Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system -> Heater and air conditioner for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

Odours from inside and outside the vehicle  
can build up in the air conditioner unit. Odour  
can enter the passenger compartment  
through the vents.  
OPERATING TIPS (for automatic air  
The heater and air conditioner operate only  
when the engine is running.  
Never leave children or adults who would nor-  
When parking, set the heater and air condi-  
tioner controls to turn off air recirculation to  
allow fresh air into the passenger compart-  
ment. This should help reduce odours inside  
the vehicle.  
mally require the support of others alone in  
the vehicle. Pets should not be left alone ei-  
ther. They could unknowingly activate  
switches or controls and inadvertently  
become involved in a serious accident and in-  
jure themselves. On hot, sunny days, tempera-  
tures in a closed vehicle could quickly become  
high enough to cause severe or possibly fatal  
injuries to people or animals.  
For model with Stop/Start System (where fitted):  
The Stop/Start System will not stop the engine un-  
der the following conditions:  
The front defogger mode is on. (automatic air  
Do not use the recirculation mode for long pe-  
riods as it may cause the interior air to become  
stale and the windows to fog up.  
When the engine coolant temperature and outside  
air temperature are low, the air flow from the foot  
outlets may not operate. However, this is not a mal-  
function. After the coolant temperature warms up,  
the air flow from the foot outlets will operate nor-  
The air flow control dial is in the front defogger  
position and the fan speed control dial is on.  
(manual air conditioner)  
Do not adjust the heating and air conditioning  
controls while driving so that full attention  
may be given to vehicle operation.  
While the engine is stopped by the Stop/Start Sys-  
tem, taking one of the following actions will auto-  
matically start the engine:  
The sensors,located on the instrument panel A and  
The heater and air conditioner operate when the  
engine is running. The air blower will operate when  
the ignition switch is in the ON position even if the  
engine is turned off.  
Turn the front defogger mode on. (automatic air  
beneath the steering wheel, help maintain a con-  
stant temperature. Do not put anything on or  
around the sensors.  
The air flow control dial is in the front defogger  
position and the fan speed control dial is on.  
(manual air conditioner)  
Condensation forms inside the air condition-  
To minimise fuel consumption, performance of the  
heater may be reduced and air conditioner opera-  
tion suspended when the engine is stopped by the  
Stop/Start System. For the best heating and air con-  
ditioning performance, restart the engine. (See  
“Stop/Start System (where fitted)” in the “5. Starting  
and driving” section.)  
ing unit when the air conditioner is running,  
and is safely discharged underneath your ve-  
hicle. Traces of water on the ground are there-  
fore normal.  
Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system 147  
Type A (without seat heater)  
6. Outside air circulation  
Type A (without seat heater)  
1. Air flow control dial  
7. Rear window defogger switch (See “Defogger  
switch” in the “2. Instruments and controls”  
2. <A/C> (Air Conditioner) button  
To turn off the heater and air conditioner, turn the  
fan speed control  
dial to the OFF (0) position.  
3. Fan speed control  
4. Air recirculation  
5. Temperature control dial  
148 Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system  
7. <A/C> (Air Conditioner) button  
8. Rear window defogger switch (See “Defogger  
switch” in the “2. Instruments and controls”  
To turn off the heater and air conditioner, turn the  
fan speed control  
dial to the OFF (0) position.  
Outside air circulation (models without seat  
Press the outside air circulation  
air flow is drawn from outside the vehicle. (The  
indicator light will illuminate.)  
button. The  
Air recirculation (models without seat heating):  
Press the Air recirculation  
is circulated inside the vehicle. (The  
light will illuminate.)  
button. The air flow  
Combined outside air circulation/air circulation  
(models with seat heating):  
Press the Air recirculation  
is circulated inside the vehicle. (The  
light will illuminate.)  
button. The air flow  
Press the Air recirculation  
button again. The  
air flow is drawn from outside the vehicle. (The  
indicator light will switch off.)  
Type B (with seat heater)  
4. Front right seat heater button. For more  
Type B (with seat heater)  
1. Air flow control dial  
information, see “Seat heating (where fitted)”  
in the “2. Instruments and controls” section.  
2. Front left seat heater button. For more  
information, see “Seat heating (where fitted)”  
in the “2. Instruments and controls” section.  
5. Temperature control dial  
6. Outside air circulation/Air recirculation  
3. Fan speed control  
Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system 149  
Air flow control:  
Temperature control:  
Defrosting or defogging:  
Turn the air flow control dial to change the air flow  
Turn the temperature control dial to set the desired  
temperature. Turn the dial between the middle and  
the right position to select the hot temperature.  
Turn the dial between the middle and the left posi-  
tion to select the cool temperature.  
This mode directs the air to the defogger outlets to  
defrost/defog the windows.  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
dial to the de-  
Air flows from the centre and side vents.  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
Air flows from the centre and side vents  
and foot outlets.  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
Heater operation  
This mode is used to direct heated air to the foot  
Air flows mainly from the foot outlets.  
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the desired  
position between the middle and the hot (right)  
Air flows from the defogger and foot  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
normal heating.  
button for  
5. Turn the side vents to the side windows to de-  
frost or defog for a clear view to the side mirrors.  
Air flows mainly from the defogger  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
To remove frost from the outside surface of the  
windscreen quickly, turn the temperature con-  
trol dial to the maximum hot position and the  
Fan speed control:  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
dial to the de-  
Turn the fan speed control  
increase the fan speed.  
dial clockwise to  
dial anticlockwise  
fan speed control  
dial to the maximum po-  
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the desired  
position between the middle and the hot (right)  
Turn the fan speed control  
to decrease the fan speed.  
If it is difficult to defog the windscreen, turn the  
<A/C> button on.  
Seat heater (where fitted):  
For high heat, push the button once (both indicator  
lights will illuminate).  
Heating and defogging:  
This mode heats the interior and defogs the win-  
This mode directs outside air to the side and centre  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
dial to the de-  
For low heat, push the button again (one indicator  
light will illuminate).  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
dial to the de-  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
To turn off the heater, push the button again. Make  
sure the indicator lights turns off.  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
For more information, see “Seat heating (where  
fitted)” in the “2. Instruments and controls” section.  
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the desired  
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the maxi-  
mum hot (right) position.  
5. Turn the side vents to the side windows to de-  
frost or defog for a clear view to the side mirrors.  
150 Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system  
4. Push the <A/C> button on. (The A/C indicator  
Air conditioner operation  
light will illuminate.)  
The air conditioner system should be operated for  
approximately 10 minutes at least once a month.  
This helps prevent damage to the air conditioner  
system due to the lack of lubrication.  
5. Turn the temperature control dial to the desired  
position between the middle and the hot (right)  
Dehumidified defogging:  
This mode is used to defog the windows and dehu-  
midify the air.  
This mode is used to cool and dehumidify the air.  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
dial to the de-  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
dial to the de-  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
4. Push the <A/C> button on. (The A/C indicator  
light will illuminate.)  
4. Push the <A/C>button on. (The A/C indicator  
light will illuminate.)  
5. Turn the temperature control dial to the desired  
position between the middle and the cool (left)  
5. Turn the temperature control dial to the desired  
6. Turn the side vents to the side windows to de-  
frost or defog for a clear view to the side mirrors.  
For quick cooling when the outside temperature  
is high, press the Air recirculation  
Be sure to select the outside air circulation  
button for normal cooling.  
A visible mist may be seen coming from the vents  
in hot, humid conditions as the air is cooled rap-  
idly. This does not indicate a malfunction.  
Dehumidified heating:  
This mode is used to heat and dehumidify the air.  
1. Press the outside air circulation  
dial to the de-  
2. Turn the air flow control dial to the  
3. Turn the fan speed control  
sired position.  
Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system 151  
10. <ON OFF> button  
Type A (without seat heater and Thermaclear heated windscreen)  
5. Fan speed control (  
) dial  
6. Air recirculation  
Type A (without seat heater and  
7. Rear window defogger  
button (See  
Thermaclear heated windscreen)  
“Defogger switch” in the “2. Instruments and  
controls” section.)  
1. Temperature control dial  
2. <AUTO> button  
8. Air flow control button  
3. Display  
9. Front defogger  
MAX button  
4. <A/C> (Air Conditioner) button  
152 Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system  
9. Rear window defogger  
button (see  
“Defogger switch” in the “2. Instruments and  
controls” section.)  
10. Air flow control button  
11. Front defogger  
MAX button  
12. Thermaclear heated windscreen heater but-  
ton (see “ThermaClear Heated Windscreen  
button” in the “2. Instruments and controls”  
Automatic operation (AUTO)  
The AUTO mode may be used year-round as the  
system automatically controls constant tempera-  
ture, air flow distribution and fan speed after the  
desired temperature is set manually.  
Turning off the heater and air conditioner:  
(Models without Thermaclear heated windscreen)  
To turn off the heater and air conditioner, push the  
<ON OFF> button.  
(Models with Thermaclear heated windscreen) The  
Thermaclear Heated windscreen button (where fit-  
ted) replaces the regular <ON OFF> button for the  
heater and air conditioning. To turn off the system  
turn the Fan speed control dial to the lowest speed  
position, wait for approximately 1 second and turn  
the dial further towards the OFF position.  
Type B (with seat heater and Thermaclear heated windscreen)  
4. Display  
Type B (with seat heater and  
Thermaclear heated windscreen)  
1. Temperature control dial  
2. <AUTO> button  
Cooling and dehumidified heating:  
1. Push the <AUTO> button.  
5. Front right seat heater button (see “Seat heat-  
ing (where fitted)” in the “2. Instruments and  
controls” section.)  
2. If the A/C indicator light does not illuminate, push  
the <A/C> button. (The A/C indicator light will il-  
6. Fan speed control (  
7. <A/C> (Air Conditioner) button  
8. Air recirculation button  
) dial  
3. Front left seat heater button (see “Seat heat-  
ing (where fitted)” in the “2. Instruments and  
controls” section.)  
Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system 153  
3. Turn the temperature control dial to set the de-  
sired temperature.  
When the front defogger  
button is pushed,  
Air flow control:  
Push the Air flow control button to change the air  
flow mode.  
the air conditioner will automatically turn on  
when the outside air temperature is above −2°C  
(28°F) to defog the windscreen. The air recircula-  
tion mode will automatically turn off. The out-  
side air circulation mode will be selected to im-  
prove the defogging performance.  
4. If the indicator light on the air recirculation  
button is illuminated, push the button with the  
light illuminated to switch the air recirculation  
mode OFF.  
Air flows from the centre and side  
Air flows from the centre and side  
vents and foot outlets.  
A visible mist may be seen coming from the vents in  
hot, humid conditions as the air is cooled rapidly.  
This does not indicate a malfunction.  
Manual operation  
The manual mode can be used to control the heater  
and air conditioner to your desired settings.  
Air flows mainly from the foot outlets  
Heating (A/C off):  
1. Push the <AUTO> button.  
Air flows from the defogger outlets and  
foot outlets.  
Turning off the heater and air conditioner:  
Air flows mainly from the defogger  
(Models without Thermaclear heated windscreen)  
To turn off the heater and air conditioner, push the  
<ON OFF> button.  
2. If the A/C indicator light illuminates, push the <A/  
C> button. (The A/C indicator light will turn off.)  
Temperature control:  
3. Turn the temperature control dial to set the de-  
sired temperature.  
(Models with Thermaclear heated windscreen) The  
Thermaclear Heated windscreen button (where fit-  
ted) replaces the regular <ON OFF> button for the  
heater and air conditioning. To turn off the system  
turn the Fan speed control dial to the lowest speed  
position, wait for approximately 1 second and turn  
the dial further towards the OFF position.  
Turn the temperature control dial to set the desired  
temperature. Turn the dial clockwise to increase the  
temperature. Turn the dial counter clockwise to de-  
crease the temperature.  
Do not set the temperature lower than the out-  
side air temperature. Doing so may cause the  
temperature to not be controlled properly.  
If the windows fog up, use dehumidified heating  
instead of the A/C off heating.  
Air recirculation:  
Push the air recirculation  
the air flow inside the vehicle. (The  
light will illuminate.)  
button to circulate  
Dehumidified defrosting/defogging:  
Fan speed control:  
1. Push the front defogger  
indicator light will illuminate.)  
button. (The  
Turn the fan speed control dial. Turn the dial clock-  
wise to increase the fan speed. Turn the dial counter  
clockwise to decrease the fan speed.  
Push the air recirculation  
the air flow from outside the vehicle. (The  
cator light goes off.)  
button again to draw  
2. Turn the temperature control dial to set the de-  
sired temperature.  
Push the <AUTO> button to change the fan speed  
to the automatic mode.  
Automatic air intake control (where fitted):  
If the indicator light on the air recirculation  
button is illuminated, push and hold the button with  
the light illuminated (the indicator light will blink  
twice). The automatic air intake control mode is set.  
To remove frost from the outside surface of the  
windscreen quickly, set the temperature to a  
high temperature and the fan speed to the maxi-  
mum level.  
After the windscreen is cleared, push the front  
button again. (The indicator light  
will turn off.)  
154 Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system  
The filter should be replaced if the air flow decreases  
significantly or if windows fog up easily when oper-  
ating the heater or air conditioner.  
Do not adjust the audio system while driving.  
The air conditioner system contains refrigerant  
under high pressure. To avoid personal injury, any  
air conditioner service should be done only by an  
experienced technician with the proper  
The audio system operates when the ignition is  
placed in the ACC or ON position. If you want to lis-  
ten to the radio or connected devices while the en-  
gine is not running, place the ignition in the ACC  
position.Do not use for an extended period of time  
with the engine stopped.  
The air conditioner system in your vehicle is charged  
with a refrigerant designed with the environment in  
This refrigerant will not harm the earth's ozone  
layer. However, it may contribute in a small part to  
global warming.  
Models with navigation system, see the audio  
operation precautions in the separately pro-  
vided navigation system owner's manual.  
Special charging equipment and lubricant are re-  
quired when servicing your vehicle's air conditioner.  
Using improper refrigerants or lubricants will cause  
severe damage to the air conditioner system. (See  
“Capacities and recommended fluids/lubricants” in  
the “9. Technical information” section.)  
Operate the audio system only when the en-  
gine is running. Operating the audio system  
for extended periods of time with the engine  
turned off can discharge the vehicle battery.  
Radio reception is affected by station signal  
A NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop will be able  
to service your environmentally friendly air condi-  
tioner system.  
strength, distance from radio transmitter, build-  
ings, bridges, mountains and other external in-  
fluences. Intermittent changes in reception  
quality are normally caused by these external  
Air conditioner filter  
The air conditioner system is equipped with an air  
conditioner filter which collects pollen.To make sure  
the air conditioner heats, defogs, and ventilates effi-  
ciently, replace the filter according the specified  
maintenance intervals listed in a separate mainte-  
nance booklet.To replace the filter,contact a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop.  
Using a mobile phone in or near the vehicle may  
influence radio reception quality.  
Use the antenna for the best reception.  
Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system 155