Driving your vehicle
Smart Cruise Control (SCC)
僅 Smart Cruise Control does not substi
tute for proper and safe driving. It is
the responsibility of the driver to
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not operate
normally if interfered by strong elec
tromagnetic waves.
always check the speed and distance
to the vehicle ahead.
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not detect
an obstacle in front and lead to a colli
sion. Always look ahead cautiously to
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not recog
nize unexpected and sudden situa
tions or complex driving situations, so
prevent unexpected and sudden situ
ations from occurring.
always pay attention to driving condi
僅 Vehicles moving in front of you with a
frequent lane change may cause a
delay in the function's reaction or may
tions and control your vehicle speed.
僅 Keep Smart Cruise Control off when
the function is not in use to avoid
inadvertently setting a speed.
僅 Do not open the door or leave the
vehicle when Smart Cruise Control is
operating, even if the vehicle is
僅 Always be aware of the selected
speed and vehicle to vehicle distance.
僅 Keep a safe distance according to
road conditions and vehicle speed. If
the vehicle to vehicle distance is too
close during high-speed driving, a
serious collision may result.
cause the function to react to a vehi
cle actually in an adjacent lane.
Always drive cautiously to prevent
unexpected and sudden situations
from occurring.
僅 Always be aware of the surroundings
and drive safely, even though a warn
ing message does not appear or an
audible warning does not sound.
僅 If any other function's warning mes
sage is displayed or warning sound is
generated, Smart Cruise Control
warning message may not be dis
played and warning sound may not
be generated.
僅 When maintaining distance with the
vehicle ahead, if the front vehicle dis
appears, the function may suddenly
僅 You may not hear the warning sound
of Smart Cruise Control if the sur
accelerate to the set speed. Always be
rounding is noisy.
aware of unexpected and sudden sit
uations from occurring.
僅 The vehicle manufacturer is not
responsible for any traffic violation or
accidents caused by the driver.
僅 Always set the vehicle speed under
the speed limit in your country.
僅 Vehicle speed may decrease on an
upward slope and increase on a
downward slope.
僅 Always be aware of situations such as
when a vehicle cuts in suddenly.
僅 When you are towing a trailer or
another vehicle, we recommend that
Smart Cruise Control is turned off due
to safety reasons.
僅 Turn off Smart Cruise Control when
your vehicle is being towed.
僅 Smart Cruise Control may not operate
for a few seconds after the vehicle is
started or the front view camera or
front radar is initialized.