Driving your vehicle -> Driver Attention Warning for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Driving your vehicle  
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)  
僅 Always set the vehicle speed to the  
speed limit in your country.  
Driver Attention Warning  
Basic function  
For more details on the limitations of the  
Driver Attention Warning will help deter  
front view camera, refer to "Forward Col  
lision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view  
camera only) (if equipped)" on page 5-  
mine the driver's attention level by ana  
lyzing driving pattern, driving time, etc.  
while vehicle is being driven. The func  
tion will recommend a break when the  
driver's attention level falls below a cer  
tain level.  
Leading vehicle departure alert  
Leading Vehicle Departure Alert function  
will inform the driver when the front  
vehicle departs from a stop.  
Detecting sensor  
Front view camera  
The front view camera is used as a  
detecting sensor to detect driving pat  
terns and front vehicle departure while  
vehicle is being driven.  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sensor.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)  
Leading Vehicle Departure Alert  
Always keep the front view camera in  
good condition to maintain optimal per  
formance of Driver Attention Warning.  
For more details on the precautions of  
the front view camera, refer to "Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front  
view camera only) (if equipped)" on  
page 5-62.  
Driver Attention Warning Set  
僅 If 'Leading Vehicle Departure Alert' is  
selected, the function will inform the  
driver when the front vehicle departs  
from a stop.  
Driver Attention Warning  
Warning Timing  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select or deselect  
'Driver Assistance → Driver Attention  
Warning' from the Settings menu to set  
whether or not to use each function.  
僅 If 'Inattentive Driving Warning' is  
selected, the function will inform the  
driver the driver's attention level and  
will recommend taking a break when  
the level falls below a certain level.  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select 'Driver Assistance  
→ Warning Timing' from the Settings  
menu to change the initial warning acti  
vation time for Driver Attention Warning.  
When the vehicle is first delivered, Warn  
ing Timing is set to 'Normal'. If you  
change the Warning Timing, the warning  
time of other Driver Assistance systems  
may change.  
If the engine is restarted, Driver Atten  
tion Warning will maintain the last set  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)  
If the engine is restarted, Driver Warning  
Time will maintain the last setting.  
Driver Attention Warning Opera  
Basic function  
Display and warning  
The basic function of Driver Attention  
Warning is to inform the driver the  
'Attention Level' and to warn the driver  
'Consider taking a break'.  
Attentive driving  
Attention level  
Function off  
Inattentive driving  
僅 The driver can monitor his/her driving  
conditions on the cluster.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)  
- When the 'Inattentive Driving Warn  
ing' is deselected from the Settings  
menu, 'System Off' is displayed.  
- The function will operate when  
vehicle speed is between 0 ~ 180  
km/h (0 ~ 110 mph).  
- When vehicle speed is not within  
the operating speed, the message  
'Standby' will be displayed.  
For your safety, change the Settings  
after parking the vehicle at a safe loca  
僅 Driver Attention Warning may suggest  
a break depending on the driver's  
driving pattern or habits, even if the  
driver doesn't feel fatigue.  
僅 The driver's attention level is dis  
played on the scale of 1 to 5. The  
lower the level is, the more inattentive  
the driver is.  
僅 Driver Attention Warning is a supple  
mental function and may not be able  
to determine whether the driver is  
僅 The level decreases when the driver  
does not take a break for a certain  
period of time.  
僅 The driver who feels fatigued should  
take a break at a safe location, even  
though there is no break suggestion  
by Driver Attention Warning.  
Taking a break  
僅 For more details on setting the func  
tions in the infotainment system, refer  
to the infotainment system manual.  
僅 Driver Attention Warning will reset the  
last break time to 00:00 in the follow  
ing situations:  
- The engine is turned off  
- The driver unfastens the seat belt  
and opens the driver's door.  
- The vehicle is stopped for more  
than 10 minutes.  
僅 The 'Consider taking a break' mes  
sage will appear on the cluster and an  
audible warning will sound to suggest  
that the driver take a break, when the  
driver's attention level is below 1.  
僅 When the driver resets Driver Atten  
tion Warning, the last break time is set  
to 00:00 and the driver's attention  
level is set to High.  
僅 Driver Attention Warning will not sug  
gest a break when the total driving  
time is shorter than 10 minutes or 10  
minutes has not passed after the last  
break was suggested.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)  
Leading vehicle departure alert  
Driver Attention Warning Mal  
function and Limitations  
Driver Attention Warning Mal  
When the front vehicle departs from a  
stop, Leading Vehicle Departure Alert  
will inform the driver by displaying the  
When Driver Attention Warning is not  
working properly, the 'Check Driver  
Attention Warning (DAW) system' warn  
ing message will appear on the cluster. If  
this occurs, have the function inspected  
by an authorized Kia dealer.  
'Leading vehicle is driving away' mes  
sage on the cluster and an audible warn  
ing will sound.  
僅 If any other function's warning mes  
sage is displayed or audible warning  
Limitations of Driver Attention  
Driver Attention Warning may not work  
properly in the following situations:  
僅 The vehicle is driven violently  
僅 The vehicle intentionally crosses over  
lanes frequently  
is generated, Leading Vehicle Depar  
ture Alert warning message may not  
be displayed and audible warning  
may not be generated.  
僅 The driver should hold the responsi  
bility to safely drive and control the  
僅 The vehicle is controlled by Driver  
Assistance system, such as Lane  
Keeping Assist  
僅 Leading Vehicle Departure Alert is a  
supplemental function and may not  
alert the driver whenever the front  
vehicle departs from a stop.  
僅 Always check the front of the vehicle  
and road conditions before departure.  
Leading vehicle departure alert  
僅 When the vehicle cuts in  
僅 Depending on the instrument panel  
specifications or theme, images or  
colors may be displayed differently.  
Driving your vehicle  
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)  
If the vehicle in front makes a sharp  
turn, such as to turn left or right or  
make a U- turn, etc., Leading Vehicle  
Departure Alert may not operate  
僅 When the vehicle ahead abruptly  
If the vehicle in front abruptly depar  
tures, Leading Vehicle Departure Alert  
may not operate properly.  
僅 When a pedestrian or bicycle is  
between you and the vehicle ahead  
[A]: Your vehicle, [B]: Front vehicle  
If a vehicle cuts in front of your vehi  
cle, Leading Departure Alert may not  
operate properly.  
僅 When the vehicle ahead sharply  
If there is a pedestrian(s) or bicycle(s)  
in between you and the vehicle in  
front, Leading Vehicle Departure Alert  
may not operate properly.  
僅 When in a parking lot  
[A]: Your vehicle, [B]: Front vehicle