What to Do in an Emergency -> If You Have a Flat Tire for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

What to do in an emergency  
Jack and Tools  
Changing a tire can be danger-  
ous. Follow the instructions in  
this section when changing a  
tire to reduce the risk of serious  
injury or death.  
Be careful as you use the jack  
handle to stay clear of the flat  
end. The flat end has sharp  
edges that could cause cuts.  
Turn the winged hold down bolt  
counterclockwise to remove the  
spare tire.  
Store the spare tire in the same com-  
partment by turning the winged hold  
down bolt clockwise.  
Jack handle  
Wheel nut wrench  
To prevent the spare tire and tools  
from "rattling", store them in their  
proper location.  
The jack, jack handle, and wheel lug  
nut wrench are stored in the luggage  
compartment under the luggage box  
The jack is provided for emergency  
tire changing only.  
Changing Tires  
ALWAYS place the jack on the  
designated jacking positions  
on the vehicle and NEVER on  
the bumpers or any other part  
of the vehicle for jacking sup-  
Do not start or run the engine  
while the vehicle is on the  
A vehicle can slip or roll off of a  
jack causing serious injury or  
death to you or those nearby.  
Take the following safety pre-  
Never place any portion of  
your body under a vehicle that  
is supported by a jack.  
Do not allow anyone to remain  
in the vehicle while it is on the  
If it is hard to loosen the tire hold-  
down wing bolt by hand, you can  
loosen it easily using the jack handle.  
1. Put the jack handle (1) inside of  
the tire hold-down wing bolt.  
2. Turn the tire hold-down wing bolt  
counterclockwise with the jack  
NEVER attempt to change a  
tire in the lane of traffic.  
ALWAYS move the vehicle  
completely off the road on  
level, firm ground away from  
traffic before trying to change  
a tire. If you cannot find a  
level, firm place off the road,  
call a towing service for assis-  
Keep children away from the  
road and the vehicle.  
Be sure to use the jack pro-  
vided with the vehicle.  
What to do in an emergency  
Follow these steps to change your  
vehicle’s tire:  
1. Park on a level, firm surface.  
2. Move the shift lever into P (Park),  
apply the parking brake, and place  
the ignition switch in the LOCK/  
OFF position.  
3. Press the hazard warning flasher  
4. Remove the wheel lug nut wrench,  
jack, jack handle, and spare tire  
from the vehicle.  
5. Block both the front and rear of the 6. Loosen the wheel lug nuts coun-  
tire diagonally opposite of the tire  
you are changing.  
terclockwise one turn each in the  
order shown above, but do not  
remove any lug nuts until the tire  
has been raised off of the ground.  
9. Continue to loosen the lug nuts  
with the wheel lug nut wrench and  
remove them with your fingers.  
Remove the wheel from the studs  
and lay it flat on the ground out of  
the way. Remove any dirt or debris  
from the studs, mounting sur-  
faces, and wheel.  
10. Install the spare tire onto the  
studs of the hub.  
11. Tighten the lug nuts with your fin-  
gers onto the studs with the  
smaller end of the lug nuts clos-  
est to the wheel.  
12. Lower the vehicle to the ground  
by turning the jack handle coun-  
7. Locate the jack-lifting point closest 8. Insert the jack handle into the jack  
to the flat tire that you wish to  
change. The jack-lifting locations  
have small brackets welded to the  
frame with two notches and two  
dimples just on the inner portion of  
the side seal under the vehicle.  
Align the jack under the jack-lifting  
and turn it clockwise, raising the  
vehicle until the tire clears the  
ground. Make sure the vehicle is  
stable on the jack.  
Never apply the jack to any other  
position or part of the vehicle other  
than under one of the jack-lifting  
points. Doing so may damage the  
side seal molding or another part  
of the vehicle.  
What to do in an emergency  
If you have a tire gauge, check the  
tire pressure (see “Tires and Wheels”  
in chapter 8 for tire pressure instruc-  
tions.). If the pressure is lower or  
higher than recommended, drive  
slowly to the nearest service station  
and adjust it to the recommended  
pressure. Always reinstall the valve  
cap after checking or adjusting tire  
pressure. If the cap is not replaced,  
air may leak from the tire. If you lose  
a valve cap, buy another and install it  
as soon as possible. After changing  
tires, secure the flat tire and return  
the jack and tools to their proper stor-  
age locations.  
Your vehicle has metric threads  
on the studs and lug nuts. Make  
certain during tire changing  
that the same nuts that were  
removed are reinstalled. If you  
have to replace your lug nuts  
make sure they have metric  
threads to avoid damaging the  
studs and ensure the wheel is  
properly secured to the hub.  
13. Use the wheel lug nut wrench to  
tighten the lug nuts in the order  
shown. Double-check each lug  
nut until they are tight. After  
changing tires, have an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer tighten the  
lug nuts to their proper torque as  
soon as possible. The wheel lug  
nut should be tightened to  
79~94 lbf·ft (11~13 kgf·m).  
HYUNDAI dealer for assistance.  
If any of the equipment such as the  
jack, lug nuts, studs, or other equip-  
• Check the tire pressure as soon ment is damaged or in poor condi-  
as possible after installing a tion, do not attempt to change the  
spare tire. Adjust it to the rec- tire and call for assistance.  
ommended pressure.  
• For safety, check and re-tighten  
the wheel lug nuts after driving  
about 30 miles (50 km). Recheck  
to make sure the lug nuts are  
secure after about 600 miles  
(1,000 km).  
When driving with the compact spare  
tire mounted to your vehicle:  
• Check the tire pressure after  
installing the compact spare tire.  
The compact spare tire should be  
inflated to 60 psi (420 kPa).  
• Do not take this vehicle through an  
automatic car wash while the com-  
pact spare tire is installed.  
• Do not use the compact spare tire  
on any other vehicle because this  
tire has been designed especially  
for your vehicle.  
• The compact spare tire’s tread life  
is shorter than a regular tire.  
Inspect your compact spare tire  
regularly and replace worn com-  
pact spare tires with the same size  
and design, mounted on the same  
Use of compact spare tires  
Compact spare tires are designed for  
emergency use only. Drive carefully  
on the compact spare tire and  
always follow the safety precautions.  
When the original tire and wheel  
are repaired and reinstalled on the  
vehicle, the lug nut torque must be  
set correctly. The correct lug nut  
tightening torque is 79~94 lbf·ft  
(11~13 kgf·m).  
To prevent compact spare tire  
failure and loss of control pos-  
sibly resulting in an accident:  
Use the compact spare tire  
only in an emergency.  
NEVER operate your vehicle  
over 50 mph (80 km/h).  
Do not exceed the vehicle’s  
maximum load rating or the  
load carrying capacity shown  
on the sidewall of the com-  
pact spare tire.  
Do not use the compact spare  
tire continuously. Repair or  
replace the original tire as  
soon as possible to avoid fail-  
ure of the compact spare tire.  
• Do not use more than one compact  
spare tire at a time.  
What to do in an emergency  
Jack label  
To prevent damaging the com-  
pact spare tire and your vehicle:  
Drive slowly enough for the  
road conditions to avoid all  
hazards, such as a potholes  
or debris.  
Avoid driving over obstacles.  
The compact spare tire diame-  
ter is smaller than the diame-  
ter of a conventional tire and  
reduces the ground clearance  
approximately 1 inch (25 mm).  
The actual Jack label in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.  
For more detailed specifications, refer to the label attached to the jack.  
Do not use tire chains on the  
compact spare tire. Because  
of the smaller size, a tire chain  
will not fit properly.  
Do not use the compact spare  
tire on any other wheels, nor  
should standard tires, snow  
tires, wheel covers or trim  
rings be used with the com-  
pact spare wheel.  
1. Model Name  
2. Maximum allowable load  
3. When using the jack, set your  
parking brake.  
4. When using the jack, stop the  
5. Do not get under a vehicle that is  
supported by a jack.  
6. The designated locations under  
the frame  
7. When supporting the vehicle, the  
base plate of jack must be vertical  
under the lifting point.  
8. Shift into Reverse gear on vehicles  
with manual transmission or move  
the shift lever to the P (Park) posi-  
tion on vehicles with automatic  
9. The jack should be used on firm  
level ground.  
10. Jack manufacture  
11. Production date  
12. Representative company and  
Towing Service  
On 2WD vehicle, it is acceptable to  
tow the vehicle with the rear wheels  
on the ground (without dollies) and  
the front wheels off the ground. If any  
of the loaded wheels or suspension  
components are damaged or the  
vehicle is being towed with the front  
wheels on the ground, use a towing  
dolly under the front wheels.  
• Do not tow the vehicle with the  
front wheels on the ground as  
this may cause damage to the  
When being towed by a commercial  
tow truck and wheel dollies are not  
used, the front of the vehicle should  
always be lifted, not the rear.  
If your vehicle is an AWD vehicle, it  
must be towed with a wheel lift and  
dollies or flatbed equipment with all  
the wheels off the ground.  
• Do not tow with sling-type  
equipment. Use a wheel lift or  
flatbed equipment.  
If emergency towing is necessary,  
we recommend having it done by an  
authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a  
An AWD vehicle should never be  
towed with the wheels on the  
ground. This can cause serious  
damage to the transaxle or the  
AWD system.  
Proper lifting and towing procedures  
are necessary to prevent damage to  
the vehicle. The use of wheel dollies  
or flatbed is recommended.  
What to do in an emergency  
When towing your vehicle in an  
emergency without wheel dollies:  
Removable Towing Hook  
1. Place the ignition switch in the  
ACC position.  
2. Place the shift lever in N (Neutral).  
3. Release the parking brake.  
If your vehicle is equipped with  
a rollover sensor, place the igni-  
tion switch in the LOCK/OFF or  
ACC position when the vehicle  
is being towed. The side impact  
and curtain air bag may deploy  
if the sensor detects the situa-  
tion as a rollover.  
Failure to place the shift lever in  
N (Neutral) when being towed  
with the front wheels on the  
ground can cause internal dam-  
age to the transaxle.  
1. Open the tailgate, and remove the  
towing hook from the tool case.  
3. Install the towing hook by turning it  
clockwise into the hole until it is  
fully secured.  
Emergency Towing  
4. Remove the towing hook and  
install the cover after use.  
2. Remove the hole cover pressing  
the lower part of the cover on the  
front or rear bumper.  
If towing is necessary, we recom-  
mend you have it done by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer or a commer-  
cial tow truck service.  
What to do in an emergency  
If towing service is not available in an Always follow these emergency tow-  
emergency, your vehicle may be ing precautions:  
temporarily towed using a cable or  
chain secured to the emergency tow-  
ing hook at the front (or rear) of the  
Use extreme caution when towing  
the vehicle with a cable or chain. A  
driver must be in the vehicle to steer  
it and operate the brakes.  
Towing in this manner may be done  
only on hard-surfaced roads for a  
short distance and at low speeds.  
Also, the wheels, axles, power train,  
steering and brakes must all be in  
good condition.  
• Place the ignition switch in the  
ACC position so the steering  
wheel is not locked. (if equipped)  
• Place the shift lever in N (Neutral).  
• Release the parking brake.  
• Depress the brake pedal with more  
force than normal since you will  
have reduced braking perform-  
• More steering effort will be  
required because the power steer-  
ing system will be disabled.  
• Use a towing cable or chain less  
than 16 feet (5 m) long. Attach a  
white or red cloth (about 12 inch  
(30 cm) wide) in the middle of the  
cable or chain for easy visibility.  
• Use a vehicle heavier than your  
own to tow your vehicle.  
• The drivers of both vehicles should • Drive carefully so the towing cable  
communicate with each other fre-  
or chain remains tight during tow-  
The driver must be in the vehi-  
cle for steering and braking  
operations when the vehicle is  
being towed. Passengers other  
than the driver must not be in  
the vehicle.  
• Before emergency towing, check • Before towing, check the automat-  
that the hook is not broken or dam-  
• Fasten the towing cable or chain  
securely to the hook.  
• Do not jerk the hook. Apply steady  
and even force.  
ic transmission for fluid leaks under  
your vehicle. If the automatic trans-  
mission fluid is leaking, flatbed  
equipment or a towing dolly must  
be used.  
Tie-down Hook  
Accelerate or decelerate the vehi-  
cle in a slow and gradual manner  
while maintaining tension on the  
tow rope or chain to start or drive  
the vehicle, otherwise tow hooks  
and the vehicle may be damaged.  
To avoid damage to your vehicle  
and vehicle components when  
• Always pull straight ahead when  
using the towing hooks. Do not  
pull from the side or at a vertical  
• Do not use the towing hooks to  
pull a vehicle out of mud, sand  
or other conditions from which  
the vehicle cannot be driven out  
under its own power.  
Do not use the tie-down hook(s)  
for towing purposes. If the tie-  
down hook(s) are used for tow-  
ing, the tie-down hook(s) or  
bumper will be damaged and  
this could lead to serious injury.  
• Limit the vehicle speed to  
10 mph (15 km/h) and drive less  
than 1 mile (1.5 km) when towing  
to avoid serious damage to the  
automatic transmission.  