Driving your vehicle -> Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
Driver's style gauge in SMART  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) (Front view cam  
era only) (if equipped)  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is  
designed to help detect and monitor the  
vehicle ahead or help detect a pedes  
trian in the roadway and warn the driver  
that a collision is imminent with a warn  
ing message and an audible warning,  
and if necessary, apply emergency brak  
Detecting sensor  
With the standard driving style in the  
center, the left side of the gauge is  
'Econ.' and right side is 'Dynamic' style.  
Front view camera  
When the left side of the driver's style  
gauge is filled up and after a certain  
time passes, the SMART ECO mode is  
activated automatically. When the right  
side of the gauge is filled up and sporty  
driving condition is detected, the SMART  
SPORT mode is activated.  
To maintain the SMART ECO mode for  
fuel efficiency, drive with the left side of  
the gauge filled up.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
from the Settings menu to set whether  
or not to use each function.  
Take the following precautions to main  
僅 If 'Active Assist' is selected, the func  
tain optimal performance of the detect  
tion will warn the driver with a warn  
ing sensor:  
ing message, an audible warning, and  
steering wheel vibration depending  
on the collision risk levels. Braking  
assist will be applied depending on  
the collision risk.  
僅 Never disassemble the detecting sen  
sor or sensor assembly, or apply any  
impact on it.  
僅 Never install any accessories or stick  
ers on the front windshield, or tint the  
front windshield.  
僅 If the detecting sensors have been  
replaced or repaired, have the vehicle  
be inspected by an authorized Kia  
僅 If 'Warning Only' is selected, the func  
tion will warn the driver with a warn  
ing message, an audible warning and  
steering wheel vibration depending  
on the collision risk levels. Braking will  
not be assisted.  
僅 Pay extreme caution to keep the front  
view camera dry.  
僅 Never place any reflective objects (i.e.  
僅 If 'Off' is selected, the function will be  
turned off. The(  
)warning light will  
appear on the cluster.  
white paper, mirror) over the dash  
The driver can monitor Forward Colli  
board. Any light reflection may pre  
vent the function from functioning  
sion-Avoidance Assist ON/OFF status  
from the Settings menu. If the  
)warning light remains ON when  
the function is ON, have the function  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist Settings  
Forward Safety  
When the engine is restarted, Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist will always  
turn on. However, if 'Off' is selected after  
the engine is restarted, the driver should  
always be aware of the surroundings  
and drive safely.  
If 'Warning Only' is selected, braking is  
not assisted.  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select or deselect  
'Driver Assistance → Forward Safety'  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist will  
turn off when ESC is turned off by press  
ing and holding the ESC OFF button.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
)warning light will appear on  
the cluster.  
Warning Timing  
You can adjust the Warning Methods  
with the ignition switch or ENGINE  
START/ STOP button in the ON position.  
僅 Warning Volume : Select 'User Set  
tings → Driver Assistance → Warning  
Volume' on the LCD display or 'Set  
tings → Vehicle → Driver Assistance  
→ Warning Methods → Warning vol  
ume' on the Infotainment system.  
Even if '0' or 'Off' is selected, the func  
tion's Warning Volume will not turn off  
but the volume will sound as '1' or  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select 'Driver Assistance  
→ Warning Timing' from the Settings  
menu to change the initial warning acti  
vation time for Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist.  
When the vehicle is first delivered, Warn  
ing Timing is set to 'Normal'. If you  
change the Warning Timing, the warning  
time of other Driver Assistance systems  
may change.  
僅 Steering Wheel Vibration Warning:  
Select 'User Settings → Driver Assis  
tance → Haptic warning' on the LCD  
display or 'Settings → Vehicle →  
Driver Assistance → Warning Methods  
Warning Methods  
→ Haptic warning' on the Infotain  
ment system.  
僅 Driving Safety Priority : Select ‘Vehicle  
Settings → Driver Assistance → Warn  
ing Methods → Driving Safety Priority’  
on the Infotainment system. For safe  
driving, the audio volume will tempo  
rarily decrease to warn the driver with  
the audible warning.  
僅 Ensure that warning sound you have  
set may apply to the warning volume  
of other driver assistance systems.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
僅 Warning Methods will maintain its last  
setting even if the vehicle is restarted.  
Collision Warning  
僅 With the Warning Volume in '0' or  
'Off', if you turn off Steering Wheel  
Vibration Warning, the Warning Vol  
ume will be activated with volume '2'  
or 'Medium'.  
僅 With the Steering Wheel Vibration  
Warning off, if you adjust the Warning  
Volume to '0' or 'Off', the Steering  
Wheel Vibration Warning will be acti  
僅 The setting menu may not be avail  
able for your vehicle depending on  
僅 To warn the driver of a collision, the  
'Collision Warning' warning message  
will appear on the cluster, an audible  
warning will sound and the steering  
wheel will vibrate.  
the vehicle features and specifica  
僅 Descriptions of each driver assistance  
system may be slightly different from  
the owner's manual after updating the  
software of your infotainment system.  
In this case, scan the QR code in the  
infotainment system manual to  
access the web manual for checking  
the changes.  
僅 If a vehicle is detected in front, the  
function will operate when your vehi  
cle speed is between approximately  
10 ~ 180 km/h (6 ~ 112 mph).  
僅 If a pedestrian is detected in front, the  
function will operate when your vehi  
cle speed is between approximately  
10 ~ 60 km/h (6 ~ 37 mph).  
僅 Depending on your update, the menu  
may be displayed as Warning Sound  
or Warning Methods.  
僅 If 'Active Assist' is selected, braking  
may be assisted.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist Operation  
Emergency Braking  
Warning and control  
The basic function for Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist is to warn and control  
the vehicle depending on the collision  
level: 'Collision Warning', 'Emergency  
Braking' and 'Stopping vehicle and end  
ing brake control'.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
僅 To warn the driver that emergency  
braking will be assisted, the 'Emer  
gency Braking' warning message will  
appear on the cluster, an audible  
warning will sound, and the steering  
wheel will vibrate.  
僅 Brake control will end after the vehicle  
is stopped by emergency braking for  
approximately 2 seconds.  
僅 For your safety, change the Settings  
after parking the vehicle at a safe  
僅 If a vehicle is detected in front, the  
function will operate when your vehi  
cle speed is between approximately  
10 ~ 60 km/h (6 ~ 37 mph).  
僅 With 'Active Assist' or 'Warning Only'  
selected, when ESC is turned off by  
pressing and holding the ESC OFF  
button, Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist will turn off automatically. In  
this case, the function cannot be set  
from the Settings menu and the warn  
ing light will appear on the cluster  
which is normal. If ESC is turned on by  
pressing the ESC OFF button, Forward  
僅 If a pedestrian is detected in front, the  
function will operate when your vehi  
cle speed is between approximately  
10 ~ 60 km/h (6 ~ 37 mph).  
僅 In emergency braking situation, brak  
ing is assisted with strong braking  
power by the function to help prevent  
collision with the vehicle or pedes  
Collision-Avoidance Assist will main  
tain the last setting.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
does not operate in all situations or  
cannot avoid all collisions.  
Stopping vehicle and ending  
brake control  
僅 The driver should hold the responsi  
bility to control the vehicle. Do not  
solely depend on Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist. Rather, maintain a  
safe braking distance, and if neces  
sary, depress the brake pedal to  
reduce driving speed or to stop the  
僅 Never deliberately operate Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist on people,  
animal, objects, etc. It may cause seri  
ous injury or death.  
僅 When the vehicle is stopped due to  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not operate if the driver  
depresses the brake pedal to avoid  
emergency braking, the 'Drive care  
fully' warning message will appear on  
the cluster.  
僅 For your safety, the driver should  
depress the brake pedal immediately  
and check the surroundings.  
僅 Depending on the road and driving  
conditions, Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist may warn the driver late  
or may not warn the driver.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
僅 During Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist operation, the vehicle may stop  
suddenly injuring passengers and  
shifting loose objects. Always have the  
seat belt on and keep loose objects  
僅 When a collision is imminent, the For  
ward Collision-Avoidance Assist may  
assist the driver with brakes if the  
driver fails to brake enough.  
僅 Depending on the instrument panel  
specifications or theme, images or  
colors may be displayed differently.  
僅 If any other function's warning mes  
sage is displayed or audible warning  
is generated, Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist warning message may not  
be displayed and audible warning  
may not be generated.  
僅 You may not hear the warning sound  
of Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
if the surrounding is noisy.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist Malfunction and Limita  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist malfunction  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may turn off or may not operate prop  
erly or may operate unnecessarily  
depending on the road conditions and  
the surroundings.  
僅 Even if there is a problem with For  
ward Collision-Avoidance Assist, the  
vehicle's basic braking performance  
will operate normally.  
僅 During emergency braking, braking  
control by the function will automati  
When Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist is not working properly, the  
'Check Forward Safety system' warning  
cally cancel when the driver exces  
sively depresses the accelerator pedal  
or sharply steers the vehicle.  
message will appear, and the(  
and( )warning lights will appear on  
the cluster. Have the function inspected  
by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Depending on the condition of the vehi  
cle, pedestrian in front and the sur  
roundings, the speed range to operate  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may  
reduce. The function may only warn the  
driver, or the function may not operate.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
stance is not detected after turning  
ON the engine.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist disabled  
Limitations of Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may  
not operate normally, or the function  
may operate unexpectedly under the  
following circumstances:  
僅 The detecting sensor or the surround  
ings are contaminated or damaged  
僅 The temperature around the front  
view camera is high or low  
僅 The camera lens is contaminated due  
to tinted, filmed or coated windshield,  
damaged glass, or foreign material  
(sticker, bug, etc.) on the glass  
僅 Moisture is not removed or frozen on  
the windshield  
僅 Washer fluid is continuously sprayed,  
or the wiper is on  
僅 Driving in heavy rain or snow, or thick  
When the front windshield where the  
front view camera is located, is covered  
with foreign material, such as snow or  
rain, it can reduce the detecting perfor  
mance and temporarily limit or disable  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist.  
If this occurs, the 'Forward Safety Func  
tion disabled. Camera obscured' warning  
message, and the(  
僅 The field of view of the front view  
camera is obstructed by sun glare  
僅 Street light or light from an oncoming  
vehicle is reflected on the wet road  
surface, such as a puddle on the road  
僅 An object is placed on the dashboard  
僅 Your vehicle is being towed  
僅 The surrounding is very bright  
僅 The surrounding is very dark, such as  
in a tunnel, etc.  
僅 The brightness changes suddenly, for  
example when entering or exiting a  
僅 The brightness outside is low, and the  
headlamps are not on or are not  
僅 Driving through steam, smoke or  
and( )warning lights will appear on  
the cluster.  
The function will operate normally when  
snow, rain or foreign matter is removed.  
Always keep it clean.  
If the function does not operate normally  
after obstruction (snow, rain, or foreign  
material) is removed, have the function  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
僅 Even though the warning message or  
warning light does not appear on the  
cluster, Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist may not properly operate.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not properly operate in an area  
(e.g. open terrain), where any sub  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
僅 Only part of the vehicle, pedestrian is  
僅 The vehicle in front has an unusual  
僅 The vehicle in front is a bus, heavy  
truck, truck with a unusually shaped  
luggage, trailer, etc.  
僅 The vehicle in front has no taillamps,  
taillamps are located unusually, etc.  
僅 The vehicle in front is driving uphill or  
僅 The pedestrian is not fully detected,  
for example, if the pedestrian is lean-  
ing over or is not fully walking upright  
僅 The brightness outside is low, and the  
taillamps are not on or are not bright  
僅 The rear of the front vehicle is small or  
the vehicle does not look normal, such  
僅 The pedestrian is wearing clothing or  
equipment that makes it difficult to  
detect as a pedestrian  
Following image shows the image the  
sensor recognizes as vehicle and  
as when the vehicle is tilted, over  
turned, or the side of the vehicle is vis  
ible, etc.  
僅 The front vehicle's ground clearance  
is low or high  
僅 A vehicle or pedestrian suddenly cuts  
in front  
僅 The vehicle in front is detected late  
僅 The vehicle in front is suddenly  
blocked by a obstacle  
僅 The vehicle in front suddenly changes  
lane or suddenly reduces speed  
僅 The vehicle in front is bent out of  
僅 The front vehicle's speed is fast or  
僅 The vehicle in front steers in the  
opposite direction of your vehicle to  
avoid a collision  
僅 With a vehicle in front, your vehicle  
changes lane at low speed  
僅 The vehicle in front is covered with  
僅 You are departing or returning to the  
僅 Unstable driving  
僅 You are on a roundabout and the  
vehicle in front is not detected  
僅 The pedestrian in front is moving very  
僅 The pedestrian in front is short or is  
posing a low posture  
僅 The pedestrian in front has impaired  
僅 The pedestrian in front is moving  
intersected with the driving direction  
僅 There is a group of pedestrians or a  
large crowd in front  
僅 The pedestrian is wearing clothing  
that easily blends into the back  
ground, making it difficult to detect  
僅 The pedestrian is difficult to distin  
guish from the similar shaped struc  
ture in the surroundings  
僅 You are continuously driving in a cir  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
僅 You are driving by a pedestrian, traffic  
signs, structures, etc. near the inter  
僅 You are driving by a pedestrian, traffic  
signs, structures, etc. near the inter  
僅 Driving in a parking lot  
僅 Driving through a tollgate, construc  
tion area, unpaved road, partial paved  
road, uneven road, speed bumps, etc.  
僅 Driving on an incline road, curved  
road, etc.  
僅 Driving through a roadside with trees  
or streetlights  
僅 The adverse road conditions cause  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
僅 Your vehicle height is low or high due  
to heavy loads, abnormal tire pres  
sure, etc.  
僅 Driving through a narrow road where  
trees or grass or overgrown  
僅 There is interference by electromag  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not detect other vehicles, pedes  
trians in front of you on curved roads  
adversely affecting the performance  
of the sensors. This may result in no  
warning, braking assist or steering  
assist when necessary.  
When driving on a curve, you must  
maintain a safe braking distance, and  
if necessary, steer the vehicle and  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main  
tain a safe distance.  
netic waves, such as driving in an area  
with strong radio waves or electrical  
僅 Driving on a curved road  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may detect a vehicle, pedestrian in  
the next lane or outside the lane when  
driving on a curved road.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not detect other vehicles, pedes  
trians in front of you while driving  
uphill or downhill adversely affecting  
the performance of the sensors.  
If this occurs, the function may unnec  
essarily warn the driver and control  
the brake or steering wheel. Always  
check the traffic conditions around  
the vehicle.  
This may result in unnecessary warn  
ing, braking assist or steering assist or  
no warning, braking assist or steering  
assist when necessary.  
僅 Driving on an inclined road  
Also, vehicle speed may rapidly  
decrease when a vehicle or pedestrian  
ahead is suddenly detected.  
Always have your eyes on the road  
while driving uphill or downhill and if  
necessary, steer your vehicle and  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main  
tain a safe distance.  
僅 Changing lanes  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
[A]: Your vehicle  
[A]: Your vehicle  
[B]: Lane changing vehicle  
[B]: Lane changing vehicle,  
When a vehicle [B] moves into your  
lane from an adjacent lane, it cannot  
be detected by the sensor until it is in  
the sensor's detection range. Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist may not  
immediately detect the vehicle when  
the vehicle changes lanes abruptly. In  
this case, you must maintain a safe  
braking distance, and if necessary,  
steer your vehicle and depress the  
brake pedal to reduce your driving  
[C]: Same lane vehicle  
When a vehicle [B] in front of you  
merges out of the lane, Forward Colli  
sion-Avoidance Assist may not imme  
diately detect the vehicle [C] that is  
now in front of you. In this case, you  
must maintain a safe braking dis  
tance, and if necessary, steer your  
vehicle and depress the brake pedal  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
僅 Detecting vehicle  
speed in order to maintain a safe dis  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Front view camera  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not operate normally if interfered  
by strong electromagnetic waves.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not operate for approximately 15  
seconds after the vehicle is started, or  
the front view camera is initialized.  
This device complies with Indus  
try Canada licence-exempt RSS  
Operation is subject to the following  
If the vehicle in front of you has cargo  
that extends rearward from the cab,  
or when the vehicle in front of you has  
higher ground clearance, additional  
special attention is required. Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist may not be  
able to detect the cargo extending  
from the vehicle. In these instances,  
1. This device may not cause interfer  
ence, and  
2. This device must accept any interfer  
ence, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation of the  
you must maintain a safe braking dis  
3. Changes or modifications not  
expressly approved by the party  
responsible for compliance could void  
the user's authority to operate the  
tance from the rearmost object, and if  
necessary, steer your vehicle and  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main  
tain distance.  
僅 When you are towing a trailer or  
another vehicle, we recommend that  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is  
turned off due to safety reasons.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may operate if objects that are similar  
in shape or characteristics to vehicles  
and pedestrians are detected.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
does not operate on motorcycles, or  
smaller wheeled objects, such as lug  
gage bags, shopping carts, or strollers  
that are dragged by a pedestrian.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
crossroad with the turn signal on by  
applying emergency braking.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion) (if  
Detecting sensor  
Basic function  
Front view camera  
Front radar  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is  
designed to help detect and monitor the  
vehicle ahead or help detect a pedes  
trian or cyclist in the roadway and warn  
the driver that a collision is imminent  
with a warning message and an audible  
warning, and if necessary, apply emer  
gency braking.  
Junction Turning function  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sen  
Take the following precautions to main  
tain optimal performance of the detect  
ing sensor:  
僅 Never disassemble the detecting sen  
sor or sensor assembly, or apply any  
impact on it.  
Junction Turning function will help avoid  
a collision with an oncoming vehicle in  
an adjacent lane when turning left at a  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
僅 Never install any accessories or stick  
ers on the front windshield, or tint the  
front windshield.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist Settings  
僅 If the detecting sensors have been  
replaced or repaired, have the vehicle  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Forward Safety  
僅 Pay extreme caution to keep the front  
view camera dry.  
僅 Never place any reflective objects (i.e.  
white paper, mirror) over the dash  
board. Any light reflection may pre  
vent the function from functioning  
僅 Do not apply license plate frame or  
objects, such as a bumper sticker, film  
or a bumper guard, near the front  
radar cover.  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select or deselect  
'Driver Assistance → Forward Safety'  
from the Settings menu to set whether  
or not to use each function.  
僅 If 'Active Assist' is selected, the func  
tion will warn the driver with a warn  
ing message, an audible warning and  
steering wheel vibration depending  
on the collision risk levels. Braking  
assist will be applied depending on  
the collision risk.  
僅 If 'Warning Only' is selected, the func  
tion will warn the driver with a warn  
ing message and an audible warning  
depending on the collision risk levels.  
Braking will not be assisted.  
僅 Always keep the front radar and cover  
clean and free of dirt and debris. Use  
only a soft cloth to wash the vehicle.  
Do not spray pressurized water  
directly on the sensor or sensor cover.  
僅 If unnecessary force has been applied  
to the radar or around the radar, For  
ward Collision-Avoidance Assist may  
not properly operate even though a  
warning message does not appear on  
the cluster. Have the vehicle be  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
僅 The genuine Kia front radar sensor  
covers are parts with quality and per  
formance ensured. If arbitrarily apply  
ing paint on or changing the cover,  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not function properly. Use only  
Kia Genuine Parts or those of an  
equivalent standard with proven qual  
ity and performance to repair or  
replace the radar sensor covers.  
僅 If 'Off' is selected, the function will be  
off. The(  
)warning light will  
appear on the cluster.  
The driver can monitor Forward Colli  
sion-Avoidance Assist ON/OFF status  
from the Settings menu. If the  
)warning light remains ON when  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
the function is ON, have the function be  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Warning Timing  
When the engine is restarted, Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist will always  
turn on. However, if 'Off' is selected after  
the engine is restarted, the driver should  
always be aware of the surroundings  
and drive safely.  
僅 If 'Warning Only' is selected, braking is  
not assisted.  
僅 The settings for Forward Safety  
include 'Basic function' and 'Junction  
僅 Steering wheel vibration can be  
turned on or off. Select or deselect  
'Driver Assistance → Haptic Warning'  
from the Settings menu.  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select 'Driver Assistance  
→ Warning Timing' from the Settings  
menu to change the initial warning acti  
vation time for Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist.  
When the vehicle is first delivered, Warn  
ing Timing is set to 'Normal'.  
If you change the Warning Timing, the  
warning time of other Driver Assistance  
systems may change.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist will  
turn off when ESC is turned off by press  
ing and holding the ESC OFF button.  
Warning Methods  
)warning light will appear on  
the cluster.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
僅 Warning Methods will maintain its last  
setting even if the vehicle is restarted.  
僅 With the Warning Volume in '0' or  
'Off', if you turn off Steering Wheel  
Vibration Warning, the Warning Vol  
ume will be activated with volume '2'  
or 'Medium'.  
僅 With the Steering Wheel Vibration  
Warning off, if you adjust the Warning  
Volume to '0' or 'Off', the Steering  
Wheel Vibration Warning will be acti  
You can adjust the Warning Methods  
with the ignition switch or ENGINE  
START/ STOP button in the ON position.  
僅 The setting menu may not be avail  
able for your vehicle depending on  
the vehicle features and specifica  
僅 Warning Volume : Select 'User Set  
tings → Driver Assistance → Warning  
Volume' on the LCD display or 'Set  
tings → Vehicle → Driver Assistance  
僅 Descriptions of each driver assistance  
system may be slightly different from  
the owner's manual after updating the  
software of your infotainment system.  
In this case, scan the QR code in the  
infotainment system manual to  
access the web manual for checking  
the changes.  
→ Warning Methods → Warning vol  
ume' on the Infotainment system.  
Even if '0' or 'Off' is selected, the func  
tion's Warning Volume will not turn off  
but the volume will sound as '1' or  
僅 Depending on your update, the menu  
may be displayed as Warning Sound  
or Warning Methods.  
僅 Steering Wheel Vibration Warning:  
Select 'User Settings → Driver Assis  
tance → Haptic warning' on the LCD  
display or 'Settings → Vehicle →  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist Operation  
Driver Assistance → Warning Methods  
→ Haptic warning' on the Infotain  
Basic function  
ment system.  
僅 Driving Safety Priority : Select ‘Vehicle  
Settings → Driver Assistance → Warn  
ing Methods → Driving Safety Priority’  
on the Infotainment system. For safe  
Warning and control  
The basic function for Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist is to warn and control  
the vehicle depending on the collision  
level: 'Collision Warning', 'Emergency  
driving, the audio volume will tempo  
rarily decrease to warn the driver with  
the audible warning.  
Braking' and 'Stopping vehicle and end  
ing brake control'.  
僅 Ensure that warning sound you have  
set may apply to the warning volume  
of other driver assistance systems.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
Collision Warning  
Emergency Braking  
僅 To warn the driver of a collision, the  
'Collision Warning' warning message  
will appear on the cluster, an audible  
warning will sound, and the steering  
wheel will vibrate.  
僅 To warn the driver that emergency  
braking will be assisted, the 'Emer  
gency Braking' warning message will  
appear on the cluster, an audible  
warning will sound and the steering  
wheel will vibrate.  
僅 If a vehicle is detected in front, the  
function will operate when your vehi  
cle speed is between approximately  
10 ~ 180 km/h (6 ~ 112 mph).  
僅 If a vehicle is detected in front, the  
function will operate when your vehi  
cle speed is between approximately  
10 ~ 75 km/h (6 ~ 47 mph).  
僅 If a pedestrian or cyclist is detected in  
front, the function will operate when  
your vehicle speed is between  
approximately 10 ~ 85 km/h (6 ~ 53  
僅 If 'Active Assist' is selected, braking  
may be assisted.  
僅 If a pedestrian or cyclist is detected in  
front, the function will operate when  
your vehicle speed is between  
approximately 10 ~ 65 km/h (6 ~ 40  
僅 In emergency braking situation, brak  
ing is assisted with strong braking  
power by the function to help prevent  
collision with the vehicle, pedestrian,  
or cyclist ahead.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
Stopping vehicle and ending  
brake control  
Collision Warning  
僅 To warn the driver of a collision, the  
'Collision Warning' warning message  
will appear on the cluster, an audible  
warning will sound, and the steering  
wheel will vibrate.  
僅 When the vehicle is stopped due to  
emergency braking, the 'Drive care  
fully' warning message will appear on  
the cluster.  
僅 The function will operate when your  
For your safety, the driver should  
depress the brake pedal immediately  
and check the surroundings.  
僅 Brake control will end after the vehicle  
is stopped by emergency braking for  
approximately 2 seconds.  
vehicle speed is between approxi  
mately 10 ~ 30 km/h (6 ~ 19 mph) and  
the oncoming vehicle speed is  
between approximately 30 ~ 70 km/h  
(19 ~ 44 mph).  
僅 If 'Active Assist' is selected, braking  
may be assisted.  
Junction Turning function  
Warning and control  
Emergency Braking  
Junction Turning function will warn and  
control the vehicle depending on the col  
lision level: 'Collision Warning', 'Emer  
gency Braking' and 'Stopping vehicle  
and ending brake control'.  
僅 To warn the driver that emergency  
braking will be assisted, the 'Emer  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
gency Braking' warning message will  
appear on the cluster, an audible  
warning will sound, and the steering  
wheel will vibrate.  
僅 For your safety, change the Settings  
after parking the vehicle at a safe  
僅 The function will operate when your  
僅 With 'Active Assist' or 'Warning Only'  
selected, when ESC is turned off by  
pressing and holding the ESC OFF  
button, Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist will turn off automatically. In  
vehicle speed is between approxi  
mately 10 ~ 30 km/h (6 ~ 19 mph) and  
the oncoming vehicle speed is  
between approximately 30 ~ 70 km/h  
(19 ~ 44 mph).  
this case, the function cannot be set  
僅 In emergency braking situation, brak  
ing is assisted with strong braking  
power by the function to help prevent  
collision with the oncoming vehicle.  
from the Settings menu and the  
warning light will appear on the clus  
ter which is normal. If ESC is turned on  
by pressing the ESC OFF button, For  
ward Collision-Avoidance Assist will  
maintain the last setting.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
does not operate in all situations or  
cannot avoid all collisions.  
Stopping vehicle and ending  
brake control  
僅 The driver should hold the responsi  
bility to control the vehicle. Do not  
solely depend on Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist. Rather, maintain a  
safe braking distance, and if neces  
sary, depress the brake pedal to  
reduce driving speed or to stop the  
僅 Never deliberately operate Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist on people,  
僅 When the vehicle is stopped due to  
emergency braking, the 'Drive care  
animal, objects, etc. It may cause seri  
ous injury or death.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not operate if the driver  
depresses the brake pedal to avoid  
fully' warning message will appear on  
the cluster.  
For your safety, the driver should  
depress the brake pedal immediately  
and check the surroundings.  
僅 Brake control will end after the vehicle  
is stopped by emergency braking for  
approximately 2 seconds.  
僅 Depending on the road and driving  
conditions, Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist may warn the driver late  
or may not warn the driver.  
僅 During Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist operation, the vehicle may stop  
suddenly injuring passengers and  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
shifting loose objects. Always have the  
seat belt on and keep loose objects  
driving direction, speed, and sur  
僅 If any other function's warning mes  
sage is displayed or audible warning  
is generated, Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist warning message may not  
be displayed and audible warning  
may not be generated.  
When a collision is imminent, the For  
ward Collision-Avoidance Assist may  
assist the driver with brakes if the driver  
fails to brake enough.  
僅 You may not hear the warning sound  
of Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
if the surroundings are noisy.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist Malfunction and Limita  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may turn off or may not operate prop  
erly or may operate unnecessarily  
depending on the road conditions and  
the surroundings.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist malfunction  
僅 Even if there is a problem with For  
ward Collision-Avoidance Assist, the  
vehicle's basic braking performance  
will operate normally.  
僅 During emergency braking, braking  
control by the function will automati  
cally cancel when the driver exces  
sively depresses the accelerator pedal  
or sharply steers the vehicle.  
When Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist is not working properly, the  
'Check Forward Safety system' warning  
message will appear, and the ( ) and  
僅 Depending on the condition of the  
vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist in front  
and the surroundings, the speed  
range to operate Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist may reduce. The  
function may only warn the driver, or  
the function may not operate.  
) warning lights will appear on the  
cluster. Have the function inspected by  
an authorized Kia dealer.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
will operate under certain conditions  
by judging the risk level based on the  
condition of the oncoming vehicle,  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
If the function does not operate normally  
after obstruction (snow, rain, or foreign  
material) is removed, have the function  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist disabled  
僅 Even though the warning message or  
warning light does not appear on the  
cluster, Forward Collision-Avoidance  
Assist may not properly operate.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not properly operate in an area  
(e.g. open terrain), where any sub  
stance is not detected after turning  
ON the engine.  
Limitations of Forward Collision-  
Avoidance Assist  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may  
not operate normally, or the function  
may operate unexpectedly under the  
following circumstances:  
僅 The detecting sensor or the surround  
ings are contaminated or damaged  
僅 The temperature around the front  
view camera is high or low  
When the front windshield where the  
front view camera is located, front radar  
cover, sensor is covered with foreign  
material, such as snow or rain, it can  
reduce the detecting performance and  
temporarily limit or disable Forward Col  
lision-Avoidance Assist.  
If this occurs, the 'Forward Safety Func  
tion disabled. Camera obscured' or the  
'Forward Safety Function disabled.  
Radar blocked' warning message, and  
僅 The camera lens are contaminated  
due to tinted, filmed or coated wind  
shield, damaged glass, or stuck of for  
eign material (sticker, bug, etc.) on the  
僅 Moisture is not removed or frozen on  
the windshield  
僅 Washer fluid is continuously sprayed,  
or the wiper is on  
僅 Driving in heavy rain, snow, or thick  
僅 The field of view of the front view  
camera is obstructed by sun glare  
the (  
) and(  
) warning lights will  
appear on the cluster.  
僅 Street light or light from an oncoming  
vehicle is reflected on the wet road  
surface, such as a puddle on the road  
The function will operate normally when  
snow, rain, or foreign matter is removed.  
Always keep it clean.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
僅 An object is placed on the dashboard  
僅 Your vehicle is being towed  
僅 The surrounding is very bright  
僅 The surrounding is very dark, such as  
in a tunnel, etc.  
僅 The brightness changes suddenly, for  
example when entering or exiting a  
僅 The brightness outside is low, and the  
headlamps are not on or are not  
僅 Driving through steam, smoke or  
僅 Only part of the vehicle, pedestrian or  
cyclist is detected  
僅 The vehicle in front is a bus, heavy  
truck, truck with a unusually shaped  
luggage, trailer, etc.  
僅 Driving near areas containing metal  
substances, such as a construction  
zone, railroad, etc.  
僅 A material is near that reflects very  
well on the front radar, such as a  
guardrail, nearby vehicle, etc.  
僅 The cyclist in front is on a bicycle  
made of material that does not reflect  
on the front radar  
僅 The vehicle in front is detected late  
僅 The vehicle in front is suddenly  
blocked by a obstacle  
僅 The vehicle in front suddenly changes  
lane or suddenly reduces speed  
僅 The vehicle in front is bent out of  
僅 The front vehicle's speed is fast or  
僅 The vehicle in front steers in the  
opposite direction of your vehicle to  
avoid a collision  
僅 With a vehicle in front, your vehicle  
changes lane at low speed  
僅 The vehicle in front is covered with  
僅 You are departing or returning to the  
僅 The vehicle in front has no taillamps,  
taillamps are located unusually, etc.  
僅 The brightness outside is low, and the  
taillamps are not on or are not bright  
僅 The rear of the front vehicle is small or  
the vehicle does not look normal, such  
as when the vehicle is tilted, over  
turned, or the side of the vehicle is vis  
ible, etc.  
僅 The front vehicle's ground clearance  
is low or high  
僅 Unstable driving  
僅 You are on a roundabout and the  
vehicle in front is not detected  
僅 You are continuously driving in a cir  
僅 A vehicle, pedestrian or cyclist sud  
denly cuts in front  
僅 The bumper around the front radar is  
impacted, damaged or the front radar  
is out of position  
僅 The vehicle in front has an unusual  
僅 The temperature around the front  
radar is high or low  
僅 The vehicle in front is driving uphill or  
僅 Driving through a tunnel or iron  
僅 Driving in large areas where there are  
few vehicles or structures (i.e. desert,  
meadow, suburb, etc.)  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist is not fully  
detected, for example, if the pedes  
trian is leaning over or is not fully  
walking upright  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist is wearing  
clothing or equipment that makes it  
difficult to detect as a pedestrian or  
僅 Driving through a tollgate, construc-  
tion area, unpaved road, partial paved  
road, uneven road, speed bumps, etc.  
僅 Driving on an incline road, curved  
road, etc.  
僅 Driving through a roadside with trees  
or streetlights  
Following image shows the image the  
sensor recognizes as vehicle, pedes  
trian, and cyclist.  
僅 Unstable driving  
僅 The adverse road conditions cause  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
僅 Your vehicle height is low or high due  
to heavy loads, abnormal tire pres  
sure, etc.  
僅 Driving through a narrow road where  
trees or grass or overgrown  
僅 There is interference by electromag  
netic waves, such as driving in an area  
with strong radio waves or electrical  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist in front is  
moving very quickly  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist in front is  
short or is posing a low posture  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist in front has  
impaired mobility  
僅 Driving on a curved road  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist in front is  
moving intersected with the driving  
僅 There is a group of pedestrians,  
cyclists or a large crowd in front  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist is wearing  
clothing that easily blends into the  
background, making it difficult to  
僅 The pedestrian or cyclist is difficult to  
distinguish from the similar shaped  
structure in the surroundings  
僅 You are driving by a pedestrian,  
cyclist, traffic signs, structures, etc.  
near the intersection  
僅 Driving in a parking lot  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not detect other vehicles, pedes  
trians, or cyclists in front of you on  
curved roads adversely affecting the  
performance of the sensors. This may  
result in no warning and braking  
assist when necessary.  
When driving on a curve, you must  
maintain a safe braking distance, and  
if necessary, steer the vehicle and  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may detect a vehicle, pedestrian, or  
cyclist in the next lane or outside the  
lane when driving on a curved road.  
tain a safe distance.  
If this occurs, the function may unnec  
essarily warn the driver and control  
the brake. Always check the traffic  
conditions around the vehicle.  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
僅 Driving on an inclined road  
This may result in unnecessary warn  
ing, braking assist or no warning,  
braking assist when necessary.  
Also, vehicle speed may rapidly  
decrease when a vehicle, pedestrian  
or cyclist ahead is suddenly detected.  
Always have your eyes on the road  
while driving uphill or downhill and if  
necessary, steer your vehicle and  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main  
tain a safe distance.  
僅 Changing lanes  
[A]: Your vehicle  
[B]: Lane changing vehicle  
When a vehicle [B] moves into your  
lane from an adjacent lane, it cannot  
be detected by the sensor until it is in  
the sensor's detection range. Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist may not  
immediately detect the vehicle when  
the vehicle changes lanes abruptly. In  
this case, you must maintain a safe  
braking distance, and if necessary,  
steer your vehicle and depress the  
brake pedal to reduce your driving  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not detect other vehicles, pedes  
trians, or cyclists in front of you while  
driving uphill or downhill adversely  
affecting the performance of the sen  
speed in order to maintain a safe dis  
Driving your vehicle  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion)  
or when the vehicle in front of you has  
higher ground clearance, additional  
special attention is required. Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist may not be  
able to detect the cargo extending  
from the vehicle. In these instances,  
you must maintain a safe braking dis  
tance from the rearmost object, and if  
necessary, steer your vehicle and  
depress the brake pedal to reduce  
your driving speed in order to main  
tain distance.  
僅 When you are towing a trailer or  
[A]: Your vehicle  
[B]: Lane changing vehicle  
[C]: Same lane vehicle  
another vehicle, we recommend that  
Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is  
turned off due to safety reasons.  
When a vehicle [B] in front of you  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may operate if objects that are similar  
in shape or characteristics to vehicles,  
pedestrians and cyclists are detected.  
merges out of the lane, Forward Colli  
sion-Avoidance Assist may not imme  
diately detect the vehicle [C] that is  
now in front of you. In this case, you  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
must maintain a safe braking dis  
does not operate on bicycles, motor  
tance, and if necessary, steer your  
vehicle and depress the brake pedal  
cycles, or smaller wheeled objects,  
such as luggage bags, shopping carts,  
or strollers that are dragged by a  
pedestrian or a cyclist.  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not operate normally if interfered  
by strong electromagnetic waves.  
to reduce your driving speed in order  
to maintain a safe distance.  
僅 Detecting vehicle  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
may not operate for approximately 15  
seconds after the vehicle is started, or  
the front view camera is initialized.  
This device complies with Indus  
try Canada licence-exempt RSS  
Operation is subject to the following  
If the vehicle in front of you has cargo  
that extends rearward from the cab,