Any processing of personal data through the 112-
based eCall in-vehicle system shall comply with the
personal data protection rules provided for in Direc-
tives 95/46/EC and 2002/58/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council, and in particular, shall
be based on the necessity to protect the vital inter-
ests of the individuals in accordance with Article 7(d)
of Directive 95/46/EC.
The 112-based eCall in-vehicle system is designed in
such a way as to ensure that data in the system
internal memory is automatically and continuously
action does not prevent the occupant(s) of the
vehicle from making a further manual emer-
gency call.
The emergency call function cannot be used in
the following conditions:
The vehicle location data is constantly overwritten
in the internal memory of the system so as always
to keep maximum of the last three up-to-date loca-
tions of the vehicle necessary for the normal func-
tioning of the system.
The vehicle is outside the area where mobile
network service is receivable.
The vehicle is in a location with poor signal re-
Processing of such data is strictly limited to the pur-
pose of handling the emergency eCall to the single
European emergency number 112.
ception such as tunnels, underground parking
garages, between buildings or in mountain-
ous areas.
The log of activity data in the 112-based eCall in-ve-
hicle system is kept for no longer than necessary
for attaining the purpose of handling the emer-
gency eCall and in any case not beyond 13 hours
from the moment an emergency eCall was initiated.
Recipients of data processed by the 112-based eCall
in-vehicle system are the relevant public safety an-
swering points designated by the respective public
authorities of the country on which territory they
are located, to first receive and handle eCalls to the
single European emergency number 112.
The TCU (Telematics Control Unit) or other sys-
tems of your vehicle are not working properly.
The available mobile network provider at the
location of the vehicle is not specified for
emergency call usage.
The automaticemergency call willonlybe trig-
gered if the vehicle air bag system is activated
during the collision.
The following information will be sent to the emer-
gency call centre by the vehicle emergency call sys-
tem if a collision occurs:
The communication line of the emergency call
centre is busy.
If the automatic emergency call has been trig-
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
gered, please bring your vehicle to a NISSAN
dealer or qualified workshop.This is necessary
because the automatic emergency call sys-
tem needs to be reset to avoid any unintended
eCall being made.
Vehicle type
Fuel type
Activation type (Automatic/Manual)
Call type (Test/Emergency)
The mobile network provider that manages
the connection from the vehicle to the emer-
gency call centre is specified and controlled
outside of the vehicle emergency call system.
Position (Trusted/Low confidence)
Time stamp (when the collision or event
Within the first minute of any emergency call
Last three vehicle locations, and vehicle direc-
the operator will determine if the call is genu-
ine. Should the operator determine it is a non-
genuine call they will stop the call, making no
further attempts to call the vehicle back. This
Vehicle speed
(where fitted) Number of passengers
In case of emergency 327