Driving your vehicle
Navigation-based Smart Cruise Control (NSCC)
僅 Navigation-based Smart Cruise Con
trol is not able to slow down your
vehicle to a safe speed
state by driving on a road other than
the highway (or motorway) main road,
Highway Set Speed Auto Change
function will operate again when you
drive on the main road again without
setting the set speed.
僅 If Highway Set Speed Auto Change
function has changed to the standby
state by depressing the brake pedal,
Highway Curve Zone Auto Slowdown
and Set Speed Auto Change function
uses the same (
) symbol.
press the (
僅 Highway Set Speed Auto Change
function does not operate on highway
interchanges or junctions.
) switch to restart the
Highway Curve Zone Auto Slow
僅 Depending on the curve ahead on the
highway (or motorway), the vehicle
will decelerate, and after passing the
curve, the vehicle will accelerate to
Smart Cruise Control set speed.
僅 Highway Set Speed Auto Change
function only operates based on the
speed limits of the highway (or motor
way), it does not work with the speed
僅 When Highway Set Speed Auto
Change function is operating, the
vehicle automatically accelerates or
decelerates when the highway (or
motorway) speed limit changes.
僅 When Highway Set Speed Auto
Change function is operating, the
vehicle may warn the driver when the
vehicle's set speed limit is above the
speed camera limit.
僅 The maximum set speed for Highway
Set Speed Auto Change function is
140 km/h (90 mph).
僅 If the speed limit of a new road is not
updated in the navigation, Highway
Set Speed Auto Change function may
not operate properly.
僅 If the speed unit is set to a unit other
than the speed unit used in your
country, Highway Set Speed Auto
僅 Vehicle deceleration time may differ
depending on the vehicle speed and
the degree of the curve on the road.
The higher the driving speed, deceler
ation will start faster.
Highway Set Speed Auto Change
僅 Highway Set Speed Auto Change
function will operate when Smart
Cruise Control set speed and the
highway (or motorway) speed limit is
僅 While Highway Set Speed Auto
Change function is operating, when
the highway (or motorway), speed
limit changes, Smart Cruise Control
set speed automatically changes to
the changed speed limit.
僅 If Smart Cruise Control set speed is
adjusted different from the speed
limit, Highway Set Speed Auto
Change function will be in the standby
僅 If Highway Set Speed Auto Change
function has changed to the standby