Air purifier
Air conditioning system refrig-
erant and lubricant recommen-
Air purifier
An air filter has been incorporated into this
air conditioner so that dirt and dust are
cleaned from the air.
Replace the air filter periodically as its ability
to clean the air will be reduced as it collects
pollen and dirt. For the maintenance interval,
refer to the “SERVICE BOOKLET”.
When heating, the engine starts running be-
cause the heating system uses the heat of en-
gine coolant.
On vehicles with electric heater, it can de-
crease the number of times engine starting
because electrical power stored in the drive
battery is also used when heating.
If the air conditioner seems less effective
than usual, the cause might be a refrigerant
We recommend you to have the system in-
[Except for vehicles for Ukraine]
The air conditioning system in your vehicle
must be charged with the refrigerant
HFO-1234yf and the lubricant POE
Operation in certain conditions such as driv-
If you want to stop the engine running for
ing on a dusty road and frequent use of the
air conditioner can lead to reduction of serv-
ice life of the filter. When you feel that the
air flow is lower than normal or when the
windscreen or windows start to fog up easi-
ly, replace the air filter.
heating, select the EV priority mode before
operating the air conditioner. Refer to “EV
switch” on page 7-25.
[Vehicles for Ukraine]
The air conditioning system in your vehicle
must be charged with the refrigerant
HFC-134a and the lubricant POE MA68EV.
Use of any other refrigerant or lubricant will
cause severe damage which will result in the
need to replace your vehicle’s entire air con-
ditioning system. The release of refrigerant
into the atmosphere is not recommended.
We recommend you to recover and recycle
the refrigerant for reuse.
LW/MW/FM radio/CD
We recommend you to have it checked.
The audio system can only be used when the
operation mode of the power switch is in ON
or ACC.
Remote Climate Control*
You can run the air conditioner in advance of
using the vehicle.
For details, refer to “MITSUBISHI Remote
control: Remote Climate Control” on page
During a long period of disuse
The air conditioner should be operated for at
least five minutes each week, even in cold
weather. This is to prevent the compressor
from seizing and to maintain the air condi-
tioner in the best operating condition.
For pleasant driving