Driving your vehicle -> Smart Cruise Control for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 Do not use Cruise Control when tow  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC) (if  
Smart Cruise Control is designed to  
ing a trailer.  
detect the vehicle ahead and help main  
tain the desired speed and minimum  
distance with the vehicle ahead.  
Overtaking Acceleration Assist  
While Smart Cruise Control is operating,  
if the function judges that the driver is  
determined to overtake the vehicle in  
front, acceleration will be assisted.  
Detecting sensor  
Front view camera  
Front radar  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
The front view camera and front radar  
are used as a detecting sensor to detect  
front vehicles.  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sensor.  
speed after accelerating to the set  
If your vehicle speed is between 0 ~ 30  
km/h (0 ~ 20 mph) when you press the  
Driving Assist (  
) button, the  
Always keep the front view camera and  
front radar in good condition to maintain  
optimal performance of Smart Cruise  
Smart Cruise Control speed will be set to  
30 km/h (20 mph).  
Control. For more details on the precau  
To set vehicle distance  
tions of the front view camera and front  
radar, refer to "Forward Collision-Avoid  
ance Assist (FCA) (Sensor fusion) (if  
equipped)" on page 5-74.  
Smart Cruise Control Settings  
To turn on Smart Cruise Control  
Each time the Vehicle Distance button is  
pressed, the vehicle distance changes as  
僅 Press the Driving Assist (  
button to turn on the function. The  
speed will be set to the current speed  
on the cluster.  
僅 If there is no vehicle in front of you,  
the set speed will be maintained, but if  
there is a vehicle in front of you, the  
speed may decrease to maintain the  
distance to the vehicle ahead. If the  
僅 If you drive at 90 km/h (56 mph), the  
distance is maintained as follows:  
Distance 4 - approximately 52.5 m  
(172 ft.)  
Distance 3 - approximately 40 m (130  
Distance 2 - approximately 32.5 m  
(106 ft.)  
vehicle ahead accelerates, your vehi  
cle will travel at a steady cruising  
Distance 1 - approximately 25 m (82  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 The distance is set to the last set dis  
To decrease set speed  
tance when the engine is restarted, or  
when the function was temporarily  
To increase set speed  
僅 Push the - switch down and release it  
immediately. The set speed will  
decrease by 1 km/h (1 mph) each time  
the switch is operated in this manner.  
僅 Push the - switch down and hold it  
while monitoring the set speed on the  
cluster. The set speed will decrease by  
10 km/h (5 mph) each time the switch  
is operated in this manner.  
僅 Push the + switch up and release it  
immediately. The set speed will  
increase by 1 km/h (1 mph) each time  
the switch is operated in this manner.  
Release the switch at the speed you  
want to maintain. You can set the  
speed to 30 km/h (20 mph).  
僅 Push the + switch up and hold it while  
monitoring the set speed on the clus  
ter. The set speed will increase by 10  
km/h (5 mph) each time the switch is  
operated in this manner. Release the  
switch when the desired speed is  
shown, and the vehicle will accelerate  
to that speed. You can set the speed  
to 180 km/h (110 mph).  
To temporarily cancel Smart  
Cruise Control  
Check the driving condition before using  
the + switch. Driving speed may sharply  
increase when you push up and hold the  
+ switch.  
Press the (  
) button or depress the  
brake pedal to temporarily cancel Smart  
Cruise Control.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
To resume Smart Cruise Control  
Driving Assist (  
off Smart Cruise Control. However Man  
ual Speed Limit Assist will turn on.  
) button to turn  
Based on Drive Mode  
Smart Cruise Control will change accel  
eration based on the drive mode  
selected from Drive Mode Integrated  
To resume Smart Cruise Control after  
the function was canceled, operate the  
Control function. Refer to the following  
+, - or (  
) switch.  
If you push the + switch up or - switch  
down, vehicle speed will be set to the  
current speed on the cluster.  
Drive Mode  
Smart Cruise Control  
If you press the (  
) button, vehicle  
speed will resume to the preset speed.  
Check the driving condition before  
pressing the (  
may sharply increase or decrease when  
you press the ( ) button.  
) button. Driving speed  
僅 For more details on Drive Mode, refer  
to "Drive mode integrated control sys  
tem" on page 5-57.  
僅 For the vehicle without the Drive  
Mode or Active Eco, acceleration of  
the Smart Cruise Control is set to 'Nor  
To turn off Smart Cruise Control  
Warning Methods  
Press the Driving Assist (  
) but-  
ton to turn Smart Cruise Control off.  
If your vehicle is equipped with Manual  
Speed Limit Assist, press and hold the  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 Ensure that warning sound you have  
set may apply to the warning volume  
of other driver assistance systems.  
僅 Warning Methods will maintain its last  
setting even if the vehicle is restarted.  
僅 With the Warning Volume in '0' or  
'Off', if you turn off Steering Wheel  
Vibration Warning, the Warning Vol  
ume will be activated with volume '2'  
or 'Medium'.  
僅 With the Steering Wheel Vibration  
Warning off, if you adjust the Warning  
Volume to '0' or 'Off', the Steering  
You can adjust the Warning Methods  
with the ignition switch or ENGINE  
START/ STOP button in the ON position.  
With the vehicle on, touch ‘Settings →  
Vehicle → Driver Assistance → Warning  
Volume’ on the infotainment system to  
change the Warning Methods.  
Wheel Vibration Warning will be acti  
僅 The setting menu may not be avail  
able for your vehicle depending on  
the vehicle features and specifica  
僅 Warning Volume : Select 'User Set  
tings → Driver Assistance → Warning  
Volume' on the LCD display or 'Set  
tings → Vehicle → Driver Assistance  
僅 Descriptions of each driver assistance  
system may be slightly different from  
the owner's manual after updating the  
software of your infotainment system.  
In this case, scan the QR code in the  
infotainment system manual to  
access the web manual for checking  
the changes.  
→ Warning Methods → Warning vol  
ume' on the Infotainment system.  
Even if '0' or 'Off' is selected, the func  
tion's Warning Volume will not turn off  
but the volume will sound as '1' or  
僅 Depending on your update, the menu  
may be displayed as Warning Sound  
or Warning Methods.  
僅 Steering Wheel Vibration Warning:  
Select 'User Settings → Driver Assis  
tance → Haptic warning' on the LCD  
display or 'Settings → Vehicle →  
Driver Assistance → Warning Methods  
Smart Cruise Control Operation  
Operating conditions  
Smart Cruise Control will operate when  
the following conditions are satisfied.  
→ Haptic warning' on the Infotain  
ment system.  
僅 Driving Safety Priority : Select ‘Vehicle  
Settings → Driver Assistance → Warn  
ing Methods → Driving Safety Priority’  
on the Infotainment system. For safe  
Basic function  
僅 The gear is in D (Drive)  
僅 The driver's door is closed  
driving, the audio volume will tempo  
rarily decrease to warn the driver with  
the audible warning.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 EPB (Electronic Parking Brake) is not  
temporarily. Pay attention to the road  
conditions at all times.  
僅 Your vehicle speed is within the oper  
僅 Regardless of your countries driving  
direction, Overtaking Acceleration  
ating speed range  
Assist will operate when the condi  
- 10 ~ 180 km/h (5 ~ 110 mph): when  
there is no vehicle in front  
- 0 ~ 180 km/h (0 ~ 110 mph): when  
there is a vehicle in front  
僅 ESC (Electronic Stability Control), TCS  
(Traction Control System) or ABS is  
on, but not controlling the vehicle  
tions are satisfied. When using the  
function in countries with different  
driving direction, always check the  
road conditions at all times.  
Smart Cruise Control Display and  
僅 Engine RPM is not in the red zone  
僅 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist  
brake control is not operating  
Basic function  
You can see the status of the Smart  
Cruise Control operation in the Utility  
view on the cluster. Refer to "Instrument  
cluster" on page 4-69.  
Smart Cruise Control will be displayed as  
below depending on the status of the  
僅 ISG function is not operating  
When stopped behind another vehicle,  
the driver can turn on Smart Cruise Con  
trol while the brake pedal is depressed.  
僅 When operating  
Overtaking Acceleration Assist  
Overtaking Acceleration Assist will oper  
ate when the turn signal indicator is  
turned on to the left (left-hand drive) or  
turned on to the right (right-hand drive)  
while Smart Cruise Control is operating,  
and the following conditions are satis  
僅 Your vehicle speed is above 60 km/h  
(40 mph)  
僅 The hazard warning flasher is off  
僅 A vehicle is detected in front of your  
僅 Deceleration is not needed to main  
1. Whether there is a vehicle ahead  
and the selected distance level are  
tain distances with the vehicle in front  
僅 When the left turn signal indicator is  
turned on while there is a vehicle  
ahead, the vehicle may accelerate  
2. Set speed is displayed.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
3. Whether there is a vehicle ahead  
and the selected target distance are  
To temporarily accelerate  
僅 When temporarily canceled  
Temporarily canceled  
If you want to speed up temporarily  
when Smart Cruise Control is on,  
depress the accelerator pedal. While the  
speed is increasing, the set speed, dis  
tance level and target distance will blink  
on the cluster.  
1. (  
) indicator is displayed.  
2. The previous set speed is shaded.  
Vehicle ahead and distance level are  
not displayed.  
Be careful when accelerating temporar  
ily, because the speed and distance is  
not controlled automatically even if  
there is a vehicle in front of you.  
僅 The distance of the front vehicle on  
the cluster is displayed according to  
the actual distance between your  
vehicle and the vehicle ahead.  
僅 The target distance may vary accord  
ing to the vehicle speed and the set  
Smart Cruise Control temporarily  
distance level. If vehicle speed is low,  
even though the vehicle distance has  
changed, the change of the target  
vehicle distance may be small.  
Smart Cruise Control will be temporarily  
canceled automatically when:  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 The vehicle speed is above 190 km/h  
(120 mph)  
僅 The accelerator pedal is continuously  
depressed for a certain period of time  
僅 The conditions for the Smart Cruise  
Control to operate is not satisfied  
If the function is temporarily canceled  
automatically, the 'Smart Cruise Control  
canceled' warning message will appear  
on the cluster, and an audible warning  
will sound to warn the driver.  
If the Driving Assist (  
switch, - switch or (  
ated when the function's operating con  
ditions are not satisfied, the 'Smart  
Cruise Control conditions not met' will  
appear on the cluster, and an audible  
warning will sound.  
) button, +  
) switch is oper  
In traffic situation  
If the Smart Cruise Control is temporarily  
canceled while the vehicle is at a stand  
still with the function operating, EPB  
(Electronic Parking Brake) maybe  
When the function is temporarily can  
celed, distance with the front vehicle will  
not be maintained. Always have your  
eyes on the road while driving, and if  
necessary, depress the brake pedal to  
reduce your driving speed in order to  
maintain a safe distance.  
In traffic, your vehicle will stop if the  
vehicle ahead of you stops. Also, if the  
vehicle ahead of you starts moving, your  
vehicle will start as well.  
In addition, after the vehicle has stopped  
and a certain time have passed, the 'Use  
switch or pedal to accelerate' message  
will appear on the cluster. Depress the  
accelerator pedal or operate the +  
Smart Cruise Control conditions  
not satisfied  
switch, - switch or (  
) switch to start  
While the message is displayed on the  
cluster, if there is no vehicle in front or  
the vehicle is far away from you, and the  
+ switch, – switch or (  
) switch is  
operated, Smart Cruise Control will auto  
matically cancel and the EPB will be  
applied. However, if the accelerator  
pedal is depressed, EPB will not be  
applied even though the function is can  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
celed. Always pay attention to the road  
condition ahead.  
Collision Warning  
Warning road conditions ahead  
While Smart Cruise Control is operating,  
when the collision risk with the vehicle  
ahead is high, the 'Collision Warning'  
warning message will appear on the  
cluster, and an audible warning will  
sound to warn the driver. Always have  
your eyes on the road while driving, and  
if necessary, depress the brake pedal to  
reduce your driving speed in order to  
maintain a safe distance.  
In the following situation, the 'Watch for  
surrounding vehicles' warning message  
will appear on the cluster, and an audi  
ble warning will sound to warn the driver  
of road conditions ahead.  
僅 The vehicle in front disappears when  
Smart Cruise Control is maintaining  
the distance with the vehicle ahead  
while driving below a certain speed.  
In the following situations, Smart Cruise  
Control may not warn the driver of a col  
僅 The distance from the front vehicle is  
near, or the vehicle speed of the front  
vehicle is faster or similar with your  
僅 The speed of the front vehicle is very  
slow or is at a standstill  
Always pay attention to vehicles or  
objects that may suddenly appear in  
front of you, and if necessary, depress  
the brake pedal to reduce your driving  
speed in order to maintain a safe dis  
僅 The accelerator pedal is depressed  
right after Smart Cruise Control is  
turned on  
Take the following precautions when  
using Smart Cruise Control:  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 Smart Cruise Control does not substi  
tute for proper and safe driving. It is  
the responsibility of the driver to  
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not operate  
normally if interfered by strong elec  
tromagnetic waves.  
always check the speed and distance  
to the vehicle ahead.  
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not detect  
an obstacle in front and lead to a colli  
sion. Always look ahead cautiously to  
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not recog  
nize unexpected and sudden situa  
tions or complex driving situations, so  
prevent unexpected and sudden situ  
ations from occurring.  
always pay attention to driving condi  
僅 Vehicles moving in front of you with a  
frequent lane change may cause a  
delay in the function's reaction or may  
tions and control your vehicle speed.  
僅 Keep Smart Cruise Control off when  
the function is not in use to avoid  
inadvertently setting a speed.  
僅 Do not open the door or leave the  
vehicle when Smart Cruise Control is  
operating, even if the vehicle is  
僅 Always be aware of the selected  
speed and vehicle to vehicle distance.  
僅 Keep a safe distance according to  
road conditions and vehicle speed. If  
the vehicle to vehicle distance is too  
close during high-speed driving, a  
serious collision may result.  
cause the function to react to a vehi  
cle actually in an adjacent lane.  
Always drive cautiously to prevent  
unexpected and sudden situations  
from occurring.  
僅 Always be aware of the surroundings  
and drive safely, even though a warn  
ing message does not appear or an  
audible warning does not sound.  
僅 If any other function's warning mes  
sage is displayed or warning sound is  
generated, Smart Cruise Control  
warning message may not be dis  
played and warning sound may not  
be generated.  
僅 When maintaining distance with the  
vehicle ahead, if the front vehicle dis  
appears, the function may suddenly  
僅 You may not hear the warning sound  
of Smart Cruise Control if the sur  
accelerate to the set speed. Always be  
rounding is noisy.  
aware of unexpected and sudden sit  
uations from occurring.  
僅 The vehicle manufacturer is not  
responsible for any traffic violation or  
accidents caused by the driver.  
僅 Always set the vehicle speed under  
the speed limit in your country.  
僅 Vehicle speed may decrease on an  
upward slope and increase on a  
downward slope.  
僅 Always be aware of situations such as  
when a vehicle cuts in suddenly.  
僅 When you are towing a trailer or  
another vehicle, we recommend that  
Smart Cruise Control is turned off due  
to safety reasons.  
僅 Turn off Smart Cruise Control when  
your vehicle is being towed.  
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not operate  
for a few seconds after the vehicle is  
started or the front view camera or  
front radar is initialized.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 You may hear a sound when the  
brake is controlled by Smart Cruise  
material, it can reduce the detecting per-  
formance and temporarily limit or dis  
able Smart Cruise Control.  
If this occurs, the 'Smart Cruise Control  
disabled. Radar blocked' warning mes  
sage will appear for a certain period of  
time on the cluster.  
The function will operate normally when  
snow, rain or foreign material is  
Smart Cruise Control Malfunc  
tion and Limitations  
Smart Cruise Control malfunction  
Even though the warning message does  
not appear on the cluster, Smart Cruise  
Control may not properly operate.  
Smart Cruise Control may not properly  
operate in an area (e.g. open terrain),  
where there is nothing to detect after  
turning ON the engine.  
When Smart Cruise Control is not work  
ing properly, the 'Check Smart Cruise  
Control system' warning message will  
Limitations of Smart Cruise Con  
appear, and the (  
) warning light will  
appear on the cluster. Have the function  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Smart Cruise Control may not operate  
normally, or the function may operate  
unexpectedly under the following cir  
Smart Cruise Control disabled  
僅 The detecting sensor or the surround  
ings are contaminated or damaged  
僅 Washer fluid is continuously sprayed,  
or the wiper is on  
僅 The camera lens are contaminated  
due to tinted, filmed or coated wind  
shield, damaged glass, or stuck of for  
eign material (sticker, bug, etc.) on the  
僅 Moisture is not removed or frozen on  
the windshield  
僅 The field of view of the front view  
camera is obstructed by sun glare  
When the front radar cover or sensor is  
covered with snow, rain, or foreign  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 Street light or light from an oncoming  
vehicle is reflected on the wet road  
surface, such as a puddle on the road  
僅 The bumper around the front radar is  
impacted, damaged or the front radar  
is out of position  
僅 The temperature around the front  
view camera is high or low  
僅 The temperature around the front  
radar is high or low  
僅 An object is placed on the dashboard  
僅 The surrounding is very bright  
僅 The surrounding is very dark, such as  
in a tunnel, etc.  
僅 The brightness changes suddenly, for  
example when entering or exiting a  
僅 The brightness outside is low, and the  
headlamps are not on or are not  
僅 Driving in large areas where there are  
few vehicles or structures (i.e. desert,  
meadow, suburb, etc.)  
僅 The vehicle in front is made of mate  
rial that does not reflect on the front  
僅 Driving near a highway (or motorway)  
interchange or tollgate  
僅 Driving on a slippery surface due to  
snow, water puddle, ice, etc.  
僅 Driving on a curved road  
僅 The vehicle in front is detected late  
僅 Driving in heavy rain, snow, or thick  
僅 Driving through steam, smoke or  
僅 The vehicle in front is suddenly  
blocked by a obstacle  
僅 Only party of the vehicle or pedestrian  
is detected  
僅 The vehicle in front suddenly changes  
lanes or suddenly reduces speed  
僅 The vehicle in front has no taillamps,  
taillamps are located unusually, etc.  
僅 The vehicle in front is bent out of  
僅 The brightness outside is low, and the  
tail lamps are not on or are not bright  
僅 The front vehicle's speed is fast or  
僅 The rear of the front vehicle is small or  
does not look normal (i.e. tilted, over  
turned, etc.)  
僅 The front vehicle's ground clearance  
is low or high  
僅 With a vehicle in front, your vehicle  
changes lane at low speed  
僅 The vehicle in front is covered with  
僅 Unstably driving  
僅 A vehicle suddenly cuts in front  
僅 Your vehicle is being towed  
僅 You are on a roundabout and the  
vehicle in front is not detected  
僅 Driving through a tunnel or iron  
僅 You are continuously driving in a cir  
僅 Driving near areas containing metal  
substances, such as a construction  
zone, railroad, etc.  
僅 A material is near that reflects very  
well on the front radar, such as a  
guardrail, nearby vehicle, etc.  
僅 Driving in a parking lot  
僅 Driving through a construction area,  
unpaved road, partial paved road,  
uneven road, speed bumps, etc.  
僅 Driving on an incline road, curved  
road, etc.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 Driving through a roadside with trees  
or streetlights  
僅 Your vehicle is moving unstable  
僅 The adverse road conditions cause  
excessive vehicle vibrations while  
僅 Your vehicle height is low or high due  
to heavy loads, abnormal tire pres  
sure, etc.  
僅 Driving through a narrow road where  
trees or grass are overgrown  
僅 There is interference by electromag  
Your vehicle speed can be reduced  
due to a vehicle in the adjacent lane.  
netic waves, such as driving in an area  
with strong radio waves or electrical  
Apply the accelerator pedal and select  
the appropriate set speed. Check to  
僅 Driving on a curved road  
be sure that the road conditions per  
mit safe operation of the Smart Cruise  
僅 Driving on an inclined road  
On curves, Smart Cruise Control may  
not detect a vehicle in the same lane,  
and may accelerate to the set speed.  
Also, vehicle speed may rapidly  
decrease when the vehicle ahead is  
detected suddenly.  
Select the appropriate set speed on  
curves and apply the brake pedal or  
accelerator pedal according to the  
road and driving conditions ahead.  
During uphill or downhill driving, the  
Smart Cruise Control may not detect a  
moving vehicle in your lane, and  
cause your vehicle to accelerate to the  
set speed. Also, vehicle speed will rap  
idly decrease when the vehicle ahead  
is detected suddenly.  
Select the appropriate set speed on  
inclines and apply the brake pedal or  
accelerator pedal according to the  
road and driving conditions ahead.  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
僅 Changing lanes  
In the following cases, some vehicles  
in your lane cannot be detected by  
the sensor:  
- Vehicles offset to one side  
- Slow-moving vehicles or sudden-  
decelerating vehicles  
- Oncoming vehicles  
- Stopped vehicles  
- Vehicles with small rear profile,  
such as trailers  
- Narrow vehicles, such as motorcy  
cles or bicycles  
- Special vehicles  
- Animals and pedestrians  
Adjust your vehicle speed by depress  
ing the brake pedal according to the  
road and driving conditions ahead.  
[A]: Your vehicle  
[B]: Lane changing vehicle  
When a vehicle moves into your lane  
from an adjacent lane, it cannot be  
detected by the sensor until it is in the  
sensor's detection range. Smart  
Cruise Control may not immediately  
detect the vehicle when the vehicle  
changes lanes abruptly. In this case,  
you must maintain a safe braking dis  
tance, and if necessary, depress the  
brake pedal to reduce your driving  
speed in order to maintain a safe dis  
僅 Detecting vehicle  
In the following cases, the vehicle in  
front cannot be detected by the sen  
- Vehicles with higher ground clear  
ance or vehicles carrying loads that  
stick out of the back of the vehicle  
- Vehicles that has the front lifted  
due to heavy loads  
- You are steering your vehicle  
- Driving on narrow or sharply  
curved roads  
Driving your vehicle  
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)  
Adjust your vehicle speed by depress  
ing the brake pedal according to the  
road and driving conditions ahead.  
僅 Always look out for pedestrians when  
your vehicle is maintaining a distance  
with the vehicle ahead.  
僅 When a vehicle ahead disappears at  
an intersection, your vehicle may  
Always pay attention to road and driv  
ing conditions while driving.  
This device complies with Indus  
try Canada licence-exempt RSS  
Operation is subject to the following  
1. This device may not cause interfer  
ence, and  
2. This device must accept any interfer  
ence, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation of the  
3. Changes or modifications not  
expressly approved by the party  
responsible for compliance could void  
the user's authority to operate the  
僅 When a vehicle in front of you merges  
out of the lane, Smart Cruise Control  
may not immediately detect the new  
vehicle that is now in front of you.  
Always pay attention to road and driv  
ing conditions while driving.  