What to Do in an Emergency -> Jump Starting for Your Hyundai Tucson SUV 2020

What to do in an emergency  
Jump starting can be dangerous if  
done incorrectly. Follow the jump  
starting procedure in this section to  
avoid serious injury or damage to  
your vehicle. If in doubt about how to  
properly jump start your vehicle, we  
strongly recommend that you have a  
service technician or towing service  
do it for you.  
Batteries contain sulfu-  
ric acid which is highly  
corrosive. Do not allow  
acid to contact your  
eyes, skin or clothing.  
To prevent SERIOUS INJURY or  
DEATH to you or bystanders,  
always follow these precautions  
when working near or handling  
the battery:  
If acid gets into your eyes, flush  
your eyes with clean water for at  
least 15 minutes and get imme-  
diate medical attention. If acid  
gets on your skin, thoroughly  
wash the area. If you feel pain or  
a burning sensation, get med-  
ical attention immediately.  
Always read and follow  
when handling a battery.  
Wear eye protection  
designed to protect the  
eyes from acid splashes.  
When lifting a plastic-cased  
battery, excessive pressure  
on the case may cause battery  
acid to leak. Lift with a battery  
carrier or with your hands on  
opposite corners.  
Do not attempt to jump start  
your vehicle if your battery is  
NEVER attempt to recharge  
the battery when the vehicle’s  
battery cables are connected  
to the battery.  
Keep all flames, sparks,  
or smoking materials  
away from the battery.  
Hydrogen is always  
present in battery cells,  
is highly combustible,  
and may explode if ignit-  
Keep batteries out of  
reach of children.  
Jump starting procedure  
The electrical ignition system  
works with high voltage.  
NEVER touch these compo-  
nents with the engine running  
or when the ignition switch is  
in the ON position.  
1. Position the vehicles close enough  
that the jumper cables will reach,  
but do not allow the vehicles to  
2. Avoid fans or any moving parts in  
the engine compartment at all  
times, even when the vehicles are  
turned off.  
An inappropriately disposed 3. Turn off all electrical devices such  
battery can be harmful to the  
environment and human  
health. Dispose the battery  
according to your local law(s)  
or regulations.  
as radios, lights, air conditioning,  
etc. Put the vehicles in P (Park)  
and set the parking brakes. Turn  
both vehicles OFF.  
4. Connect the jumper cables in the  
exact sequence shown in the illus-  
tration. First connect one jumper  
cable to the red, positive (+)  
jumper terminal of your vehicle  
5. Connect the other end of the  
jumper cable to the red, positive  
(+) battery/jumper terminal of the  
assisting vehicle (2).  
To prevent damage to your vehi-  
• Only use a 12-volt power supply  
(battery or jumper system) to  
jump start your vehicle.  
6. Connect the second jumper cable  
to the black, negative (-) battery/  
chassis ground of the assisting  
vehicle (3).  
• Do not attempt to jump start  
your vehicle by push-starting.  
What to do in an emergency  
7. Connect the other end of the sec- Disconnect the jumper cables in the If your temperature gauge indicates  
ond jumper cable to the black, exact reverse order you connected overheating, you experience a loss  
negative (-) chassis ground of them:  
of power, or hear loud pinging or  
knocking, the engine may be over-  
heating. If this happens, you should:  
1. Pull off the road and stop as soon  
as it is safe to do so.  
your vehicle (4).  
1. Disconnect the jumper cable from  
the black, negative (-) chassis  
ground of your vehicle (4).  
Do not allow the jumper cables to  
contact anything except the cor-  
rect battery or jumper terminals or  
the correct ground. Do not lean  
over the battery when making  
2. Disconnect the other end of the  
jumper cable from the black, neg- 2. Place the shift lever in P (Park)  
ative (-) battery/chassis ground of  
the assisting vehicle (3).  
and set the parking brake. If the air  
conditioning is ON, turn it OFF.  
8. Start the engine of the assisting  
vehicle and let it run at approxi-  
mately 2,000 rpm for a few min-  
utes. Then start your vehicle.  
If your vehicle will not start after a  
few attempts, it probably requires  
servicing. In this event please seek  
qualified assistance. If the cause of  
your battery discharging is not  
apparent, have your vehicle checked  
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.  
3. Disconnect the second jumper 3. If engine coolant is running out  
cable from the red, positive (+)  
battery/jumper terminal of the  
assisting vehicle (2).  
under the vehicle or steam is com-  
ing out from the hood, stop the  
engine. Do not open the hood until  
the coolant has stopped running  
or the steaming has stopped. If  
there is no visible loss of engine  
coolant and no steam, leave the  
engine running and check to be  
sure the engine cooling fan is  
operating. If the fan is not running,  
turn the engine off.  
4. Disconnect the other end of the  
jumper cable from the red, positive  
(+) jumper terminal of your vehicle  
6. If you cannot find the cause of the  
overheating, wait until the engine  
temperature has returned to nor-  
mal. Then, if coolant has been  
lost, carefully add coolant to the  
reservoir to bring the fluid level in  
the reservoir up to the halfway  
7. Proceed with caution, keeping  
alert for further signs of overheat-  
ing. If overheating happens again,  
call an authorized HYUNDAI deal-  
er for assistance.  
While the engine is  
running, keep hands,  
clothing and tools  
away from the mov-  
ing parts such as the  
cooling fan and drive  
belt to prevent seri-  
ous injury.  
equipped with a pres-  
reserve tank. NEVER  
remove the coolant  
reserve tank cap or the radiator  
drain plug while the engine and  
radiator are HOT. Hot coolant  
and steam may blow out under  
pressure, causing serious  
Turn the engine off and wait  
until the engine cools down.  
Use extreme care when remov-  
ing the coolant reserve tank  
cap. Wrap a towel or thick rag  
around it, and turn it counter-  
clockwise slowly to release  
some of the pressure from the  
system. Step back while the  
pressure is released.  
4. Check for coolant leaking from the  
radiator, hoses or under the vehi-  
cle. (If the air conditioning had  
been in use, it is normal for cold  
water to be draining from it when  
you stop.)  
5. If engine coolant is leaking out,  
stop the engine immediately and  
call the nearest authorized  
HYUNDAI dealer for assistance.  
Serious loss of coolant indi-  
cates a leak in the cooling sys-  
tem and should be checked as  
soon as possible by an author-  
ized HYUNDAI dealer.  
When you are sure all the pres-  
sure has been released, contin-  
ue turning the cap counter-  
clockwise to remove it.  
What to do in an emergency  
• The displayed tire pressure values  
may differ from those measured  
with a tire pressure gauge.  
Check Tire Pressure  
You can change the tire pressure  
unit in the User Settings Mode on  
the cluster.  
- psi, kpa, bar (Refer to the "User  
Settings Mode" section in  
chapter 3).  
You can check the tire pressure in  
the Assist mode on the cluster.  
Refer to the "LCD Display  
Mode" section in chapter 3.  
• Tire pressure is displayed after a  
few minutes of driving after initial  
engine start up.  
• If tire pressure is not displayed  
when the vehicle is stopped, “Drive  
to display” message will appear.  
After driving, check the tire pres-  
(1) Low Tire Pressure / TPMS  
Malfunction Indicator Lamp  
(2) Low Tire Pressure / Tire  
Pressure Monitor / TPMS  
Malfunction Display (shown on  
the cluster LCD display)  
As an added safety feature, your Your vehicle has also been equipped  
vehicle has been equipped with a tire with a TPMS malfunction indicator to  
pressure monitoring system (TPMS) indicate when the system is not  
that illuminates a low tire pressure operating properly. The TPMS mal-  
telltale when one or more of your function indicator is combined with  
tires is significantly under-inflated. the low tire pressure telltale. When  
Accordingly, when the low tire pres- the system detects a malfunction,  
sure telltale illuminates, you should the telltale will flash for approximate-  
stop and check your tires as soon as ly one minute and then remain con-  
possible, and inflate them to the tinuously illuminated. This sequence  
proper pressure. Driving on a signifi- will continue upon subsequent vehi-  
cantly under-inflated tire causes the cle start-ups as long as the malfunc-  
tire to overheat and can lead to tire tion exists.  
Tire Pressure Monitoring  
Over-inflation or under-inflation  
can reduce tire life, adversely  
affect vehicle handling, and  
lead to sudden tire failure that  
may cause loss of vehicle con-  
trol resulting in an accident.  
Each tire, including the spare (if pro-  
vided), should be checked monthly  
when cold and inflated to the inflation  
pressure recommended by the vehi-  
cle manufacturer on the vehicle plac-  
ard or tire inflation pressure label. (If  
your vehicle has tires of a different  
size than the size indicated on the  
vehicle placard or tire inflation pres-  
sure label, you should determine the  
proper tire inflation pressure for  
those tires.)  
When the malfunction indicator is  
Under-inflation also reduces fuel effi- illuminated, the system may not be  
ciency and tire tread life, and may able to detect or signal low tire pres-  
affect the vehicle's handling and sure as intended. TPMS malfunc-  
stopping ability.  
tions may occur for a variety of rea-  
sons, including the installation of  
replacement or alternate tires or  
wheels on the vehicle that prevent  
the TPMS from functioning properly.  
Please note that the TPMS is not a  
substitute for proper tire mainte-  
nance, and it is the driver's responsi-  
bility to maintain correct tire pres-  
sure, even if under-inflation has not Always check the TPMS malfunction  
reached the level to trigger illumina- telltale after replacing one or more  
tion of the TPMS low tire pressure tires or wheels on your vehicle to  
ensure that the replacement or alter-  
nate tires and wheels allow the  
TPMS to continue to function proper-  