Driving Your Vehicle -> Special Driving Conditions for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Driving your vehicle  
Hazardous driving conditions  
Rocking the vehicle  
When hazardous driving elements If it is necessary to rock the vehicle  
are encountered such as water, to free it from snow, sand, or mud,  
snow, ice, mud and sand, take the first turn the steering wheel right and  
If the vehicle is stuck and  
excessive wheel spin occurs,  
the temperature in the tires can  
increase very quickly. If the tires  
become damaged, a tire blow  
out or tire explosion can occur.  
This condition is dangerous -  
you and others may be injured.  
Do not attempt this procedure if  
people or objects are anywhere  
near the vehicle.  
If you attempt to free the vehicle,  
the vehicle can overheat quickly,  
possibly causing an engine  
compartment fire or other dam-  
age. Try to avoid spinning the  
wheels as much as possible to  
prevent overheating of either the  
tires or the engine. DO NOT  
allow the vehicle to spin the  
wheels above 35 mph (56 km/h).  
below suggestions:  
left to clear the area around your  
front wheels. Then, shift back and  
forth between R (Reverse) and a for-  
ward gear.  
Try to avoid spinning the wheels, and  
do not race the engine.  
To prevent transmission wear, wait  
until the wheels stop spinning before  
shifting gears. Release the accelera-  
tor pedal while shifting, and press  
lightly on the accelerator pedal while  
the transmission is in gear. Slowly  
spinning the wheels in forward and  
reverse directions causes a rocking  
motion that may free the vehicle.  
• Drive cautiously and keep a longer  
braking distance.  
• Avoid abrupt braking or steering.  
• When your vehicle is stuck in snow,  
mud, or sand, use second gear.  
Accelerate slowly to avoid unnec-  
essary wheel spin.  
• Put sand, rock salt, tire chains or  
other non-slip materials under the  
wheels to provide additional trac-  
tion while the vehicle becomes  
stuck in ice, snow, or mud.  
Downshifting with an automatic  
transmission while driving on  
slippery surfaces can cause an  
accident. The sudden change in  
tire speed could cause the tires  
to skid. Be careful when down-  
shifting on slippery surfaces.  
Smooth cornering  
Driving in the rain  
The ESC system must be turned OFF  
Avoid braking or gear changing in Rain and wet roads can make driving  
corners, especially when roads are dangerous. Here are a few things to  
wet. Ideally, corners should always consider when driving in the rain or  
before rocking the vehicle.  
be taken under gentle acceleration.  
on slick pavement:  
• Slow down and allow extra follow-  
ing distance. A heavy rainfall  
makes it harder to see and increas-  
es the distance needed to stop  
your vehicle.  
If you are still stuck after rocking  
the vehicle a few times, have the  
vehicle pulled out by a tow vehicle  
to avoid engine overheating, possi-  
ble damage to the transmission,  
and tire damage. See "Towing" in  
chapter 6.  
Driving at night  
Night driving presents more hazards  
than driving in the daylight. Here are  
some important tips to remember:  
• Slow down and keep more dis-  
tance between you and other vehi-  
cles, as it may be more difficult to  
see at night, especially in areas  
where there may not be any street  
• Adjust your mirrors to reduce the  
glare from other driver's head-  
• Keep your headlamps clean and  
properly aimed. Dirty or improperly  
aimed headlamps will make it  
much more difficult to see at night.  
• Avoid staring directly at the head-  
lamps of oncoming vehicles. You  
could be temporarily blinded, and it  
will take several seconds for your  
eyes to readjust to the darkness.  
Turn OFF your Cruise Control.  
• Replace your windshield wiper  
blades when they show signs of  
streaking or missing areas on the  
• Be sure your tires have enough  
tread. If your tires do not have  
enough tread, making a quick stop  
on wet pavement can cause a skid  
and possibly lead to an accident.  
See "Tire replacement" in chap-  
ter 7.  
Turn on your headlamps to make it  
easier for others to see you.  
• Driving too fast through large pud-  
dles can affect your brakes. If you  
must go through puddles, try to  
drive through them slowly.  
Driving your vehicle  
• If you believe your brakes may be  
wet, apply them lightly while driv-  
ing until normal braking operation  
Fuel, engine coolant and engine  
Driving in flooded areas  
Avoid driving through flooded areas  
unless you are sure the water is no  
higher than the bottom of the wheel  
hub. Drive through any water slowly.  
Allow adequate stopping distance  
because brake performance may be  
After driving through water, dry the  
brakes by gently applying them sev-  
eral times while the vehicle is moving  
Driving at higher speeds on the high-  
way consumes more fuel and is less  
efficient than driving at a slower,  
more moderate speed. Maintain a  
moderate speed in order to conserve  
fuel when driving on the highway.  
Be sure to check both the engine  
coolant level and the engine oil  
before driving.  
If the road is wet enough and you are  
going fast enough, your vehicle may  
have little or no contact with the road  
surface and actually ride on the  
water. The best advice is SLOW  
DOWN when the road is wet.  
Drive belt  
A loose or damaged drive belt may  
overheat the engine.  
The risk of hydroplaning increases  
as the depth of tire tread decreas-  
es, refer to "Tire replacement" in  
chapter 7.  
Highway driving  
Adjust the tire inflation, as specified.  
Under-inflation may overheat or  
damage the tires.  
Do not install worn-out or damaged  
tires, which may reduce traction or  
fail the braking operation.  
Never over-inflate your tires above the  
maximum inflation pressure, as speci-  
fied on your tires.  
Reducing the risk of a rollover  
Your multi-purpose passenger vehi-  
cle is defined as a Sports Utility  
Vehicle (SUV). SUV's have higher  
ground clearance and a narrower  
track to make them capable of per-  
forming in a wide variety of off-road  
applications. The specific design  
characteristics give them a higher  
center of gravity than ordinary vehi-  
cles making them more likely to roll  
over if you make abrupt turns. Utility  
vehicles have a significantly higher  
rollover rate than other types of vehi-  
cles. Due to this risk, driver and pas-  
sengers are strongly recommended  
to buckle their seat belts. In a rollover  
crash, an unbelted person is signifi-  
cantly more likely to die than a per-  
son wearing a seat belt.  
Utility vehicles have a signifi-  
cantly higher rollover rate than  
other types of vehicles. To pre-  
vent rollovers or loss of control:  
Take corners at slower speeds  
than you would with a passen-  
ger vehicle.  
Avoid sharp turns and abrupt  
Do not modify your vehicle in  
any way that you would raise  
the center of gravity.  
In a rollover crash, an unbelted  
person is significantly more  
likely to die than a person wear-  
ing a seat belt. Make sure all  
passengers are wearing their  
seat belts.  
Keep tires properly inflated.  
Do not carry heavy cargo on  
the roof.  
There are steps that a driver can  
make to reduce the risk of a rollover.  
If at all possible, avoid sharp turns or  
abrupt maneuvers, do not load your  
vehicle with heavy cargo on the roof,  
and never modify your vehicle in any  