Features of your vehicle
4. Firmly press, hold for 5 seconds and 6. Firmly press and release the
"learn" or "smart" button. (The
name and color of the button vary
by manufacturer). There are 30
seconds to initiate step 7.
Some devices may require you to
replace this Programming step 3
with procedures noted in the "Gate
Operator/Canadian Programming"
chapter. If the HomeLink® indicator
light does not change to a rapidly
blinking light after performing these
steps, contact HomeLink® at
HomeLink® button up to two sepa-
rate times to activate the door. If the
door does not activate, press and
hold the just-trained HomeLink® but-
ton and observe the indicator light.
• If the indicator light stays on con-
stantly, programming is complete
and your device should activate
when the HomeLink® button is
pressed and released.
• If the indicator light blinks rapidly
for 2 seconds and then turns to a
constant light, continue with
"Programming" steps 5-7 to com-
plete the programming of a rolling
code equipped device (most com-
monly a garage door opener).
7. Return to the vehicle and firmly
press, hold for 2 seconds and
HomeLink® button. Repeat the
"press/hold/release" sequence a
second time, and, depending on the
brand of the garage door opener (or
other rolling code equipped device),
repeat this sequence a third time to
HomeLink® should now activate your
rolling code equipped device.
5. At the garage door opener receiv-
er (motor-head unit) in the garage,
locate the "learn" or "smart" but-
ton. This can usually be found
where the hanging antenna wire is
attached to the motor-head unit.
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