Driving your vehicle -> Special driving conditions for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Driving your vehicle  
Special driving conditions  
slung sports vehicles are designed to  
Special driving conditions  
perform satisfactorily in off-road condi  
If driving conditions deteriorate due to  
poor weather or road conditions, you  
should pay even more attention than  
usual to your driving.  
tions. Due to this risk, driver and passen  
gers are strongly recommended to  
buckle their seat belts.  
In a rollover crash, an unbelted person is  
significantly more likely to die than a  
person wearing a seat belt. There are  
steps that a driver can make to reduce  
the risk of a rollover.  
If at all possible, avoid sharp turns or  
abrupt maneuvers, do not load your roof  
rack with heavy cargo, and never modify  
your vehicle in any way.  
Hazardous driving conditions  
When hazardous driving conditions are  
encountered such as water, snow, ice,  
mud, sand, or similar hazards, follow  
these suggestions:  
僅 Drive cautiously and allow extra dis  
tance for braking.  
僅 Avoid sudden braking or steering.  
僅 Do not pump the brake pedal on a  
vehicle equipped with ABS.  
僅 If stalled in snow, mud, or sand, use  
the second gear. Accelerate slowly to  
avoid spinning the drive wheels.  
僅 Use sand, rock salt, or other nonslip  
material under the drive wheels to  
provide traction when stalled in ice,  
snow, or mud.  
As with other Sports Utility Vehicle  
(SUV), failure to operate this vehicle cor  
rectly may result in loss of control, an  
accident or vehicle rollover.  
僅 Utility vehicles have a significantly  
higher rollover rate than other types  
of vehicles.  
僅 Specific design characteristics (higher  
ground clearance, narrower track,  
etc.) give this vehicle a higher center  
of gravity than ordinary vehicles.  
僅 A SUV is not designed for cornering at  
the same speeds as conventional  
Reducing the risk of a rollover  
This multi-purpose passenger vehicle is  
defined as a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV).  
Utility vehicles have a significantly  
higher rollover rate than other types of  
vehicles. SUVs have higher ground  
clearance and a narrower track to make  
them capable of performing in a wide  
variety of offroad applications.  
僅 Avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneu  
僅 In a rollover crash, an unbelted person  
is significantly more likely to die than  
a person wearing a seat belt. Make  
Specific design characteristics give them  
a higher center of gravity than ordinary  
vehicles. An advantage of the higher  
ground clearance is a better view of the  
road, which allows you to anticipate  
sure everyone in the vehicle is prop  
erly buckled up.  
They are not designed for cornering at  
Your vehicle is equipped with tires  
designed to provide safe ride and han  
the same speeds as conventional pas  
senger vehicles, any more than low-  
Driving your vehicle  
Special driving conditions  
dling capability. Do not use tires and  
wheels that are different in size and type  
from the originally installed ones. It can  
affect the safety and performance of  
Do not spin the wheels, especially at  
speeds more than 56 km/h (35 mph).  
Spinning the wheels at high speeds  
when the vehicle is stationary could  
overheat and damage tires, and the  
rotating wheels may fly away and injure  
your vehicle, which could lead to steer  
ing failure or rollover and serious injury.  
When replacing the tires, be sure to  
equip all four tires with the tire and  
wheel of the same size, type, tread,  
brand and load-carrying capacity.  
The Electronic Stability Control (ESC)  
should be turned OFF prior to rocking  
the vehicle.  
Rocking the vehicle  
If it is necessary to rock the vehicle to  
free it from snow, sand, or mud, first  
turn the steering wheel right and left to  
clear the area around your front wheels.  
Then, shift back and forth between R  
(Reverse) and any forward gear.  
Smooth cornering  
Do not race the engine, and spin the  
wheels as little as possible. If you are still  
stuck after a few tries, have the vehicle  
pulled out by a tow vehicle to avoid  
engine overheating and possible dam  
age to the transmission.  
Sudden vehicle movement  
Do not attempt to rock the vehicle if  
Avoid braking or gear changing in cor  
people or objects are nearby. The vehi  
cle may suddenly move forward or  
backwards as it becomes unstuck.  
ners, especially when roads are wet. Ide  
ally, corners should always be taken  
under gentle acceleration. If you follow  
these suggestions, tire wear will be held  
to a minimum.  
Vehicle rocking  
Prolonged rocking may cause vehicle  
overheating, transmission damage or  
failure, and tire damage.  
Spinning tires  
Driving your vehicle  
Special driving conditions  
Driving at night  
Driving in the rain  
Because night driving presents more  
hazards than driving in the daylight,  
here are some important tips to remem  
Rain and wet roads can make driving  
dangerous, especially if you're not pre  
pared for the slick pavement.  
Here are a few things to consider when  
driving in the rain:  
僅 Slow down and keep more distance  
between you and other vehicles, as it  
may be more difficult to see at night,  
especially in areas where there may  
not be any street lights.  
僅 A heavy rainfall will make it harder to  
see and will increase the distance  
needed to stop your vehicle, so slow  
僅 Adjust your mirrors to reduce the  
glare from other driver's headlamps.  
僅 Keep your headlamps clean and prop  
erly aimed. (On vehicles not equipped  
with the automatic headlamp aiming  
feature.) Dirty or improperly aimed  
headlamps will make it much more  
difficult to see at night.  
僅 Keep your windshield wiping equip  
ment in good shape. Replace your  
windshield wiper blades when they  
show signs of streaking or missing  
areas on the windshield.  
僅 If your tires are not in good condition,  
making a quick stop on wet pavement  
can cause a skid and possibly lead to  
an accident. Be sure your tires are in  
good shape.  
僅 Avoid staring directly at the head  
lamps of oncoming vehicles. You  
could be temporarily blinded, and it  
will take several seconds for your eyes  
to readjust to the darkness.  
僅 Turn on your headlamps to make it  
easier for others to see you.  
僅 Driving too fast through large puddles  
can affect your brakes. If you must go  
through puddles, try to drive through  
them slowly.  
僅 If you believe you may have gotten  
your brakes wet, apply them lightly  
while driving until normal braking  
operation returns.  
Driving your vehicle  
Special driving conditions  
Avoid using worn or damaged tires  
which may result in reduced traction or  
tire failure.  
Never exceed the maximum tire inflation  
pressure shown on the tires.  
If the road is wet enough and you are  
going fast enough, your vehicle may  
have little or no contact with the road  
surface and actually ride on the water.  
The best advice is SLOW DOWN when  
the road is wet.  
Under/over inflated tires  
The risk of hydroplaning increases as  
the depth of tire tread decreases,  
refer to"Tires and wheels" on page 8-6.  
Always check the tires for proper infla  
tion before driving. Under inflated or  
overinflated tires can cause poor han  
dling, loss of vehicle control, and sudden  
tire failure, leading to accidents, injuries,  
and even death. For proper tire pres  
sures, refer to "Tires and wheels" on  
page 8-6.  
Driving in flooded areas  
Avoid driving through flooded areas  
unless you are sure the water is no  
higher than the bottom of the wheel  
hub. Drive through any water slowly.  
Allow adequate stopping distance  
because brake performance may be  
Tire tread  
Always check the tire tread before driv  
After driving through water, dry the  
brakes by gently applying them several  
times while the vehicle is moving slowly.  
ing your vehicle. Worn-out tires can  
result in loss of vehicle control. Worn-out  
tires should be replaced as soon as pos  
sible. For further information and tread  
limits, refer to "Tires and wheels" on  
page 8-6.  
Highway driving  
Fuel, engine coolant and engine  
High speed travel consumes more fuel  
than urban motoring. Do not forget to  
check both the engine coolant and  
engine oil.  
Drive belt  
A loose or damaged drive belt may  
result in overheating of the engine.  
Adjust the tire inflation pressures to  
specification. Low tire inflation pressures  
will result in overheating and possible  
failure of the tires.  
Driving your vehicle  
Winter driving  
Do not install studded tires without first  
Winter driving  
checking local, state and municipal reg  
Severe weather conditions in the winter  
ulations for possible restrictions against  
their use.  
result in greater wear and other prob  
To minimize the problems of winter driv  
ing, you should follow these sugges  
Snow tire size  
Snow tires should be equivalent in size  
and type to the vehicle's standard tires.  
Otherwise, the safety and handling of  
your vehicle may be adversely affected.  
Snowy or icy conditions  
To drive your vehicle in deep snow, it  
may be necessary to use snow tires on  
your tires.  
Use high quality ethylene glycol  
If snow tires are needed, it is necessary  
to select tires equivalent in size and type  
of the original equipment tires. Failure to  
do so may adversely affect the safety  
Your vehicle is delivered with high qual  
ity ethylene glycol coolant in the cooling  
system. It is the only type of coolant that  
should be used because it helps prevent  
and handling of your vehicle. Further  
more, speeding, rapid acceleration, sud  
den brake applications, and sharp turns  
are potentially very hazardous practices.  
corrosion in the cooling system, lubri  
cates the water pump and prevents  
During deceleration, use vehicle braking  
freezing. Be sure to replace or replenish  
your coolant in accordance with the  
maintenance schedule in section 8.  
to the fullest extent. Sudden brake appli  
cations on snowy or icy roads may cause  
skids to occur. You need to keep suffi  
Before winter, have your coolant tested  
cient distance between the vehicle in  
to assure that its freezing point is suffi  
cient for the temperatures anticipated  
during the winter.  
operation in front of your vehicle. Also,  
apply the brake gently.  
Snow tires  
Check battery and cables  
If you mount snow tires on your vehicle,  
make sure they are radial tires of the  
same size and load range as the original  
tires. Mount snow tires on all four wheels  
to balance your vehicle's handling in all  
weather conditions. Keep in mind that  
the traction provided by snow tires on  
dry roads may not be as high as your  
vehicle's original equipment tires. You  
should drive cautiously even when the  
roads are clear. Check with the tire  
Winter puts additional burdens on the  
battery system. Visually inspect the bat  
tery and cables as described in section  
8. Have the level of charge in your bat  
tery checked by an authorized Kia  
Change to "winter weight" oil if  
In some climates it is recommended that  
a lower viscosity "winter weight" oil be  
used during cold weather. See "Recom  
dealer for maximum speed recommen  