Introduction -> Risk of burns when parking or stopping vehicle for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Vehicle break-in process  
Vehicle break-in process  
Risk of burns when parking or  
stopping vehicle  
僅 Do not park or stop the vehicle near  
flammable items such as leaves,  
paper, oil, and tire. Such items placed  
near the exhaust system can become  
a fire hazard.  
By following a few simple precautions  
for the first 1,000 km (600 miles) you  
may add to the performance, economy  
and life of your vehicle.  
僅 Do not race the engine.  
僅 While driving, keep your engine speed  
(rpm, or revolutions per minute)  
between 2,000 rpm and 4,000 rpm.  
僅 Do not maintain a single engine speed  
for long periods of time, either fast or  
slow. Varying engine speeds is  
needed to properly break-in the  
僅 Avoid hard stops, except in emergen  
cies, to allow the brakes to seat prop  
僅 Don't tow a trailer during the first  
2,000 km (1,200 miles) of operation.  
僅 When an engine idles at a high speed  
with the rear side of the vehicle touch  
ing the wall, heat of the exhaust gas  
can cause discoloration or fire. Keep  
enough space between the rear part  
of the vehicle and the wall.  
僅 Be sure not to touch the exhaust/cata  
lytic systems while engine is running  
or right after the engine is turned off.  
There is a risk of burns since the sys  
tems are extremely hot.  
僅 Fuel economy and engine perfor  
mance may vary depending on vehi  
cle break-in process and be stabilized  
after 6,000 km (4,000 miles). New  
engines may consume more oil during  
the vehicle break-in period.