to prevent  
the battery from discharging.  
Smoe of the electrical accessories are  
Button Position  
Press the Engine Start/Stop button while it is Do not leave the Engine Start/Stop button in  
in the ACC position without depressing the the ON position when the engine is not run-  
brake pedal.  
ning to prevent the battery from discharging.  
The warning lights can be checked before  
the engine is started.  
To start the engine, depress the brake pedal If you press the Engine Start/Stop button with-  
and press the Engine Start/Stop button with out depressing the brake pedal, the engine  
the shift lever in the P (Park) or in the N does not start and the Engine Start/Stop but-  
(Neutral) position.  
ton changes as follows:  
For your safety, start the engine with the shift OFF ACC ON OFF  
lever in the P (Park) position.  
However, the engine may start if you depress  
the brake pedal within 0.5 second after press-  
ing the Engine Start/Stop button when it is in  
the OFF position.  
Driving your vehicle  
1. Always carry the smart key with  
2. Make sure the parking brake is  
3. Make sure the shift lever is in P  
4. Depress the brake pedal.  
Starting the engine  
• The engine will start by pressing the  
Engine Start/Stop button, only when  
the smart key is in the vehicle.  
Always wear appropriate shoes  
when operating your vehicle.  
Unsuitable shoes, such as  
high heels, ski boots, sandals,  
flip-flops, etc., may interfere  
with your ability to use the  
brake and accelerator pedals.  
Do not start the vehicle with the  
accelerator pedal depressed.  
The vehicle can move and lead  
to an accident.  
Wait until the engine rpm is  
normal. The vehicle may sud-  
denly move if the brake pedal  
is released when the rpm is  
• Even if the smart key is in the vehi-  
cle, if it is far away from the driver,  
the engine may not start.  
5. Press the Engine Start/Stop but-  
• When the Engine Start/Stop button  
is in the ACC or ON position, if any  
door is open, the system checks for  
the smart key. If the smart key is not  
in the vehicle, the "  
" indicator  
• Do not wait for the engine to warm  
up while the vehicle remains station-  
ary. Start driving at moderate  
engine speeds. (Aggressive accelerat-  
ing and decelerating should be  
will blink and the warning "Key not  
in vehicle" will come on and if all  
doors are closed, the chime will also  
sound for about 5 seconds. Keep the  
smart key in the vehicle when using  
the ACC position or if the vehicle  
engine is ON.  
• Always start the vehicle with your  
foot on the brake pedal. Do not  
depress the accelerator while start-  
ing the vehicle. Do not race the  
engine while warming it up.  