• Lamp part malfunction due to elec-
trical control system stabilization
If you don’t have the necessary tools,
the correct bulbs and the expertise,
consult an authorized Kia dealer. In
many cases, it is difficult to replace
vehicle light bulbs because other
parts of the vehicle must be removed
before you can get to the bulb.This is
especially true if you have to remove
the headlamp assembly to get to the
Removing/installing the headlamp
assembly can result in damage to
the vehicle.
If non-genuine parts or substandard
bulbs are used, it may lead to blow-
ing a fuse or other wiring damages.
• If the light bulb or lamp connector
is removed while the lamp is still
on, the fuse box's electronic sys-
tem may log it as a malfunction.
Therefore, a lamp malfunction
incident may be recorded as a
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) in
the fuse box.
A normally functioning lamp may
flicker momentarily. This momentary
occurrence is due to the stabilization
function of the vehicle's electrical
control system. If the lamp stops
flickering after a few moments, the
vehicle does not require service.
However, if the lamp goes out after
the momentary flickering, or the flick-
ering continues, we recommend the
system be serviced by an authorized
Kia dealer.
• It is normal for an operating lamp
to flicker momentarily. This is due
to a stabilization function of the
vehicle’s electronic control device.
If the lamp lights up normally
after momentarily blinking, then
it is functioning as normal.
However, if the lamp continues to
flicker several times or turns off
completely, there may be an error
in the vehicle’s electronic control
device. Please have the vehicle
checked by an authorized Kia
dealer immediately.
Do not install extra lamps or LEDs to
the vehicle. If additional lights are
installed, it may lead to lamp mal-
functions and flickering. Additionally,
the fuse box and other writing may
be damaged.
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