In case of emergency for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

eCall/SOS SYSTEM (where fitted)  
Your vehicle is equipped with the 112-based in-ve-  
hicle emergency services call system (eCall). In the  
event of a serious road accident emergency an au-  
tomatic call can be made to the emergency ser-  
vices operator. The system can also be used manu-  
ally to call the emergency services operator.  
Do not turn the hazard warning flasher switch off  
until you can make sure that it is safe to do so.  
Also, the hazard warning flasher may not blink  
automatically depending on the force of impact.  
The 112-based eCall service is a public service of  
general interest and is accessible free of charge.  
NISSAN is responsible only for the emergency com-  
munication system technical performance in the  
event of an accident within the warranty period.  
Left hand drive  
Right hand drive  
If the air bag control unit detects a frontal collision,  
side collision or rear collision (where fitted) the sys-  
tem automatically places an emergency call to the  
emergency call centre. At the same time, the vehicle  
information is also transferred. Once an emergency  
call is received by the emergency call centre, the  
operator tries to talk to the vehicle's occupant.  
The hazard warning flasher switch operates regard-  
less of the ignition position except when the bat-  
tery is discharged.  
The hazard warning flasher is used to warn other  
drivers when you have to stop or park under emer-  
gency conditions.  
When the hazard warning flasher switch is pushed,  
all turn signal lights will flash. To turn off the hazard  
warning flasher, push the hazard warning flasher  
switch again.  
During the emergency call, the volume of the  
voice of the operator cannot be adjusted.  
During the emergency call, the volume of the  
vehicle audio will be muted.  
When an impact that could activate the supplemen-  
tal air bags is detected, the hazard warning flasher  
lights blink automatically. If the hazard warning  
flasher switch is pushed, the hazard warning flash-  
ers will turn off.  
The eCall system is always enabled by default. It is  
activated automatically by means of in-vehicle sen-  
sors in the event of a severe accident.  
The eCall system is not traceable and is not subject  
to any constant tracking in its normal operational  
status. Data in the internal memory of the system is  
not available outside the in-vehicle system to any  
entities before the eCall is triggered.  
326 In case of emergency  
Any processing of personal data through the 112-  
based eCall in-vehicle system shall comply with the  
personal data protection rules provided for in Direc-  
tives 95/46/EC and 2002/58/EC of the European  
Parliament and of the Council, and in particular, shall  
be based on the necessity to protect the vital inter-  
ests of the individuals in accordance with Article 7(d)  
of Directive 95/46/EC.  
The 112-based eCall in-vehicle system is designed in  
such a way as to ensure that data in the system  
internal memory is automatically and continuously  
action does not prevent the occupant(s) of the  
vehicle from making a further manual emer-  
gency call.  
The emergency call function cannot be used in  
the following conditions:  
The vehicle location data is constantly overwritten  
in the internal memory of the system so as always  
to keep maximum of the last three up-to-date loca-  
tions of the vehicle necessary for the normal func-  
tioning of the system.  
The vehicle is outside the area where mobile  
network service is receivable.  
The vehicle is in a location with poor signal re-  
Processing of such data is strictly limited to the pur-  
pose of handling the emergency eCall to the single  
European emergency number 112.  
ception such as tunnels, underground parking  
garages, between buildings or in mountain-  
ous areas.  
The log of activity data in the 112-based eCall in-ve-  
hicle system is kept for no longer than necessary  
for attaining the purpose of handling the emer-  
gency eCall and in any case not beyond 13 hours  
from the moment an emergency eCall was initiated.  
Recipients of data processed by the 112-based eCall  
in-vehicle system are the relevant public safety an-  
swering points designated by the respective public  
authorities of the country on which territory they  
are located, to first receive and handle eCalls to the  
single European emergency number 112.  
The TCU (Telematics Control Unit) or other sys-  
tems of your vehicle are not working properly.  
The available mobile network provider at the  
location of the vehicle is not specified for  
emergency call usage.  
The automaticemergency call willonlybe trig-  
gered if the vehicle air bag system is activated  
during the collision.  
The following information will be sent to the emer-  
gency call centre by the vehicle emergency call sys-  
tem if a collision occurs:  
The communication line of the emergency call  
centre is busy.  
If the automatic emergency call has been trig-  
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)  
gered, please bring your vehicle to a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop.This is necessary  
because the automatic emergency call sys-  
tem needs to be reset to avoid any unintended  
eCall being made.  
Vehicle type  
Fuel type  
Activation type (Automatic/Manual)  
Call type (Test/Emergency)  
The mobile network provider that manages  
the connection from the vehicle to the emer-  
gency call centre is specified and controlled  
outside of the vehicle emergency call system.  
Position (Trusted/Low confidence)  
Time stamp (when the collision or event  
Within the first minute of any emergency call  
Last three vehicle locations, and vehicle direc-  
the operator will determine if the call is genu-  
ine. Should the operator determine it is a non-  
genuine call they will stop the call, making no  
further attempts to call the vehicle back. This  
Vehicle speed  
(where fitted) Number of passengers  
In case of emergency 327  
3. Push the <SOS> button . An emergency call is  
sent to the emergency call centre. At the same  
time, the vehicle information is also transferred.  
The manual eCall can be performed with the igni-  
tion switch placed in the ON position, by pushing  
4. When the call is connected, you can speak to the  
emergency support staff.  
the <SOS> call button  
control panel.  
located on the overhead  
If you want to cancel the emergency call, push and  
hold the <SOS> button for a few seconds. The call  
cannot be cancelled after connection.  
After the ignition switch is placed in the OFF posi-  
tion, if an emergency call was not made, the eCall  
system is turned off.  
During the emergency call, the volume of the  
voice of the operator cannot be adjusted.  
Park the vehicle in a safe location and apply  
the parking brake before operating the <SOS>  
During the emergency call, the volume of the  
vehicle audio will be muted.  
The indicator lights  
above the <SOS> but-  
Use this service only in case of an emergency.  
There may be a penalty for inappropriate use  
of the service.  
ton indicate the status of the vehicle emergency  
call system. If the indicator light is illuminated red or  
no indicator light is illuminated the emergency call  
may not connect to the emergency call centre when  
the <SOS> button is pressed. Also an automatic  
emergency call may not be sent when a collision  
After the <SOS> button is pushed, it may take  
some time until the system initiates connec-  
tion, depending on the technical environment  
and whether the TCU is being used by other  
To avoid disconnecting the call, do not turn the  
engine off.  
During vehicle start up the system operates self  
diagnostics and the red indicator light is illumi-  
nated for up to 15 seconds.  
During the emergency call Bluetooth® Hands-  
Free Phone connection will be disabled and  
phone operation will only be available by mo-  
bile phone.  
At any other time if the red indicator light is illu-  
minated contact a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
workshop for assistance. In the event of a criti-  
cal system failure that would disable the 112-  
based eCall in-vehicle system, the red indicator  
light is illuminated as a warning.  
If the emergency call is disconnected for some  
reason the emergency call centre may call  
back. This action does not prevent the occu-  
pant(s) of the vehicle from making another  
manual emergency call.  
1. Place the ignition switch in the ON position.  
2. Push  
to open the <SOS> cover  
328 In case of emergency  
(where fitted)  
The temporary-use spare tyre should be used  
only in emergencies. It should be replaced by  
the standard tyre at the first opportunity.  
If the indicator light is illuminated red or no indi-  
cator light is illuminated, emergency services  
(such as the police or other agencies) should be  
contacted using other normal communication  
devices (for example a phone) in the event of an  
Drive carefully and do not drive your vehicle  
faster than 80 km/h (50 MPH).  
Avoid driving over obstacles. Also, do not take  
the vehicle through an automatic car wash.  
Avoid driving sharp turns and abrupt braking.  
The data subject (the vehicle's owner) has a right of  
access to data and as appropriate to request the  
rectification, erasure or blocking of data, concern-  
ing him or her, the processing of which does not  
comply with the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC.  
Any third parties to whom the data have been dis-  
closed have to be notified of such rectification, era-  
sure or blocking carried out in compliance with this  
Directive, unless it proves impossible or involves a  
disproportionate effort.  
Do not exceed the vehicle's maximum load  
rating or the load-carrying capacity molded  
on the sidewall of the temporary-use spare  
Temporary use spare tyre label  
The temporary-use spare tyre is designed for emer-  
gency use only. This spare tyre should be used ONLY  
for very short periods and NEVER be used for long  
drives or extended periods.  
Do not use a snow chain on this tyre because  
it will not fit properly. This could cause dam-  
age to the vehicle and result in loss of the  
Observe the following precautions if the temporary-  
use spare tyre must be used, otherwise your vehicle  
could be damaged or involved in an accident.  
Do not use the temporary-use spare tyre on  
any other vehicle because this tyre has been  
designed specifically for your vehicle.  
The data subject has a right to complain to the  
competent data protection authority if he or she  
considers that his or her rights have been infringed  
as a result of the processing of his or her personal  
The vehicle must not be driven with more than  
one temporary-use spare tyre at the same  
Any continuous road use of this tyre could result  
in tyre failure, loss of vehicle control, and possible  
personal injury.  
Do not tow a trailer.  
As with all tyres, the temporary-use spare tyre  
must be checked regularly to ensure pressure  
is maintained.  
For pressure details, see the tyre placard lo-  
cated on the driver's side centre pillar.  
In case of emergency 329  
In case of a flat tyre, follow the instructions as de-  
scribed below:  
Signal to professional road assistance that  
you require assistance.  
(where fitted)  
A standard wheel and tyre is supplied with your ve-  
8. Have all passengers exit the vehicle and stand in  
a safe place, away from traffic and clear of the  
spare wheel, where fitted)  
Make sure that the parking brake is securely  
For Manual Transmission (MT) models: Make  
sure the shift lever is in the R (Reverse) posi-  
For Automatic (DCT) models: Make sure that  
the shift lever is in the P (Park) position.  
Never change tyres when the vehicle is on a  
slope, ice or a slippery area. This is hazardous.  
Never change tyres if oncoming traffic is close  
to your vehicle. Wait for professional road  
1. Safely move the vehicle off the road, away from  
Blocking the wheels  
2. Switch on the hazard warning flashers.  
3. Park on a level surface.  
Make sure to block the appropriate wheel to pre-  
vent the vehicle from moving, which may cause  
personal injury.  
4. Apply the parking brake.  
5. Shift the shift lever (MT models) into the R (Re-  
verse) position (Automatic (DCT) models, move  
the shift lever to the P (Park) position).  
Place suitable blocks  
in front of and behind the  
A to pre-  
wheel diagonally opposite the flat tyre  
vent the vehicle from moving when it is on the jack.  
6. Turn off the engine.  
7. Open the bonnet (for details, see “Bonnet” in the  
“3. Pre-driving checks and adjustments” section)  
in order to:  
Warn other traffic.  
330 In case of emergency  
Getting the tools and spare wheel  
The spare wheel, jack and tools are located inside  
the luggage compartment.  
Removing the wheel  
Make sure to read the caution label attached  
to the jack body before use.  
Never use a jack which was not provided with  
your vehicle.  
The jack, which is provided with your vehicle is  
designed only to lift your vehicle during a tyre  
Removing wheel cover (where fitted)  
Use the correct jacking points. Never use any  
other part of the vehicle for jack support.  
Never lift the vehicle more than necessary.  
Never use blocks on or under the jack.  
Take care when removing the wheel cover as the  
cover may detach suddenly.  
Do not start or run the engine while the ve-  
hicle is on the jack. The vehicle may move sud-  
denly, and this may cause an accident.  
Remove the wheel cover as illustrated with a suit-  
able tool or carefully remove the wheel cover with  
both hands.  
Never allow passengers to stay in the vehicle  
while the tyre is off the ground.  
Make sure to read the caution label attached  
to the jack body before use.  
Remove all loads before lifting the vehicle with  
the jack.  
1. Open the tailgate.  
2. Remove the luggage boards and luggage com-  
partment floor cover.  
3. Remove the retainer by turning it anticlockwise.  
4. Remove the jack, tools and spare wheel.  
In case of emergency 331  
Jack-up points  
1. Place the jack directly under the jack-up point as  
illustrated so that the top of the jack contacts the  
vehicle at the jack-up point.  
4. Loosen each wheel bolt by one or two turns an-  
ticlockwise with the wheel wrench.  
Do not remove the wheel bolts until the tyre is  
off the ground.  
The jack should be placed on firm level ground.  
Models with wheel lock bolts (where fitted):  
If the wheel is equipped with a wheel lock bolt,  
insert the wheel lock key  
viously described.  
and loosen it as pre-  
2. Align the centre of both the jack head and the  
notches at the jack-up point as shown.  
The wheel lock bolt can only be removed with  
the wheel lock key. A key number is necessary if  
you need to duplicate the wheel lock key.  
3. Fit the groove of the jack head between the two  
notches as shown.  
Alloy wheels (where fitted): Alloy wheel bolts have  
a plastic cap that can be removed using tweezers  
(where fitted) from the tool kit.  
Record the key number as shown on the key code  
card on the “Security information” page at the  
end of this manual and keep it in a safe place, not  
in the vehicle. If you lose the wheel lock key, see  
your NISSAN dealer for a duplicate with the origi-  
nal wheel lock key code.  
5. To lift the vehicle, securely hold and turn the  
handle clockwise as shown.  
6. Carefully raise the vehicle until the tyre clears the  
Make sure to keep the lock key in the vehicle.  
Otherwise, wheels cannot be removed and the  
service cannot be performed.  
7. Remove the wheel bolts, then remove the wheel  
with the flat tyre.  
332 In case of emergency  
1. Clean any mud or dirt from the surface between  
the wheel and the hub.  
The wheel is heavy. Be sure that your feet are clear  
of the wheel and use gloves as necessary to avoid  
Retighten the wheel bolts after the vehicle has  
been driven for 1,000 km (600 miles) (also in cases  
of a flat tyre, etc.).  
2. Carefully fit the wheel and tighten the wheel bolts  
with your fingers. Check that all the wheel bolts  
contact the wheel surface horizontally and on  
the bevelled side.  
The wheel bolts must be kept tightened to specifi-  
cation at all times. It is recommended that the wheel  
bolts be tightened to specification at each mainte-  
nance interval.  
Installing the wheel  
Models with wheel lock bolt (where fitted):  
Insert the wheel lock key into the wheel lock bolt  
and tighten into the wheel finger tight.  
The temporary use spare tyre (where fitted) is  
designed for emergency use. See “Spare tyre”  
earlier in this section.  
Adjust the tyre pressure to the COLD pressure.  
3. With the wheel wrench, tighten the wheel bolts  
alternately and evenly in the sequence as illus-  
COLD pressure is the tyre pressure as measured af-  
ter the vehicle has been parked for three hours or  
more or driven for less than 1.6 km (1 mile).  
trated ( - ) until they are tight.  
➀ ➄  
Never use wheel bolts other than those pro-  
4. Lower the vehicle slowly until the tyre touches  
the ground.  
vided with your vehicle. Incorrect wheel bolts  
or improperly tightened wheel bolts may  
cause the wheel to become loose or come off.  
This could cause an accident.  
COLD tyre pressures are shown on the tyre placard  
affixed to the driver's side centre pillar.  
5. Tighten the wheel bolts securely using the wheel  
wrench in the sequence as illustrated.  
Stowing the wheel and tools  
Securely store the wheel with the flat tyre, the jack  
and the tools in the specified storage areas.  
Never use oil or grease on the wheel bolts. This  
may cause the wheel bolts to become loose.  
6. Lower the vehicle completely.  
7. Install the wheel cover (where fitted).  
Before installation, align NISSAN logo (centre  
cap) with the wheel bolts/or perpendicular to  
valve hole (where fitted), to correctly align to  
the centre.  
Wheel bolt tightening torque:  
113 Nm (12 kg-m, 83 ft-lb)  
As soon as possible, tighten the wheel bolts to  
the specified torque with a torque wrench.  
In case of emergency 333  
WHEEL LOCK BOLTS (where fitted)  
The wheel lock bolt has an individual code.  
In order to prevent theft, a specially designed wheel  
lock bolt is installed on each wheel. The wheel lock  
bolt cannot be removed with the commonly used  
If the TPMS indicator light illuminates while  
A wheel lock key with other than the indi-  
vidual code cannot remove the wheel lock  
bolt. If you lose the wheel lock key, contact  
a NISSAN dealer for a duplicate with the  
original wheel lock key code.  
avoid sudden steering manoeuvres  
avoid abrupt braking  
When removing tyres, use the lock key provided with  
your vehicle.  
reduce vehicle speed  
Record the key number as shown on the  
key code card on the “Security information”  
page at the end of this manual and keep it  
in a safe place, not in the vehicle.  
pull off the road to a safe location  
stop the vehicle as soon as possible  
Driving with under-inflated tyres may perma-  
nently damage the tyres and increase the like-  
lihood of tyre failure. Serious vehicle damage  
could occur which may lead to an accident and  
could result in serious personal injury.  
When you ask for a service at a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop, make sure to  
keep the lock key in the vehicle. Otherwise,  
wheels cannot be removed and the service  
cannot be performed.  
Check the tyre pressure for all four tyres. Ad-  
just the tyre pressure to the recommended  
COLD tyre pressure shown on the tyre placard  
to turn the TPMS indicator light “OFF”. In case  
of a flat tyre, replace it with a spare tyre as  
soon as possible.  
SYSTEM (TPMS) (where fitted)  
Removing the wheel lock bolt:  
1. Insert the wheel lock key  
to the wheel lock  
When a spare tyre is mounted or a wheel is  
replaced, the TPMS will not function and the  
TPMS indicator light will flash for approxi-  
mately 1 minute. The light will remain on after  
1 minute. Be sure to follow all instructions for  
wheel replacement and make sure the TPMS  
system is mounted correctly.  
2. To remove the wheel lock bolt, turn the wheel  
lock key anticlockwise using the wheel wrench.  
Do not use a power tool to remove the wheel  
lock bolts.  
Replacing tyres with those not originally  
specified by NISSAN could affect the proper  
operation of the TPMS.  
When installing the wheel, tighten the wheel  
lock bolts to the same tightening torque as  
the normal wheel bolts. For details, see “In-  
stalling the wheel” earlier in this section.  
Tyre valve with sensor  
The Genuine NISSAN Emergency Tyre Repair  
Sealant can be used for temporarily repairing  
a tyre. Do not inject any other tyre liquid or  
334 In case of emergency  
aerosol tyre sealant into the tyres, as this may  
cause a malfunction of the tyre pressure sen-  
When inflating the tyres and checking the tyre  
pressure, never bend the valves.  
emergency tyre puncture repair kit)  
The emergency tyre puncture repair kit is supplied  
with the vehicle instead of a spare tyre. This repair  
kit must be used for temporarily fixing a minor tyre  
puncture. After using the repair kit, see a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop as soon as possible for  
tyre inspection and repair/replacement.  
Use Genuine NISSAN valve caps that comply  
with the factory-fitted valve cap specifica-  
NISSAN recommends using only Genuine  
NISSAN EmergencyTyre Sealant provided with  
your vehicle. Other tyre sealants may damage  
the valve stem seal which can cause the tyre  
to lose air pressure. Visit a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop as soon as possible after  
using tyre repair sealant (for models equipped  
with the emergency tyre puncture repair kit).  
Do not use metal valve caps.  
Fit the valve caps properly. Without the valve  
caps the valve and tyre pressure monitor sen-  
sors could be damaged.  
Do not damage the valves and sensors when  
storing the wheels or fitting different tyres.  
Do not use the emergency tyre puncture repair  
kit under the following conditions. Contact  
Replace the TPMS sensor valve stem (includ-  
ing valve core and cap) and screw (where fit-  
ted) when the tyres are replaced due to wear  
or age. The screw (where fitted) must be fitted  
correctly with a torque setting of 1.4 0.1 N.m.  
The TPMS sensors can be used again.  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop or profes-  
sional road assistance.  
The TPMS may not function properly when the  
wheels are equipped with tyre chains or the  
wheels are buried in snow.  
when the sealant has passed its expiration  
date (shown on the label attached to the  
Do not place metalised film or any metal parts  
(antenna, etc.) on the windows. This may  
cause poor reception of the signals from the  
tyre pressure sensors, and the TPMS will not  
function properly.  
when the cut or the puncture is approximately  
4 mm (0.16 in) or longer  
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) moni-  
tors the tyre pressure of the four wheels except the  
spare wheel. When the TPMS indicator light comes  
on together with the TPMS tyre location indicator  
light (in the meter panel), one or more of the tyres is  
significantly under-inflated. If the vehicle is being  
driven with low tyre pressure, the TPMS will activate  
and TPMS indicator light together with the TPMS  
tyre location indicator light remains on. This system  
will deactivate only when tyre pressure is corrected  
and the vehicle is driven at speeds above 25 km/h  
(16 MPH).  
when the side of the tyre is damaged  
when the vehicle has been driven with a con-  
siderable loss of air from the tyre  
Some devices and transmitters may tempo-  
rarily interfere with the operation of the TPMS  
and cause the TPMS indicator light to illumi-  
nate. Some examples are:  
when the tyre is completely displaced inside  
or outside the rim  
when the tyre rim is damaged  
Facilities or electric devices using similar  
radio frequencies are near the vehicle.  
when two or more tyres are flat  
If a transmitter set to similar frequencies is  
being used in or near the vehicle.  
If a computer (or similar equipment) or a  
DC/AC converter is being used in or near  
the vehicle.  
For more details about the TPMS, see “Tyre Pressure  
Monitoring System (TPMS) (where fitted)” in the  
“5. Starting and driving” section.  
In case of emergency 335  
Before using emergency tyre puncture  
repair kit  
Repairing tyre  
1. Shake the sealant bottle well  
If any foreign object (for example, a screw or nail)  
2. Remove the bottle cap  
from the top of the compressor.  
and the orange plug  
is embedded in the tyre, do not remove it.  
Check the expiration date of the sealant (shown  
on the label attached to the bottle). Never use a  
sealant which has passed its expiration date.  
3. Screw the bottle into the opening of the com-  
pressor (where the orange plug was).  
Getting emergency tyre puncture  
repair kit  
Take the emergency tyre puncture repair kit out of  
the boot. The repair kit consists of the following  
Tyre sealant bottle  
Air compressor  
4. Remove the speed restriction sticker from the  
compressor, then place it in a location where the  
driver can see it while driving.  
Speed restriction sticker  
For models with the emergency tyre puncture re-  
pair kit,a spare tyre,jack and rod are not equipped  
as standard. These parts are dealer options. Con-  
tact a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop about  
obtaining these parts. See “Removing the wheel”  
earlier in this section for usage of jacking tools  
and tyre replacement.  
336 In case of emergency  
9. Remove the air compressor from the tyre valve.  
Immediately drive the vehicle at a speed of 80  
km/h (50 MPH) or less.  
10. After 10 minute or 10 km (6 miles) drive, check  
the tyre pressure. The temporary repair is com-  
pleted if the tyre pressure does not drop.  
If the tyre pressure is lower than specified, re-  
peat the steps from step 5.  
If the pressure drops again or under 130 kPa  
(1,3 bar, 19 psi), the tyre cannot be repaired with  
this tyre repair kit. Contact a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop.  
5. Screw the air tube A of the compressor securely  
onto the tyre valve. Make sure that the air com-  
pressor switch is in the “OFF” (0) position and the  
After repairing tyre  
See a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop for tyre  
repair/replacement, inspection/replacement of the  
TPMS sensor and for a new tyre sealant bottle and  
hose, as soon as possible.  
pressure release valve B is securely closed.  
6. Insert its power plug into the power outlet in the  
vehicle. Make sure no other accessories are fitted  
to the power outlet. For details, see “Power outlet”  
in the “2. Instruments and controls” section.  
7. Turn the ignition switch to the ACC position.  
8. Switch on the compressor, and inflate the tyre to  
the pressure that is specified on the tyre placard  
affixed to the driver’s side centre pillar.  
Do not operate the compressor for more than 10  
If the tyre pressure does not increase to the speci-  
fied pressure within 10 minutes, the tyre may be  
seriously damaged and the tyre cannot be  
repaired with this tyre repair kit. Contact a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop.  
In case of emergency 337  
Never lean over the battery while jump-start-  
Never allow battery fluid to come into contact  
with eyes, skin, clothes or the vehicle's painted  
surfaces. Battery fluid is a corrosive sulphuric  
acid which can cause severe burns. If the fluid  
comes into contact with anything, immedi-  
ately flush the contacted area with plenty of  
Keep the battery out of the reach of children.  
The booster battery must be rated at 12 volts.  
Use of an incorrectly rated battery will dam-  
age your vehicle.  
Never attempt to jump-start a frozen battery.  
It could explode and cause serious injury.  
1. Check if the parking brake is applied.  
If not, after connecting the vehicle with the  
booster battery (after step 8), apply the parking  
The vehicle has an electric parking brake,for more  
information see, “Non-electric parking brake  
(where fitted)” in the “3. Pre-driving checks and  
adjustments” section  
2. Prepare vehicle A with the booster battery for  
the vehicle B being jump-started.  
Explosive hydrogen gas is always present in  
the vicinity of the battery. Keep all sparks and  
flames away from the battery.  
Do not allow the two vehicles to touch.  
Incorrect jump-starting can lead to a battery  
explosion. The battery explosion may result in  
severe injury or death. It may also result in  
damage to the vehicle. Be sure to follow the  
instructions in this section.  
Always wear suitable eye protection glasses  
and remove rings, bracelets, and any other  
jewellery whenever working on or near a bat-  
3. Shift the shift lever (MT models) into the N (Neu-  
tral) position (Automatic (DCT), move the shift le-  
ver to the P (Park) position).  
338 In case of emergency  
4. Switch off all unnecessary electrical systems  
(headlights, hazard lights, etc.).  
Do not keep the starter motor engaged for  
more than 10 seconds. If the engine does not  
start immediately, turn the ignition switch to  
“OFF” and wait 10 seconds before trying again.  
Three-way catalyst equipped models (where  
fitted) should not be started by pushing the  
vehicle as the three-way catalyst may be dam-  
5. Ensure that the ignition switch of the vehicle be-  
ing jump-started is in the LOCK position.  
6. Open the bonnet. For details, see “Bonnet” in the  
“3. Pre-driving checks and adjustments” section.  
Automatic (DCT) transmission models cannot  
be started by pushing the vehicle. This may  
cause transmission damage.  
11. After starting the engine of your vehicle, care-  
fully disconnect the negative lead and then the  
7. Remove the vent caps (where fitted) on the bat-  
tery and cover the battery with a cloth or rag.  
positive lead (  
8. Connect the jump leads in the sequence (  
the engine starts, the forward surge could  
cause the vehicle to collide with the tow  
12. Remove and dispose of the cloth that was used  
to cover the vent holes as it may be contami-  
nated with corrosive acid.  
) as illustrated.  
13. Install the vent caps (where fitted).  
14. Close the bonnet.  
+ to positive  
Always connect positive  
+ and negative - to negative - .  
An incorrect connection could damage the  
charging system.  
For models which incorporate the Stop/Start Sys-  
moving parts in the engine compartment.  
Ensure that the battery fitted is the special  
Be careful not to allow contact between the  
positive jump lead connector and the ve-  
hicle or the negative lead during connec-  
tion and disconnection.  
battery that is enhanced with regard to the  
charge-discharge capacity and life perfor-  
mance. Avoid using any other battery for the  
Stop/Start System, as this may cause early  
deterioration of the battery or a malfunction  
of the Stop/Start System. It is recommended  
that a Genuine NISSAN battery is fitted. For  
more information, contact a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop  
9. Start the engine of the other vehicle A and let it  
run for a few minutes. Keep the engine speed at  
about 2,000 rpm.  
10. Start the engine of your vehicle B in the normal  
If the battery terminal is disconnected (for  
battery replacement, etc.) and then recon-  
nected, there may be some delay before the  
Stop/Start System reactivates.  
In case of emergency 339  
4. Shift the shift lever (MT models) into the N (Neu-  
tral) position, Automatic (DCT) transmission  
models: move the shift lever to the P (Park) posi-  
14. If the level is low, remove the engine coolant res-  
ervoir cap and add coolant slowly into the res-  
ervoir. After refilling the reservoir to the MAX  
level, install the reservoir cap.  
Never continue driving if the engine of your  
vehicle overheats. Doing so could cause a ve-  
hicle fire.  
Never open the bonnet if steam is coming out.  
5. Open all windows.  
Never remove the radiator cap (where fitted)  
Before removing the engine coolant reservoir  
cap and to avoid the danger of being scalded,  
cover the reservoir cap with a rag and loosen  
the reservoir cap to the first notch to allow the  
steam to escape.  
6. Switch off the air conditioner system (where fit-  
or engine coolant reservoir cap when the en-  
gine is hot. If the radiator cap (where fitted) or  
engine coolant reservoir cap is removed while  
the engine is hot, pressurised hot water will  
spurt out and possibly cause burning, scald-  
ing or serious injury.  
7. Set the heater or air conditioner temperature  
control to maximum “HOT” and fan speed control  
to maximum speed.  
15. Close the bonnet.  
8. Exit the vehicle.  
If steam or coolant is coming out of the en-  
gine, stand clear of the vehicle to prevent get-  
ting injured.  
Have your vehicle inspected or repaired by a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop.  
9. Visually inspect and listen for steam or coolant  
escaping from the radiator before opening the  
bonnet. Wait until no steam or coolant can be  
seen before proceeding.  
The engine cooling fan will start whenever the  
coolant temperature exceeds preset degrees.  
10. Open the bonnet. For details, see “Bonnet” in the  
“3. Pre-driving checks and adjustments” section.  
Be careful not to allow your hands, hair, jewel-  
lery or clothing to come into contact with, or  
get caught in, the cooling fan or drive belts.  
11. Visually check if the cooling fan is running.  
12. Visually check the radiator and radiator hoses  
for leakage.  
If the engine of your vehicle is overheating (indi-  
cated by the engine coolant temperature gauge) or  
if you feel a lack of engine power, detect unusual  
noise, etc., proceed as follows:  
If coolant is leaking, the cooling fan belt is  
missing or loose or the cooling fan is not run-  
ning, stop the engine.  
1. Move and park the vehicle safely off the road and  
away from traffic.  
2. Turn on the hazard warning flasher lights.  
3. Apply the parking brake.  
13. After the engine cools down, check the coolant  
level in the engine coolant reservoir with the en-  
gine running. Do not open the radiator cap  
(where fitted).  
340 In case of emergency  
When towing your vehicle, local regulations for tow-  
ing must be followed. Incorrect towing equipment  
could damage your vehicle. To assure proper tow-  
ing and to prevent accidental damage to your ve-  
hicle, NISSAN recommends that you have a service  
operator tow your vehicle. It is advisable to have the  
service operator carefully read the following pre-  
NEVER tow automatic transmission (DCT) models  
with the front wheels on the ground or with all  
four wheels on the ground (forwards or  
backwards), this may cause serious and expen-  
sive damage to the transmission. If it is necessary  
to tow the vehicle with the rear wheels raised, al-  
ways use towing dollies under the front wheels.  
Do not allow any occupants in the vehicle that  
is being towed.  
NISSAN recommends that your vehicle should be  
towed with the driving (front) wheels off the ground  
or that the vehicle be placed on a flat bed lorry as  
Never get under your vehicle after it has been  
lifted by a tow truck.  
When towing with the front wheels – on the  
ground (MT models only) or – on towing dollies:  
When towing: Make sure that the transmission,  
Place the ignition in the OFF position, then secure  
the steering wheel in a straight ahead position us-  
ing a rope or similar device. Never place the igni-  
tion in the LOCK position. This will result in damage  
to the steering lock mechanism.  
axles, steering system and power train are in  
working condition before towing. If any units are  
damaged, the vehicle must be towed using a  
dolly or be placed on a flat bed lorry.  
Release the parking brake and shift the trans-  
mission into the N (Neutral) position before start-  
ing to tow the vehicle.  
Always attach safety chains before towing.  
In case of emergency 341  
Never allow anyone to stand near the towing  
line during the pulling operation.  
Never spin the tyres at high speed. This could  
cause them to explode and result in serious  
injury. Parts of the vehicle could also overheat  
and be damaged.  
Towing eye usage  
The towing eye should be used in the event that  
your vehicle becomes trapped in sand, snow or  
mud, and is unable to drive away without being  
pulled, use the towing eye.  
Use the towing eye only, not other parts of the  
vehicle. Otherwise, the vehicle body will be dam-  
Only use the towing eye to free a vehicle stuck in  
sand, snow, mud, etc.  
Never tow the vehicle for a long distance using  
only the towing eye.  
The towing eye is under tremendous force when  
The towing eye is stored with the vehicle tools and  
located in the spare wheel recess (luggage com-  
partment area).  
used to free a stuck vehicle. Always pull the cable  
straight out from the front of the vehicle. Never  
pull on the towing eye at a sideways angle.  
1) Remove the cover from the bumper.  
2) Securely install the towing eye, as illustrated.  
In order not to break the towing line, tension it  
Make sure that the towing eye is properly stored in  
its designated location after use.  
342 In case of emergency