Driving your vehicle -> Highway Driving Assist for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Driving your vehicle  
Highway Driving Assist (HDA)  
僅 Additional highways may be  
expanded by future navigation  
Highway Driving Assist (HDA)  
(if equipped)  
Detecting sensor  
Front view camera  
Highway Driving Assist is designed to  
help detect vehicles and lanes ahead,  
and help maintain distance from the  
vehicle ahead, maintain the set speed,  
and keep the vehicle between lanes  
while driving on the highway (or motor  
Front radar  
僅 Highway Driving Assist is available  
only on controlled access road of cer  
tain highways.  
* Controlled access road indicates roads  
with limited entrances and exits that  
allow uninterrupted high speed traffic  
flow. Only passenger cars and motor  
cycles are allowed on controlled  
access roads.  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sen  
Available highway (Controlled access  
Select Interstate High  
way and U.S. (Federal)  
and State Highways  
Select Provincial and  
Territorial Highways  
For more details on the precautions of  
the detecting sensors, refer to "Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sen  
sor fusion) (if equipped)" on page 5-74.  
Driving your vehicle  
Highway Driving Assist (HDA)  
Highway Driving Assist Settings  
Warning Methods  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select or deselect  
'Driver Assistance → Driving Assist' from  
the Settings menu to set whether or not  
to use each function.  
僅 If 'Highway Driving Assist' is selected,  
it helps maintain distance from the  
vehicle ahead, maintain the set speed,  
and keep the vehicle between lanes.  
僅 If there is a problem with the func  
You can adjust the Warning Methods  
with the ignition switch or ENGINE  
START/ STOP button in the ON position.  
tions, the settings cannot be changed.  
Have the function inspected by an  
authorized Kia dealer.  
僅 Warning Volume : Select 'User Set  
tings → Driver Assistance → Warning  
Volume' on the LCD display or 'Set  
tings → Vehicle → Driver Assistance  
→ Warning Methods → Warning vol  
ume' on the Infotainment system.  
Even if '0' or 'Off' is selected, the func  
tion's Warning Volume will not turn off  
but the Hands off warning volume will  
sound as '1' or 'Low'.  
僅 If the engine is restarted, the func  
tions will maintain the last setting.  
For your safety, change the Settings  
after parking the vehicle at a safe loca  
僅 Driving Safety Priority : Select ‘Vehicle  
Settings → Driver Assistance → Warn  
ing Methods → Driving Safety Priority’  
on the Infotainment system. For safe  
driving, the audio volume will tempo  
Driving your vehicle  
Highway Driving Assist (HDA)  
rarily decrease to warn the driver with  
the audible warning.  
Operating State  
僅 Ensure that warning sound you have  
set may apply to the warning volume  
of other driver assistance systems.  
僅 Warning Methods will maintain its last  
setting even if the vehicle is restarted.  
僅 The setting menu may not be avail  
able for your vehicle depending on  
the vehicle features and specifica  
僅 Descriptions of each driver assistance  
system may be slightly different from  
the owner's manual after updating the  
software of your infotainment system.  
In this case, scan the QR code in the  
infotainment system manual to  
access the web manual for checking  
the changes.  
Standby State  
僅 Depending on your update, the menu  
may be displayed as Warning Sound  
or Warning Methods.  
Highway Driving Assist Opera  
1. Highway Driving Assist indicator,  
whether there is a vehicle ahead and  
the selected distance level are dis  
Display and control  
You can see the status of the Highway  
Driving Assist operation in the Driving  
Assist view on the cluster. Refer to "LCD  
display" on page 4-77.  
僅 Highway Driving Assist indicator  
- Green (  
- White (  
): Operating state  
): Standby state  
2. Set speed is displayed.  
Highway Driving Assist will be displayed  
as below depending on the status of the  
3. Lane Following Assist indicator dis  
4. Whether there is a vehicle ahead and  
the target vehicle to vehicle distance  
is displayed.  
5. Whether the lane is detected or not is  
Driving your vehicle  
Highway Driving Assist (HDA)  
6. Depending on the instrument panel  
specifications or theme, images or  
colors may be displayed differently.  
Restarting after stopping  
* For more details on Lane Following  
Assist (LFA), refer to "Lane Following  
Assist (LFA)" on page 5-155.  
* For more details on Smart Cruise Con  
trol (SCC), refer to "Smart Cruise Con  
trol (SCC) (if equipped)" on page 5-  
Highway Driving Assist operating  
Highway Driving Assist will operate  
when entering or driving on the main  
road of highways (or motorways), and  
satisfying all the following conditions:  
僅 Lane Following Assist is operating  
僅 Smart Cruise Control is operating  
When Highway Driving Assist is operat  
ing, your vehicle will stop if the vehicle  
ahead of you stops. Also, if the vehicle  
ahead of you starts moving approxi  
mately within 30 seconds after the stop,  
your vehicle will start as well. In addition,  
after the vehicle has stopped and  
僅 While driving on the highway (or  
motorway), if Smart Cruise Control  
starts operating, Highway Driving  
Assist will operate.  
僅 When entering the main roads of  
highways (or motorways), Highway  
Driving Assist will not turn on if the  
Lane Following Assist is turned off  
even when Smart Cruise Control is  
approximately 30 seconds have passed,  
the 'Use switch or pedal to accelerate'  
message will appear on the cluster.  
Depress the accelerator pedal or push  
the + switch, - switch or (  
start driving.  
) switch to  
Hands-off warning  
If the driver takes their hands off the  
steering wheel for several seconds, the  
'Keep hands on steering wheel' warning  
Driving your vehicle  
Highway Driving Assist (HDA)  
message will appear and an audible  
warning will sound in stages.  
僅 First stage: Warning message  
僅 Second stage: Warning message (red  
steering wheel) and audible warning  
Highway Driving Assist Malfunc  
tion and Limitations  
Highway Driving Assist malfunc  
When Highway Driving Assist is not  
working properly, the 'Check Highway  
Driving Assist (HDA) system' warning  
If the driver still does not have their  
hands on the steering wheel after the  
hands-off warning, the 'Highway Driv  
message will appear, and the (  
ing Assist (HDA) canceled' warning mes  
sage will appear.  
warning light will appear on the cluster.  
Have the function inspected by an  
authorized Kia dealer.  
Highway Driving Assist standby  
When the Smart Cruise Control is tem  
porarily canceled while Highway Driving  
Assist is operating, Highway Driving  
Assist will be in the standby state. At this  
time, Lane Following Assist will operate  
僅 The driver is responsible for con  
trolling the vehicle for safe driving.  
僅 Always have your hands on the steer  
ing wheel while driving.  
僅 Highway Driving Assist is a supple  
mental function that assists the driver  
in driving the vehicle and is not a  
complete autonomous driving system.  
Always check road conditions, and if  
necessary, take appropriate actions to  
drive safely.  
僅 Always have your eyes on the road,  
and it is the responsibility of the driver  
to avoid violating traffic laws. The  
vehicle manufacturer is not responsi  
ble for any traffic violation or acci  
dents caused by the driver.  