Features of your vehicle -> IC for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Features of your vehicle  
This device complies with Industry Can  
ada's licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is  
subject to the following two conditions:  
1. This device may not cause interfer  
ence; and  
2. This device must accept any interfer  
ence, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation of the  
Le pr썗sent appareil est conforme aux  
CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux  
appareils radio exempts de  
licence.L'exploitation est autoris썗e aux  
deux conditions suivantes:  
1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de  
brouillage, et  
2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter  
tout brouillage radio썗lectrique subi,  
m썛me si le brouillage est susceptible  
d'en compromettre le fonctionne  
Any changes or modifications to this  
device that is not explicitly approved by  
the manufacturer could void your  
authority to operate this equipment.  
This equipment complies with IC radia  
tion exposure limits set forth for an  
uncontrolled environment.  
This equipment should be installed and  
operated with minimum 20 cm (8 in)  
between the radiator and your body.  
This transmitter must not be collocated  
or operating in conjunction with any  
other antenna or transmitter unless  
authorized to do so by the IC.