Driving Your Vehicle -> Lane Keeping Assist for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

The operation of the LKA sys-  
tem can be canceled or not  
work properly according to  
road condition and surround-  
ings. Always be cautious  
when driving.  
Do not disassemble the LKA  
system camera temporarily to  
tint the window or attach any  
types of coatings and acces-  
sories. If you disassemble the  
camera and assemble it again,  
take your vehicle to an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer and  
have the system checked for  
When you replace the wind-  
shield glass, LKA system  
camera or related parts of the  
steering wheel, take your  
vehicle to an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer and have the  
system checked for calibra-  
The Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)  
system is not a substitute for  
safe driving practices. It is the  
responsibility of the driver to  
always be aware of the sur-  
rounding and steer the vehicle.  
The Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) sys-  
tem detects lane markers on the  
road using a forward facing front  
camera located on the top center of  
the windshield. The LKA system  
assists the driver's steering to help  
keep the vehicle between the lane  
Take the following precautions  
when using the Lane Keeping  
Assist (LKA) system:  
Do not steer the steering  
wheel suddenly when the  
steering wheel is being assist-  
ed by the system.  
LKA system helps to prevent  
the driver from moving out of  
the lane unintentionally by  
assisting the driver's steering.  
However, the driver should not  
solely rely on the system but  
always pay attention on the  
steering wheel to stay in the  
When the system detects the vehicle  
straying from its lane, it alerts the  
driver with a visual and audible warn-  
ing, while applying a counter-steer-  
ing torque, to try to prevent the vehi-  
cle from moving out of its lane.  
Driving your vehicle  
The system detects lane lines  
and controls the steering  
wheel by a camera, therefore,  
if the lane lines are hard to  
detect, the system may not  
work properly.  
Please refer to "Limitations of  
the system".  
Do not remove or damage the  
related parts of LKA system.  
Always have your hands on  
the steering wheel while the  
LKA system is activated. Also,  
when Active LKA is selected  
from the User Settings mode  
and if you continue to drive  
with your hands off the steer-  
ing wheel after the "Keep  
hands on steering wheel"  
warning message appears,  
the system will stop control-  
ling the steering wheel.  
However, if the driver has their  
hands on the steering wheel  
again, the system will start  
If you attach objects to the  
steering wheel, the system  
may not assist steering or the  
hands off alarm may not work  
properly.When you tow a trail-  
er, make sure that you turn off  
the LKA system.  
When you tow a trailer, make  
sure that you turn off the LKA  
You may not hear a warning  
because of excessive audio  
If any other warning sound  
such as seat belt warning  
chime is already generated,  
the Lane Keeping Assist  
(LKA) system warning may  
not sound.  
Do not place objects on the  
dashboard that reflects light  
such as mirrors, white paper,  
etc. The system may malfunc-  
tion if the sunlight is reflected.  
The steering wheel is not con-  
tinuously controlled so if the  
vehicle speed is at a higher  
speed when leaving a lane the  
vehicle may not be able to be  
controlled by the system. The  
driver must always follow the  
speed limit when using the  
Note that the vehicle  
speed must be at least  
LKA system activation  
LKA System Operation  
approximately 40 mph  
(64 km/h) to ENABLE the  
LKA system. The indicator in the  
cluster display will illuminate green.  
The color of indicator will change  
depending on the condition of LKA  
- White : Sensor does not detect  
lane markers or vehicle  
speed is under 40 mph (64  
- Green : Sensor detects lane mark-  
ers and the system is able  
To see the LKA system screen on  
the LCD display in the cluster,  
select Assist mode ( ). For more  
details, refer to "LCD Display  
Modes" in chapter 3.  
To activate/deactivate the LKA sys-  
to control vehicle steering.  
With the ignition switch in the ON  
position, press the LKA system  
switch located on the instrument  
panel on the left hand side of the  
steering wheel. The indicator in the  
cluster display will initially illuminate  
white. This indicates the LKA system  
is in the READY but NOT ENABLED  
If the indicator (white) is activated  
from the previous ignition cycle, the  
system will turn ON without any addi-  
tional control. If you press the LKA  
switch again, the indicator on the clus-  
ter goes off.  
If you press the LKA button again,  
the indicator on the cluster display  
will go off.  
Driving your vehicle  
Lane marker undetected Lane marker detected  
• If your vehicle departs from the  
projected lane in front of you, the  
LKA system operates as follows:  
The Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)  
system is a system to help pre-  
vent the driver from leaving the  
lane. However, the driver should  
not solely rely on the system  
but always check the road con-  
ditions when driving.  
Left lane marker  
Right lane marker  
• If vehicle speed is over 40 mph (64  
km/h) and the system detects lane  
markers, the color changes from  
gray to white.  
• Both lane markers must be detect-  
ed for the system to fully activate.  
1. A visual warning appears on the  
cluster LCD display. Either the left  
lane marker or the right lane  
marker in the cluster LCD display  
will blink depending on which  
direction the vehicle is veering.  
Also, a warning sound will be  
2. The LKA system will control the  
vehicle's steering to prevent the  
vehicle from crossing the lane  
maker in below conditions.  
- Vehicle speed is over 40 mph (64  
Warning Light and Message  
Keep hands on steering wheel  
The warning message may  
appear late according to road  
conditions. Therefore, always  
have your hands on the steering  
wheel while driving.  
- The system detects both lane  
- When driving, the vehicle is locat-  
ed between both lanes normally.  
- The steering wheel is not turned  
When lanes are detected and all the  
conditions to activate the LKA sys-  
tem are satisfied, a LKA system indi-  
If the driver takes their hands off the  
steering wheel while the LKA system  
is activated, the system will warn the  
cator light (  
) will change from  
white to green.This indicates that the  
LKA system is in the ENABLED state  
and the steering wheel will be able to  
be controlled.  
If the steering wheel is held very light-  
ly, the message may still appear  
because the LKA system may not rec-  
ognize that the driver has their hands  
on the wheel.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver's grasp not detected.  
LKA system will be disabled  
Check Lane Keeping Assist  
(LKA) system  
Type A  
Type B  
The driver is responsible for  
accurate steering.  
Turn off the system in below  
- In bad weather  
- In bad road condition  
- When the steering wheel  
needs to be controlled by the  
driver frequently.  
If there is a problem with the system  
a message will appear for a few sec-  
onds. If the problem continues the  
LKA system failure indicator will illu-  
• Even though the steering is assisted  
by the system, the driver can still  
steer to control the steering wheel.  
If the driver still does not have their  
hands on the steering wheel after the  
message "Keep hands on steering  
wheel", the system will not control  
the steering wheel and warn the driv-  
er only when the driver crosses the  
lane markers.  
However, if the driver has their hands  
on the steering wheel again, the sys-  
tem will start controlling the steering  
• The steering wheel may feel heavier  
when the steering wheel is assisted  
by the system than when it is not.  
This warning message is available  
when Active LKA is selected from the  
User Settings mode.  
The LKA system will not be in the  
ENABLED state and/or the steering  
wheel will not be assisted when:  
• The turn signal is turned on before  
changing a lane. If you change  
lanes without the turn signal on, the  
steering wheel might be controlled.  
• Radius of a curve is too small.  
• The vehicle is driven on a steep  
• The steering wheel is turned sud-  
LKA system failure indicator  
The LKA system failure  
indicator (yellow) will illu-  
minate if the LKA system  
is not working properly.  
checked by an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Limitations of the System  
• The vehicle is not driven in the mid-  
dle of the lane when the system is The LKA system may operate pre-  
turned on or right after changing a maturely even if the vehicle does not  
When there is a problem with the  
system do one of the following:  
Turn the system on after turning  
the engine off and on again.  
• Check if the ignition switch is in the  
ON position.  
• Check if the system is affected by  
the weather. (ex: fog, heavy rain,  
depart from the intended lane, OR,  
the LKA system may not warn you if  
the vehicle leaves the intended lane  
under the following circumstances:  
• ESC (Electronic Stability Control) or  
VSM (Vehicle Stability Management)  
is activated.  
• The vehicle is driven on a sharp  
When the lane and road condi-  
tions are poor  
• Vehicle speed is below 35 mph  
(56 km/h) and over 110 mph (177  
• The vehicle makes sharp lane  
• It is difficult to distinguish the lane  
marker from the road because the  
lane marker is covered with dust or  
• It is difficult to distinguish the color  
of the lane marker from the road.  
• Check if there is foreign matter on  
the camera lens.  
• The vehicle brakes suddenly.  
If the problem is not solved, have  
your vehicle checked by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
• There are markings on the road  
surface that look like a lane marker  
that is inadvertently being detected  
by the camera.  
• The lane marker is indistinct or  
• The lane is very wide or narrow.  
• There are more than two lane lines  
on the road. (e.g. construction area)  
• Only one side of the lane marker is  
Driving your vehicle  
• The lane marker is merged or When external condition is inter- • Driving on a steep grade, over a  
divided. (e.g. tollgate)  
• The lane number increases or • The brightness outside changes  
hill, or when driving on a curved  
decreases or the lane marker are  
crossing complicatedly.  
• There are more than two lane  
suddenly such as when entering or • The adverse road conditions cause  
exiting a tunnel, or when passing  
under a bridge.  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
markers on the road in front of you. • The brightness outside is too low • The surrounding of the inside rear  
such as when the headlamps are  
not on at night or the vehicle is  
going through a tunnel.  
• There is a boundary structure in  
the roadway such as a concrete  
barrier, guardrail and reflector post  
that is inadvertently being detected  
by the camera.  
• When light coming from a street  
light or an oncoming vehicle is  
reflected on a wet road surface  
such as a puddle in the road.  
• The field of view in front is  
obstructed by sun glare.  
view mirror temperature is high  
due to direct sunlight, etc.  
• The lane marker is very thick or  
• The lane is very wide or narrow.  
• The lane marker ahead is not visi-  
ble due to rain, snow, water on the  
road, damaged or stained road  
surface, or other factors.  
• The shadow is on the lane marker  
by a median strip, trees, guardrail,  
noise barriers, etc.  
• The lane markers are complicated  
or a structure substitutes for the  
lines such as a construction area.  
• There are crosswalk signs or other  
symbols on the road.  
• The lane marker in a tunnel is  
stained with oil, etc.  
• The lane suddenly disappears  
such as at the intersection.  
• There is not enough distance  
between you and the vehicle in  
front to be able to detect the lane  
marker or the vehicle ahead is driv-  
ing on the lane marker.  
When front visibility is poor  
Lane Departure Warning  
LKA System Function Change  
• The windshield or the camera lens  
is blocked with dirt or debris.  
• The windshield glass is fogged up;  
a clear view of the road is obstruct-  
• Placing objects on the dashboard,  
• The sensor cannot detect the lane  
because of fog, heavy rain or snow.  
LDW system alerts the driver with a  
visual warning and a warning alarm  
when the system detects the vehicle  
departing the lane. The steering  
wheel will not be controlled.  
The driver can change LKA to Lane  
Departure Warning from the LCD  
display. Go to the 'User Settings  
Driver Assistance Lane Safety →  
Active LKA/Lane Keeping Assist/  
Lane Departure Warning.  
Active LKA  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
the FCC rules.  
The Active LKA mode provides more  
frequent steering wheel control in  
comparison with the Standard LKA  
Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause harmful  
interference, and  
Lane Keeping Assist  
2. This device must accept any inter-  
ference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired  
This mode guides the driver to help  
keep the vehicle within the lanes. It  
rarely controls the steering wheel,  
when the vehicle drives well inside  
the lanes. However, it starts to con-  
trol the steering wheel, when the  
vehicle is about to deviate out of the  