Fuel and refuelling -> SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for Your Land Rover Evoque SUV 2020

Fuel and refuelling  
Fuel and refuelling  
Avoid exposing the fuel gasses to any  
potential sources of ignition as the  
resulting fire and explosion may  
cause serious injuries and/or death.  
This vehicle is not suitable for use with  
fuels containing more than 10%  
Do not use E85 fuels (85% ethanol  
content). Equipment necessary for the  
use of fuels containing more than 10%  
ethanol is not fitted to this vehicle. If  
E85 fuels are used, serious engine and  
fuel system damage will occur.  
Switch off the engine when refuelling,  
as it is both a source of extreme  
temperatures, and electrical sparks.  
Switch off any personal electronic  
devices such as mobile phones or  
music players.  
Fuels containing up to 10% ethanol (grain  
alcohol) may be used. Ensure that the fuel has  
octane ratings no lower than those  
recommended for unleaded fuel. Most drivers  
will not notice any operating difference with  
fuel containing ethanol. If a difference is  
detected, the use of conventional unleaded fuel  
should be resumed.  
Do not use leaded fuels, lead  
substitutes, or fuel additives.  
Fuel system cleaning agents should not  
be used, unless approved by Land  
Wherever possible avoid using fuel  
containing methanol.  
The minimum octane rating for fuel used is 95  
RON. The vehicle will run on lower ratings, but  
it may cause pronounced engine knock or  
pinking. If the pinking is severe it can cause  
damage to the engine, fuel and emission  
control systems.  
Some fuels contain methanol (Methyl or wood  
alcohol). If you use fuels containing methanol  
the fuels must also contain co-solvents and  
corrosion inhibitors for methanol. Also, do not  
use fuels which contain more than 3%  
methanol even if they contain co-solvents and  
corrosion inhibitors. Fuel system damage or  
vehicle performance problems resulting from  
the use of such fuels is not the responsibility of  
Land Rover, and may not be covered under the  
Note: Occasional, light, engine knock  
experienced while accelerating or climbing hills  
is acceptable.  
Super Green Plus 98 RON unleaded fuel (where  
available) may be used as an alternative to the  
standard 95 RON unleaded fuel.  
Some countries have only 91 RON fuel  
available. Vehicles sold in these countries are  
specially calibrated to use this fuel.  
Fuel and refuelling  
If you inadvertently fill your vehicle with  
petrol instead of diesel, do not attempt  
to start the engine. Contact your Dealer/  
Authorised Repairer immediately.  
Unleaded fuel containing an oxygenate known  
as MTBE can be used provided that the ratio of  
MTBE to conventional fuel does not exceed  
15%. MTBE is an Ether based compound  
derived from Petroleum, which has been  
specified by several refiners as the substance  
to enhance the Octane rating of fuel.  
Land Rover can accept no responsibility  
for any damage caused by running your  
vehicle with petrol or vegetable oil in the  
fuel tank.  
If your vehicle is fitted with a Diesel  
Particulate Filter (DPF) the maximum  
Sulphur content must not exceed  
0.005%. Using an incorrect fuel will  
cause serious damage to the DPF.  
Several petroleum companies have announced  
the availability of reformulated fuels. These  
fuels are specially formulated to further reduce  
vehicle emissions. Land Rover fully supports  
all efforts to protect and maintain ambient air  
quality, and encourages the use of  
The Sulphur content of diesel used in Land  
Rover vehicles should not exceed 0.3% (3000  
parts per million).  
reformulated gasoline where available.  
In some countries diesel will contain higher  
levels of Sulphur, which will require reduced  
service intervals to reduce the effects on  
engine components. If in doubt contact a local  
Dealer/Authorised Repairer for advice.  
Do not use RME (bio-diesel) except in  
the case of those proprietary diesel  
fuels which contain a mix of up to 7%.  
Land Rover vehicles can accept no  
responsibility for damage caused by  
using RME in concentrations greater  
than 7%.  
Avoid running out of fuel.  
Use only high quality diesel fuel according to  
EN590 or equivalent.  
If the vehicle does run out of fuel, a minimum  
of 4 litres (0.9 gallons) will be required to  
restart the engine. The vehicle will need to be  
driven 1.6-5 km (1-3 miles) in order to reset  
the engine management and monitoring  
The quality of diesel fuel is variable, depending  
on geographic location. Always use premium  
or the highest quality fuel available in your  
locality. High quality fuel ensures a longer life  
for your engine components. Lower grade fuel  
contains higher levels of sulphur, which is  
detrimental to engine components. If low  
quality fuel is used, light coloured smoke may  
be evident at the exhaust.  
Note: If the vehicle does run out of fuel,  
seeking qualified assistance is advisable.  
Prolonged use of additives is not  
recommended. Do not add paraffin or petrol to  
diesel fuels.