Features of your vehicle -> Forward/Reverse Parking Distance Warning for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Features of your vehicle  
Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
僅 When the gear is in R (Reverse), Sur  
Reverse Parking Distance  
round View Monitor will turn ON  
Warning (PDW) (if equipped)  
regardless of vehicle speed or button  
status. However, if vehicle speed is  
above 15 km/h (9 mph) with the gear  
in D (Drive), the function will turn off.  
Reverse Parking Distance Warning will  
warn the driver if an obstacle is detected  
when the vehicle is backing up at low  
僅 Any button on the infotainment sys  
tem is pressed without the gear in R  
(Reverse). The screen will change  
back to the previous infotainment sys  
tem screen  
Detecting sensor  
Rear ultrasonic sensors  
360° camera monitoring system  
Malfunction and Limitations  
360° camera monitoring system  
When 360° camera monitoring system is  
not working properly, or the screen flick  
ers, or the camera image does not dis  
play normally, have the function be  
inspected by an authorized Kia dealer.  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sen  
Limitations of 360° camera moni  
toring system  
When the vehicle is stopped for a long  
time in winter or when the vehicle is  
parked in an indoor parking lot, the  
Reverse Parking Distance Warn  
ing Settings  
exhaust fumes may temporarily blur the  
Turning On/Off  
僅 Press the Parking Distance Warning  
Off (  
) button to turn on Reverse  
Parking Distance Warning.  
僅 With the ENGINE START/STOP button  
in the ON position, the Parking Dis  
tance Warning Off (  
) button indi-  
cator light will appear. The function  
will operate when vehicle speed is  
below 10 km/h (6 mph).  
If vehicle speed is above 10 km/h (6  
mph), the function will not warn the  
Features of your vehicle  
Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
driver even though objects are  
僅 The setting menu may not be avail  
able for your vehicle depending on  
the vehicle features and specifica  
Warning Methods  
僅 Descriptions of each Driver Assistance  
system may be slightly different from  
the owner's manual after updating the  
software of your infotainment system.  
In this case, scan the QR code in the  
infotainment system manual to  
access the web manual for checking  
the changes.  
僅 Depending on your update, the menu  
may be displayed as 'Warning Sound'  
or 'Warning Methods'.  
Reverse Parking Distance Warn  
You can adjust the Warning Methods  
with the ignition switch or ENGINE  
START/ STOP button in the ON position.  
ing Operation  
Operating conditions  
僅 This function will activate when back  
With the vehicle on,  
ing up with the ENGINE START/STOP  
button ON.  
僅 The function displays a warning on  
the instrument cluster or infotainment  
僅 Warning Volume: Select 'User Settings  
→ Driver Assistance → Warning Vol  
ume' on the instrument cluster or 'Set  
tings → Vehicle → Driver Assistance  
→ Warning Methods' on the infotain  
system and the warning sound is gen  
ment system to change the Warning  
erated when an obstacle is detected.  
Methods. Even if '0' or 'Off' is selected,  
the function's Warning Volume will  
not turn off but the volume will sound  
as '1' or 'Low'.  
僅 When more than two objects are  
sensed at the same time, the closest  
one will be recognized first.  
Types of warning sound and indi  
僅 Ensure that Warning Sound and Hap  
tic you have set may apply to the  
Warning volume of other Driver Assis  
Types of warning sound  
tance systems.  
When an object is 24 inches ~ 48 inches  
(60 cm ~ 120 cm) from the rear bumper:  
Buzzer beeps intermittently  
僅 Warning Sound and Haptic will main  
tain its last setting even if the vehicle  
is restarted.  
When an object is 12 inches ~ 24 inches  
(30 cm ~ 60 cm) from the rear bumper:  
Buzzer beeps more frequently.  
僅 If not equipped with the navigation  
system, select 'User Settings → Driver  
Assistance' to adjust the Warning Vol  
Features of your vehicle  
Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
僅 The audible warning does not sound.  
僅 The buzzer sounds intermittently.  
Types of warning sound  
When an object is within 12 inches (30 cm)  
of the rear bumper: Buzzer beeps continu  
僅 The 'Ultrasonic sensor error or block  
age' warning message appears on the  
The detecting range may  
decrease when:  
僅 The sensor is covered with foreign  
matter such as snow or water, (The  
sensing range will return to normal  
when removed.)  
僅 The weather is extremely hot or cold  
The following objects may not be  
recognized by the sensor:  
僅 Sharp or slim objects such as ropes,  
chains or small poles  
僅 Objects, which tend to absorb sensor  
frequency, such as clothes, spongy  
material or snow  
僅 Objects smaller than 40 in (100 cm) in  
length and narrower than 6 in (14 cm)  
in diameter  
僅 Reverse Parking Distance Warning is  
a supplemental function. The opera  
tion of the function can be affected by  
several factors (including environ  
mental conditions). It is the responsi  
bility of the driver to always check the  
front and rear views before and while  
僅 Always look around your vehicle to  
make sure there are no objects or  
obstacles before moving the vehicle in  
any direction to prevent a collision.  
僅 Your new vehicle warranty does not  
cover any accidents or damage to the  
vehicle or injuries to its occupants  
related to a Reverse Parking Distance  
僅 Pay close attention when driving near  
objects, pedestrians, and especially  
children. Some objects may not be  
detected by the ultrasonic sensors,  
due to the objects distance, size or  
material, all of which can limit the  
effectiveness of the sensor.  
Reverse Parking Distance Warn  
ing Malfunction and Precautions  
Reverse Parking Distance Warn  
ing malfunction  
Reverse Parking Distance Warning has a  
self-diagnosis function that can deter  
mine whether the ultrasonic sensor is  
working properly. After starting the  
engine, a beep will sound when the gear  
is shifted to R (Reverse) to indicate the  
function is operating normally.  
However, if one or more of the following  
occurs, first check whether the ultra  
sonic sensor is damaged or whether the  
function is in a non-operating condition.  
If it still does not work properly, have  
your vehicle inspected by an authorized  
Kia dealer.  
Features of your vehicle  
Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
僅 Reverse Parking Distance Warning  
may not operate normally when:  
- Moisture is frozen to the sensor (It  
will operate normally when the fro  
zen moisture melts)  
- Undetectable objects smaller than  
40 in (100 cm) and narrower than  
5.5 in (14 cm) in diameter.  
- Objects, which tend to absorb sen  
sor frequency such as clothes,  
spongy material or snow.  
- Sensor is covered with foreign mat  
ter, such as snow or water (It will  
僅 If it does not work properly, have your  
vehicle inspected by an authorized  
Kia dealer.  
operate normally when the material  
is removed or the sensor is no lon  
ger blocked.)  
- The weather is extremely hot or  
- The sensor is pushed, scratched or  
struck with any hard and sharp  
objects that could damage the sur  
- High pressure water is directly  
applied to ultrasonic sensor.  
- Heavy rain or water spray is pres  
- The sensor is covered with snow.  
- Affected by another vehicle's sen  
Precautions of Reverse Parking  
Distance Warning  
僅 Reverse Parking Distance Warning  
may malfunction if the vehicle  
bumper height or sensor installation  
has been modified or damaged. Any  
non-factory installed equipment or  
accessories may also interfere with  
the sensor performance.  
僅 When the sensor is frozen or covered  
with snow, dirt, or water, the sensor  
may be inoperative until the material  
is removed using a soft cloth.  
僅 Do not push, scratch or strike the  
ultrasonic sensor. Sensor damage  
could occur.  
僅 Do not spray the ultrasonic sensors or  
its surrounding area directly with a  
high pressure washer.  
- Water flows on the surface of the  
- Driving on uneven road surfaces  
such as unpaved roads, gravel,  
bumps, or gradient.  
- Wireless transmitters or mobile  
phones present near the sensor.  
- Installing the license plate differ  
Make sure that high pressure is not  
directly applied to the surface of the  
ultrasonic sensor while using use high-  
pressure car washes.  
ently from the original location  
- Accessories, such as license plate  
molding or sticker, are installed on  
the sensor area.  
- The vehicle bumper height or sen  
sor installation has been modified.  
僅 The following objects may not be rec  
ognized by the sensor:  
- Sharp or slim objects such as ropes,  
chains or small poles.  
This function can only sense objects  
within the range and location of the sen  
sors; It can not detect objects in other  
areas where sensors are not installed.  
Also, small or slim objects, such as poles  
or objects located between sensors may  
not be detected by the sensors.  
Features of your vehicle  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
Always visually check behind the vehicle  
when backing up.  
Forward/Reverse Parking Dis  
tance Warning (PDW) (if  
Be sure to inform any drivers of the vehi  
cle that may be unfamiliar with the func  
tion regarding the functions capabilities  
and limitations.  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance  
Warning will warn the driver if an obsta  
cle is detected when the vehicle is mov  
ing forward or backward at low speeds.  
Pay close attention when the vehicle is  
Detecting sensor  
driven close to objects on the road, par  
Front ultrasonic sensors  
ticularly pedestrians, and especially chil  
dren. Be aware that some objects may  
not be detected by the sensors, due to  
the object's distance, size or material, all  
of which can limit the effectiveness of  
the sensor. Always perform a visual  
inspection to make sure the vehicle is  
clear of all obstructions before moving  
the vehicle in any direction.  
Rear ultrasonic sensors  
Refer to the picture above for the  
detailed location of the detecting sensor.  
Take the following precautions to main  
tain optimal performance of the detect  
ing sensor:  
Features of your vehicle  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
僅 Never disassemble the detecting sen  
sor or sensor assembly, or apply any  
impact on it.  
- The weather is extremely hot or  
僅 The following objects may not be  
僅 If the detecting sensors have been  
replaced or repaired, have the vehicle  
be inspected by an authorized Kia  
僅 Forward/Reverse Parking Distance  
Warning may not operate normally  
- Sharp or slim objects, such as  
ropes, chains or small poles.  
- Objects, which tend to absorb sen  
sor frequency, such as clothes,  
spongy material or snow.  
- Objects smaller than 100 cm (40  
inches) in length and narrower than  
14 cm (6 inches) in diameter.  
- Moisture is frozen to the sensor  
- Sensor is covered with foreign  
material, such as snow or water  
(The function will operate normally  
when such foreign material are  
Forward/Reverse Parking Dis  
tance Warning Settings  
僅 Forward/Reverse Parking Distance  
Warning may malfunction when:  
- Driving on uneven road, gravel  
roads or bushes  
- Objects that generate ultrasonic  
waves such as vehicle horns, loud  
motorcycle engine sound or truck  
air brakes are near the sensor  
- Heavy rain or water spray is pres  
- Wireless transmitters or mobile  
phones are present near the sensor  
- The sensor is covered with snow  
Turning On/Off  
僅 Press the Parking Safety (  
) button  
to turn on Forward/Reverse Parking  
Distance Warning. Press the button  
again to turn off the function.  
僅 With the Engine Start/Stop button in  
the ON position, if 'Driver Assistance  
→ Parking Safety → Parking Distance  
Warning Auto On' is selected from the  
Settings menu, the Parking Safety  
) button indicator light will  
appear. The function will operate  
when vehicle speed is below 10 km/h  
(6 mph).  
- Affected by another vehicle's sen  
- Water flows on the surface of the  
If vehicle speed is above 10 km/h (6  
mph), the function will not warn the  
driver even though objects are  
- Installing the license plate differ  
ently from the original location  
僅 Detecting range may decrease when:  
- Sensor is covered with foreign  
material, such as snow or water  
(The function will operate normally  
when such foreign material are  
Features of your vehicle  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
僅 Descriptions of each Driver Assistance  
system may be slightly different from  
the owner's manual after updating the  
software of your infotainment system.  
In this case, scan the QR code in the  
infotainment system manual to  
access the web manual for checking  
the changes.  
Warning Methods  
僅 Depending on your update, the menu  
may be displayed as 'Warning Sound'  
or 'Warning Methods'.  
Forward/Reverse Parking Dis  
tance Warning Operation  
With the vehicle on, select 'User Settings  
→ Driver Assistance → Warning Volume'  
on the instrument cluster or 'Settings →  
Vehicle → Driver Assistance → Warning  
Methods' on the infotainment system to  
change the Warning Methods.  
Parking Safety button  
僅 Warning Volume: You can adjust the  
Warning Volume from level 0 to 3.  
However, even if '0' or 'Off' is selected,  
the function's Warning Volume will  
not turn off but the volume will sound  
as '1' or 'Low'.  
僅 Ensure that Warning Sound and Hap  
tic you have set may apply to the  
Warning volume of other Driver Assis  
tance systems.  
僅 Warning Sound and Haptic will main  
僅 When the Parking Safety (  
) but-  
ton is pressed while the engine run  
ning, the button indicator light will  
appear and will operate when the  
vehicle moves forward or backward.  
僅 When the button is off (button indica  
tain its last setting even if the vehicle  
is restarted.  
tor light off), if you shift the gear to R  
(Reverse), the function will automati  
僅 If not equipped with the navigation  
system, select 'User Settings → Driver  
cally turn on.  
Assistance' to adjust the Warning Vol  
僅 Forward/Reverse Parking Distance  
Warning may not operate properly at  
speeds above 5 km/h (3 mph). If vehi  
cle speed is above 6 mph (10 km/h),  
the function will not warn the driver,  
僅 The setting menu may not be avail  
able for your vehicle depending on  
the vehicle features and specifica  
and if vehicle speed is above 30 km/h  
Features of your vehicle  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
(18 mph), the function will turn off  
(button indicator light off).  
僅 Although you drive below 30 km/h (18  
mph) again, the function will not turn  
on. If necessary, press the Parking  
僅 When an obstacle is detected, it is dis-  
played on the cluster and infotain  
ment system screen.  
僅 When more than two objects are  
detected at the same time, the closest  
one will be warned with an audible  
Safety (  
) button.  
Types of warning sound and indicator  
Warning indicator  
Distance from object  
Warning sound  
Driving forward  
Driving backward  
60 ~ 100 cm  
(24 ~ 40  
Buzzer beeps intermittently  
Buzzer beeps intermittently  
60 ~ 120 cm  
(24 ~ 48  
30 ~ 60 cm  
(12 ~ 24  
Beeps more frequently  
Beeps continuously  
within 30 cm  
(12 inches)  
僅 The corresponding indicator will  
appear whenever each ultrasonic  
senor detects an object in its sensing  
僅 Only the front ultrasonic sensors warn  
the driver when moving forward. The  
rear and front sensors warn the driver  
when moving backward. However, the  
object must be within 60 cm (24  
inches) from the front-side sensors to  
僅 Distance warning may not occur  
sequentially depending on vehicle  
speed or obstacle shape.  
僅 Indicators and warning sounds may  
differ from the illustration when  
obstacles are located in the center of  
the sensor, obstacles are located in  
close proximity to the vehicle, or in  
various circumstances.  
僅 The shape of the indicator in the illus  
tration may differ from the actual  
僅 If an object is within 30 cm (12 inches)  
from the ultrasonic sensors, the sen  
sors may not detect the object, or a  
sensor out of the detecting range may  
warn the driver.  
Features of your vehicle  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)  
Forward/Reverse Parking Dis  
Precautions of Forward/Reverse  
Parking Distance Warning  
tance Warning Malfunction and  
僅 Forward/Reverse Parking Distance  
Warning may malfunction if the vehi  
Forward/Reverse Parking Dis  
tance Warning malfunction  
Forward/Reverse Parking Distance  
cle bumper height or ultrasonic sen  
sor installation has been modified or  
damaged. Any non-factory installed  
equipment or accessories may also  
Warning has a self-diagnosis function  
that can determine whether the ultra  
sonic sensor is working properly. After  
starting the engine, a beep will sound  
when the gear is shifted to R (Reverse)  
to indicate the function is operating nor  
However, if one or more of the following  
occurs, first check whether the ultra  
sonic senior is damaged or whether the  
function is in a non-operating condition.  
If it still does not work properly, have  
your vehicle inspected by an authorized  
Kia dealer.  
interfere with the sensor perfor  
僅 When the ultrasonic sensor is frozen  
or covered with snow, dirt, or water,  
the sensor may not operate until the  
degree has been removed using a  
soft cloth.  
僅 Do not push, scratch or strike the  
ultrasonic sensor. Sensor damage  
could occur.  
僅 Do not spray the ultrasonic sensors or  
its surrounding area directly with a  
high pressure washer.  
僅 The audible warning does not sound.  
僅 The buzzer sounds intermittently.  
僅 The 'Ultrasonic sensor error or block  
age' warning message appears on the  