Driving your vehicle -> Manual Speed Limit Assist for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Driving your vehicle  
Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA)  
Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) (if  
equipped)" on page 5-95.  
Manual Speed Limit Assist  
僅 Safe Exit Assist may not operate nor  
mally if interfered by strong electro  
magnetic waves.  
僅 Safe Exit Assist may not operate for  
approximately 3 seconds after the  
vehicle is started, or the rear corner  
radars are initialized.  
(1) Speed Limit indicator  
(2) Set speed  
You can set the speed limit when you do  
not want to drive over a specific speed.  
If you drive over the preset speed limit,  
the warning function operates (set  
speed limit will blink and chime will  
sound) until the vehicle speed returns  
within the speed limit.  
Manual Speed Limit Assist Opera  
Setting speed limit  
1. Press and hold Driving Assist  
) button at the desired  
Driving your vehicle  
Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA)  
3. The set speed limit will be displayed  
on the cluster.  
The speed limit indicator (  
will appear on the cluster.  
The set speed limit will blink and  
chime will sound until you return the  
vehicle speed within the speed limit.  
2. Push the + switch up or - switch down,  
and release it at the desired speed.  
Push the + switch up or - switch down  
and hold it. The speed will increase or  
decrease to the nearest multiple of  
five (multiple of ten in km/h) at first,  
and then increase or decrease by 10  
km/h (5 mph).  
When the accelerator pedal is not  
depressed beyond the full stroke, vehi  
cle speed will maintain within the speed  
Driving your vehicle  
Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA)  
To temporarily pause Manual  
Speed Limit Assist  
To turn off Manual Speed Limit  
Press the (  
pause the set speed limit. The set speed  
limit will turn off but the Speed Limit  
) button to temporarily  
Press the Driving Assist (  
ton to turn Manual Speed Limit Assist  
off. The Speed Limit indicator  
) will go off.  
Always press the Driving Assist  
) button to turn Manual Speed  
) but-  
indicator (  
) will stay on.  
To resume Manual Speed Limit  
Limit Assist off when not in use.  
Take the following precautions when  
using Manual Speed Limit Assist:  
僅 Always set the vehicle speed to the  
speed limit in your country.  
僅 Keep Manual Speed Limit Assist off  
when the function is not in use, to  
avoid inadvertently setting a speed.  
Check that the Speed Limit indicator  
To resume Manual Speed Limit Assist  
after the function was paused, operate  
the +, -, (  
) switch.  
If you push the + switch up or – switch  
down, vehicle speed will be set to the  
current speed on the cluster.  
) is off.  
僅 Manual Speed Limit Assist does not  
substitute for proper and safe driving.  
It is the responsibility of the driver to  
always drive safely and should always  
be aware of unexpected and sudden  
situations from occurring. Pay atten  
tion to the road conditions at all times.  
If you press the (  
) button, vehicle  
speed will resume to the preset speed.  
Driving your vehicle  
Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA)  
Intelligent Speed Limit Assist Set  
Intelligent Speed Limit Assist  
(ISLA) (if equipped)  
Intelligent Speed Limit Assist uses infor  
Speed limit  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, select or deselect  
'Driver Assistance → Intelligent Speed  
Limit Assist' from the Settings menu to  
set whether or not to use each function.  
mation from the detected road sign and  
navigation system to inform the driver of  
the speed limit and additional road signs  
of the current road. Also, the function  
helps the driver to maintain within the  
speed limit of the road.  
僅 If 'Speed Limit Assist' is selected, the  
function will inform the driver of  
speed limit. In addition, the function  
will inform the driver to change set  
speed of Manual Speed Limit Assist  
and/or Smart Cruise Control to help  
the driver stay within the speed limit.  
僅 If 'Speed Limit Warning' is selected,  
the function will inform the driver of  
speed limit. In addition, the function  
will warn the driver when the vehicle  
is driven faster than the speed limit.  
僅 If 'Off' is selected, the function will  
turn off.  
僅 Intelligent Speed Limit Assist may not  
operate properly if the function is  
used in other countries.  
僅 Update navigation system regularly  
for Intelligent Speed Limit Assist to  
operate normally.  
Detecting sensor  
Front view camera  
Speed limit offset  
With the ENGINE START/STOP button in  
the ON position, when 'Driver Assistance  
→ Speed Limit → Speed Limit Offset' is  
selected, the Speed Limit Offset can be  
changed. Speed Limit Warning and  
Speed Limit Assist will operate by apply  
ing the Speed Limit Offset setting to the  
detected speed limit.  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sensor.  
僅 For your safety, change the Settings  
after parking the vehicle at a safe  
僅 Speed Limit Assist function operates  
based on the Offset setting added to  
the speed limit. If you want to change  
For more details on the precautions of  
the front view camera, refer to "Forward  
Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sen  
sor fusion) (if equipped)" on page 5-74.  