Maintenance -> Engine coolant for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Engine coolant  
僅 When the engine oil pressure is  
restored, the warning light and the  
enhanced engine protection system  
will turn off after the engine is  
Engine coolant  
The high-pressure cooling system has a  
reservoir filled with year round anti  
freeze coolant. The reservoir is filled at  
the factory.  
Check the antifreeze protection and  
coolant level at least once a year, at the  
beginning of the winter season, and  
before traveling to a colder climate.  
The engine oil is very hot immediately  
after the vehicle has been driven and  
can cause burns during replacement.  
Replace the engine oil after the engine  
oil has cooled down.  
僅 When the engine overheats from low  
engine coolant, suddenly adding  
engine coolant may cause cracks in  
the engine. To prevent damage, add  
engine coolant slowly in small quanti  
僅 Do not drive with no engine coolant. It  
may cause water pump failure and  
engine seizure, etc.  
Checking the coolant level  
Removing engine  
coolant reservoir cap  
Never attempt to  
remove the engine  
coolant reservoir cap  
while the engine is operating or hot.  
Doing so might lead to cooling system  
and engine damage. Also, hot coolant or  
steam could cause serious personal  
Turn the engine off and wait until it cools  
down. Use extreme care when removing  
the engine coolant reservoir cap. Wrap a  
thick towel around it, and turn it counter  
clockwise slowly to the first stop. Step  
back while the pressure is released from  
the cooling system.  
When you are sure all the pressure has  
been released, press down on the cap,  
Engine coolant  
using a thick towel, and continue turning  
counterclockwise to remove it.  
Make sure the coolant cap is properly  
closed after refill of coolant. Otherwise  
the engine could be overheated while  
Even if the engine is not operating, do  
not remove the engine coolant reservoir  
cap or the drain plug while the engine  
and radiator are hot. Hot coolant and  
steam may still blow out under pressure,  
causing serious injury.  
1. Check if the engine coolant reservoir  
cap label is straight In front.  
The electric motor  
(cooling fan) is con  
trolled by engine cool  
ant temperature,  
refrigerant pressure  
and vehicle speed. It  
may sometimes operate even when the  
engine is not running. Use extreme cau  
tion when working near the blades of  
the cooling fan so that you are not  
injured by a rotating fan blades. As the  
engine coolant temperature decreases,  
the electric motor will automatically shut  
off. This is a normal condition.  
2. Make sure that the tiny protrusions  
inside the coolant cap are securely  
The electric motor (cooling fan) may  
operate until you disconnect the nega  
tive battery cable.  
Check the condition and connections of  
all cooling system hoses and heater  
hoses. Replace any swollen or deterio  
rated hoses.  
The coolant level should be filled  
between MAX and MIN (F and L) marks  
on the side of the coolant reservoir when  
the engine is cool.  
If the coolant level is low, add enough  
distilled (deionized) or soft water. Bring  
the level to MAX (F), but do not overfill.  
If frequent additions are required, have  
the system inspected by an authorized  
Kia dealer.  
Recommended engine coolant  
僅 When adding coolant, use only deion  
ized water or soft water for your vehi  
cle and never mix hard water in the  
coolant filled at the factory. An  
improper coolant mixture can result in  
Engine coolant  
serious malfunction or engine dam  
prevent the coolant from overflowing  
into engine parts such as the alternator.  
僅 The engine in your vehicle has alumi  
num engine parts and must be pro  
僅 Do not use engine coolant or anti  
freeze in the washer fluid reservoir.  
僅 Radiator coolant can severely obscure  
visibility when sprayed on the wind  
shield and may cause loss of vehicle  
control or damage the paint and body  
tected by an ethylene-glycol with  
phosphate based coolant to prevent  
corrosion and freezing.  
僅 DO NOT USE alcohol or methanol  
coolant or mix them with the specified  
僅 Do not use a solution that contains  
more than 60% antifreeze or less than  
35% antifreeze, which would reduce  
the effectiveness of the solution.  
For mixture percentage, refer to the fol  
lowing table.  
Mixture Percentage (volume)  
Ambient Tem  
-15°C (5°F)  
-25°C (-13°F)  
-35°C (-31°F)  
-45°C (-49°F)  
Engine coolant reser  
voir cap  
Do not remove the  
engine coolant reser  
voir cap when the  
engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot  
coolant and steam may blow out under  
pressure causing serious injury.  
Changing the coolant  
Have the coolant replaced by an autho  
rized Kia dealer.  
Put a thick cloth around the radiator cap  
before refilling the coolant in order to  
Brake fluid  
tem inspected by an authorized Kia  
Brake fluid  
Checking the brake fluid level  
Check the fluid level in the reservoir  
periodically. The fluid level should be  
between MAX and MIN marks on the  
side of the reservoir.  
Brake fluid  
When changing and adding brake fluid,  
handle it carefully. Do not let it come in  
contact with your eyes. If brake fluid  
should come in contact with your eyes,  
immediately flush them with a large  
quantity of fresh tap water. Have your  
eyes examined by a doctor as soon as  
Do not allow brake fluid to contact the  
vehicle's body paint, as paint damage  
will result. Brake fluid, which has been  
exposed to open air for an extended  
time should never be used as its quality  
cannot be guaranteed. It should be  
properly disposed. Don't put in the  
1. Before removing the reservoir cap  
and adding brake fluid, clean the area  
around the reservoir cap thoroughly  
to prevent brake fluid contamination.  
2. Periodically check that the fluid level  
in the brake fluid reservoir is between  
MIN and MAX. The level will fall with  
accumulated mileage. This is a normal  
condition associated with the wear of  
the brake linings.  
wrong kind of fluid. A few drops of min  
eral-based oil, such as engine oil, in your  
brake system can damage brake system  
If the fluid level is excessively low,  
have the system checked by an  
authorized Kia dealer.  
Use only the specified brake fluid. (Refer  
to "Recommended lubricants and capac  
ities" on page 8-7.)  
Never mix different types of fluid.  
Loss of brake fluid  
In the event the brake system requires  
frequent additions of fluid, have the sys  