Occupant safety for Your Land Rover Evoque SUV 2020

Occupant safety  
Occupant safety  
1. Putting on a seat belt:  
WARNING: No modifications or  
additions should be made by the  
user which will either prevent the  
seat belt adjusting devices from  
operating to remove slack, or  
prevent the seat belt assembly  
from being adjusted to remove  
Draw the belt out smoothly, ensure that the  
belt height, the seat and your position on  
the seat, are correct.  
WARNING: Seatbelts are designed  
to bear upon the bony structure of  
the body, and should be worn low  
across the front of the pelvis or the  
pelvis, chest and shoulders, as  
applicable; wearing the lap  
section of the belt across the  
abdominal area must be avoided.  
Occupant safety  
Seat belts should be adjusted as  
firmly as possible, consistent with  
comfort, to provide the protection  
for which they have been  
Position the seat belt correctly for  
the safety of the mother and  
unborn child. Never wear just the  
lap strap, and never sit on the lap  
strap whilst using just the  
designed. A slack belt will greatly  
reduce the protection afforded to  
the wearer.  
shoulder strap. Both of these  
actions are extremely dangerous,  
and may increase your risk of  
serious injury in the event of an  
accident or during emergency  
Belts should not be worn with the  
straps twisted.  
Each belt assembly must only be  
used by one occupant; it is  
dangerous to put a belt around a  
child being carried on the  
occupant’s lap.  
Never place anything between you  
and the seat belt in an attempt to  
cushion the impact in the event of  
an accident. It can be dangerous,  
and will reduce the effectiveness  
of the seat belt in preventing  
The occupants of the front seats  
should not travel with the seat  
back at more than 30 degrees from  
the upright. Doing so will reduce  
the protection afforded by the seat  
Ensure that the seat belt is not  
slack or twisted.  
4. Seat belt height adjustment:  
Press to release the catch.  
Never place anything between you  
and the seat belt. It can be  
dangerous and reduce the  
effectiveness of the seat belt in  
preventing injury.  
With the catch depressed move the  
mechanism slide up or down to the  
required height. Ensure that the locking  
mechanism has engaged.  
2. Fastening a seat belt:  
With the seat belt correctly positioned,  
place the metal tongue into the buckle  
nearest to you. Press it in until a click is  
When correctly positioned the seat belt  
should cross the collar bone at the  
mid-point between the neck and end of  
your shoulder.  
To release the seat belt, press the red  
Where possible, rear seat passengers  
should adjust their seating position to  
achieve the same seat belt position.  
Note: When releasing the seat belt it is  
advisable to hold the belt before pressing  
the release button. This will prevent the  
belt from retracting too quickly.  
Ensure that the height is correctly  
adjusted and the mechanism is  
locked in place before driving.  
3. Seat belt use during pregnancy:  
Position the lap strap comfortably across  
the hips beneath the abdomen. Place the  
diagonal part of the seat belt between the  
breasts and to the side of the abdomen.  
The use of comfort clips or devices  
that would create slack in the seat  
belt system, is not advised.  
Occupant safety  
5. Child safety locks:  
It is essential to replace the entire  
assembly after it has been worn in a  
severe impact even if damage to the  
assembly is not obvious.  
If children are to be carried in the rear seat  
positions, it is recommended that the rear  
door interior handles are disabled.  
To change the child lock settings:-  
If any damage, wear, cuts, defects, or  
impaired operation are noted with the  
seat belts, the vehicle should be taken  
to a Land Rover Dealer/Authorised  
Repairer for immediate attention. Do  
not use the vehicle if the seat belts  
cannot be operated correctly.  
Open the door to access the child  
safety lock.  
Insert the key blade into the slot and  
rotate a quarter of a turn to enable or  
disable the interior door handle as  
Do not carry hard, fragile, or sharp  
items between your person and the  
seat belt.  
The seat belt pre-tensioners activate in  
conjunction with the SRS to provide additional  
protection in the event of a severe frontal  
impact. They automatically reduce any slack in  
a seat belt to reduce forward movement of a  
front seat occupant.  
Seat belts should be worn by all  
vehicle occupants, for every journey  
no matter how short.  
Never wear just the lap belt or just the  
shoulder belt of a lap/shoulder  
diagonal seat belt. Both of these  
actions are extremely dangerous and  
may increase your risk of injury.  
The seat belt pre-tensioners will  
activate only once and then must be  
replaced. Failure to replace them will  
reduce the effectiveness of the SRS in  
reducing the risk of serious injury or  
death in the event of an accident.  
When using seat belts to restrain  
items other than occupants, take care  
to ensure that the belts are not  
damaged, or exposed to sharp edges.  
After any impact, have the seat belts and  
pre-tensioners checked and, if necessary,  
replaced by a Land Rover Dealer/Authorised  
Note: If the vehicle is parked on an incline, the  
seat belt mechanism may lock. This is not a  
fault and the belt should be gently eased out  
from the upper anchorage.  
Care should be taken to avoid  
contamination of the webbing with  
polishes, oils and chemicals, and  
particularly battery acid. Cleaning  
may safely be carried out using mild  
soap and water.  
The seat belts should be inspected regularly to  
check for fraying, cuts, wear to the webbing  
and the condition and security of the  
mechanism, buckles, adjusters and mounting  
With the seat belt fastened, give the  
webbing near the buckle a quick upward  
pull. The buckle must remain securely  
The belt should be replaced if  
webbing becomes frayed,  
contaminated or damaged.  
Occupant safety  
With the seat belt unfastened, unreel the  
seat belt to the limit of its travel. Check that  
it unreels smoothly with no snatches or  
snags. Allow the belt to fully retract, again  
checking for smooth operation.  
A graphic accompanied by a text message in  
the message centre indicates which seat belts  
are fastened at the start of a journey and also  
when a seat belt is fastened or unfastened  
during a journey.  
Partially unreel the seat belt, then hold the  
tongue plate and give a quick forward pull.  
The mechanism must lock and prevent any  
further unreeling.  
Each seating position is represented by a  
passenger icon, the colour of which indicates  
the seat belt status:  
Green - seat belt in the indicated position is  
If any of the seat belts fail to meet those  
criteria, immediately contact you Land Rover  
Dealer/Authorised Repairer.  
Red - seat belt in the indicated position has  
been unfastened while the vehicle ignition  
is on. This indicator will turn grey after 30  
Grey - seat belt not fastened.  
If a front seat belt is not fastened  
when the vehicle is in motion, a  
chime will be heard and the seat  
belt warning lamp will illuminate.  
Note: The indicators will be displayed for 30  
seconds each time there is a status change,  
e.g., a seat belt is unfastened or fastened or a  
door is opened and then closed.  
Note: Objects on the front passenger seat may  
activate the seat belt reminder. It is  
recommended that any objects placed on the  
front passenger seat are secured using the seat  
In addition, an audible warning will sound  
under the following conditions:  
The seat belt of an occupied front seat is  
not fastened or is unfastened during a  
Always ensure that objects carried  
within the vehicle are secured  
A rear seat belt is unfastened.  
Note: If a heavy object is placed on the front  
passenger seat, it may activate the Beltminder  
feature. It is recommended that any objects  
placed on the front passenger seat are secured  
using the seat belt.  
A front and rear seat Beltminder system warns  
the driver when the seat belt of an occupied  
seat is not fastened or is unfastened during a  
Occupant safety  
The seat belts fitted to your vehicle are  
designed for adults and larger children. For  
their safety it is very important for all infants  
and children under 12 years of age to be  
restrained in a suitable child safety seat  
appropriate to their age and size.  
For optimum safety, children should  
travel in the rear of the vehicle at all  
times; front passenger seat travel is  
not recommended. However, if it is  
essential that a child travels in the  
front (not permitted in Australia), set  
the vehicle seat fully rearward and  
seat the child in an approved  
If it is essential that a child travels in the front  
passenger seat (and national legislation  
permits this), Land Rover recommends that  
the following preparations are made before  
fitting the child restraint.  
forward-facing child seat. Do not use  
a rear-facing child seat - an inflating  
airbag could impact with the seat and  
cause serious injury.  
Disable the front passenger airbag. See 56,  
Do not use a forward facing child seat  
until the child using it is above the  
minimum weight of 9 kg (20 lb.) and  
able to sit up unaided. Up to the age of  
two, a child's spine and neck are not  
sufficiently developed to avoid injury  
in a frontal impact.  
Adjust the front passenger seat fully  
Adjust the lumbar support to its minimum  
support position.  
Adjust the seat cushion to its highest  
position. If cushion rake adjustment is  
possible, adjust it to its lowest position.  
Do not allow a baby or infant to be  
held or carried on the lap. The force of  
a crash can increase effective body  
weight by as much as thirty times,  
making it impossible to hold onto the  
Adjust the seat back to the fully upright  
Adjust the seat belt adjustable upper  
anchorage to its lowest position.  
Extreme hazard! Do not use a  
rearward facing child restraint on a  
seat protected by an airbag in front of  
Children typically require the use of a  
booster seat appropriate to their age  
and size, thereby enabling the seat  
belts to be properly fitted, reducing  
the risk of injury in a crash. Children  
could be endangered in a crash if their  
child restraints are not properly  
secured in the vehicle.  
Do not use a child seat that hooks over  
the seat back. This type of seat cannot  
be satisfactorily secured and is  
unlikely to be safe for your child.  
Occupant safety  
This symbol, affixed to the end of the facia on  
the passenger side, warns against the use of a  
rear-facing child seat in the front passenger  
seat, when a front passenger airbag is fitted  
and operational.  
Note: The information contained in the  
following table may not be applicable to all  
countries. If you are in any doubt regarding the  
type and fitment of child seats seek advice from  
your Dealer/Authorised Repairer.  
Note: Ages given are approximate. In case of  
doubt, the child’s weight not age should be  
used when considering an appropriate child  
Crash statistics show that children are  
safest when properly restrained in a  
child or infant restraint system that is  
secured in a rear seating position.  
Note: The legislation which governs how and  
where children should be carried when  
travelling in a vehicle, is subject to change. It is  
the responsibility of the driver to comply with  
all regulations in force.  
Information given within the table is  
correct at the time of going to press.  
However, availability of child restraints  
may change. Please consult your  
Dealer/Authorised Repairer for the  
latest recommendation.  
Mass group.  
0 = Up to 0+ = Up to  
10 kg (22 lb) 13 kg (29 lb)  
I = 9-18 kg II = 15-25 kg III = 25-36 kg  
(33-55 lb)  
4-9 years  
(20-40 lb)  
(55-80 lb)  
8-12 years  
0-9 months 0-18 months 9 months to  
4 years  
Seating positions  
Front passenger*  
Rear outboard  
Rear centre  
U = Suitable for universal category restraints  
approved for this mass group.  
* Always ensure that the passenger airbag has  
been disabled before using a child restraint in  
this seating position. See 36, DISABLING THE  
PASSENGER AIRBAG (not Australia). The seat  
back needs to be adjusted to the fully upright  
Child size/age  
Recommended seat  
Groups 0 and 0+ Britax/Römer Baby Safe  
Group I  
Britax/Römer Duo Plus  
Britax Kid Plus  
Group II and III  
Every time a child travels in the vehicle observe  
the following:-  
Use appropriate child restraints.  
Occupant safety  
Carefully follow the restraint system  
manufacturers instructions.  
This symbol is shown on a label  
sewn into the seats to indicate the  
position of the ISOFIX lower  
Adjust the harnesses for every child on  
every trip.  
Ensure that all slack is removed from the  
adult seat belt.  
Always attach the top tether when  
installing an ISOFIX seat.  
Always check the security of the child  
Do not dress a child in bulky clothing, or  
place any objects/padding between the  
child and the restraint.  
Regularly check the fit and condition of  
child restraints. If the fit is poor, or  
wear/damage is visible replace the restraint  
Set a good example - always wear your  
seat belt.  
WARNING: Child restraint anchorages  
are designed to withstand only those  
loads imposed by correctly fitted child  
restraints. Under no circumstances  
are they to be used for adult seat  
belts, harnesses or for attaching other  
items or equipment to the vehicle.  
Do not attempt to fit ISOFIX restraints  
to the centre rear seating position.  
The anchor bars are not designed to  
hold an ISOFIX restraint in this  
If the restraint is not correctly  
anchored, there is a significant risk of  
injury to the child in the event of a  
collision or emergency braking.  
Both of the outer seat positions on the rear seat  
are equipped to accept ISOFIX restraints.  
Occupant safety  
Mass group as shown on child  
Size classes  
Vehicle ISOFIX  
ISO L1/L2  
ISO R1  
0 = Up to 10 kg (22 lb) 0-9 months  
0+ = Up to 13 kg (29 lb) 0-18 months  
ISO R1/R2/R3  
I = 9 to 18 kg (20 to 40 lb) 9 months - 4  
ISO R2/R3  
ISO F2/F2X/F3  
II = 15 to 25 kg (33 to 55 lb) 4-9 years  
III = 22 to 36 kg (49 to 80 lb) 8-12  
IUF = Suitable for ISOFIX forward child  
restraint systems of universal category  
approved for use in the mass group.  
In a situation where a child is too large to fit  
into a child safety seat but is still too small to  
safely use just the three point belt, a booster  
seat is recommended for maximum safety.  
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for  
fitting and use, then adjust the seat belt to suit.  
IL = These ISOFIX child restraint systems  
are of the specific vehicle, restricted or  
semi-universal categories.  
X = Not suitable for ISOFIX child restraint  
fitment in this mass group.  
* = Child seat suitable for use in these  
locations, is the Britax/Römer Baby Safe  
Note: Ages given are approximate. In case of  
doubt, the child’s weight, not age should be  
used when considering an appropriate child  
Note: The information contained in the table  
may not be applicable to all countries. If you  
are in any doubt regarding the type and fitment  
of child seats seek advice from your Dealer/  
Authorised Repairer.  
Note: ISOFIX anchorages are provided for  
second row outer seating positions. ISOFIX  
child restraints should be securely attached  
following the manufacturers instructions at  
these locations only.  
Occupant safety  
(Australia only)  
WARNING: Child restraint anchorages  
are designed to withstand only those  
loads imposed by correctly fitted child  
restraints. Under no circumstances  
are they to be used for adult seat  
belts, harnesses or for attaching other  
items or equipment to the vehicle.  
Always follow the child seat or  
restraint system manufacturer’s  
instructions when fitting tether straps.  
When fitting a child seat or restraint  
system, always pass the tether strap  
over the top of the seat back and  
beneath the head restraint.  
If a child seat or restraint system is to  
be fitted to the centre seating  
position, the centre armrest must be  
in the stowed position (folded into the  
To install an ISOFIX child seat:-  
1. Locate the ISOFIX locking mechanism.  
2. Slide the child seat into the locking  
3. If an upper tether is fitted to the child seat,  
ensure it is properly secured to the upper  
tether anchorages on the rear of the seats.  
Test the security of the child restraint. To do  
this, attempt to pull the restraint away from the  
vehicle seat and twist the restraint from side to  
side. Even if the restraint appears secure, you  
should still check the anchor points visually, to  
ensure correct attachment.  
Note: Always ensure that if an upper tether is  
provided, it is fitted and tightened correctly.  
Occupant safety  
Your vehicle is equipped with anchorage points  
on the back of the second row seat frames.  
These should be used to attach straps from  
child seats or restraint systems.  
Note: A tether anchorage is provided for the  
centre seat position. Do not use this anchor  
position with an ISOFIX child seat.  
1. Install the child restraint securely in one of  
the rear seating positions.  
2. Pass the tether strap over the seat back and  
beneath the head restraint.  
3. Attach the tether strap hook to the tether  
anchor point on the back of the seat.  
Ensure that the tether strap hook is facing  
the correct way.  
4. Tighten the tether strap according to the  
manufacturer's instructions.  
Occupant safety  
1. Front passenger’s airbag  
2. Curtain airbags  
Any part of the airbag Supplementary  
Restraint System (SRS) shows signs of  
cracking or damage, including trim  
covering airbags.  
3. Side airbags  
4. Knee-bolster airbag  
5. Driver’s airbag  
The amber airbag warning lamp  
Note: The general location of airbags fitted to  
the vehicle are marked by the word AIRBAG.  
Always contact your Dealer/Authorised  
repairer if:  
For the airbags to operate correctly  
the roof lining and door post trims  
must be in good condition, correctly  
fitted, and free from obstruction. Any  
damage, wear, or incorrect fitment  
should be referred to your Dealer/  
Authorised Repairer as soon as  
An airbag inflates.  
The front or sides of the vehicle are  
possible for examination and repair.  
Occupant safety  
Do not allow passengers to obstruct  
the operation of the airbags by placing  
any part of their person, or any  
Airbag modules.  
Seat belt pre-tensioners (front seats).  
Airbag diagnostic control unit.  
Crash sensors.  
objects, in contact with, or close to,  
an airbag module. Only use approved  
accessories (e.g. seat covers).  
Airbag wiring harness.  
Airbags cannot deploy correctly if they are  
obstructed. Examples of obstructions are:-  
Ensure that a gap is maintained  
between the side of the vehicle and  
the head and torso. This will enable  
unobstructed inflation of the curtain  
and seat mounted side airbags.  
Any part of an occupants body in contact  
with, or close to, an airbag cover.  
Objects placed on, or close to, an airbag  
Airbags inflate at high speeds. To  
minimise the risk of injury, ensure  
that all vehicle occupants wear  
correctly positioned seat belts, sit  
correctly in the seats, and position the  
seats as far back as practical.  
Clothing, sun screens, or other material  
hanging from grab handles.  
Clothing, cushions, or other material,  
covering seat mounted airbags.  
Seat covers which are not approved by  
Land Rover, or specifically designed for  
use with seat mounted airbags.  
Airbag inflation takes place  
instantaneously and cannot protect  
against the effects of secondary  
impacts. Under these circumstances  
the only protection will be provided by  
a correctly worn seat belt.  
This list is not exhaustive and it remains the  
responsibility of the driver and passengers to  
ensure that the airbags are not obstructed in  
any way.  
Phone systems should only be  
installed by qualified persons familiar  
with the operation of and  
Note: The airbags and SRS are not designed to  
operate as a result of:  
Rear impacts.  
requirements for, vehicles fitted with  
SRS. If you are in any doubt, seek  
advice from your Dealer/Authorised  
Minor front impacts.  
Minor side impacts.  
Heavy braking.  
Airbag deployment is dependent on the rate at  
which the passenger compartment changes  
velocity following the collision. Circumstances  
affecting different collisions (vehicle speed,  
angle of impact, type and size of object hit,  
etc.), vary considerably and will affect the rate  
of deceleration accordingly.  
Driving over bumps and pot holes.  
High speed impacts may cause  
serious injury or death irrespective of  
safety features fitted to a vehicle.  
The airbag SRS cannot provide  
protection in some types of impact.  
Under these circumstances the only  
protection will be provided by a  
correctly worn seat belt.  
The Supplementary Restraint System  
components include:-  
SRS warning indicator.  
Rotary coupler.  
Occupant safety  
(not Australia)  
Crash test data and statistics show  
that the safest place for a child to be  
restrained is in a child seat correctly  
fitted to the vehicle's rear seat.  
Do not use a child restraint on a seat  
protected by an operational airbag in  
front of it. Doing so presents a high  
risk of death or serious injury to the  
child in the event of an accident.  
Do not fit a child restraint to the front  
passenger seat if the SRS warning  
light illuminates continuously with the  
ignition on.  
When checking the operational status  
of the front passenger airbag, ensure  
that the ignition is switched on.  
Note: The passenger airbag must be disabled  
when a rearward facing child restraint is fitted  
to the front passenger seat.  
Airbag disable/enable is achieved via the  
steering wheel settings menu. See 56,  
The front passenger and driver airbags are able  
to deploy in two stages, depending on the  
severity of the frontal impact. In a severe  
impact, the airbags inflate fully to stage two  
giving maximum protection. In a lesser impact,  
full inflation may not be required, so the  
airbags will only inflate to stage one. The knee  
bolster airbag will always fully inflate.  
As soon as the child seat is removed  
from the front passenger seat, the  
airbag must be turned on. Failure to  
do so will put any front seat  
passengers at greater risk of death or  
serious injury in the event of an  
These are designed to protect the thorax region  
of the torso and will deploy only in the event of  
a side impact and then, only on the side of the  
The curtain airbags are deployed in side impact  
and rollover events, providing greater  
protection from serious head injuries. They  
deflate at a slower rate than the front or side  
Occupant safety  
The warning lamp fails to extinguish within  
6 seconds of the ignition being turned on.  
When an airbag inflates, a fine  
powder is released. This is normal  
and not an indication of a malfunction.  
The powder may cause irritation to the  
skin and should be thoroughly flushed  
from eyes and any cuts or abrasions. If  
breathing difficulty is experienced,  
leave the vehicle if possible or open  
the windows or doors to allow fresh air  
The warning lamp illuminates at any time  
other than the bulb check, when the  
ignition is on.  
Do not attempt to service, repair,  
replace, modify, or tamper with, any  
part of the SRS. This includes wiring  
or components in the vicinity of SRS  
components. Doing so may cause the  
system to trigger, or render the  
system inoperative.  
Airbags inflate at high speed and can  
cause injuries. To minimise the risk of  
injury, ensure that all occupants wear  
correctly positioned seat belts, sit  
correctly in the seats and position the  
seats as far back as is practicable.  
Do not use any electrical test  
equipment or devices in the vicinity of  
SRS components or wiring. Doing so  
may cause the system to trigger, or  
render the system inoperative.  
Airbag deployment is accompanied by  
a very loud noise which may cause  
discomfort and temporary loss of  
All of the following operations should be  
carried out only by a Dealer/Authorised  
Repairer, or suitably qualified person:-  
After inflation, some airbag  
components will be very hot. Do not  
touch the airbag components until  
they have cooled sufficiently.  
Removal or repair of any wiring or  
component in the vicinity of any SRS  
Installation of electrical, or electronic,  
equipment and accessories.  
The airbag warning lamp is  
mounted in the instrument pack  
and will illuminate as a bulb check  
when the ignition is turned on.  
Modification to the front or sides of the  
vehicle exterior.  
Attachment of accessories to the front or  
sides of the vehicle.  
If the warning lamp indicates that a  
fault is present in the system, do not  
use a child restraint on the front  
passenger seat.  
Occupants with disabilities which may require  
modification of the vehicle, must contact a  
Dealer/Authorised Repairer before any  
modifications are made.  
If any of the following warning lamp conditions  
occur, the vehicle should be checked by your  
Dealer/Authorised Repairer immediately.  
The warning lamp fails to illuminate when  
the ignition is turned on.