Features of your vehicle
There is a possibility of parking
distance warning malfunction
1. Driving on uneven road surfaces
such as unpaved roads, gravel,
bumps, or gradient.
2. Objects generating excessive
noise such as vehicle horns, loud
motorcycle engines, or truck air
brakes can interfere with the sen-
3. The weather conditions produce
heavy rain or water spray
Non-operational conditions of
parking distance warning
• This system can only sense objects
within the range and location of
the sensors. It cannot detect
objects in other areas where sen-
sors are not installed. Also, small
or slim objects, such as poles or
objects located between sensors
may not be detected by the sen-
sors. Always visually check behind
the vehicle when backing up.
Parking distance warning may
not operate normally when:
1. Moisture is frozen to the sensor. (It
will operate normally when mois-
ture melts.)
2. Sensor is covered with foreign
matter, such as snow or water, or
the sensor cover is blocked. (It will
operate normally when the materi-
al is removed or the sensor is no
longer blocked.)
3. Sensor is stained with foreign mat-
ter such as snow or water.
(Sensing range will return to nor-
mal when Cleaned.)
• Be sure to inform any drivers of
the vehicle that may be unfamiliar
with the system regarding the sys-
tems capabilities and limitations.
4. Wireless transmitters or mobile
phones are present near the sen-
5. Sensor is covered with snow.
4.The parking distance warning
button is off.
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