Specifications & Consumer information -> Vehicle certification label for Your Kia Sorento SUV 2023

Specifications & Consumer information  
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)  
Vehicle Identification Number  
Vehicle certification label  
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)  
is the number used in registering your  
vehicle and in all legal matters pertain  
ing to its ownership, etc.  
VIN cover (if equipped)  
The vehicle certification label attached  
on the driver's side center pillar gives the  
vehicle identification number (VIN).  
The number is punched on the floor  
under the front right side seat. To check  
the number, open the cover.  
VIN label  
The VIN is also on a plate attached to the  
top of the dashboard. The number on  
the plate can easily be seen through the  
windshield from outside.