Driving Your Vehicle -> Trailer Towing for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

Driving your vehicle  
If you are considering to tow with your  
vehicle, you should first check with  
your state's Department of Motor  
Vehicles to determine legal require-  
ments. Since laws vary from state to  
state the requirements for towing  
trailers, vehicles, or other types of  
vehicles or apparatus may differ. Ask  
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for  
further details before towing.  
If you decide to pull a trailer  
Here are some important points if  
you decide to pull a trailer:  
Take the following precautions:  
• Consider using a sway control.You  
can ask a trailer hitch dealer about  
sway control.  
• Do not do any towing with your  
vehicle during its first 1,200 miles  
(2,000 km) in order to allow the  
engine to properly break in. Failure  
to heed this caution may result in  
serious engine or transmission  
• When towing a trailer, be sure to  
consult an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer for further information on  
additional requirements such as a  
towing kit, etc.  
• Always drive your vehicle at a mod-  
erate speed (less than 60 mph  
(100 km/h)) or posted towing  
speed limit.  
If you don't use the correct  
towing equipment, or if you  
drive improperly while towing,  
you can lose control of the  
vehicle when pulling a trailer.  
For example, if the trailer is  
too heavy, the braking per-  
formance may be reduced.  
You and your passengers  
could be seriously or fatally  
injured. Pull a trailer only if  
you have followed all the  
steps in this section.  
Before towing, make sure the  
total trailer weight, GCW  
(Gross Combination Weight),  
GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight),  
GAW (Gross Axle Weight ) and  
trailer tongue load are all with-  
in the limits.  
Remember that trailering is different  
than just driving your vehicle by itself.  
Trailering means changes in han-  
dling, durability, and fuel economy.  
Successful, safe trailering requires  
correct equipment, and it has to be  
used properly. Damage to your vehi-  
cle caused by improper trailer towing  
is not covered by your vehicle manu-  
facturer’s warranty.  
This section contains many time-  
tested, important trailering tips and  
safety rules. Many of these are  
important for your safety and that of  
your passengers. Please read this  
section carefully before you pull a  
• On a long uphill grade, do not  
exceed 45 mph (70 km/h) or the  
posted towing speed limit,  
whichever is lower.  
• Carefully observe the weight and  
load limits provided in the following  
Total trailer weight  
Tongue load  
Take the following precautions:  
Never load a trailer with more  
weight in the rear than in the  
front. The front should be  
loaded with approximately  
60% of the total trailer load;  
the rear should be loaded with  
approximately 40% of the total  
trailer load.  
Never exceed the maximum  
weight limits of the trailer or  
trailer towing equipment.  
Improper loading can result in  
damage to your vehicle and/or  
personal injury. Check weights  
and loading at a commercial  
scale or highway patrol office  
equipped with scales.  
Total Trailer Weight  
Gross Vehicle Weight  
Tongue Load  
Gross Axle Weight  
What is the maximum safe weight of The tongue load is an important  
a trailer? It should never weigh more weight to measure because it affects  
than the maximum trailer weight with the total Gross Vehicle Weight  
trailer brakes. But even that can be (GVW) of your vehicle. The trailer  
too heavy. It depends on how you tongue should weigh a maximum of  
plan to use your trailer. For example, 10% of the total loaded trailer weight,  
speed, altitude, road grades, outside within the limits of the maximum trail-  
temperature and how often your vehi- er tongue load permissible.  
cle is used to pull a trailer are all  
important.The ideal trailer weight can  
also depend on any special equip-  
ment that you have on your vehicle.  
After you've loaded your trailer,  
weigh the trailer and then the tongue,  
separately, to see if the weights are  
proper. If they aren’t, you may be  
able to correct them simply by mov-  
ing some items around in the trailer.  
Driving your vehicle  
Trailer towing equipment  
It's important to have the correct  
hitch equipment. Crosswinds, large  
trucks going by, and rough roads are  
a few reasons why you’ll need the  
right hitch. Here are some rules to  
• Do you have to make any holes in  
the body of your vehicle when you  
install a trailer hitch? If you do, then  
be sure to seal the holes later  
when you remove the hitch. If you  
don’t seal them, carbon monoxide  
(CO) from your exhaust can get  
into your vehicle, as well as dirt  
and water.  
Reference weight when towing a trailer  
lbs (kg)  
2.0 GDI  
2.4 GDI  
Without brake  
1,650 (748)  
1,650 (748)  
2,000 (907)  
Maximum trailer  
With brake  
2,000 (907)  
220 (100)  
Maximum permissible static  
vertical load on the coupling  
220 (100)  
• The bumpers on your vehicle are  
not intended for hitches. Do not  
attach rental hitches or other  
bumper-type hitches to them. Use  
only a frame-mounted hitch that  
does not attach to the bumper.  
• A HYUNDAI trailer hitch accessory  
is available at an authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer.  
Safety chains  
Trailer brakes  
Driving with a trailer  
You should always attach chains If your trailer is equipped with a brak-  
between your vehicle and your trail- ing system, make sure it conforms to  
er. Cross the safety chains under the federal and/or local regulations and  
tongue of the trailer so that the that it is properly installed and oper-  
tongue will not drop to the road if it ating correctly.  
Towing a trailer requires a certain  
amount of experience. Before setting  
out for the open road, you must get  
to know your trailer. Acquaint your-  
self with the feel of handling and  
braking with the added weight of the  
trailer. And always keep in mind that  
the vehicle you are driving is now  
longer and not nearly as responsive  
as your vehicle is by itself.  
Before you start, check the trailer  
hitch and platform, safety chains,  
electrical connector(s), lights, tires  
and brakes.  
becomes separated from the hitch.  
If your trailer weighs more than the  
Instructions about safety chains may  
maximum trailer weight without trail-  
be provided by the hitch manufactur-  
er brakes loaded, then it needs its  
er or trailer manufacturer. Follow the  
own brakes and they must be ade-  
manufacturer’s recommendation for  
quate. Be sure to read and follow the  
attaching safety chains. Always leave  
just enough slack so you can turn  
with your trailer. And, never allow  
safety chains to drag on the ground.  
instructions for the trailer brakes so  
you’ll be able to install, adjust and  
maintain them properly. Do not tap  
into your vehicle's brake system.  
Trailer brakes must be applied sepa-  
rately from your vehicle's brake sys-  
During your trip, occasionally check  
to be sure that the load is secure,  
and that the lights and trailer brakes  
are still working.  
Do not use a trailer with its own  
brakes unless you are absolute-  
ly certain that you have properly  
set up the brake system. Use an  
experienced, competent trailer  
shop for this work.  
Driving your vehicle  
Making turns  
Stay at least twice as far behind the When you’re turning with a trailer,  
vehicle ahead as you would when make wider turns than normal. Do  
driving your vehicle without a trailer. this so your trailer won't strike soft  
This can help you avoid situations shoulders, curbs, road signs, trees, or  
that require heavy braking and sud- other objects. Avoid jerky or sudden  
Do not connect a trailer lighting  
system directly to your vehi-  
cle's lighting system. Use an  
approved trailer wiring harness.  
Failure to do so could result in  
damage to the vehicle electrical  
system and/or personal injury.  
Consult an authorized HYUNDAI  
dealer for assistance.  
den turns.  
maneuvers. Signal well in advance.  
Turn signals  
You will need more passing distance When you tow a trailer, your vehicle  
up ahead when you’re towing a trail- has to have a different turn signal  
er. And, because of the increased flasher and extra wiring. The green  
vehicle length, you’ll need to go arrows on your instrument panel will  
much farther beyond the passed flash whenever you signal a turn or  
vehicle before you can return to your lane change. Properly connected,  
the trailer lights will also flash to alert  
other drivers you're about to turn,  
change lanes, or stop.  
Backing up  
When towing a trailer, the green  
arrows on your instrument panel will  
flash for turns even if the bulbs on the  
trailer are burned out. Thus, you may  
think drivers behind you are seeing  
your signals when, in fact, they are  
not. It’s important to check occasion-  
ally to be sure the trailer bulbs are still  
working. You must also check the  
lights every time you disconnect and  
then reconnect the wires.  
Hold the bottom of the steering  
wheel with one hand. Then, to move  
the trailer to the left, move your hand  
to the left. To move the trailer to the  
right, move your hand to the right.  
Always back up slowly and, if possi-  
ble, have someone guide you.  
Driving on hills  
Parking on hills  
Reduce speed and shift to a lower  
gear before you start down a long or  
steep downgrade. If you don't shift  
down, you might have to use your  
brakes so much that they would get  
overheated and may not operate effi-  
On a long uphill grade, shift down  
and reduce your speed to around 45  
mph (70 km/h) to reduce the possibil-  
ity of engine and transmission over-  
If your trailer weighs more than the  
maximum trailer weight without trailer  
brakes, you should drive in D (Drive)  
when towing a trailer. Operating your  
vehicle in D (Drive) when towing a  
trailer will minimize heat build-up and  
extend the life of your transmission.  
Generally, if you have a trailer attached  
to your vehicle, you should not park  
your vehicle on a hill.  
To prevent engine and/or trans-  
mission overheating:  
• When towing a trailer on steep  
grades (in excess of 6%) pay  
close attention to the engine  
coolant temperature gauge to  
ensure the engine does not  
overheat. If the needle of the  
coolant temperature gauge  
moves towards "H" (HOT), pull  
over and stop as soon as it is  
safe to do so, and allow the  
engine to idle until it cools  
down.You may proceed once the  
engine has cooled sufficiently.  
• When towing a trailer, your vehi-  
cle speed may be much slower  
than the general flow of traffic,  
especially when climbing an  
uphill grade. Use the right hand  
lane when towing a trailer on an  
uphill grade. Choose your vehi-  
cle speed according to the max-  
imum posted speed limit for  
vehicles with trailers, the steep-  
ness of the grade, and your trail-  
er weight.  
However, if you ever have to park your  
trailer on a hill, here's how to do it:  
1. Pull the vehicle into the parking  
Turn the steering wheel in the  
direction of the curb (right if head-  
ed down hill, left if headed up hill).  
2. Shift the vehicle to P (Park).  
3. Set the parking brake and shut off  
the vehicle.  
4. Place wheel chocks under the  
trailer wheels on the down hill side  
of the wheels.  
Driving your vehicle  
5. Start the vehicle, apply the brakes,  
shift to neutral, release the park-  
ing brake and slowly release the  
brakes until the trailer chocks  
absorb the load.  
6. Reapply the brakes and parking  
Driving the vehicle after it has  
been parked on a hill  
1. With the gear shift lever in P  
(Park), apply the brakes and hold  
the brake pedal down while per-  
forming the following:  
Maintenance when trailer tow-  
Your vehicle will need service more  
often when you regularly pull a trail-  
er. Important items to pay particular  
attention to include engine oil, auto-  
matic transmission fluid, axle lubri-  
cant and cooling system fluid. Brake  
condition is another important item to  
frequently check. If you’re trailering,  
it’s a good idea to review these items  
before you start your trip. Don't forget  
to also maintain your trailer and  
hitch. Follow the maintenance sched-  
ule that accompanied your trailer and  
check it periodically. Preferably,  
inspect the vehicle and trailer at the  
start of each day's driving. Inspect  
the hitch mounting to make sure the  
hitch is properly secured to the vehi-  
cle. Inspect the trailer electrical  
wiring to make sure brake lights, turn  
signal lights, running lights, and haz-  
ard lights are working properly.  
• Start your engine;  
• Shift into gear; and  
• Release the parking brake.  
7. Move the shift lever to P (Park).  
8. Shut off the vehicle and release  
the vehicle brakes but leave the  
parking brake set.  
2. Slowly remove your foot from the  
brake pedal.  
3. Drive slowly until the trailer is clear  
of the chocks.  
4. Stop and have someone pick up  
and store the chocks.  
Do not get out of the vehicle  
without the parking brake  
firmly set. If you have left the  
engine running, the vehicle  
can move suddenly. You and  
others could be seriously or  
fatally injured.  
Do not apply the accelerator  
pedal to hold the vehicle on  
an uphill.  
To prevent vehicle damage:  
• Due to higher load during trailer  
usage, overheating might occur  
on hot days or during uphill driv-  
ing. If the coolant gauge indi-  
cates over-heating, switch off  
the air conditioner and stop the  
vehicle in a safe area to cool  
down the engine.  
• When towing check the automat-  
ic transmission fluid more fre-  