HILL DESCENT CONTROL -> Hill descent control for Your Land Rover Evoque SUV 2020

Hill descent control  
Hill descent control  
A green graphic will also be displayed in the  
message centre showing the HDC target speed.  
When HDC is unable to operate, the display will  
be grey. The graphic indicates the range of  
target speeds available in the currently selected  
gear. Target speed is adjusted via the cruise  
control switches.  
If HDC is deselected while operating, the green  
warning lamp will flash and the system will  
fade out, allowing vehicle speed to gradually  
Note: HDC is automatically deselected if the  
ignition is switched off for more than 6 hours.  
With HDC engaged, standard descent speed  
will not exceed 20km/h (12.4mph).  
While the green warning lamp is continuously  
illuminated, HDC target speed can be modified  
using the cruise control steering wheel  
switches, as follows:  
To increase speed, press and hold switch  
(2) until the green pointer in the target  
speed display is at the desired speed.  
1. Press to switch HDC on and off.  
2. Press to increase the set speed.  
3. Press to decrease the set speed.  
To decrease speed, press and hold switch  
(3) until the green pointer in the target  
speed display is at the desired speed.  
Manual transmission: HDC can be used in 1st,  
2nd or reverse gears.  
Automatic transmission: HDC can be used in  
D, R and CommandShift 1, 2 or 3.  
Release the switch to set the target speed.  
Note: The white needle indicates the current  
vehicle speed.  
Note: HDC is automatically selected by some  
of the Terrain response special programs.  
To increase or decrease speed gradually, tap  
switches (2) and (3) as required. Each tap of  
the switch will increase/decrease the speed in  
increments/decrements of 1km/h (0.6mph).  
HDC can be selected at speeds above 80km/h  
(50mph) but will not engage until vehicle speed  
drops below 50km/h (30mph). The HDC  
warning lamp will flash while vehicle speed is  
above 50km/h (30mph).  
Note: If a new target speed is set and then  
reverse gear is selected, the target speed will  
change to the default reverse speed. When a  
forward gear is next selected, the new target  
speed is reinstated.  
The green warning lamp in the message centre  
will illuminate while HDC is active.