Maintenance and care
The vehicle can detect if certain wear parts need
to be replaced or if malfunctions have occurred in
vehicle systems. If the Telediagnostics service is
activated, relevant data is automatically transmit-
ted to the manufacturer. If fault conditions are
detected by the vehicle system self-diagnosis, the
system transmits recommendations for action to
the Mercedes-Benz customer centre depending
on the fault detected. The customer centre trans-
mits the data to the service partner that you have
entered on the Mercedes me website at: http://
For selected faults, the notification that a mal-
function has been detected may appear in the
multimedia system with a request to contact the
Mercedes-Benz Customer Centre. From this mes-
sage, a call can be made directly to the customer
centre for assistance.
of faults can be detected and recommenda-
tions for action transmitted to the customer
centre and the service partners. Mercedes-
Benz AG is continuously working on the
expansion of this service. The fault detection
depends on the country, vehicle model and
Engine compartment
Active bonnet (pedestrian protection)
▌Operation of the active bonnet (pedestrian pro-
In certain accident situations, the actuation of the
active bonnet reduces the risk of injury to pedes-
trians. The rear area of the bonnet is raised by
approximately 75 mm.
Aꢀer being triggered, the active bonnet remains in
the raised position. Limited visibility due to the
raised bonnet cannot be ruled out.
Data transferred when using Telediagnostics
When the service is activated, relevant data is
automatically transferred to determine the
required scope of maintenance as well as fault
detection and fault rectification.
Details on data transfer can be found in the data
protection information for the Mercedes me con-
nect services. These can be found at: https://
account", "Terms of use".
Aꢀer the active bonnet has been actuated, pedes-
trian protection may be limited.
Have the full functionality of the active bonnet
restored immediately in a qualified specialist
If necessary, adjust your seat position and drive
carefully to a qualified specialist workshop. If a
safe continued journey is not possible, contact a
qualified specialist workshop.
The transmission of a notification to the multi-
media system depends on the country, vehi-
cle model and equipment and requires a fast
data connection, over which the service pro-
vider has no influence.
The scope of the data transmitted depends on
the vehicle model and equipment. For techni-
cal reasons, not all data is available at all
Reliable fault detection is subject to technical
limitations. Therefore, only a limited selection
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