Appearance and care -> Cleaning interior for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

Occasionally remove loose dust from the interior  
trim, plastic parts and seats using a vacuum cleaner  
or soft bristled brush. Wipe the vinyl and leather sur-  
faces with a clean, soft cloth dampened in mild soap  
solution, then wipe clean with a dry, soft cloth.  
(where fitted)  
The use of NISSAN floor mats can extend the life of  
your vehicle carpet and make it easier to clean the  
interior. Regardless of what mats are used, be sure  
they are fitted for your vehicle and are properly po-  
sitioned in the foot well to prevent interference with  
pedal operation. Mats should be maintained with  
regular cleaning and replaced if they become ex-  
cessively worn.  
To clean the display screen, first turn the ignition  
off and wipe it with a dry soft cloth.  
Never use a rough cloth, alcohol, benzene, thin-  
Regular care and cleaning is required in order to  
maintain the appearance of the leather.  
ner, any kind of solvent, or paper tissues with  
chemical cleaning agent. They would scratch or  
deteriorate the panel.  
Before using any fabric protector, read the manu-  
facturer's recommendations. Some fabric protec-  
tors contain chemicals that may stain or bleach the  
seat material.  
Do not splash any liquid such as water or car fra-  
grance on the display. Contact with liquid will  
cause the system to malfunction and damage  
the hardware.  
Use a soft cloth dampened only with water to clean  
the meter and gauge lens covers.  
In case of extreme stain, use a small amount of  
neutral detergent with a soft cloth. Never soak  
the screen display with water detergent.  
Never use benzene, thinner or any similar ma-  
Most air fresheners use a solvent that could affect  
the vehicle interior. If you use an air freshener, take  
the following precautions:  
Small dirt particles can be abrasive and dam-  
aging to leather surfaces and should be re-  
moved promptly. Do not use saddle soap, car  
waxes, polishes, oils cleaning fluids, solvents,  
detergents or ammonia based cleaners as  
they may damage the leather's natural finish.  
Hanging-type air fresheners can cause perma-  
Floor mat positioning aid  
nent discolouration when they contact vehicle  
interior surfaces. Place the air freshener in a lo-  
cation that allows it to hang free and not con-  
tact an interior surface.  
Note that the above illustration is for LHD models.  
Never use fabric protectors unless recom-  
mended by the manufacturer.  
This vehicle includes front floor mat brackets A to  
act as a floor mat positioning aid. NISSAN floor mats  
have been specially designed for your vehicle.  
Do not use glass or plastic cleaner on meter or  
gauge lens covers. It may damage the lens  
Liquid-type air fresheners typically clip on the  
vents. These products can cause immediate  
damage and discolouration when spilled on in-  
terior surfaces.  
Position the mat by placing the floor mat bracket  
hook into the floor mat grommet hole while cen-  
tring the mat in the foot area.  
Carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s  
instructions before using air fresheners.  
Push the mat down until it clips into the position on  
the hooks.  
Periodically check that the mats are properly posi-  
346 Appearance and care  
Use glass cleaner to remove smoke and dust film  
from the glass surfaces. It is normal for glass to be-  
come coated with a film after the vehicle is parked  
in the hot sun. Glass cleaner and a soft cloth will  
easily remove this film.  
Do not use glass cleaner. Doing so will reduce the  
sensitivity of the sensor, resulting in improper  
The accumulation of moisture-retaining dirt and  
debris in body panel sections, cavities, and other  
Plastic parts can be cleaned with a mild soap solu-  
tion. If the dirt cannot be easily removed, use a plas-  
tic cleaner. Do not use any solvents.  
Damage to the paint surface and other protec-  
tive coatings caused by gravel and stone chips  
or minor traffic accidents.  
When cleaning the inside of the windows, do not  
use sharp-edged tools, abrasive cleaners or chlo-  
rinebaseddisinfectantcleaners.They could dam-  
age the electrical conductors such as radio an-  
tenna elements or rear window defogger.  
Do not allow wet seat belts to roll up in the  
Do not stick labels on the inside surface of the  
glass. Removing stickers and its residue could  
damage the electrical conductors such as radio  
antenna elements or rear window defogger.  
Accumulation of sand, dirt and water on the vehicle  
body underside can accelerate corrosion. Wet floor  
coverings will not dry completely inside the vehicle,  
and should be removed for drying to avoid floor  
panels corrosion.  
Never use bleach, dye or chemical solvents to  
clean the seat belts, since these materials may  
severely weaken the seat belt webbing.  
Take care that any objects stored in the luggage  
room, do not come in contact with the inside sur-  
face of the rear window. This is to avoid damage  
elements or rear window defogger.  
The seat belts can be cleaned by wiping them with  
a sponge dampened in a mild soap solution.  
Relative humidity  
Corrosion will be accelerated in areas of high rela-  
tive humidity, especially those areas where the tem-  
peratures stay above freezing, where atmospheric  
pollution exists and road salt is used.  
Allow the belts to dry completely in the shade be-  
fore using them.  
Automatic anti-dazzling inside  
rear-view mirror (where fitted)  
Use a soft cloth dampened only with water to clean  
the automatic anti-dazzling inside rear view mirror  
(where fitted).  
A temperature increase will accelerate the rate of  
corrosion to those parts which are not well venti-  
Corrosion will also accelerate in areas where the  
temperatures stay above freezing.  
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